Discussion: Live Patch Notes - 4/7/10

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Stop calling it an exploit. It's not. And exploit is when you take advantage of broken mechanic or bug. This is not the case here. The system was designed to allow allies to help you. This is not by mistake.
Design does not equal intent.

This is a nerf to curb what the devs deem to be undesirable behavior. It's more of them telling us that we can't play the game we pay for the way we want to, only the way they want us to.
Damn right. Why would they allow us to play any way we want? No other game does that, and if it does it's hardly a game. More like some kind of weird simulator where you can change anything you like to see what happens.

They set up a situation that requires certain behavior to attain goals they have purposely made difficult to get, but then constantly nerf and nerf and nerf whenever we get creative in finding ways to quickly achieve those goals.
Goals like getting to 50 in one hour? Yeah that's difficult to accomplish on purpose for a good reason. Getting to 50 isn't difficult, though.

It's like hanging a carrot in front of a horse and chiding him for knocking the stick down and eating the carrot instead of blindly following it till he drops dead of starvation. If you don't want people to farm stop putting **** in the game that requires farming to get. 6 years of this never-ending cycle you'd think they'd be done with it by now. Well you'd be wrong. Some boneheaded dev mentality I guess you just can't break no matter how many years pass by.
They removed the MA badges that people were farming to get. People complained about that too.

Why bother with CoH 2 when you clearly haven't learned any lessons from 6 years of CoH 1?
Nobody's making CoH 2. Yet.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



After looking at this on live, it's not at all clear how the experience is affected by allies and battles. I have an arc with Freakshow and a couple of custom bosses in the first mission (#252193).

Running the first mission at level 50 at +1/x3, I got 36,567 or 23,992 inf for level 51 Tank Swiper bosses, and 48,105 or 31,562 for level 52 TS bosses (I ditched the ally and it did not damage the targets in both instances). The mission has one ally and one battle. That's a 34% decline in inf.

These are inf values within the same run of the same mission. I got the higher inf values before and after freeing the ally (though again, I ditched the ally).

Running another arc with all custom enemies (#1573) I got either 26,241 or 29,157 inf for one particular boss at level 51. This mission has only one ally. That's a 10% decline in inf. Again, before and after rescuing the ally.

I created another mission explicitly to test how freeing an ally affects rewards. Without allies I see 40,630 inf for level 51 Tank Swiper bosses. With one ally (yet unfreed) I saw 36,567 inf. I saw the same inf after freeing the ally, and regardless of whether the ally was Pacifist or Aggressive. That's a 10% reduction in rewards, and it was consistent in this mission.

We need some clarification on how this works. Why am I sometimes seeing different values for the same level critter in the same mission? Are you supposed to get more before the ally is freed? Less afterwards? Does proximity to an abandoned ally reduce rewards? Does abandoning an ally increase rewards? Do friendly patrols and battles change the rewards? How much does each ally change the reward by? Why do pacifist allies reduce rewards?

I'm all for eliminating exploits in AE, but I'm not sure this is a very good solution. Allies appear in standard content all the time, and when they attack in standard content you don't take a reward hit. In AE you lose rewards for every hit an ally lands. Now you lose rewards even when the ally isn't buffing you or even fighting, but is standing there waiting to be rescued on level 3 while you're fighting the boss on level 1? That's not right. Especially when the boss is tagged as Pacifist and will never attack anything.

I add battles and allies to missions for color, to impart information and to help squishy characters do missions with the tougher custom critters solo. With these reductions in inf/xp there is less and less motivation for players to run AE missions. And less motivation for authors to make unique and interesting AE missions.

I'm always ready to defend the devs when they fix exploits, but AE is becoming totally schizophrenic. It's either a an exploit-ridden power-leveling tool, or a barren wasteland that gives little reward for fighting the toughest critters in the game.

This scatter-shot approach to normalizing AE experience/influence is not working.



I can understand the necessity of eliminating AE farm exploits, but the described change to exp rewards in missions that include allies sounds pretty heavy-handed.

Friendly NPCs are a very useful tool for storytelling, both as major characters who become "Ally" details with dialog and characterization, or minor characters who battling bad guys in the background to make the environment seem more alive. You can see examples of both these cases even in dev-authored arcs.

I view myself as a prolific MA author; of the 8 story arcs I currently have published, 7 have friendly models in them. All are intended to support the story; none are intended to be buff bots that unfairly help the player. In fact, more often I've had players complain about low rewards due to allies "kill stealing". To have the rewards reduced even further seems discouraging.

Sharply reducing the rewards for any mission using friendly NPCs may address the short-term problem of a current farming exploit, but I believe it will also make it more difficult for Mission Architect to fulfill its stated primary purpose: namely, allowing users to create rich stories that can be enjoyed by the general player base.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
After looking at this on live, it's not at all clear how the experience is affected by allies and battles....

