Discussion: Live Patch Notes - 4/7/10

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Design does not equal intent.
True, but still not an exploit.

Damn right. Why would they allow us to play any way we want? No other game does that, and if it does it's hardly a game. More like some kind of weird simulator where you can change anything you like to see what happens.
I've played plenty of MMOs over the last 6 years and none of them seem so focused on controlling player behavior like this one does. Yes, all MMOs change, and evolve, but CoX takes it to the extreme.

Goals like getting to 50 in one hour? Yeah that's difficult to accomplish on purpose for a good reason. Getting to 50 isn't difficult, though.
So how long is appropriate to get a character to 50? An hour? A day? A week? A month? What exactly is the precise benchmark? If I wanted to make a character specifically for purple farming and wanted to get them to level 50 as quickly as possible, how quickly is too quickly??? Is it rational to say, "oh, you did it in a week, that's ok" versus, "oh you did it in 3 days, well that's clearly too quickly". If my goal was to get to 50 so I could begin to collect rewards only available to level 50 characters, why should anyone care, and why the hell would anyone call it an exploit?

They removed the MA badges that people were farming to get. People complained about that too.
Yes, cause leaving them in clearly broke the game. Another example of dev batshittery. At some point I really wish they stopped trying to micromanage every little thing we do in the game and just be thankful that after 6 years there are still people playing it.

Nobody's making CoH 2. Yet.
Well NCSoft has just trademarked the name. Seems unlikely they'd bother unless they had a plan.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
So you expect to be able to get full XP when you are at a lower risk by having multiple buff bots follow you around? Even if you only have 3 allies you are still at lower risk and should get lower XP due to that.
This is true, but then it should only affect you once you've rescued the ally and if the ally is actually following you. It shouldn't be triggered by ally factions in battles or ambushes (they'll killsteal anyway) and it shouldn't be triggered if you haven't even rescued the ally yet.



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
since most farms make use of all the ally slots, usually around 30, why not make it like 3 or 4 allies are ok, after that we see diminishing returns.
Because with 3 or 4 allies I can get my brute to capped resists and defense numbers. Lower risk = lower rewards.



I don't see the need for helpers. If you're making an AV mission then do like the canon missions do; advise the player to bring friends. If you're gearing your arc for solo players... don't put in an AV/EB when a standard Boss would do just fine.

I could see a story driven want to include them but when dealing with story; you will almost run into the Story vs Reward wall (the original divisive when AE came about). [or the playability vs reward wall]

I can see the rez being buoyed by a regen spike but have to wonder why yall just didn't implement the same diminished XP setup that already was slapped onto rez critters; like Freaks. Also, if this was the reason for the occlusion of 'rez other' powers... please bring them back.

Personally, I'm glad to see pressure on the players to actually put in a little work to get their goodies (as well as the allowing authors to get back to the business of being authors; instead of caterers). For awhile there, I was getting fed up with hearing:

Your critters has a mez
Your critters hit too hard
Your map is too big
There's too many chapters

I was beginning to think all players were wanting was a single, one room, mission packed with bosses that had only one attack and one secondary power. People were actually whining that their uber-tanks/brutes couldn't handle mobs whose make up were mainly minions that had 3-4 powers (between both the primary and the secondary) + the mandatory ranged attack.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Well NCSoft has just trademarked the name. Seems unlikely they'd bother unless they had a plan.

*waits for coh 2*
*waits for coh 2 nerfs*



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
It's a little ambiguous. How many allies until you start getting affected? By how much?

Regardless I like the change. Every time I try to do a farm mission I can feel my face falling off with boredom.
Can we please get these numbers?

I know these farms existed, but really I make arcs and sometimes they have multiple allies for story reasons. Such as one I did just recently that has three allies you rescue from a failed mission.

Its not exploitive, but I don't want XP on my mission to suffer because of this and make people not want to play it simple because the story revolves around rescuing a doomed team.

Or maybe this change should only apply to short/very short arcs and not to arcs that are long in nature. Though i guess I could see some enterprising farmer making an entire 4 or 5 mission arc of farms...




Originally Posted by FreckledAvenger View Post
This is true, but then it should only affect you once you've rescued the ally and if the ally is actually following you. It shouldn't be triggered by ally factions in battles or ambushes (they'll killsteal anyway) and it shouldn't be triggered if you haven't even rescued the ally yet.
It also shouldn't impact if the pets have no buffs/debuffs. If you have a pet that's using Fire Blast and Fire Melee, he's already taking your experience. There's no need to take away even more experience simply because he's a pet. He's not doing for you what a Forcefield pet is doing. The only way he can contribute and make things easier for you is also already taking away experience as payment for his assistance. Pets that only have offensive or self-defense powers shouldn't factor into this new system.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Well at the risk of getting flamed...

I guess there is no such thing as "harmless" exploit farming, in or out of AE. There I said it, fire away.

Is this the 2nd or 3rd time that servers were taking offline to fix an exploit farm? People can't play when servers are down, so they get hurt. Authors of AE arcs have to rewrite or unpublish, so they get hurt. Enormous amounts of infamy/influence has been generated using exploit farming causing potential inflation, maybe people are unable to buy the stuff they want in that environment, so they get hurt.

I don't care what people do, it's your $15/month, farm away....but don't ever say the exploit farming doesn't hurt the game. I just gave you three examples. I'm sure there are many more.

Farm regular content, running 0/8 is exceedingly profitable that's not-exploitable.

Just a quick FYI: I ran the infamous Jellybean arc one time on a Ninja/TA MM even level as Giant Monsters and I rolled it with common IO's. That's an exploit gang.

