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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ra_Ra View Post
    Hi guys! Pretty sure the ladder is over --
    kthxbai <3
    Btw, THU will fight you Friday 10pm EST if you can make it.
  2. What you could do is have people initially sign up in teams to control the spread of toons then randomize teams by one pool of team functions at a time. Say each team should have one damage toon, one control toon, then one non-control support toon. (or whatever three pools of function assignment would be agreeable) That would allow you to create random teams of three every time without ever getting a doubling of function unless one team doesn't make it. In which case some people might have to get skipped in a few rounds, but you don't have to sit out whole teams for a whole night because of absenteeism.
  3. Sorry for bringing something fun to an end by being a jerk, Bug.
  4. I still haven't heard any one on our team say they're interested in continuing the ladder, but we can try for a match on Friday night.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ra_Ra View Post
    BTW, dUmb canceled their matches vs Paula, so we challenge THU this week instead.

    - Smallz
    Way we see it, standings are borked. We'll let you know in a few days if we're even going to see the tourney through.
  6. Oh no! PDFC is entering sudden death in a forum match! What ever will they do?

    Well. To quote a less than great man:

    Originally Posted by PiP3R View Post
    Gawd I luv epic fails

    Get it right next time noobs!!

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PiP3R View Post
    Obs, your a pancake.

    Good sportsmanship guys!

    I'm glad we put your faces in the ground for a 2nd time in a row.

    Epic fail guys!!

    Point is, you guys were beat fairly, and unfairly on our end, and
    can't take a loss like good sportsmen/sportswomen.

    Personally, I look foward to beating your candy a$$'s in a lvl 50
    ladder/league in the near future.

    It just crossed my mind that maybe instead of talking about sportsmanship, you should quiet down and listen to what you sound like. This is the sound of what you consider to be good sportsmanship, and frankly it's a muted version of what we hear of y'all in game.
    Shhhhh. Just drink in the sound of your good sportsmanship, son.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Obs, I really strongly suggest you calm down take a deep breath and chill out. This is level 5 pvp. This isn't a guy beating his wife comparing the two is just ludicrous.

    I would again strongly suggest that you as well as your team look over your posts and decide if you are not causing the very drama that bug and all of us hoped to avoid.

    I get that there is drama between you and this other team but keep it off the forums.
    It's an exaggeration, sure, but abuse is abuse is abuse. Big problems start off as small problems. If it is apples and oranges then maybe I should've compared PDFC to Enron, because if they win, they'll have defrauded Bug out of whatever their prize may be.

    This isn't an attempt to raise drama, the drama's there whether you or I or any one else likes it. This is a public service announcement. It's as valid to ask if we're not causing drama as it is to ask if the domino in the middle is not responsible for the domino at the end falling when both were knocked down by the one before it. It just depends on where you personally choose to begin to look at the causality. A chain of events is a chain of events, you can either cherry pick where you want that chain of events to begin or you can look at where it actually starts.

    In the beginning, the universe was made. This has widely been regarded as a bad move.

    When I say we're not angry, just disappointed... I actually mean it. We take level 5 pvp as seriously as it should be taken, which isn't very.

    Originally Posted by Bug_Me View Post
    Like Masque said, this is not the first time someone has pointed out that there is "PROBARLY" SOs in play. I've been asked how THU has had such high accuracy by more then one team.

    Even if you showed me the numbers which you have, I have been shown similar numbers by others from others teams.

    That said, I'm not DQ'ing anyone for Acc% or "high" damage. I cannot see player builds with respect to slotting, so if you want to spend the time getting low-level SOs, IOs (Without the set bonues) or ATOs (I wouldn't slot a damage proc, that would show up) go right ahead, I am done.

    Freaky Clowns will be fighting dUmb P.M.S tonight and then we are withdrawing from the ladder.

    We 2-3 slot with accuracy to's, and for a long time I used Envenom on my grav/poison controller. At level 50 it dishes out a 45% defense debuff. Yeah, we hit some insane accuracy numbers when it landed. We also had an Earth dom for a while, and the defense debuffs from that didn't hurt. We also used the rad toggle debuffs for a while, those were cute. So if by "cheating" you mean "using TO's and taking powers available to us," then... guilty!

    Bug, I apologize if my posts make you feel as if this isn't fun for you any more. I really didn't see bringing this issue to light pushing you guys out of the event and would've just let them keep cheating like every one else has if I knew what the end result would be. I don't have a crystal ball. Seeing you go makes me want to follow suit. It was really fun until not long ago.

