Discussion: Live Patch Notes - 4/7/10

Adeon Hawkwood



But the sweeping change was made because people were making allies that didnt attack/do damage, not using some random NPC, because they didn't steal kills/xp/rewards. That would limit the powers in this case to ones only players can get which is far from 12,000.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Your list conveniently ignores the parts of the game that the players probably spend 90% of their time playing. And yet:
Radio Missions ? Contact Arcs ? Badging ? What do you mean? Almost all my time is spent trying to get better times on task forces.

Unless the devs changed the merit formula and I didn't hear about it, this clearly demonstrates the intention is for raids to be worth the most, trials next, task forces next, and story arcs last. See: Merit Rewards.
The only way I can discern intent is by looking at what people actually do and the results of those actions.

The same way that the only way I can understand your statement that "Reward rate/Difficulty threshold" is by looking at the consequences and comparing to things in the game.

If you want to disregard my rankings of difficulty thats fine.

Here is a list of items in exactly the same category
Positron                                     66
Synapse                                      58
Sister Psyche                                50
Citadel                                      40
Manticore                                    32
Numina                                       36
Doctor Khan (Aka Reichsman)                  20
ITF                                          26
STF                                          37
RSF                                          25
Now just looking at these Positron can be completed in about the same amount of time a STF can but has nearly double the merit return. So by your description it should have a significantly greater threshold of difficulty ?

Oh and Positron is a no fail tf. You can lose all your team and still finish, all it requires is persistence.

We get Manticore at about a similar time to the RSF (Manticore is if anything faster) having a significantly Higher Threshold of difficulty ?

We have Reichsman at 20 merits which when you compare it to the other TFS is just mind boggling, and is why for most of the people I know its badge only or help out a friend that needs the badge.

Yeah, reviewing twelve thousand powers should take about an afternoon. Why not help the devs out and gen up that list and PM them, it would save them at least half a day and they could get a jump on writing the suppression code Monday morning, probably be done by lunch.
12K powers a player can use to create a buffing ally ? You are making the problem much more complicated than it needs to be then throwing up your hands at the lack of a solution.

Lets break this down as if we were interested in solving the problem rather than making excuses about why it can't be done.

First lets describe the problem. Problem: Allies can be included in player generated content that enhance the players combat effectiveness by enhancing player abilities, or by decreasing enemy abilities while not doing damage to the enemies.

So now we have two sets of powers to worry about.

1. Powers that target allies.
2. Powers that target enemies but do no damage.

Now for the sake of argument lets say there is some sort of electronic list or filing system that has a record of the powers critters posses and is somehow amenable to mechanical manipulation of some kind or other. If you were to have such a list, you could immediately discard all the items that did damage to their targets. You could discard all the items that only affected the caster, and you would be left with a nice list of just the critters that actually needed review.

I really wish that someone would come up with mechanical marvels that could take the drudgery out of such tasks.

[ / sarcasm]

I have no idea how many developer created critters there are that have no attack powers, and only buff/debuff powers that do no damage. I would be real surprised if it was a large number. I would be even more surprised and shocked, if the information wasn't actually in a database.

I point that out because its the strawman you so gleefully created. The developers can't have any way to sort or categorize the powers or critters in their game for your scenario to be accurate.

Now actually taking a look at the list of powers that players can include with their custom allies. We get a somewhat smaller number than 12k to examine on the primary side there a 73 potential powers from control primay that could concievably fit the description and less than 100 additional on the secondary side.

Just how long and difficult was that supposed to be to look over ?



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
But the sweeping change was made because people were making allies that didnt attack/do damage, not using some random NPC, because they didn't steal kills/xp/rewards. That would limit the powers in this case to ones only players can get which is far from 12,000.
I don't beleive it's that simple. While the horde of NPC's is a giant problem as far as steamrolling through missions goes, you can still just as easily make NPC's who enhance your ability to fight things by buffing you while still allowing them to do damage. It wouldn't be *quite* as dramatic as what we had just before the patch, but it would probably be the next big thing.

