Discussion: Live Patch Notes - 4/7/10

Adeon Hawkwood



I have a mission that contains an AV. I wanted it soloable if set to Elite Boss by a solo player. So I added 3 healer allies to help with the AV/EB in that mission of my arc.
If you feel your arc is too difficult to be cleared by most soloists, make your arc less difficult. Don't put in another moving part to compensate.

I only put allied mobs in my arcs when there is an actual story reason for them to be there, not as "helpers". If someone runs into something too difficult for them in a MA arc they can do the same thing they do in the regular game: ask for teammates to help them.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



It's a little ambiguous. How many allies until you start getting affected? By how much?

Regardless I like the change. Every time I try to do a farm mission I can feel my face falling off with boredom.



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Im actually glad the AE farmers are pretty much back to square one now, where they actually have to do something other than stand in Cap or Atlas spamming 'lfAE team' then watch buffbots do all the hard work in the missions.

Thank you very much for the fix, lets just hope the farmers dont find a way around this one and actually go back to old skool teaming where you actually play the game instead of repeating the same mission a billion times over
Many have just gone back to old school farming BM and Demons are back in style.

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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
As expected--I've never heard of any of this, so it must be exploit plugs.
It is - these are common on a lot of farm missions that I've ran into.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Im actually glad the AE farmers are pretty much back to square one now, where they actually have to do something other than stand in Cap or Atlas spamming 'lfAE team' then watch buffbots do all the hard work in the missions.

Thank you very much for the fix, lets just hope the farmers dont find a way around this one and actually go back to old skool teaming where you actually play the game instead of repeating the same mission a billion times over
You have got to be kidding me, lol.

I have seen countless AE Farms that do not use allies at all.

Just an FYI to the Devs...trying out peoples arcs without getting regualr drops sucks. The tickets don't even matter to me. I prefer an option between tickets and regular drops.

Another FYI...farming is more rampant in PVP these days. People are arena farming to get those newer pvp recipes that sell for a billion influence. I don't see you doing anything about that at all (and no...I'm not a pvp farmer; but I bet half the people against AE farming are).



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
I would love to one day load up CoH and have it update, click patch notes and see that they finally fixed the lag in the ITF. Sometimes the order of which the devs fix things is so bizarre.
There is a work around for that 3rd mission - pulling the generals to the first bridge usually helps reduce the lag - like a lot.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
If you feel your arc is too difficult to be cleared by most soloists, make your arc less difficult. Don't put in another moving part to compensate.

I only put allied mobs in my arcs when there is an actual story reason for them to be there, not as "helpers". If someone runs into something too difficult for them in a MA arc they can do the same thing they do in the regular game: ask for teammates to help them.
If I do that, it's not fun for groups anymore.




* NPC critters that are resurrected will be unselectable while going through the resurrection animation."

What does this have to do with anything?



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
I would love to one day load up CoH and have it update, click patch notes and see that they finally fixed the lag in the ITF. Sometimes the order of which the devs fix things is so bizarre.
Apparently, all that'd take is re-building that entire map and changing the mob spawning, all from scratch.
Until a red name confirms/de-confirms that. *shrug*
Yes, I hate that mission and its attrocious lag too. No, theres nothing we can do about it. No, its not a game exploit, it's a bug. Yes, its a very annoying bug. Yes, there are multiple bugs still around. And yes, the Devs have to follow a timetable and structure, usually laid out by the Bosses, not them.

So, really, thats all there is to it.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by basicallyjesus View Post
i should find a way to exploit the lag in the itf for more xp. Maybe it'd actually get fixed then....


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Originally Posted by Dune_Fan View Post

* NPC critters that are resurrected will be unselectable while going through the resurrection animation."

What does this have to do with anything?
Im guessing it was due to being very easy to slaughter certain mobs (Freakshow) before they had even got up from Resurection, since it wasnt interuptible.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Dune_Fan View Post

* NPC critters that are resurrected will be unselectable while going through the resurrection animation."

