Discussion: Live Patch Notes - 4/7/10

Adeon Hawkwood



I'm gonna need a mop. There's always so much blood when someone engages Arc.

It's kind of like watching someone challenge a wheat thresher to an arm wrestling contest, and then losing, and then saying the wheat thresher sucks.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
no u

*EDIT* - Assuming you can get over the weally big tuff words, of course.
And this is where reading comprehension would be helpful. Read it again, I didnt say they were words I didn't understand, I said they were used to make it seem intellectual.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Except that it *was* intellectual, thus 'grown up' words aren't out of place. Personally I applaud anyone who attempts to use the English language instead of just mercilessly butchering it like I do. I'm telling you that you have bad reading comprehension because you obviously didn't read the entire thing where actual points were made, which is something I'm sure you've never actually done.

I'm insulting your intelligence, not confused about your message, but you're so thick and full of yourself you couldn't even pick up on that.

I'm doing this because I don't like you.




Originally Posted by Marsquake2 View Post
The realization blew my mind too.

We should probably lock this now, I'm getting all feisty~



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Awesome comeback. You'll have to get all your stuffed animals together and discuss that witty retort.
A pm from you. You clearly have issues that I'm afraid this game board isn't suited to help. Sorry, I do wish you the best of luck.



Originally Posted by Marsquake2 View Post
A pm from you. You clearly have issues that I'm afraid this game board isn't suited to help. Sorry, I do wish you the best of luck.
Aw see, that was only for you. I figured I'd allow you to continue argueing with me if you liked it, since it's not really conductive to this thread, is it?

It's not like I was ashamed of saying that to you here or something. I was trying to be considerate~



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I'm gonna need a mop. There's always so much blood when someone engages Arc.

It's kind of like watching someone challenge a wheat thresher to an arm wrestling contest, and then losing, and then saying the wheat thresher sucks.
Or like when two stock brokers are vying for partnership, but one of them has insider knowledge, uses it to their advantage under the guise it is their own brilliance; only later to reveal that they were actually insider trading. Yet they are rewarded for it rather than reprimanded.

CoX boards are one of the only places I've encountered where it is celebrated.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Or like when two stock brokers are vying for partnership, but one of them has insider knowledge, uses it to their advantage under the guise it is their own brilliance; only later to reveal that they were actually insider trading. Yet they are rewarded for it rather than reprimanded.

CoX boards are one of the only places I've encountered where it is celebrated.
I can't possibly fathom how "knowing how the game works" is some sort of punishable offense. Arc didn't break into NCSoft headquarters and make off with secret code on a flash drive after doing a flip-kick over the fence and battling Jackie Chan on the roof. She just talks to devs a lot. But somehow, between "scouring the wiki every day" and "being Arcanaville" is "wtf what's with the insider knowledge you wicked person?" Who's going to punish her anyway? The dev she talked to that told her how the game works in the first place?

I won't be modest in saying I know a lot about the game. I'm OCD about learning as much as I can about any game I'm playing, and I usually become "the expert" in my circle of friends. But I don't know as much as Arc, nor would I attempt to argue with someone about a topic I know little to nothing about. And I definitely wouldn't attack someone for knowing more than me.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Don't you just hate it when constructive posts get lost in a flame war. This musta been a bad one too, didn't even see someone reply to my post with a link to the suggestions forum or anything. Stop drinking Haterade for breakfast.

Thanks Dark_Passenger for commenting.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I can't possibly fathom how "knowing how the game works" is some sort of punishable offense. Arc didn't break into NCSoft headquarters and make off with secret code on a flash drive after doing a flip-kick over the fence and battling Jackie Chan on the roof. She just talks to devs a lot. But somehow, between "scouring the wiki every day" and "being Arcanaville" is "wtf what's with the insider knowledge you wicked person?" Who's going to punish her anyway? The dev she talked to that told her how the game works in the first place?