I don't see being able to take short cuts in this.

*EDIT* - Though, if it were me, I'd probably just cap it at 3 allies a mission and call it a day. Hostages wouldn't count, of course.



Exploiters would find ways to give powers to things that don't even accept powers. They are that nefarious.

I don't use AE enough to have a clue what you can do with the npc's, but don't you have to specifically pick the powers of custom hostages/followers/allies. Otherwise you pick from the stock bin - - - all of which probably have some offensive powers cause they are straight out of the vanilla pve?

(I don't think you can select things like Mary the emp reward from Katie can you?)

Also whoever went through the list of powers would probably get stuck at Healing Arrow. I know I would.




  • NPC critters that are resurrected will be unselectable while going through the resurrection animation.

Inaccurate patch notes are inaccurate


My LotG sold for 65mil and I'm spending it all on hats

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Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Just how long and difficult was that supposed to be to look over ?

If nothing else, you deserve a thank you for taking the time to actually pull together your information. I personally agree with everything you've said, and see it clear as day. But I'm sure someone will come along with yet another dev-scripted excuse.

We'll see....



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Yeah, that'd be the markets even more Fu-bar than they already are, a bunch of level 50s not knowing how to play, and people put off from even touching the game because 'all people do there is farm'.

What they are fixing here is exploits. Farming, as a whole is kind of hard to stamp out, and I would say its not something that should really be wiped out. Some people do validly enjoy it, and I, and the Devs too it seems, dont mind that so much. Its when something is exploitable, such as 1-50 in a few hours, that they have to take action, and have been doing so.

The sooner that people understand that, the better.
Still, this thread doesnt dissapoint, it seems.
I'm curious: Do people prefer the markets now, where it takes hundreds if not thousands of millions of inf. to buy one set, or the markets before, where it took weeks of sitting on bids to fill out the same set? Without ticket farms, the market blue-side would still be a barren sandheap, and given basic economic principles, would still have hyper-inflation.

As for AE PLs... The devs have been making the gave steadily more PL friendly for a long time now. This won't stop anything.



The following post is just my opinions.

Why do players power level? The answer varies based on the many posts I've read on this forum. There are a couple of common answer that I've noticed though.

1. I've played this content so much its stale to me.
2. Level 50's get to do all the cool stuff. I want it now.
3. Most of the content is replayable so why would I want to do it now with less slots and weaker powers.
4. Everyone else is doing it.
5. The pre-SO levels suck.
6. I pvp so I just want to hit 50, slot my sets, and start playing my favorite part of the game.

There is no major incentive for many players to play the original content of the game. The veterans dont want to do it because they've been there done that. The new players don't want to do it because their first in game experience is often the latest AE farm. The quickest path to 50 often leads to less involvement in your character. I still have my first 50. It took me nearly a year to get there. I've had other 50s since then but they didn't feel like they were as much of an achievement. These exploitative farms that people are using to power level are in my opinion lessening the achievement of attaining a level 50.

The fix was needed to alleiviate the symptoms of the problem and I have every bit of faith in the development team to implement a better fix, that will impact story writers less, in the near future. However the problem will still remain. There needs to be incentive to play through the story arcs and other content of the game that has an impact on your character other than exp or loot and it needs to be level locked. Maybe not initially so that older 50s can have a chance to get the rewards but after a certain time yes the rewards for doing these tasks needs to be level locked so that if you want the new shiny you have to go play the content while your in that level range.