    Oh noooo, not naaaaame caaaaallling! *crize*
    I guess no one really cares at all on much of any level about any of this.

    I think you kids in PDFC are just doing everything in your power to antagonize and anger other teams. Whatever gets your rocks off. Just because you've never succeeded in starting an arena match with intentionally incorrect settings doesn't mean you haven't tried. Your persistence is admirable, but your attitude isn't. Your talk of sportsmanship is nonsense. You as a whole are the epitome of poor sportsmanship and you know it.

    Tell us how we cheated, genius. I'd love to hear all about this fictional account that exists only in your head.
    You know why people think we cheated? Because THEY cheated and still couldn't beat us. I think you guys think we cheated because you had such a hard time beating us even after you began cheating. But we didn't. So if your team is so full of "experienced pvp'ers" then how come you lost three out of four of your first matches? Do you see the disconnect? Or does it elude your brilliance, Piper? It must not be that complicated if an idiot like me could pick up on it. I forgive you for everything you've said.
  9. Apologies, but your point eludes me. Regardless, have a response.

    Originally Posted by Bug_Me View Post
    Rankings week 3

    Travel supression is on

    Healing Decay is on

    Diminishing returns is on

    No, ATOs, IOs, and dmg procs are not allowed. Training enhancements only.
    Here are some issues. In one round of the last match we caught them trying to turn off travel suppression and healing decay. They've previously tried to set maps of their preference without discussion, which isn't allowed. From there, the issue becomes that base accuracy on most attacks is 50%. Up until at least last night only TO enhancements were allowed and somehow almost every attack they had would hit with over 78% after getting hit by the poison tohit debuff. A lot of their attacks have what amounts to around 107-117% accuracy and without debuffs always hit at 95%. Our most accurate person, with attacks 2-3 slotted with accuracy TO's AND AIM ON peaks at an accuracy of around 93%. That's on an attack with an inherently higher accuracy. You could say "Oh, it's good slotting and aim and/or BU," but that doesn't explain why two corr's and a dom without BU or aim have a base accuracy of 95% on almost every attack. In pvp, every AT we brought had an inherent res of 40%, as did theirs. The average attack any of us uses in the arena hits deals around 15-20 dmg. One TO usually ups it by one point. Some of their attacks would deal over 70 damage, which adjusted for the dmg res amounts to over 115 damage dealt. Their average attacks were more towards 23-27 without AM or assault. It isn't that it wasn't an issue before, it's just that now the FACT they've repeatedly broken or tried to break every rule they can is the consensus among members of pretty much every team. I just felt like being the one to bring it up on the forums. We can ride our high horses and jibber jabber about all this childish non-confrontational "blah blah, I don't want drama, I want a pony and a rabbit and a rainbow and a bunny" nonsense all day but I'm not going to show the slightest hint of respect for any one of their victories. They're not getting my ATIO's, that offer is retracted because they broke the rules and the proof is so impossible to ignore that I'm not actually sitting here and complaining about it. I'm standing up and saying what every one else is too passive to say.

    You know why you see us sit at our spawn points during matches? Because every once in a while we get sick of this team or that sitting at theirs like a bunch of frightened school girls and having to travel 80-90% of the map just to stomp them. THE AVERAGE TEAM NO LONGER EVEN MEETS US IN THE MIDDLE. They're too afraid. We create ridiculous spreads. And PDFC is afraid of us because even though they've often refused to ever leave their spawn point, we've often gone over to theirs then messed them up despite their use of SO's and likely ATIO's. They didn't push for a forfeit in our match before last because they felt it was fair, they did it because they were afraid that we'd beat them even though they were cheating. They didn't even stick around to face us in sudden death in one match then tried to call it a tie even though Bug clearly stated sudden death counts.

    Neuronia, I apologize for the harsh comparison but right now you're reminding me of one of those people who tells a battered wife to shut up and stay with their physically abusive husband because blah blah blah. That's all it is, just blah blah blah. Don't stand up for what's clearly wrong. If this looks like whining to you then challenge them. Have every one on your team make a tab for dmg taken, dealt and tohit rolls. Then do what we did and examine the data. See if you like facing people who are okay with cheating to gain enhancement bonuses that are double to quintuple what you can achieve by following the rules. They didn't always cheat this badly, but as the days rolled by and they DFB'd for more so's it's grown more blatant.