I won't be modest in saying I know a lot about the game. I'm OCD about learning as much as I can about any game I'm playing, and I usually become "the expert" in my circle of friends. But I don't know as much as Arc, nor would I attempt to argue with someone about a topic I know little to nothing about. And I definitely wouldn't attack someone for knowing more than me.
Most threads with Arcana degrade into the same thing.

1.Someone will post a point of contention.
2.She will post something stating they are incorrect with some obscure reference that has nothing to do with the issue.
3.That person will respond, usually getting a bit aggressive in their position. Citing X precedent, or X related issue, or X work experience
4.She will then retort and insult their intelligence and give more explicit information on the matter while presenting it as her own work, or her knowledge, or her opinion/position.
5.The other person will get upset and demand how she knows what she is saying is correct.
6.She will insult their intelligence yet again and then let on that a Dev told her, or she saw it on the dev spreadsheets or w/e.

There is almost never any point to arguing with her with regard to some game mechanic. She has access to information that you do not. Or else she wouldn't be posting.

Rather then go through the process of her belittling and berating whoever it is that challenges her that day while she builds up her ego, it is far more productive to just stop. Ask if a Dev gave her the information, or if she is using information that no one else has access to. If so, ask her to share it and then begin approaching a solution to the matter.

Should cut down about 4 pages of any interaction with her. Instead of every thread breaking down into a pissing contest something productive might actually emerge.

*please don't interpret this as anything other than it is. An observation of numerous interaction with her. I think she is very smart, very dedicated to the game, and puts in a ton of hours.

I also think there are a lot of other people around here who are very smart, very dedicated to the game, and put in a ton of hours. I believe the main degree of separation between them is that one of them has access to information that few others do. Having "insider knowledge" doesn't have to be a negative thing if you are upfront about it. I've just noticed that it is usually after a heavy dose of berating that the source of the information is revealed.

Anyway, like I said, just an observation formed over time. Feel free to insist that I'm insinuation something I'm not.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Most threads with Arcana degrade into the same thing.

1.Someone will post a point of contention.
2.She will post something stating they are incorrect with some obscure reference that has nothing to do with the issue.
3.That person will respond, usually getting a bit aggressive in their position. Citing X precedent, or X related issue, or X work experience
4.She will then retort and insult their intelligence and give more explicit information on the matter while presenting it as her own work, or her knowledge, or her opinion/position.
5.The other person will get upset and demand how she knows what she is saying is correct.
6.She will insult their intelligence yet again and then let on that a Dev told her, or she saw it on the dev spreadsheets or w/e.

There is almost never any point to arguing with her with regard to some game mechanic. She has access to information that you do not. Or else she wouldn't be posting.

Rather then go through the process of her belittling and berating whoever it is that challenges her that day while she builds up her ego, it is far more productive to just stop. Ask if a Dev gave her the information, or if she is using information that no one else has access to. If so, ask her to share it and then begin approaching a solution to the matter.

Should cut down about 4 pages of any interaction with her. Instead of every thread breaking down into a pissing contest something productive might actually emerge.

*please don't interpret this as anything other than it is. An observation of numerous interaction with her. I think she is very smart, very dedicated to the game, and puts in a ton of hours.

I also think there are a lot of other people around here who are very smart, very dedicated to the game, and put in a ton of hours. I believe the main degree of separation between them is that one of them has access to information that few others do. Having "insider knowledge" doesn't have to be a negative thing if you are upfront about it. I've just noticed that it is usually after a heavy dose of berating that the source of the information is revealed.

Anyway, like I said, just an observation formed over time. Feel free to insist that I'm insinuation something I'm not.
Without insinuating that you're insinuating anything, I think your observation is absolutely spot on. Even without Arc's knowledge, this is the case with many on these boards. It's more of an e-peen contest above anything else. I won't deny I've partaken in it myself, but that was one of the reasons I tried to steer clear of most topics and hung out in the Tech forums for the last year. I'm thinking I might need to do that again. In real life I try to be as neutral as possible with any issues or drama that arise, it's hard to do that here with the ego clashing.

We'll see....