The new rewards could be anything from special salvage that could be used as a wild card in any recipe, new costume parts, or special auto powers that give you a 1-5% chance of negating a specific damage type for a few seconds. These are just ideas. Don't get bent out of shape over X reward would break the game. I'm just trying to suggest a general idea for a solution with a few examples that will probably never be used.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



I can not see how ANYONE likes this patch. This is just another NERF by the Development team to, what I think annoy the people they STILL have!!! We pay for this garbage...another reason to cancel accounts, now let the Forums Hounds have at it. LOL It seems to me that the only people the Dev's listen to, are some of the Forum people. For God sakes, doesn't a game developer try and make the game more fun, not worse. Ever since I have played this game, it's NERF here and NERF there. WHATEVER, nobody at NCSoft has EVER listen to what I say anyways. One more thought, doesn't a game Developer try and get a loyalty base? Doesn't seem these people have an ever will!



Originally Posted by Psara View Post
I'm curious: Do people prefer the markets now, where it takes hundreds if not thousands of millions of inf. to buy one set, or the markets before, where it took weeks of sitting on bids to fill out the same set? Without ticket farms, the market blue-side would still be a barren sandheap, and given basic economic principles, would still have hyper-inflation.

As for AE PLs... The devs have been making the gave steadily more PL friendly for a long time now. This won't stop anything.
Oh man, I didn't even THINK of this! LOL IMOA...another patch that has destroyed a great game.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Now just looking at these Positron can be completed in about the same amount of time a STF can but has nearly double the merit return. So by your description it should have a significantly greater threshold of difficulty ?

Oh and Positron is a no fail tf. You can lose all your team and still finish, all it requires is persistence.
I assure you, your experience =/= everyone's experience. Speed runs are *not* standard. The reason Posi gives so many merits is because the data shows it takes the longest, on average, to complete. And by the way, merits are not the only reward in the game. Increasing your difficulty settings increases the number of mobs, which means you get increased inf/salvage/XP as well. Boom: increased rewards.

First lets describe the problem. Problem: Allies can be included in player generated content that enhance the players combat effectiveness by enhancing player abilities, or by decreasing enemy abilities while not doing damage to the enemies.

So now we have two sets of powers to worry about.

1. Powers that target allies.
2. Powers that target enemies but do no damage.
Yes, all true.

Now for the sake of argument lets say there is some sort of electronic list or filing system that has a record of the powers critters posses and is somehow amenable to mechanical manipulation of some kind or other. If you were to have such a list, you could immediately discard all the items that did damage to their targets. You could discard all the items that only affected the caster, and you would be left with a nice list of just the critters that actually needed review.

"Now, for the sake of argument, let's assume that we have a tool (which the devs may or may not ACTUALLY HAVE) that proves my entire point."

We know that a lot of what the devs have is kludgy and old, and I would bet they don't have a list of all the available powers in a form that would be easily sorted like this. Would it be a good idea if they did? Of course. But you don't know they have that and therefore your "proof" is invalid.

But if you do, by all means, take the afternoon, compile your super-easy list, and send it on to the devs.



Originally Posted by Purge View Post
nobody at NCSoft has EVER listen to what I say anyways.
Gee, I wonder why.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Purge View Post
Oh man, I didn't even THINK of this! LOL IMOA...another patch that has destroyed a great game.
Sigh. The market =/= the game. Shockingly, people can play the game quite happily without ever touching the market.

Seriously, hyperbole much? This patch (which Dr. Aeon already said is TEMPORARY) goes too far, I agree. How bout we all get our panties unbunched and wait the few weeks for the "permanent solution" before going off the deep end?

Oh wait, I forgot. It's an internet forum. Carry on, then.



Originally Posted by Purge View Post
Oh man, I didn't even THINK of this! LOL IMOA...another patch that has destroyed a great game.
Yes, the game is kaput! Ruined! Completely unplayable! And all by this patch! Let me find that cancel acount button ...

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



unfunny joke is unfunny



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I don't beleive it's that simple. While the horde of NPC's is a giant problem as far as steamrolling through missions goes, you can still just as easily make NPC's who enhance your ability to fight things by buffing you while still allowing them to do damage. It wouldn't be *quite* as dramatic as what we had just before the patch, but it would probably be the next big thing.

I don't see being able to take short cuts in this.

