Discussion: Live Patch Notes - 4/7/10

Adeon Hawkwood



Rewards in Mission Architect missions that contain more than one allied critters will give progressively lower rewards for each additional allied critter in the mission.
Hm, this kinda throws off an arc I was working on that has a few weak allies (5 total, none with buffs of any sort) and three of them betray you later...

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Fox Sterling View Post
Few things that would be nice, don't start reducing XP until the ally's are actually freed, groups could then skip them. Also, make it so the author could mark an ally as dismissible (not needed for any further objectives), so the team could kick them from the mission (restoring XP) if they aren't needed.
That's a very good idea. The Warburg scientists can be told to stop following you if you'd like them to and I'd love to see that added to all PvE allies.



Just tried out my arc "Splintered Shields" (#253991), which has a map with allied Longbow units fighting Family and Arachnos in the second mission, along with one "follower" ally. XP on kills was about 10%-25% of normal on the Arachnos units (I didn't bother to check the Family as they were nerfed anyway and I had no baseline.)

So it's counting every NPC you place or spawn with Ally faction. Just FYI.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Hm, this kinda throws off an arc I was working on that has a few weak allies (5 total, none with buffs of any sort) and three of them betray you later...

You are not alone. I have been working on an arc where 5 of my Heroes fight 5 of my Villains, with ambushes and patrols all over the place. Oh well I guess I will put a discalimer in the descrption that says "MINIMAL REWARDS! If you are playing this, play for the story".

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
Not sure I understand this:

I have a mission that contains an AV. I wanted it soloable if set to Elite Boss by a solo player. So I added 3 healer allies to help with the AV/EB in that mission of my arc.
+3 buffbots ≠ solo

If someone needs 3 h3alz0rs to "solo" a mission then they should be on a team.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Actually, essentially this feature was supposed to be in the AE from I14 beta. For some reason it never went in correctly. But this specific situations (creating allies specifically designed to assist a player in combat in the AE) is something that I personally a) warned the devs about *before* I14 went into beta, b) specifically warned the devs about *during* I14 beta, c) created several missions specifically to demonstrate the exploitability issue in I14 beta, and d) got assurances two fixes were being considered. One of them was setting the allies so that only one would assist the player at any one time, no matter how many of them there were (which I think ended up being problematic) and the other was setting the reward system to consider combat-capable allies "team members" which meant in essence you'd be splitting your rewards with them no differently than if another player was helping you.

Because of all the chaos surrounding the AE reward system after launch, I never bothered to go back and check to see if this issue was ultimately resolved until not that long ago. But I can say with absolute certainty that while something going on now might have reminded them to look at this, nothing that is happening now is especially new in terms of this problem.
well they technically did one of those fixes from the beginning

they did make it so that allies that do dmg will decrease rewards like a confused enemy which prevented poeple from giving them an AV ally that could slaughter anything in 1 shot

the new fix wasnt an issue before because until we could choose custom power selections, the allies would definitly have attack powers and the only thing you could do was make non-combat pets that ran dispersion bubbles or the sonic bubble

with the custom ally settings we could get rid of attack powers entirely or give them mez sets and only pick the powers that did no dmg



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Dont get me wrong, Im not against farming completly, i can see its benefits just like everyone else, however level 1 new players to 50 in less than a week is just too sad.

Im getting tired of being asked random questions from noobs now at level 40+ asking simple questions like:
'Whats slotting mean and is it good?'
'Whats FS mean? I got told to use it but i have no idea what it is'
'Whar cn get cape plz?' (spelling copied exactly as sent)
'Whats an insp?'
'Whats a TF?'

This list goes on and on but im getting tired of hearing these things regularly from high level players. These are things you should learn under level 20, or in the case of FS, 38 max not level 50. Its players like that, that run into mobs and get the entire team killed once they realise theres no buffbots to help them.
I'd say this is not an accurate representation of what actually occurs in game. I won't say I've never seen such comments, but they are pretty rare. That said, questions about acronyms commonly/uncommonly used are to be expected.

I've certainly seen:
"what is good slotting for x power" from new and old players alike.

I've also seen questions about the red side cape mission from multi-year vets. It is in no way obvious.

You will encounter a condensed version of typical questions because people level faster, but the questions are generally expected from any new toon. That is because the vast vast vast majority of people playing the game (and farming) aren't new players. Just new to the toon.

But lets be totally honest, a competent team should be able to host about 4 players with the skill level of a pylon and still plow through content. If one or two people on your team who are unfamiliar with powers is causing that much disturbance it may be worthwhile to review your own skills.