What does this have to do with anything?
They could be targeted and defeated before the animation ahd finished - it was technically several free hits without them responding with their own powers.
Now you have to wait for them to become targetable before you can defeat them again, which should help to slow people down a bit.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



The ITF 3rd mission: You could just charge through the mission. I do that all the time. Lag usually isn't a problem until all of the aggroed baddies catch up with team at PC.



If I do that, it's not fun for groups anymore.
Nothing is fun for groups, they destroy everything in their path without effort or risk.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
Once again it's the devs jumping the gun to fix some farming, meanwhile it effects everyone that had missions in AE with allies. GG devs, maybe one day you can learn to fix one thing without breaking three other things.
AE has been out for a year. This fix could hardly be called jumping the gun.

Filling missions with allies who only buff you and never attack has been an exploit since the beginning. As long as you can have one ally with no loss of XP, you'll be able to have one buff bot or aggro magnet with no penalty. That's completely reasonable.

An alternative change they could have made would be to disallow allies that have no attacks. That would have been more disruptive to story telling, though, so I think the implemented solution is better.

The problem with all of the these experience limitations, however, is that players have no idea when they select an arc how much experience it's going to give them. This is an overall disincentive to run AE arcs.

I'd suggest that the devs put an XP rating on each arc so that players can tell ahead of time whether an arc gives decent XP. I like a good story as much as the next guy. But I like a good story that gives decent XP even more, and there's no reason you can't have both.

I agree these limitations are annoying, but these AE exploits have real-world consequences that damage the market and the game's reputation, which can ultimately affect the number of players.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I can definitely see the problem for story tellers, it really does discourage the use of allies for story reasons. At the same time the nerf was needed (due to the farms with 10+ buff bots) so hopefully the XP loss isn't to great if you only have one or two allies.
Yes, it was necessary, and again, agree, hopefully the loss for a couple allies isn't that great. Now that we've patched another round of exploits, can we look at normalizing XP in the AE again to increase appeal to non-farmers?

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Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
You have got to be kidding me, lol.

I have seen countless AE Farms that do not use allies at all.

Just an FYI to the Devs...trying out peoples arcs without getting regualr drops sucks. The tickets don't even matter to me. I prefer an option between tickets and regular drops.

Another FYI...farming is more rampant in PVP these days. People are arena farming to get those newer pvp recipes that sell for a billion influence. I don't see you doing anything about that at all (and no...I'm not a pvp farmer; but I bet half the people against AE farming are).

They already did nerf the PvP IO drops because people where farming them in arena, that is why they are 1 billion+ because the drop rate was drasticly reduced. Now farming them in arena is not the best way to PvP IO farm. As always farmers adapt.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Nothing is fun for groups, they destroy everything in their path without effort or risk.
Increase the mob level cap to 60. That should provide ample challenge.



Ok, I get why this was done. But there has to be a better way to do it. Say after the fifth or sixth ally the nerfs start or something.

The first arc I created has players working with three of the games signature characters against an AV that solo no one could defeat.

Further, if the devs can create arcs with an army of allies(Mender Silos) without punishing players for rescuing allies why can't players?

I just think there must a way to address the exploit aspect without nerfing those who use allies as an aspect of storytelling.

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Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
Once again it's the devs jumping the gun to fix some farming, meanwhile it effects everyone that had missions in AE with allies. GG devs, maybe one day you can learn to fix one thing without breaking three other things.
Actually, essentially this feature was supposed to be in the AE from I14 beta. For some reason it never went in correctly. But this specific situations (creating allies specifically designed to assist a player in combat in the AE) is something that I personally a) warned the devs about *before* I14 went into beta, b) specifically warned the devs about *during* I14 beta, c) created several missions specifically to demonstrate the exploitability issue in I14 beta, and d) got assurances two fixes were being considered. One of them was setting the allies so that only one would assist the player at any one time, no matter how many of them there were (which I think ended up being problematic) and the other was setting the reward system to consider combat-capable allies "team members" which meant in essence you'd be splitting your rewards with them no differently than if another player was helping you.