*EDIT* - Though, if it were me, I'd probably just cap it at 3 allies a mission and call it a day. Hostages wouldn't count, of course.

It was considered an exploit because people were making allies with no attacks but plenty of buffs and debuffs. If you had the allies doing damage, it would take away from xp and the usual farm map had max (30ish) allies. So if they had all of those allies attacking, it wouldnt give them any xp. A better fix that wouldnt upset the non-farmers people would have been making it so every ally set has some sort of attack and making it unselectable or only unselectable if they have some other attack.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



The Fuuma just want's to play his demon mm now =\.

aside from that, i have no view about any of this that has been argued over with no real end or winner in sight since the game launched back in 2004.
Now back to giving the green light so i can make my new mm already

*claws the walls from boredom*

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Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
It was considered an exploit because people were making allies with no attacks but plenty of buffs and debuffs. If you had the allies doing damage, it would take away from xp and the usual farm map had max (30ish) allies. So if they had all of those allies attacking, it wouldnt give them any xp. A better fix that wouldnt upset the non-farmers people would have been making it so every ally set has some sort of attack and making it unselectable or only unselectable if they have some other attack.
I think you're missing what I'm saying. You could still make a farm mission where you have a few allies with attacks and buffs that marginally increase your fighting prowess. Yeah they'd cut into your EXP but you'd be aided by their presence by being able to take enemies down.

That said, I think you probably have the better point, and I might consider that level of farming 'acceptable'.

If it were up to me, I would likely just set it to 3 allies, then nerfs, and call it a day. Hostages and otherwise non-useful allies wouldn't count to this limit, of course.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I think you're missing what I'm saying. You could still make a farm mission where you have a few allies with attacks and buffs that marginally increase your fighting prowess. Yeah they'd cut into your EXP but you'd be aided by their presence by being able to take enemies down.

But having allies in the mission wasn't what was the problem. Having allies that did nothing but buff you or debuff enemies was the problem. You could have allies that attack and it wasn't considered an exploit because your xp was taking a hit so while risk was going down so was reward. With allies that didnt attack you didnt lose xp so risk went way down but reward stayed the same. That was the reason for the knee jerk change.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Originally Posted by FreckledAvenger View Post

"Now, for the sake of argument, let's assume that we have a tool (which the devs may or may not ACTUALLY HAVE) that proves my entire point."

We know that a lot of what the devs have is kludgy and old, and I would bet they don't have a list of all the available powers in a form that would be easily sorted like this. Would it be a good idea if they did? Of course. But you don't know they have that and therefore your "proof" is invalid.

But if you do, by all means, take the afternoon, compile your super-easy list, and send it on to the devs.
If you believe that the development team hasn't created a tool even remotely close to something like this, you sir...I can't even finish it.

I understand there are dev fanbois, but this really cuts the cake. Tools created to assist in maintenance when it comes to databases and other types of technology in this industry are pretty much a requirement. Just wow. I guess if you didn't have a legit rebuttal, ignorance always works.

We'll see....



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
But having allies in the mission wasn't what was the problem. Having allies that did nothing but buff you or debuff enemies was the problem. You could have allies that attack and it wasn't considered an exploit because your xp was taking a hit so while risk was going down so was reward. With allies that didnt attack you didnt lose xp so risk went way down but reward stayed the same. That was the reason for the knee jerk change.
I'm saying it would be the *next* problem. You're better off addressing it now than, oh, say a year later.

However, I no longer agree that it would even be a problem, so I'm not gonna keep arguing for it.



Originally Posted by Flameshot View Post
If you believe that the development team hasn't created a tool even remotely close to something like this, you sir...I can't even finish it.