    What's really sad is that this is still far from a full list of every time and way they've cheated or tried to.

    If you really want to know where our issues were before now, they were at the tip of our tongues and we bit them. We've had more than one team try to cheat to beat us. Just never had another team try this severely, and we never felt a need to record the data until now.
  10. Again - we're still not angry. Just very disappointed in you guys.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PiP3R View Post

    Paul Deen won 2 matches to 1.

    Looking foward to a diff challenger if any next week!

    gg's THU

    We here at THU have been pouring through the combat logs for hours. We'll get screen shots and analysis of the accuracy/dmg PDFC's members brought to the table *as well as what they would have had to do to get it* as soon as it's all sorted and itemized. Get ready for a good laugh, guys! Personally, I think you should be DQ'd (since you massively shattered the rules and should be) or at the very least bumped down to last. The reason we as a team aren't announcing a "They get DQ'd or we go" ultimatum is because this is a small tournament and we've already seen enough teams leave of their own volition. Maybe the rules will get evened out and we can actually have a fair match one day. Wouldn't that be nice? Instead of one where we pretty much just throw ourselves at you to collect mountains of data with the occasional debuff and attack of our own to get baselines for how you guys would perform if you weren't cheating. On, you know, a massive level Still like ya, buddy. Enough to not recount the entire litany of what your team has done from when this began to present.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PiP3R View Post
    Looking foward to the match.

    One of our members has an important meeting at 7pm eastern,
    so we'll have to begin right on time. But, if you guys want
    we could begin half an hour earlier just to make things safe.

    Either way, see you guys on thurs =)

    You mean 7pm pacific? 7pm eastern is before the 9pm eastern time you set. Also, is he buying illegal materials? Most important meetings happen before 7pm. Just sayin'
  13. We'll see you Thursday at 9pm EST/6pm PST! Been looking forward to this 5v5.
  14. New week. THU challenges PDFC.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PiP3R View Post
    In regards to the Paula Deen/THU match.

    So after the challenge post, pst's were sent back and forth and
    originally we agreed to a match sat. night at 10pm eastern becuase
    that's what was asked by THU.
    This was the time I informed the team of.
    Then, I get an offline tell late thurs night saying that fri night
    would actually be better for them (THU); after we agreed to sat night
    and I informed the team.
    Unfortunately we weren't able to get 3 ppl on since they thought
    the match was sat. night like originally agreed to.
    So then fri night we agreed that we would have the match sat. at
    10 pm eastern.

    So here we are sat. night 10 pm eastern and THU isn't here.
    It gets better.
    I pst one of their members asking where they are, and they reply
    that they thought the match was midnight eastern on sat.
    BUT, not only did they think that...

    [Tell] HlghIy UnIlkeIy: the time that i stated .. i was under that impression for 3 days now .. no changes that i know of

    ...apparently they thought for 3 days now.

    The lack of communication and back and forth is frustrating.

    It's bad enough that THU can only play at 2 specific times on the weekend. One time being at like 7am central (wth), and the other time
    is actually 10 pm eastern (the reason why the match was scheduled at that time).

    So out of good sportsmanship we kindly decide to wait another 2 hours for them. And now its 12:30 pm eastern, and only one of them is here.
    We can't keep being asked diff times and then they not show up.
    We have pics and chat logs of this night if there are any questions
    about what happened.

    We're asking for a DQ and credit for the win plz!!
    Again, we've waited over 2 1/2 hours for them and still nothing.
    Our team has been patient and accommodating enough.