This scatter-shot approach to normalizing AE experience/influence is not working.
Without quoting the whole thing...

Surprise surprise. Another ham-handed, poorly thought out and poorly tested (if at all) AE "fix" isn't working in any logical or consistent fashion. I'm sure as time goes on we will see more problems cropping up due to this "fix."

But hey, we'll be getting the fashion show map in i17, so they still care, right?

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Let's see...

Exploit farms: dead in the gutters.

Story arcs: still perfectly playable for the story.

Yeah, I can see how story arcs are far far worse off than the exploit farms.
I'm glad you brought this up. Here's a list of missions that will now give reduced, if not zero experience for at least one mission:

Relativity Be Damned - ID 177370
Tomorrow Belongs to Me - ID 10855
[ZQ] The Once and Future King - ID 71601
Batteries Included - ID 193760
An Internship in the Fine Arts of Revenge - Best Villain Arc '09 - ID 255146
Pandas vs. Rikti - ID 68930
Ctrl + Alt + Reset - ID 137561
Blight - Best Villain Group '09 - ID 140423
How to Save a Convention - ID 336241
Astoria in D Minor - ID 41565
Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name - Best In-Canon Arc '09 - ID 178774
Two Tickets to Westerly - ID 374002
Out of Place - ID 350577
A Penny For Your Thoughts - ID 348691
A Mythos of Mystical Mysteries - ID 84285
Purification - ID 352381
A Heart Breaking Story - ID 378511

What do all these have in common? They all have allies which will start killing the experience of the missions. They're also all Dev's Choice Arcs.

I didn't even go over Guest Author or Hall of Fame. And in case you're curious, there are only 2 DCs that don't have allies (although it's still possible they have allied gangs as patrols, battles, or bosses).

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



They are fixing exploits, exploits which are resulting in the very 50's that some of you are contradictorily complaining about. Of course it's very difficult these days ensuring everyone is still happy in the end. Presumably you'd understand that these problems should be fixed almost immediately, however it results in rather rash decisions, but then again they are hardly going to spend a week fixing a measly 'XP' exploit, which consequently would result in a furore from us - for time-wasting.

I realise that for quite a few of the die-hards in this game, it is quite demoralising when a nerf bat swings a bit too hard but at the moment you have to take it in stride. 'AE' has been out for a while but it's still being fine-tuned, especially since most major updates have a new influence on it, of course lets all contemplate that they remove XP from the 'AE' system for example: Do you really think that the same number of people will use it? It would become exclusive in the sense your friends would only invite you into a good arc, etc. Unfortunately resulting in a discarded feature of the game.

The 'Ally' nerf had to come, in fact I have no idea why 'Allies' are even there, since it really would be abused severely. I don't understand why when the developer implemented this particular criteria the word 'abuse' did not bounce around his/her head. You can't argue that it was going to be used fairly, and unfortunately the people who did obey it were punished - and I use that loosely. I don't really make arcs but surely a story can make do with a citizen, or some variation of the sort. It's hardly worth the reiterated effort, when you consider that on the counter-balance lay one incredibly easy way of exploitation. I do view both sides, and I do feel some sympathy for those who enjoy their imagination going wild, but it doesn't really break the system nor destroy your efforts in a wild way. I appreciate that it does require you to edit them but, again I stress you can't really outweight the exploit with say a longer period of time attempting to mitigate any damage on the players as a whole.

I also understand that the fixes appear to be rather rampant and blunt but there really hasn't been an update in this game that has been pitch-perfect with the audience. There will always been someone affected, you and I both know there not one to sway unless it's imperative.

The spur of patches lately have been for 'AE' exploits and I feel that eventually it is being corrected slowly. They have 'Going Rogue' on their hands, and if you really sit down and consider it, there not a great big corporation focusing on every minute detail.

If your affected by it, try and work around it, and I mean really try. That's all that can be done lately.

I say this with a whole-hearted attempt for both parties, the bigger picture seems better to me




Originally Posted by Rabid_Metroid View Post
Wait... even ONE ally causes a nerf? The patch notes say it's when you go past one that you get the nerf.

Hey Devs, is this a bug?
I just saw Venture's post and have to add that my example did also have 3 friendly boss spawns who are there to add flavor when the map becomes overruns with enemies who were waiting to ambush you. Apparently they are counting as well.

Still friggin' blows!

Adding another example, a level 50 mission with 7 minions to rescue and then fight the EB who captured them. Even before I got to the first ally I was getting less than 1000 inf from each Arachnos minion. Dr. Aeon (the EB) only gave 2000 inf, and the bonus tickets for completing the mission? 6.