I understand there are dev fanbois, but this really cuts the cake. Tools created to assist in maintenance when it comes to databases and other types of technology in this industry are pretty much a requirement. Just wow. I guess if you didn't have a legit rebuttal, ignorance always works.
Even if they had that list, I don't think it's working. Just look at all the imbalances with the powersets as they currently exist. Part of that problem is that many powers do things that don't have a quantifiable number to attach to them and call them balanced. You sort of just have to "feel" it out, which isn't often reliable. The flipside to this is something like Champions Online, where nearly every power is identical save for animation. Considering the options, I'd (obviously) rather have CoH's somewhat muddier spreadsheet.

Keep being a **** about it, though.

*EDIT* - qq more is hardly a comeback. If you have a point, make it.



Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
The following post is just my opinions.

Why do players power level? The answer varies based on the many posts I've read on this forum. There are a couple of common answer that I've noticed though.

1. I've played this content so much its stale to me.
2. Level 50's get to do all the cool stuff. I want it now.
3. Most of the content is replayable so why would I want to do it now with less slots and weaker powers.
4. Everyone else is doing it.
5. The pre-SO levels suck.
6. I pvp so I just want to hit 50, slot my sets, and start playing my favorite part of the game.

There is no major incentive for many players to play the original content of the game. The veterans dont want to do it because they've been there done that. The new players don't want to do it because their first in game experience is often the latest AE farm. The quickest path to 50 often leads to less involvement in your character. I still have my first 50. It took me nearly a year to get there. I've had other 50s since then but they didn't feel like they were as much of an achievement. These exploitative farms that people are using to power level are in my opinion lessening the achievement of attaining a level 50.

The fix was needed to alleiviate the symptoms of the problem and I have every bit of faith in the development team to implement a better fix, that will impact story writers less, in the near future. However the problem will still remain. There needs to be incentive to play through the story arcs and other content of the game that has an impact on your character other than exp or loot and it needs to be level locked. Maybe not initially so that older 50s can have a chance to get the rewards but after a certain time yes the rewards for doing these tasks needs to be level locked so that if you want the new shiny you have to go play the content while your in that level range.

The new rewards could be anything from special salvage that could be used as a wild card in any recipe, new costume parts, or special auto powers that give you a 1-5% chance of negating a specific damage type for a few seconds. These are just ideas. Don't get bent out of shape over X reward would break the game. I'm just trying to suggest a general idea for a solution with a few examples that will probably never be used.
Not enough DOOM. Ignored for making sense.

Really though it would nice if there were more missions like the cape and aura missions were there was an actual benifit for doing them beyond XP.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Now just looking at these Positron can be completed in about the same amount of time a STF can but has nearly double the merit return. So by your description it should have a significantly greater threshold of difficulty ?
It *can* but apparently, given what the devs have stated, it apparently isn't on average, because the devs actually gave a formula for determining the number of merits that a task gives, which is *also* at the link I provided and I guess you didn't bother to read:

(MedianTime / MPM) * TaskModifier * TimesRunModifier * TimeModifier + ArtificialModifiers
Lets shuffle that up a bit. The TimeModifier was defined to be just MedianTime/20, and the TimesRunModifier was just an uncertainty factor for any task which had not been run often enough for their datamining to generate good averages at the time the tables were computed. We'll assume TimesRunModifier was 1.0 for all the tasks we're concerned with at the moment the latest merit values were computed. And the ArtificialModifiers factor was acknowledged as a fudge factor mainly used to round up certain merit values that were just short of a random roll. Dropping that also, that gives us:

MedianTime * MedianTime * TaskModifier / MPM / 20

That's the actual reward computation. But we were talking about reward rates and how they related to difficulty. The reward rate is the reward divided by the time, and for our purposes, we'll call the intrinsic reward rate the reward divided by the median time. MPM is the baseline merit earning rate of 3.7, and that gives us:

Intrinsic reward rate = Median Time * TaskModifier / 74

I already listed the TaskModifier values. According to the devs, then, the merit value of any particular task is going to be proportional to a factor that increases *precisely* in the same way you ranked the difficulty of the tasks above, *and* also to its median time to completion. So basically, the reward rate of a task is proportional to its difficulty and the amount of time it takes to complete it.