    DQ plz!
    Life happens. One of our people is moving in to a new house and couldn't make it. Two of our people were in a drastically different time zone and couldn't make it. Then there's me with a trashed registry who couldn't even start his computer. Whoops. I agree, the lack of communication has been irritable. Our initial conversation on when to host this event didn't involve closure, it was basically over when you went an hour without responding to something like 10 tells. But as for this "late tell thursday night," that was what, under two hours after you stopped responding? It was about twenty four hours notice and the request was for the time you'd originally proposed. *We figured it would work for you.* Then you guys couldn't field more than two people, but even though it'd send us past the PVP week we didn't ask you to forfeit and we certainly didn't ask for you to be disqualified. Know what else we didn't do? Treat the people on your team who did make it rudely at all in any way, shape or form. Which, I'm sad to see, is exactly what happened to us. You can ask that we forfeit, and if we get DQ'd then that's what happens. I wouldn't call it the right thing, though, and would point out that if you think we should be DQ'd then what you're really saying is that you think YOU should be disqualified.
    Please clarify your position on this request to see yourselves disqualified. Your team as a whole appears to express drastically different expectations of reality based on which shoe is on what foot, and I'm all about consistency. Let's see equal treatment for the whole shoe-foot spectrum of possibility. I'd be fine with both teams catching a DQ. That sounds fair, doesn't it?
    Seriously, though? Disqualification? Your whole post just sounds so desperate, cheap and... and... sleazy I'm sad in the face, sir. It's one thing to be desperate, cheap and sleazy on the field - but this is the forums. In closing, "PST" stands for "Please Send Tell." I'm just not sure your use of it was grammatically correct. Calm down. No one's mad at you. We're just all very disappointed. Good day, sir.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PiP3R View Post

    So Paula Deen Fan Club would like to challenge THU this Fri. night!!

    We're asking for 10 eastern/ 7 pasific.

    If that's cool, then awesome. We can even go a bit latter if that's needed;
    I know you guys are all different time zones and stuff.

    Talk 2 u guys soon!!

    Challenge accepted! Traditionally, that's an ideal time for us. Running it past the gang, will shoot a heads up your way if any alterations are requested.
  17. It's Wednesday. We haven't been challenged by any one yet. This week's drawing to a close. Some one please rectify this great injustice!
  18. THU vs PDFC tomorrow at 9pm est/6pm pst, GLHF!
  19. The Freaky Bugs and The Highly Unlikelies have agreed to a match between 3:30-4pm pst/6:30-7pm est, any and all spectators welcome. We meet in the pocket D arena. It will be either 3 on 3 or 4 on 4. Bug unfortunately is unable to attend. All the same, I anticipate an incredible match. If I weren't in it, I'd be watching.
  20. TheMightyObs


    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Very little of the Keynesian economic model applies in this game. We do not have business,
    We have people who craft or otherwise acquire then sit on stores of hundreds of not thousands of io's and other raw goods. This segment of the playerbase can serve as a crude private sector and is capable of making decisions which bring about unforeseen, unbeneficial macroeconomic issues.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    and cannot have unemployment.
    People go inactive or teamless all the time.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    We do not have banks that lend to businesses or individuals. Our money supply is not expanded by fractional lending.
    But what do the banks do? They provide businesses or individuals with money in exchange for that amount plus interest. They take money that wasn't actively circulating in the economy in large amounts and place it into circulation - sometimes mass producing it. What could fill this role in an Mmo? Any of the institutions which have in the past spammed us with "Buy x influence for x amount of real money!" They're farming the money (producing hundreds of billions of influence) and then making it available to whoever is willing to pay the price.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    We do not have speculation
    "Speculation typically involves the lending of money or the purchase of assets, equity or debt but in a manner that has not been given thorough analysis or is deemed to have low margin of safety or a significant risk of the loss of the principal investment. The term, "speculation," which is formally defined as above in Graham and Dodd's 1934 text, Security Analysis, contrasts with the term "investment," which is a financial operation that, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and a satisfactory return"

    The mechanisms for speculation are present. Shortly after sets were introduced I opened a business that provided whole lvl 50 builds, but cut my losses after realizing that nobody at even that point could actually pay me back in full for what I'd provided them. The mechanisms for speculation might not work profitably and reliably, but they're there.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    or interest rates, meaning we cannot have booms or busts in the classic sense.
    But as you've pointed out, money is taken out of circulation through the market fees.
    "An interest rate is the rate at which interest is paid by a borrower for the use of money that they borrow from a lender."
    In this sense the game would be the lender and the borrower would effectively be sellers who constitute our "private sector." They make money by selling on the market but sacrifice portions of profit in doing so, thus simulating certain (but not all) effects of lending.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    We have no government that can stimulate our in-game economy by creating employment, and since there are no banks and no interest rate, fiscal policy cannot affect inflation.
    Our "government" as you've pointed out has increased drop rates for purples and influence. They also routinely host reactivation weekends and double xp weekends, which the playerbase has noticed does stimulate our in-game economy. They've also added the WST's, which (depending on how many 50's you have) could be looked at as another job.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    In this game, players produce the money themselves, with no reliance on others.
    Unless buying their influence.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    The only place players obtain money they do not create themselves is on the market, where other people who create money spend it to obtain goods they want from other players. Everything spent on the market is discretionary. The only things affecting how much you are willing to spend on something are how much money you have, your own competing desire for other goods, and how fast you think you can make the money you spend back.