If the story is setup to where it needs a specific character, lets say "The Honoree", to be told correctly, removing him because he's to difficult would destroy the story it's self.
a) If the story absolutely can't work without a specific character then the odds are that you don't even have a story. You probably have just a bunch of stuff that happened.

b) Characters like the Honoree, which are built to be fought by teams and/or are supposed to require TF-specific temp powers to fight, should not be available in the MA in the first place. At least not until we have the ability to gate arcs by actual team size.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I say at least let us get 3 allies or make allies with no powers not count for this. Also its long over due that they add an XP rating thing to the arc so that players can know if its worth doing or not.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
I'd suggest that the devs put an XP rating on each arc so that players can tell ahead of time whether an arc gives decent XP. I like a good story as much as the next guy. But I like a good story that gives decent XP even more, and there's no reason you can't have both.

Lisa raises her fist in the air, scaring her cat who was snoozing next to the monitor.

I agree with this a jillion percent.

Let it be. . .please

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



I'll just pop in and say my piece.

Alright I see a couple of you insinuating without saying that there is a certain "Way" to play the game. Get over yourself, we are fit to play the game however we choose. If I want to turn OFF my XP and never level, thats my issue. if I want to NEVER take speed boost, thats my issue. If I want to farm, thats my issue, if i want to Roleplay (god forbid that happen o.-) thats my issue.

Forcing your view of moral "right" is not the best way to show your viewpoint may have more value then others.

IF I play in a way that IS wrong..then thats the programming/dev teams issue to deal with (as well as support, but support best I can tell is getting swamped with so many "reports" by others trying to show they are playing right and the others wrong they might as well advertise turning in three of your sg for a badge o.-) NOT yours. Stop trying to be the police of this game and enjoy it for what it is, for in the end, save maybe Venture, Dispari, Marcian and a few others, none of the player base has any influence over the way the game goes :P

Secondly, if you run into someone who doesn't know how to play the game, how about you take the time and teach them or show them the way. For a game thats supposed to promote cooperation for the betterment of the world (or destruction) ALOT of you people seem to stay in your groups and point and laugh at those that aren't o.0 This is very similar to the "high school" mentality I am seeing spreading like Ebola in the game. I ran into a Tf that knew NOTHING about tactics and instead of getting mad, I explained the base numbers of defense and other such things to them and we worked alot better.

While I was doing this, someone "rage quit" 'cuz they should have known "how to play the game by now". Could have used that empath, but we made it through with a few deaths.

We're sinking into this festering boil of hatred for anything thats new to us and new players and it will do NOTHING but destroy us in the end faster then we may or may not be decomposing now o.0

Thats all, and of course, just my opinion.




Originally Posted by BasicallyJesus View Post
I should find a way to exploit the lag in the ITF for more xp. Maybe it'd actually get fixed then....
Have you never heard of PBAoE farms???? You get a team full of player who have fully slotted PbAoE attacks, get everyone to put them on auto hit and run to the laggiest part of the map.

Then everyone sits there are the PBAoE's knock out all the cims whilst the lag stops them taking out the whole team.

Oh wait, Now the devs are gona fix that!!!

Also if the allies thing means that an 8 man sized ally ambush of about 12 or so enemies will catastrophically reduce the number of exp the player gains then i've lost even more faith in the AE system....

Allies already reduce the exp you get when they steal some of it.

Maybe making it so that allies with support powers or no attack powers reduce the exp gain, that could work... better



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
a) If the story absolutely can't work without a specific character then the odds are that you don't even have a story. You probably have just a bunch of stuff that happened.

b) Characters like the Honoree, which are built to be fought by teams and/or are supposed to require TF-specific temp powers to fight, should not be available in the MA in the first place. At least not until we have the ability to gate arcs by actual team size.
the temp power is not required to kill the honoree anymore they changed that awhile ago so the power you get in LGTF is nothing more than a placeholder and some fancy FX

the only one that is easier with a temp power to defeat is the dr aeon from STF, although i dont know if he got fixed or not so that he only uses his [aeon special] once

i know the ms liberty who uses [liberty belt] either does not use it anymore or was removed



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
a) If the story absolutely can't work without a specific character then the odds are that you don't even have a story. You probably have just a bunch of stuff that happened.

b) Characters like the Honoree, which are built to be fought by teams and/or are supposed to require TF-specific temp powers to fight, should not be available in the MA in the first place. At least not until we have the ability to gate arcs by actual team size.
You act like your some great movie critic telling people how they need to their arcs. People should have as many options as they want for stories. Having to redo your story just because the devs cant think of decent solution that doesnt hurt the authors should not be something you have to keep doing. They have pretty much ruined the story telling part of AE with all the nerfs. I hardly ever see any arcs worth doing at this point unless they are dev choice arcs. Yeah I agree some nerfs needed to happen but there are so many other ways they could have done this.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
...it's counting every NPC you place or spawn with Ally faction. Just FYI.
*cursing* Great.