The best explanation for the discrepancy between your estimates for the time it takes to complete those tasks and the dev computed numbers is that your estimates for what the median player does, as opposed to just what you've personally seen, is highly inaccurate.

12K powers a player can use to create a buffing ally ? You are making the problem much more complicated than it needs to be then throwing up your hands at the lack of a solution.
No. What I said was that there were about twelve thousand powers in the system, of which probably a few hundred are the problematic ones. If you're not going to spend time actually reading my posts, don't expect me to take you seriously for much longer.

Lets break this down as if we were interested in solving the problem rather than making excuses about why it can't be done.
Yeah, lets. Lets not assume I've actually already broken the problem down as if I was interested in solving the problem, because I'm actually attempting to solve the problem. Because that would be crazy talk. I mean, who here thinks that's how I spend my time.

First lets describe the problem. Problem: Allies can be included in player generated content that enhance the players combat effectiveness by enhancing player abilities, or by decreasing enemy abilities while not doing damage to the enemies.

So now we have two sets of powers to worry about.

1. Powers that target allies.
2. Powers that target enemies but do no damage.
Stop. Problem #1. Are all buffs ally targeted? Accelerate Metabolism is not. Healing Aura is not. Dispersion Bubble is not.

To buff an ally, a power must at least be able to affect allies, but it doesn't have to target them. But even that is a little hazy. Some really important powers don't actually do *anything* at all. Fulcrum shift doesn't actually *do* anything. It casts two pseudo-pets that do all the work.

Problem #2. "...but do no damage." You'd think that was an easy one. But again, many powers work through pseudo-pets which you would have to trace manually. And damage itself? There's no flag called "damage" that is *guaranteed* to flag a power that does damage. There's a flag that usually indicates that a specific attribmod was defined to do damage, but there's no 100% guarantee its accurate at the moment, because until recently that flag wasn't used for anything by the game engine: if it was set wrong, no one would ever know (its now specifically being used by Dual Pistols, so it has to be correct for at least that set).

By coincidence, I actually had this conversation with a couple of the devs not that long ago. The logical filter for "power that does damage" was basically "power that affects Foes with attribmod that affects Target with an Abs for any of the attributes Smashing/Lethal/Fire/Cold/Energy/Negative/Toxic/Psionic/Special/Unique." Except it turns out to skip quite a few powers, like Rains.

An interesting odd exception to "power that targets enemies but does no damage" that I came up with: Gang War.

Now for the sake of argument lets say there is some sort of electronic list or filing system that has a record of the powers critters posses and is somehow amenable to mechanical manipulation of some kind or other. If you were to have such a list, you could immediately discard all the items that did damage to their targets. You could discard all the items that only affected the caster, and you would be left with a nice list of just the critters that actually needed review.
As everyone who studies this game and wants to know probably already knows, because its been common knowledge since at least 2006 if not earlier, the entire powers system is designed in Excel sheets.

I posted this "elsewhere" and rather than rewrite it, I might as well quote it:

On the subject of why doesn't someone just write a script to automate changes like this: because it would be really difficult to do in the general case.

Unless your Excel mojo goes up to 11 or you really enjoy spreadsheet parsing in VB, this is non-trivial. All of the powers data is in Excel workbooks, and all powers are stored in variably structured data (due to the fact that every power has different types and numbers of effects). Scripting automated changes is theoretically possible, but its not like just replacing all the values in a database based on a query, and its not like just replacing all the numbers in the D column. It would require a powers-structure-aware workbook parsing program to do. It would probably take more time to double-check its changes than it would take to actually make the changes.

As far as I know, all powers changes that have ever been done have been done by hand. Cell by god-awful cell.

I really wish that someone would come up with mechanical marvels that could take the drudgery out of such tasks.