Yeah, SIX tickets for clearing a large map.



Originally Posted by Wondering_Fury View Post
'AE' has been out for a while but it's still being fine-tuned, .....
I'm confident they all get together with Roper and sail on long weekends.



Apparently this should also read EU Test notes from what I heard...
Rumour has it they rolled back the EU Test server to pre DP and wiped all the EU Testers characters out!
Hope this isn't true...
If it is I hope they fix it bloody quick!

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



I'd suggest that the devs put an XP rating on each arc so that players can tell ahead of time whether an arc gives decent XP. I like a good story as much as the next guy. But I like a good story that gives decent XP even more, and there's no reason you can't have both.

Hmm, I like that idea, it be a realy usefull bit of info about an arc. They would have to come up with some kind of scale and system for it but it would be nice QoL AE improvment

As for the nerf's / bug fixes no overly bothersome the res thing has been needed for a long time, all player res powers has an invunarability phase to them so why not have the npc have the same efect.

Ally buff bots need the nerf bat pwning, sure they were not as bad as the minto farms(omg that was lame) but still fairly bad. I have ran a few of my arc's that have ally's and noted no signifacant drop in xp/inf so im thinking one or two is not going to gimp your arc.

There is but one truth. Time is limited. ndnw its over



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Let's see...

Exploit farms: dead in the gutters.

Story arcs: still perfectly playable for the story.

Yeah, I can see how story arcs are far far worse off than the exploit farms.
Sorry Fred, but you're in a very small minority. Most players are not going to bother even trying AE arcs if they give crap XP, and even if the story is the greatest thing since sliced bread (which is still a debated topic) they still won't bother to play it a second time if they will get no reward for it. I've written 8 arcs but I wouldn't bother playing AE at all if there was no XP, not when I have so many more rewarding things to do with my limited playtime. If my characters don't advance and nobody wants to come play the AE arcs with me (removing the social aspects of playing an MMO) either then there is no point in playing them.

And you are damn naive if you think this did anything to stop farming, the actual farmers have probably already rewritten their arcs by now. The only people this hurts are the legit authors.



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Dont get me wrong, Im not against farming completly, i can see its benefits just like everyone else, however level 1 new players to 50 in less than a week is just too sad.

Im getting tired of being asked random questions from noobs now at level 40+ asking simple questions like:
'Whats slotting mean and is it good?'
'Whats FS mean? I got told to use it but i have no idea what it is'
'Whar cn get cape plz?' (spelling copied exactly as sent)
'Whats an insp?'
'Whats a TF?'

This list goes on and on but im getting tired of hearing these things regularly from high level players. These are things you should learn under level 20, or in the case of FS, 38 max not level 50. Its players like that, that run into mobs and get the entire team killed once they realise theres no buffbots to help them.

I just tell those people to read the manual and get back to me later



Originally Posted by twelfth View Post
I have to agree with Fred on this, the story-telling portion of the MA is not harmed by this, in so much as there is nothing preventing users from using the system for that purpose. The presence of XP or rewards is superfluous if the purpose of using the AE system is to tell and enjoy a story provided by another player.


The problem with this nerf is the fact that rewards and xp are a significant portion of a player's appeal to the AE system in general. At present, it is difficult enough for an individual MA Author to get plays on their arcs once it falls below the 5-star threshold (and there are a host of reasons for this, and other threads address them). To place in a new disincentive for players to enjoy the arcs that authors are making creatively impoverishes those attempting to use this tool to expand the boundaries of what the players can experience.

I believe that people who care about their arcs and how they perform in the community are going to find their popularity and critical-reception suffering because there are "too many allies" or "doesn't give sufficient reward for risk". I want to make my story-based arcs as friendly to a casual player as possible, and sometimes that means pandering to the need for a demonstrable reward for the gracious expendature of time that the player is making. This nerf makes that job even harder than it was before.

And suggesting that an author refrain from using any function of the interface is as fallacious as suggesting that an author of prose fiction refrain from using the common mechanisms and conceits of literature to tell their stories ("Hey Mr. Bradbury, I know you like to use flashbacks, but we're gonna have to levy a 2% cut to your royalties for each instance in the novel 'cause we had bad experiences/responses in other works you didn't write").

Functionally, no, it doesn't stop us from writing stories using the MA. What it will do is negatively effect how we write them, and complicate the (non-narrative) considerations that authors have to take into mind in order to make that story "marketable".
Seconded for being such a well written and reasoned response.

Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

Current Team Project: Pending



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There is a work around for that 3rd mission - pulling the generals to the first bridge usually helps reduce the lag - like a lot.
Its not always that simple though, particularly with the mobs running around on patrol. Im putting it down to the fact theres so many mobs and a built up area why the lags occuring in the first place.