Because of all the chaos surrounding the AE reward system after launch, I never bothered to go back and check to see if this issue was ultimately resolved until not that long ago. But I can say with absolute certainty that while something going on now might have reminded them to look at this, nothing that is happening now is especially new in terms of this problem.

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Originally Posted by PracticallyGod View Post
I'm going to start farming the 3rd mission of ITF devs, you should fix it before all my toons hit 50 off of it.

Farm the last mission. It's better XP

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Originally Posted by Kohei View Post
Further, if the devs can create arcs with an army of allies(Mender Silos) without punishing players for rescuing allies why can't players?
Their arcs have to pass balance metrics, reward reviews, content vetting, Q&A testing, and are subject to change due to datamined imbalances at any time over the objections of the content writer.

The players just have to make sure the little orange box goes away and they can upload the arc.

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Originally Posted by twelfth View Post
Yeah, I knew about the buffbots and I can tell this patch is supposed to be making use of those subject to diminishing returns. I'd just like some clarification on what details/features in the MA are subject to pinging the nerf bat so I can avoid using them. I'm still annoyed that my story arcs are going to be pig-slapped for trying to help a solo player (I just realized that my 'Inhuman Resources' arc has 1-4 allies in it depending on which mission you're on).

I also know we're not going to get a response from the devs on "X number of allies is okay; Y allies is the threshold for the XP/Reward Crash" but I'll be watching the forums to see what the numbers start looking like.
Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
since most farms make use of all the ally slots, usually around 30, why not make it like 3 or 4 allies are ok, after that we see diminishing returns.

I'm all behind the intent of the nerf (those farms were just flat out stupid, you want to be unkillable, go find an FPS with cheat codes,) but some clarification would be nice.

Specifically, I have two arcs (older) that I'm wondering how they'll be hit by this - "Hero Corpse" and "Out of your Mind (pt II.)" Both of them have allies for one or more missions - not *many* mind you, and they are targetable and killable - but they serve a purpose in the missions they're used in (one are people you're freeing who help you out, the other are representatives of groups helping your "rebellion" - 4 or so allies at most, given that version of LR summons a small army, it helps.)

I have no problems with the devs doing this, it was certainly needed - but if anyone wants a good example of why I tend to not like farms/farmers (exploitive ones, specifically,) this is a perfect example. I'll put it along with dreck and war wolf timers, portal minions giving no XP and the like.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
If you feel your arc is too difficult to be cleared by most soloists, make your arc less difficult. Don't put in another moving part to compensate.

I only put allied mobs in my arcs when there is an actual story reason for them to be there, not as "helpers". If someone runs into something too difficult for them in a MA arc they can do the same thing they do in the regular game: ask for teammates to help them.
If the story is setup to where it needs a specific character, lets say "The Honoree", to be told correctly, removing him because he's to difficult would destroy the story it's self. If there where weaker version of them there wouldn't be a problem, but even to a solo character "The Honoree" is one tough cookie, and the two helpers I threw in there still wasn't a guarantee a solo character would win.

That being said I've got no problems with the reduced rewards for more helpers, my current missions are for story, not XP.

Few things that would be nice, don't start reducing XP until the ally's are actually freed, groups could then skip them. Also, make it so the author could mark an ally as dismissible (not needed for any further objectives), so the team could kick them from the mission (restoring XP) if they aren't needed.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
The problem with all of the these experience limitations, however, is that players have no idea when they select an arc how much experience it's going to give them. This is an overall disincentive to run AE arcs.

I'd suggest that the devs put an XP rating on each arc so that players can tell ahead of time whether an arc gives decent XP. I like a good story as much as the next guy. But I like a good story that gives decent XP even more, and there's no reason you can't have both.
Dear God, please.

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