Originally Posted by Marsquake2 View Post
This topic spiralled quickly from discussing patch notes to arguments to ego stroking and some butt kissing
Sock puppet strikes again.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



From rep comments:
"feh. You *wish* you knew as much as she does."

about CoX?

No, I don't. I know more about this game than I believe is healthy without getting paid to do so. My personal threshold is just that though---mine. In fact I just took a nice 4 month break from the game and I've made effort not to get fully versed in everything again. To me and what I want from life it is pointless.

About non CoX stuff?
I dunno, I've never seen anything posted on these forums that falls under the category of superior intellect. From anyone. That isn't to say it may not be present. It just means that I haven't seen it in the sections I frequent.

That isn't meant as an insult to anyone. Like I said, there are a lot of smart people around here. But without getting to know someone on a personal level and seeing their intelligence in a real-time capacity I can't definitively say someone is anything more than smart in the colloquial sense.

So, I hope that answers your anonymous question.



Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
The following post is just my opinions.

Why do players power level? The answer varies based on the many posts I've read on this forum. There are a couple of common answer that I've noticed though.

1. I've played this content so much its stale to me.
2. Level 50's get to do all the cool stuff. I want it now.
3. Most of the content is replayable so why would I want to do it now with less slots and weaker powers.
4. Everyone else is doing it.
5. The pre-SO levels suck.
6. I pvp so I just want to hit 50, slot my sets, and start playing my favorite part of the game.

There is no major incentive for many players to play the original content of the game. The veterans dont want to do it because they've been there done that. The new players don't want to do it because their first in game experience is often the latest AE farm. The quickest path to 50 often leads to less involvement in your character. I still have my first 50. It took me nearly a year to get there. I've had other 50s since then but they didn't feel like they were as much of an achievement. These exploitative farms that people are using to power level are in my opinion lessening the achievement of attaining a level 50.

The fix was needed to alleiviate the symptoms of the problem and I have every bit of faith in the development team to implement a better fix, that will impact story writers less, in the near future. However the problem will still remain. There needs to be incentive to play through the story arcs and other content of the game that has an impact on your character other than exp or loot and it needs to be level locked. Maybe not initially so that older 50s can have a chance to get the rewards but after a certain time yes the rewards for doing these tasks needs to be level locked so that if you want the new shiny you have to go play the content while your in that level range.

The new rewards could be anything from special salvage that could be used as a wild card in any recipe, new costume parts, or special auto powers that give you a 1-5% chance of negating a specific damage type for a few seconds. These are just ideas. Don't get bent out of shape over X reward would break the game. I'm just trying to suggest a general idea for a solution with a few examples that will probably never be used.
You have some EXCELLENT points and other than praising you for that, I just want other people to get another look at your post. It is worth a second and maybe even a third read.


Wow, this post must be just horrible in some way. Either that or the person that put this NEG REP comment is so immature that even a 3 year old looks adult in comparrison. Y'all tell me if this seems appropriate: "neg rep for fun". I'm beginning to wonder if these forums are even worth browsing any more.



Originally Posted by Pure_Massacre View Post
Please tell me one thing that you have to farm to get, in order to be able to participate in this game at a high level? I have made more money and IO'ed more heroes by playing the game in a general way as opposed to farming. IO's aren't needed; purples and PvP Io's, not needed. Other than accolades, very few badges truly effect gameplay. Nothing required to play this game requires farming.
I can argue... no, no, I don't argue... I can disagree. There. That's better... As usual, please be patient with me.

There is one thing that I farm for every day. It isn't IO's, or purps, or even inf.

It's Prestige. Lots of it. I need it so bad it burns. It burns hotter than the fires of the sun and hell combined.

Why do I "need" prestige? I know someone is going to ask.

I am rebuilding The Twisted Burrow on Virtue. IMHO the most wonderful place on earth.

I have to rebuild. I'm left with no other choice.

Here we go...

On Infinity: My event was griefed to the cemetery before it could even start. The server died from said griefers attacking the rest of the population. They got sick of it and left. cant hold an event without people.