Wonder out of curiosity if it could be anything to do with the big robot further back... Perhaps the draw distance is capturing the robot as you move back and forth in the area trying to draw it all in and in fact its nothing to do with the so called 'lag alley' at all.



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Its not always that simple though, particularly with the mobs running around on patrol. Im putting it down to the fact theres so many mobs and a built up area why the lags occuring in the first place.

Wonder out of curiosity if it could be anything to do with the big robot further back... Perhaps the draw distance is capturing the robot as you move back and forth in the area trying to draw it all in and in fact its nothing to do with the so called 'lag alley' at all.
this is interesting. maybe the nerfers could work on this for a little while?



but then who would nerf?



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Wonder out of curiosity if it could be anything to do with the big robot further back... Perhaps the draw distance is capturing the robot as you move back and forth in the area trying to draw it all in and in fact its nothing to do with the so called 'lag alley' at all.
Has nothing to do with the graphics, and everything to do with the interdependent nature of the powers of the Cimerorans.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Nothing could make the markets any worse than what they are so I dont think thats the issue. Lvl 50s not knowing how to play is going to happen anyways. That could happen even if a person teamed all the way to level 50. So unless that person learns from the other person its not going to matter. While I do agree the insta lvl 50s was sick there is so much more they should have done in this game than the AE. Its pointless to keep nerfing it at this point. Its never going to be as popular as it was when it first came out and all the servers had at least 2 dots.
Never say 'It could never be worse' on the internet...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
But I thought lawn care came with your peep'in tom service......



Rewards in Mission Architect missions that contain more than one allied critters will give progressively lower rewards for each additional allied critter in the mission.
To me it sounds like one ally should not effect rewards. But it does. I created a buffer ally with Spectral Terror and Thermal Buffs to test this with lvl 51 Demons(Infernal).

1 ally
You have defeated Demon
You gain 1,619 infamy.
Pixicide Inc gains 7 prestige.

no allies:
You have defeated Demon
You gain 1,799 infamy.
Pixicide Inc gains 8 prestige.

Now I cannot be for certain but I thought these same baddies were giving me 1,999 infamy before the patch.

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



You know...

The last misison of my arc has 6 allies, an AV all alone in his own "group", and a custom group made up only of one "LT".

I'm gonna replay it and see if somehow XP is taken AWAY from me. That'd be hillarious!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Most players are not going to bother even trying AE arcs if they give crap XP, and even if the story is the greatest thing since sliced bread
Exactly. The AE needs 'incentive' to function, the majority of players are concerned with, if not single mindedly in pursuit, of XP. As it stands, you receive significantly less XP/inf in AE story-driven missions. This is just another reduction for normal AE missions.

I really enjoy AE arcs, but if I'm leading a team, generally, I'm not going to subject my team to harder missions and less rewards. I hope we can swing things the other way towards fairness for non-farms while continuing to prevent exploits.

Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

Current Team Project: Pending



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
Once again it's the devs jumping the gun to fix some farming, meanwhile it effects everyone that had missions in AE with allies. GG devs, maybe one day you can learn to fix one thing without breaking three other things.
So you expect to be able to get full XP when you are at a lower risk by having multiple buff bots follow you around? Even if you only have 3 allies you are still at lower risk and should get lower XP due to that.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Yeah, that'd be the markets even more Fu-bar than they already are, a bunch of level 50s not knowing how to play, and people put off from even touching the game because 'all people do there is farm'.

What they are fixing here is exploits. Farming, as a whole is kind of hard to stamp out, and I would say its not something that should really be wiped out. Some people do validly enjoy it, and I, and the Devs too it seems, dont mind that so much. Its when something is exploitable, such as 1-50 in a few hours, that they have to take action, and have been doing so.

The sooner that people understand that, the better.
Still, this thread doesnt dissapoint, it seems.
I play on a small server, so maybe I am not seeing some of the things that happen on Freedom or Virtue. That said, I hardly believe that these farms are benefitting a bunch of newbs. Some? Sure. But I would have to think that the "new" ways to PL are not being generally advertised, and are being used by "vet" players who want a character but do not want to slog through the 50 levels they have done 20 times before. When AE first hit, sure you had a lot of the AE babies out there. Do we still? I doubt those sheer numbers are here now, and it is probably a lot smaller. We had a new box on the shelves to draw them in - and I reckon a good deal left after the "game" (as they saw AE) was nerfed.

In short - I think "AE Babies" is just thrown out there now because it happened in the past. I see none on Vic or Triumph. Does Freedom still have the constant AE Spam? Maybe. You would have to tell me.

And even with the 1-50 fast crowd continuing, do you think that is enough of the player base to really screw up the markets based just on their efforts?