[ / sarcasm]

I have no idea how many developer created critters there are that have no attack powers, and only buff/debuff powers that do no damage. I would be real surprised if it was a large number. I would be even more surprised and shocked, if the information wasn't actually in a database.
There is no such database. There is no such entity of any kind query-capable that exists anywhere within Paragon Studios itself.

I point that out because its the strawman you so gleefully created. The developers can't have any way to sort or categorize the powers or critters in their game for your scenario to be accurate.
Your actually trying to argue with *me* that I'm creating improbable strawmen when discussing the actual internals of the game and its implementation? I sort of assumed that since you seem to think its open season on me, you might actually have some idea what the hell you are talking about. Since you don't, I'll spell it out for you:

Unless I specifically use the words "I'm just guessing" then when I say anything about the powers system, the powers implementation, the game code, the developers design tools, the developers design methodology, or the general game mechanics I am not guessing.

I almost never *have to* guess. In the specific case about how Castle manages and implements the powers system, the only person on Earth that knows more about that is Castle. After his morning coffee.

Now actually taking a look at the list of powers that players can include with their custom allies.
Custom allies are not necessarily exclusively the problem.

We get a somewhat smaller number than 12k to examine on the primary side there a 73 potential powers from control primay that could concievably fit the description and less than 100 additional on the secondary side.

Just how long and difficult was that supposed to be to look over ?
Accurately? As a matter of fact, I have a database of the custom critter powersets and reviewed it when this issue first arose. There are currently eight custom critter control primary sets that exist:

Demon Summoning
Earth Control
Fire Control
Gravity Control
Ice Control
Illusion Control
Mind Control
Plant Control

67 powers between them. But in terms of ally buffs or nondamaging debuffs, those are not exclusive to control primaries. In my first pass through the system, I found 27:

Dark Pit
Soul Drain
Volcanic Gasses
Lightning Clap
Ice Slick
Ice Patch
Chilling Embrace
Spectral Terror
Mass Hypnosis
Total Domination
Mass Confusion
Spore Burst
Seeds of Confusion
Spirit Tree
Drain Psyche
Hand Clap

There's more on the secondary side, because that's where so many of the buffing powers are, 107 in fact (I'm not going to list all of those). Definitely "more than a hundred" though. And that doesn't count iffy powers like Acid Arrow, which do minor damage but significant debuff.

It took me probably about a half hour to go through all of my own internal data to generate the two lists above, but those were very rough-cut passes through the system, and only for custom critters which I don't think you can say arbitrarily are the sole source of the issue they need to resolve (and actually, I wouldn't). To do a professional sweep, I would estimate an hour to double check those lists, and another two hours to scrutinize a set of borderline powers. And that's for me, and that's factoring in the fact that I just coincidentally have just the right tools and data in just the right form to do that analysis, purely by coincidence. I would need a day to generate such data for the rest of the powers system, including a cross reference to the critters allowed in the AE, and a couple days at least to analyze those data tables to come up with a list of all the potentially problematic problems within this context. And I would probably tell the devs that since they keep adding new critters to the AE, they should really do the ones that are in right now first, but immediately sweep the rest of the critters to prevent them from reopening this issue in a couple months.

And I really don't think there's anyone alive that can realistically do it accurately much faster than that, given the form the data exists and the amount of time it would take to become familiar with all of the corner cases that exist in the powers system, which I've spent years becoming proficient at recognizing at a glance.

If you have any other questions for me, they may have to wait because I'm packing up for some business travel. Whatever odd retort you compose I might not see until tomorrow. Although I'm crossing the dateline so I'm not sure if that is tomorrow tomorrow, or the next day tomorrow, or later today tomorrow. I hate long range flying.

* Note: Demon Summoning is not a control set, its a mastermind set. Rather than stealth edit that mistake out, I'll just mention that there's a reason why Demon Summoning was originally classified in my data as a control set and I never bothered to go back and reclassify it, and the list is a copy and paste from that data, but that's as far as I can explain that error.

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tl;dr;go out and get some fresh air