Discussion: Live Patch Notes - 4/7/10

Adeon Hawkwood



that will never happen



*looks at AE building*


*heads back to play the same old missions again and again*

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Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
sar‧cas‧m [uncountable]
a way of speaking or writing that involves saying the opposite of what you really mean in order to make an unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed.

Isn't that what I did?

I don't see the relevance of what you posted ... something might've gotten lost in translation or I'm just dumb, whatever, but I don't see it.

Where did I say anything about being content with being mediocre? And why would I need ideas to make this company better? I do plenty of that at my job, I don't need it in my hobby.

Also 300-400 k subscribers? CoH didn't have that many in its best days. If we have 150k at the moment I'd be surprised.
NCSoft had 300k people a year a half to maybe two years ago playing this game. It was a tally in PCGamer magazine about MMO's and how many subscribers they have, although it was an estimation! I remember when this game first came out there was tally then and CoH had around 1 million people at that time. But, then again, it was an estimation too. Also, you didn't say you were content on the game being mediocre, that was what I got from your post to me. I was angery at the remark that you made to me about my ideas that I sent to this company. Of which you had know idea what they were, just that you HAD to make the....well, I can see way they haven't listened! My idea then was to, let people make or send in their own "personally made" (none trademarked) emblem (like: Pepsi, Coca Cola, EA, Nike, ect.) and charge anywhere from 5 to 10 dollars to have it in the game. That way, most people would not have the same emblem and the game would make some money. It was an idea for everyone and I didnt here 1 thing back on it. Funny thing was...CO (Champions Online) had a contest on the same idea I had given to NCSoft. The winner got in on the CO Beta test. Anyways, there have been like 3 other ideas I have had that were better then that and they NEVER send me back anything....not a TY or we might think about it....nothing! So, there you go...take it anyway you want. I tried at least to help bring in more people and for them to make more money in the process. To me....doesnt seem like they care or know how to do that, but maybe GR will? Good Day!!!



Originally Posted by Purge View Post
NC Soft had K people a year a half to maybe two years ago playing this game. It was a tally in PC Gamer magazine about MMO's and how many subscribers they have, although it was an estimation! I remember when this game first came out there was tally then and CoH had around 1 million people at that time. But, then again, it was an estimation too. Also, you didn't say you were content on the game being mediocre, that was what I got from your post to me. I was angry at the remark that you made to me about my ideas that I sent to this company. Of which you had know idea what they were, just that you HAD to make the....well, I can see way they haven't listened! My idea then was to, let people make or send in their own "personally made" (none trademarked) emblem (like: Pepsi, Coca Cola, EA, Nike, etc.) and charge anywhere from 5 to 10 dollars to have it in the game. That way, most people would not have the same emblem and the game would make some money. It was an idea for everyone and I didn't here 1 thing back on it. Funny thing was...CO (Champions Online) had a contest on the same idea I had given to NC Soft. The winner got in on the CO Beta test. Anyways, there have been like 3 other ideas I have had that were better then that and they NEVER send me back anything....not a TY or we might think about it....nothing! So, there you go...take it anyway you want. I tried at least to help bring in more people and for them to make more money in the process. To me....doesnt seem like they care or know how to do that, but maybe GR will? Good Day!!!
Not to nit-pick but wall's of text are not fun to read at all.

This "attitude" you are conveying is running the thin and ragged edge of an entitlement rant. How dare they not implement my ideas this instant! Do they not realize I pay a monthly fee?

Sending in ideas and whining about not receiving personal recognition from Bab's or Posi is ridiculous. Do you pick up a tin can from the ground, throw it in the trash, then want pats on the back from strangers about your accomplishment? Or... you could take pride in that you gave input, for good or bad, to help the game improve instead of sitting back and gripping about what's wrong.

NC Soft had 300K people a year a half to maybe two years ago playing this game. It was a tally in PC Gamer magazine about MMO's and how many subscribers they have, although it was an estimation! I remember when this game first came out there was tally then and CoH had around 1 million people at that time.
This is wrong on so many levels its not funny. 300K subscriptions is a far stretch for COH even back in 2004 much less 1 million. Just because the albino mutant gorilla on the corner has millions of subscribers doesn't mean that COH is and not has been healthy during its run. All MMO's wax and wain in subscription numbers. For a six year old plus MMO, City of Heroes/Villains and soon Going Rogue seems fine for the moment and I will be here till they turn off the power to the servers...

You need to take a deep breathe and relax...

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



Originally Posted by Purge View Post
NCSoft had 300k people a year a half to maybe two years ago playing this game. It was a tally in PCGamer magazine about MMO's and how many subscribers they have, although it was an estimation! I remember when this game first came out there was tally then and CoH had around 1 million people at that time. But, then again, it was an estimation too. Also, you didn't say you were content on the game being mediocre, that was what I got from your post to me. I was angery at the remark that you made to me about my ideas that I sent to this company. Of which you had know idea what they were, just that you HAD to make the....well, I can see way they haven't listened! My idea then was to, let people make or send in their own "personally made" (none trademarked) emblem (like: Pepsi, Coca Cola, EA, Nike, ect.) and charge anywhere from 5 to 10 dollars to have it in the game. That way, most people would not have the same emblem and the game would make some money. It was an idea for everyone and I didnt here 1 thing back on it. Funny thing was...CO (Champions Online) had a contest on the same idea I had given to NCSoft. The winner got in on the CO Beta test. Anyways, there have been like 3 other ideas I have had that were better then that and they NEVER send me back anything....not a TY or we might think about it....nothing! So, there you go...take it anyway you want. I tried at least to help bring in more people and for them to make more money in the process. To me....doesnt seem like they care or know how to do that, but maybe GR will? Good Day!!!
Purge, I have to say, poorly written and definately a rant on almost every level. Not that I don't agree with you a bit.

I myself have sent in several dozen suggestions (39 at last count) and have never seen a single bit of recognition even though some of them have shown up in the game. Now does that mean that they ignored me? Probably not. Does that mean they have followed my suggestions? Probably not since I am sure others have sent in the exact same suggestions as well. Heck, I have even suggested that the CoX website receive a major update and so far not any real progress.

All it means is that I have sent in suggestions.

Try to think of this before letting yourself get pissed off again: Exactly how many people to do you think send them suggestions and how many of them are repeats? Does every single one deserve a reply? and How much time would be wasted if they did reply to them?

Now, PLEASE do keep sending in suggestions, you never know which ones will get into the game.