    If you contend that there are other factors affecting what people are willing to spend, can you offer them, rather than simply asserting that the model above, which fits with the Quantity Theory of Money, does not apply?
    Yes, there are other factors. In addition to the second slot every one gets for unlocking whatever level it is (I forget), there's:

    1.) The constant return of old players since GR/incarnate stuff went live
    2.) We just had dblxpwknd and
    3.) The most recent AE exploit (spiders/rikti monkies).

    The amount of level 50's in need of a build has exploded in recent months. On top of all that there was the MM AE exploit not long ago. I know some people who made whole servers full of level 50 masterminds while that was going on. I was gone for it though, and couldn't observe its impacts on the market in the short term.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Can you provide any evidence of this fact, other than that the capability for multiple builds actually exist?
    Yeah, but I'm not positive it wouldn't get me banned.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    In my experience, multiple builds are excruciatingly rare, even among extremely hardcore players. (Hardcore in this sense referring to time spent playing, "min/max" proclivities, or both.) Edit: I should point out that I do believe there are reasons to think demand for IOs has increased. I suspect that Incarnate features have more people playing 50s, and seems to have raised general interest in at least a touch of investigation into what IOs can do for these characters they are already investing more time in. That would be compounded with your claim about dual/triple builds, however.

    "My imaginary little world" is shared by a lot of other posters on this forum, and it has some pretty fair mileage behind it at explaining things that happened in the past and predicting things that had not yet happened. Of course, that doesn't mean it's without flaws. Can you lay out what your competing theory is, and how it explains past or present market behaviors, or what predictions you think it will give us that that are contrary to "mine"?

    I'm very patient in discussions that don't turn into the other party attacking me, as opposed to my position .I'm not offended that someone disagrees with me.
    I apologize for getting a little condescending. You have to admit, this perspective really does open up the possibility that the Keynesian model is a better representation and that demand/supply could be the primary driving forces behind our inflation as opposed to monetary supply. The long and short of my take on the market is that things are worth somewhere between the lowest amount they're posted for and the largest amount anyone is willing to pay for them. Supply/demand alone doesn't carry the day. Sometimes even a great abundance in a certain item in our market doesn't guarantee a lower price. Sometimes even a great scarcity doesn't result in an impressive price tag. Our market is precisely what we make it every day.
  21. TheMightyObs


    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    In a closed system, where money flows in to (and away from) players at some some aggregate rate, that money supply rate will work with the demand pull and cost push to set what players will pay for goods. People pay based on how badly they want something and how much they can afford to spend, and rate at which money becomes available to them affects the latter.

    This is a potential existential fallacy - All dragons are winged reptiles.
    Therefore, some some winged reptiles are dragons. In this instance "People pay based on how badly they want something and how much they can afford to spend, therefore how much they have to spend will affect its cost." As I stated earlier, this line of thought is derived from the quantitative theory of money

    Which is rivaled in this view that changes to the amount of currency in a given economy will affect prices by (once again as earlier stated)

    These are competing theories. Theories aren't facts.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    If you suddenly double that money flow without changing anything else, you will increase those player-set prices, because players will find themselves with more money to spend.
    You forgot to add, "according to the quantity theory of money which is a theory that may have absolutely no bearing whatsoever in this game's economy."

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    We know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that the money supply rate has increased. In just one example it explicitly doubled, with no other changes, for level 50 characters - those already supplying most of the money in the system. That was a direct increase in per foe reward. That doesn't include any indirect increases in how fast level 50 characters can defeat foes.

    This is really trivial stuff. How can you claim it doesn't work that way?
    You seem to be completely forgetting that demand has doubled with the advent of two builds, that the amount of money in the economy as a whole could only matter in your imaginary little world and that demand alone could be the driving force. You make unknowable claims, consistently fail to see points when they are repeatedly brought up, invent positions for me then assign them arbitrarily all on your own and I could go on but even without being blatantly rude this is impolite already. I apologize but grow weary with attempts to communicate with you.
  22. TheMightyObs


    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    To TheMightyObs:

    What is your preferred "semantic term" when someone says something that's the exact opposite of right?
    Illicit major.
  23. TheMightyObs


    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Which gives him a leg up on you.