I've had so many say "Ask the devs to copy it over, I'm sure they would if they knew about it"

yeah...my head is nice and flat from bashing it against THAT wall...

I have a lot of work to do. I mean A-LOT. I have been recruiting to the sg as much as I possibly can. Every one of my sg members has been absolutely wonderful and supportive towards this effort.

I farm every day.

I farm whatever is available.<NON EXPLOIT FARMING> Mainly radio missions in peregrine. I'm usually running a team of 8 all sg members all in sg mode. I'm doing all I can but for some reason the ideas that I have and the math I'm working with is saying "Its not enough... get more... you are running out of time!"

Am I obsessed?

You bet! With good reason too!

Ideas hurt. They hurt when you cant make them happen. My hide and seek event, My "IDEA" all that work I put into it...was reduced to nothing. I have to start over. I wont lie. That hurts. It hurts bad every time I think about it. I'm sure my enemies are laughing at me for admitting that. This must make them gleeful, thinking they got the better of me.

I wont stop. I wont give up. I know I can make this happen. I have a purpose here, otherwise fate wouldn't have thrown me back into the game after canceling my account so many times. Fate won't let me leave.

To rebuild:

I've got the time <even though the voices tell me I don't>

I've got the skill, oh boy do I have plenty of that.

The one thing I don't have, Is prestige. and I NEED to FARM for THAT.

I am recruiting BTW.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I think some confuse Farming with Grinding. Just like some people I know who confuse Spamming attacks for Chaining attacks. To tell them they are wrong just leads to pointless arguing over something trivial to begin with, but the act to at least inform them of the differences shouldn't be taken as an insult but it usually leads to that.

Heh, back before this silly super sk thing was put in I used to say everyone power leveled simply on the basis if you were on a team and were the lowest out of the team even if you were only 2 or so levels behind the them as a whole, I considered that power leveling, simply because everyone else will tend to ignore any missions you have in favor for exp and if they are higher they will be doing their missions which means anything you get is more than you would of if you were fighting things at your level.

Though I suppose when I think about the super sk thing, if the leader is higher than anyone else then the rest of the team would be getting power leveled, though not by much but still.

In the end of the day, The Fuuma does not care about any of it anymore, The Fuuma just wants to make and play his Demon Summon Mastermind already!

MAKE WITH THE GO LIGHT!!! me wanna summon demons!

My Gamer Card

PS3 Trophies



The continual nerfing of AE is really annoying. Players will always find exploits. By the time you have nerfed every possible exploit players will be so disinterested in AE that it will no longer be drawing people to the game and instead be pushing people away from it. Already, the numbers of players playing AE missions has dropped significantly. Any time you walk into an AE building in Paragon City or in the Rogue Isles you are sure to see the same thing... no player characters. Just let some of the exploits go. There is nothing wrong with getting some decent experience for the missions we create. At the very least allow us to get the same experience from AE missions that we would from equally challenging regular missions, including exp bonuses which we are allowed in regular missions.



Originally Posted by Svartulfr View Post
Just let some of the exploits go. .


Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Svartulfr View Post
The continual nerfing of AE is really annoying. Players will always find exploits. By the time you have nerfed every possible exploit players will be so disinterested in AE that it will no longer be drawing people to the game and instead be pushing people away from it. Already, the numbers of players playing AE missions has dropped significantly. Any time you walk into an AE building in Paragon City or in the Rogue Isles you are sure to see the same thing... no player characters. Just let some of the exploits go. There is nothing wrong with getting some decent experience for the missions we create. At the very least allow us to get the same experience from AE missions that we would from equally challenging regular missions, including exp bonuses which we are allowed in regular missions.
Are you being deliberately dense?

Regular exp - not an exploit. What people were doing with 30+ buff/debuff bots - EXPLOIT. Needed to be fixed. No ifs, ands, or buts.

I agree this patch breaks things that it shouldn't and really is a sledgehammer approach, but let's wait the 2 or 3 weeks for the permanent fix and see what it is. Then, if the sledgehammer hasn't been toned down and things are still broken that shouldn't be, we speak up!