Nice job breaking it, Devs.

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post


But lets be totally honest, a competent team should be able to host about 4 players with the skill level of a pylon and still plow through content. If one or two people on your team who are unfamiliar with powers is causing that much disturbance it may be worthwhile to review your own skills.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There is a work around for that 3rd mission - pulling the generals to the first bridge usually helps reduce the lag - like a lot.
Originally Posted by Dune_Fan View Post
The ITF 3rd mission: You could just charge through the mission. I do that all the time. Lag usually isn't a problem until all of the aggroed baddies catch up with team at PC.
I could do both of those things and both of them work. I shouldn't have to do either.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



*activate sarcasm*

This just proves, once again, the devs hate villains. When DP's were coming out. All these expoits were online AND they got a double XP weekend.

But, now that the 'villain-only' (atleast until GR) Demon Summoning is coming out. They are squashing all the exploits and no double XP weekend for them!

*de-activate sarcasm*



Originally Posted by CaptainAmazing View Post
I'll just pop in and say my piece.

Alright I see a couple of you insinuating without saying that there is a certain "Way" to play the game. Get over yourself, we are fit to play the game however we choose. If I want to turn OFF my XP and never level, thats my issue. if I want to NEVER take speed boost, thats my issue. If I want to farm, thats my issue, if i want to Roleplay (god forbid that happen o.-) thats my issue.

Forcing your view of moral "right" is not the best way to show your viewpoint may have more value then others.

IF I play in a way that IS wrong..then thats the programming/dev teams issue to deal with (as well as support, but support best I can tell is getting swamped with so many "reports" by others trying to show they are playing right and the others wrong they might as well advertise turning in three of your sg for a badge o.-) NOT yours. Stop trying to be the police of this game and enjoy it for what it is, for in the end, save maybe Venture, Dispari, Marcian and a few others, none of the player base has any influence over the way the game goes :P

Secondly, if you run into someone who doesn't know how to play the game, how about you take the time and teach them or show them the way. For a game thats supposed to promote cooperation for the betterment of the world (or destruction) ALOT of you people seem to stay in your groups and point and laugh at those that aren't o.0 This is very similar to the "high school" mentality I am seeing spreading like Ebola in the game. I ran into a Tf that knew NOTHING about tactics and instead of getting mad, I explained the base numbers of defense and other such things to them and we worked alot better.

While I was doing this, someone "rage quit" 'cuz they should have known "how to play the game by now". Could have used that empath, but we made it through with a few deaths.

We're sinking into this festering boil of hatred for anything thats new to us and new players and it will do NOTHING but destroy us in the end faster then we may or may not be decomposing now o.0

Thats all, and of course, just my opinion.

I can tell you now that the folks here arent going to help or train anyone on power useage. Many of the folks are too elitist to do that. Personally I try to help all that I can when I can because I dont want any single player pulling down a team if I can help. Now if said person refuses to listen or doesnt change their build after I spent hours getting them the respec to do so then yeah they deserve a kick from the team.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Swergen View Post
*activate sarcasm*

This just proves, once again, the devs hate villains. When DP's were coming out. All these expoits were online AND they got a double XP weekend.

But, now that the 'villain-only' (atleast until GR) Demon Summoning is coming out. They are squashing all the exploits and no double XP weekend for them!

*de-activate sarcasm*
I loled to this.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
I could do both of those things and both of them work. I shouldn't have to do either.
It's pretty unrealistic of you to expect your game to work properly.

[Team] Imperious Rex: Yep. once again, the Robo's Lounge folks showed me how easy this game is.
Whirligig SG



All kidding aside. How great and wonderful has MA been anyways? For all of it's praised glory. How much time and resources have been spent 'fixing' it every freaking issue since? How much more stuff would we have in the game if so much time wasnt wasted fixing the damned thing?



what about damn Valkery? She is annoying enough with her rez'es and old!!! MOG..:S