    A witty expression proves nothing
  24. TheMightyObs


    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Or, you know, maybe I actually care about the topic, and want to explain why I think what you're saying is introducing confusion. Maybe the reason I use a lot of words to say what I am saying is because the heart of the matter is confusion over what's being discussed, and I am trying to be excruciatingly clear.
    I keep getting the impression that what you're passionate about is being right rather than actually hearing what people are saying with respect to the context of the dialogue. Have been fooled before. So then, what is it you really care so much about?

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Which is a separate and distinct discussion from whether or not there is inflation, or hyperinflation. That's my point. You want to talk about price increases, but you cannot ignore real inflation in the game economy when talking about "reasonable" prices. If there is 10x as much money in the economy and prices go up by a factor of 10, do things cost too much? Hint: there's not enough information in that question to answer it, and yet that's what your assertions about prices try to do.

    This thread wasn't ever about that. The OP in this thread asked if people thought there was hyperinflation. Nothing more, and nothing less. You want to discuss a distinct and separate topic, which is whether things cost too much. Inflation and "costs too much" are distinct topics, and talking about inflation, as much of this thread has done, does not address the question of "costs too much" at all. However, you cannot answer the question of "does it cost too much" specifically by looking at how prices change over time without accounting for inflation.

    The topics are related, but not the same.
    Hyperinflation, we've determined, is an opinion. The form of inflation you've described is outlined by the quantitative theory of money - which is just that. One theory, which may or may not hold any water here and which is challenged very competently by other theories. You're presenting it from the austrian view. Pretty much the only form of traditional inflation which can definitely happen in this game are forms of demand pull and cost-push. Those are caused by fluctuations in aggregate supply and demand, which are subjects long since discussed here. You are in essence asking me to kick a dead horse. And then you followed it up by asking a question that wasn't even a complete sentence. I will agree there isn't enough information.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I suggest that if you want to discuss whether things cost too much, why, and what could be done about it, that you start a separate thread on it. Where necessary, people can refer to concepts in this thread if they want to discuss the effects of inflation on prices. (There's limited hard data to use as reference in this thread, but it's probably a decent reference for concepts.)
    It's remarkably presumptuous to assume you can dictate what's said where. Go with the flow. Stop being so defensive, and join me here in reality where conversations much like rivers do not end where they begin.
  25. TheMightyObs


    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Semantics are how we determine what's being discussed. I assure you that the semantic definition of "inflation" is relevant in the context of this thread.

    Your clarification tries to paint the topic of discussion (inflation in the wider game market economy) as nonexistent, and instead price increases being wholly the domain of marketeers manipulating prices. This blithely ignores the reality that, for any given amount of money moving through the economy, there is a limit to the price any manipulator can ask for something and expect anyone to actually buy it in any reasonable time scale.*

    If that ceiling price is itself increasing, with all other things being equal (no new powersets, no nerfs, no new reasons to play at 50, etc.), that quite possibly indicates inflation, as I defined it based on those Wikipedia quotes.

    * This applies even for things that sell for >2B inf off-market. You just have to transition to direct-to-consumer sales to transcend the 2B ceiling. However, I don't envy anyone taking on the task of trying to control the supply of something sold off-market by diverse individuals.
    You like wiki and quantifiable definitions.

    Highlights: "Sophism has two different but related meanings: In the modern definition (from Plato), a sophism is a specious argument used for deceiving someone."

       /ˈspiʃəs/ Show Spelled[spee-shuhs] Show IPA
    apparently good or right though lacking real merit; superficially pleasing or plausible: specious arguments.
    pleasing to the eye but deceptive.
    Obsolete . pleasing to the eye; fair.

    There comes a point when all you can do is talk to hear yourself talk. The only reason there's any sort of debate anywhere here is because we lack appropriate, definitive terminology that everyone can agree upon with which to address the issue at hand. This has been a central theme in every post I've made here. If you've missed it, I don't know what to tell you. Crap costs too much and it boils down to greed. Let's discuss solutions, like what to call the increase in prices. You don't like hyperinflation, which has no solid definition. You don't like inflation. So prices go up. It's a problem. I don't care if you're married to calling it "price increases." The ridiculous price increases are a problem, they are unnecessary and maybe we should discuss rarity transaction caps and such instead of browbeating, patronizing, etc.