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Yes, the game is kaput! Ruined! Completely unplayable! And all by this patch! Let me find that cancel acount button ...
And that is way there is HOW many still playing this game? LAUGHABLE!!



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Gee, I wonder why.
TrueMetal...how many idea's have you had to make this company better? Any....probably not and you just keep playing a game that is OK with 300 - 400 thousand people. Alright, if you think thats OK, well then you can keep wondering why! Here's something a wiseman once said: “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” William Arthur Ward maybe YOU might need another: “We must overcome the notion that we must be regular...it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.” 300 to 400 thousand people is NOT even mediocre. So, now I ask you....Gee, I wonder why?



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
(Another_Fan) Replying to the post here, its to godawful long to even think about quoting in full

First concerning the "Threshold system", you have pretty much destroyed your point that there is a difficulty threshold for task rewards. What you have done is explained in quite an enormous amount of detail, just how rewards are ground down to the average time. Which was my initial point.

Risk vs Reward was always a smoke screen, just a phrase that people assigned meaning to when there was none inherent in it. Merits demonstrate they have a Reward/Time envelope, not a Risk/Reward envelope and are perfectly willing to hammer down on anyone that gets clever with how they do things, whats more they don't particularly care about the collateral damage that occurs.
What you have described are categories, not thresholds that tasks are placed in arbitrarily and then assigned a modifier.

If it were truly a difficulty threshold system, you would see things that are assigned a category but have a degree of difficulty that exceeds the difficulty of other tasks given higher modifiers.

just for example this goes from lowest to highest category

Defeat Requiem from Unai
Hess task force
Lord Recluse Strike Force
Cavern of Transcendence

HUH ??? Cavern of transcendence rates the highest modifier ?

Hess over takes Unai ?

As I said repeatedly difficulty may be a concern someplace somewhere but its not second after reward/ time

Stop. Problem #1. Are all buffs ally targeted? Accelerate Metabolism is not. Healing Aura is not. Dispersion Bubble is not.
Pardon me I used ally targeted interchangeably with ally affecting. Mea Culpa, I thought the meaning was clear.

There's more on the secondary side, because that's where so many of the buffing powers are, 107 in fact (I'm not going to list all of those). Definitely "more than a hundred" though. And that doesn't count iffy powers like Acid Arrow, which do minor damage but significant debuff.

It took me probably about a half hour to go through all of my own internal data to generate the two lists above, but those were very rough-cut passes through the system, and only for custom critters which I don't think you can say arbitrarily are the sole source of the issue they need to resolve (and actually, I wouldn't).
So you are at 107+67=174 ?? and I was saying there was only a few hundred powers to evaluate and it should be able to be done in less than a day.

Whats more it took you 1/2 an hour to winnow that to that number ?


Implementing diminishing reward returns based on ally inclusion in code on the server side ?




i would like to point out that I was actually running a regular mission the other day against some Freakshow and it is really annoying that i can't target them during their rez. not game breaking, just annoying. great QOL fix devs.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I'm gonna need a mop. There's always so much blood when someone engages Arc.

It's kind of like watching someone challenge a wheat thresher to an arm wrestling contest, and then losing, and then saying the wheat thresher sucks.

I have to agree with frosticus, on the obfuscation issue. Arcanaville trys and often succeeds at conversational origami.

This business of the difficulty thresholds is a good example, of her using a term that conveys one set of meanings and implies a bunch of other things but when you get to pulling it apart, things really aren't quite that way.

The 12k powers to be examined is also very good. Its a number tossed out that is meant to impress but has very little bearing on the actual problem. The same way that the storage of power information in excel spreadsheets, is a throwaway. The data is there and unless the server is operating directly off the spreadsheets, the ability to manipulate it is there

Edit: And if the server reads the spreadsheets directly the ability to manipulate them is even more there.



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
i would like to point out that I was actually running a regular mission the other day against some Freakshow and it is really annoying that i can't target them during their rez. not game breaking, just annoying. great QOL fix devs.

this part was sarcasm btw.