Noght 50 Scrapper Broadsword/Invulnerability
Fire Umbra 50 Brute Dark Melee/Fire Aura
Impulse Cry 50 Blaster Sonic/Energy
Internist 50 Mastermind Poison/Thugs
Ice Omega 50 Corrupter Ice/Radiation
Prickly Heat 50 Dominator Plant/Fire
Champion Server



Bogus. I was thinking the patch was for Demon Summoning. I want it NOW!



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
So you expect to be able to get full XP when you are at a lower risk by having multiple buff bots follow you around? Even if you only have 3 allies you are still at lower risk and should get lower XP due to that.

my softcapped tank is at a lower risk of being killed than a nonsoftcapped similar tank... should you get reduced rewards for using IOs?



Originally Posted by Noght View Post
Farm regular content, running 0/8 is exceedingly profitable that's not-exploitable.
Or even -1/8 for farming Purples.

I've never understood the PUG teams that want to +3 and 4 their 8 man missions; slows everything down, causes teamwipes and sees more turnover than your local fast food shack.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Noght View Post
Well at the risk of getting flamed...

I guess there is no such thing as "harmless" exploit farming, in or out of AE. There I said it, fire away.

Is this the 2nd or 3rd time that servers were taking offline to fix an exploit farm? People can't play when servers are down, so they get hurt. Authors of AE arcs have to rewrite or unpublish, so they get hurt. Enormous amounts of infamy/influence has been generated using exploit farming causing potential inflation, maybe people are unable to buy the stuff they want in that environment, so they get hurt.

I don't care what people do, it's your $15/month, farm away....but don't ever say the exploit farming doesn't hurt the game. I just gave you three examples. I'm sure there are many more.

Farm regular content, running 0/8 is exceedingly profitable that's not-exploitable.

Just a quick FYI: I ran the infamous Jellybean arc one time on a Ninja/TA MM even level as Giant Monsters and I rolled it with common IO's. That's an exploit gang.

this wasn't the same as the GM farm. that was using a broken system to give huge rewards. this was using a working system to get normal rewards with just a little bit more ease. this was nothing more than grumpy devs. no one is helped by this nerf. no one.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Well NCSoft has just trademarked the name. Seems unlikely they'd bother unless they had a plan.
Of course they trademarked CoH 2 already. Why would they wait for some troll to snatch it and then try to make a profit by selling it to them when they finally do decide to use it? Companies trademark a lot of stuff that they may never use in the near future, just in case.



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
this wasn't the same as the GM farm. that was using a broken system to give huge rewards. this was using a working system to get normal rewards with just a little bit more ease. this was nothing more than grumpy devs. no one is helped by this nerf. no one.
I think your definition of "a little bit" is somewhat off. Putting enough buffbots in a mission makes any character practically unkillable, which is a pretty big exploit when there's no corresponding reduction in XP gain.



Originally Posted by Redoubtable View Post
I think your definition of "a little bit" is somewhat off. Putting enough buffbots in a mission makes any character practically unkillable, which is a pretty big exploit when there's no corresponding reduction in XP gain.
And this retarded nerf doesn't make the distinction between buffbots and combat allies at all. Hell, it doesn't tell the difference between battles with friendlies in them and buffbots either!



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
this wasn't the same as the GM farm. that was using a broken system to give huge rewards. this was using a working system to get normal rewards with just a little bit more ease. this was nothing more than grumpy devs. no one is helped by this nerf. no one.
It was broken since the cow farms. I even suggested this getting ghosted months and months ago. Its one thing to have an ally or two in a mish; that fight alongside you and die. (like in normal, canon CoX ally missions). It's a horse of a different color to have 20 allies stacking enough buffs to keep the whole CoX playerbase alive (cross-server even ).

There's no learning experience there, there's usually no story there, there's no challenge; no risk. Why should anyone that plays an arc like that expect to be rewarded (for pretty much... door sitting). And why should the author expect to get accolades and rewards for providing a weak, hollow and lackluster experience? IMO, of course.

Players that chose to do this screwed everyone over; not the devs... you had to know the nerfbat was coming... again... again... yet you played the odds (again); betting with everyone's potential gaming experience and losing...

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Why does everyone keep talking about "instant level 50s," "1-50 in a few hours" and the like? In the jelly bean and weenie farms - the ones which instigated this patch - it took hours to get into the early twenties. And that's assuming you didn't have a bunch of AFKers and everyone had enough powers to string together an attack chain. It was still fast leveling, but nowhere near the exaggerated claims I've heard in this thread. All AE has done is made PLing available to the masses instead of restricting it to those with the cash and/or connections to doorsit their way to 50 in PI. Which is funny to me, because in the current AE farm paradigm team members get kicked if they're not playing. Also, let me say that given the... idiosyncratic behavior of ally AI in this game, there is plenty of risk in counting on them to follow you and keep you buffed. Trust me, there's plenty death to be had in a jelly bean farm, especially if you add minions to the GM spawns...

As someone who's been around since the dumpster + Burn combo, I have to say that this conflict doesn't seem any closer to ending now than it was when I started playing. Perhaps it would be better to assess why so many people want to PL in the first place? We can argue about it all we want on the forums, but at the end of the day the actions of the player base speak for themselves. For me personally, I'm another one of those players who levels many characters normally, and PLs others. Some builds are fun from level one, and others are late bloomers; it's just that I've been playing long enough that I don't get any enjoyment from slogging through a late bloomer, and if the means are available I'll gladly skip to the good part. For me this usually starts at level 22 (3-slotted Stamina + IOs), although I have on occasion PLed myself to the mid 30s for a particularly weak character.

I also used to PL folks for free back before they started making AE farms where lowbies could PL themselves; it was often fun just to hang out and chat with folks, something that almost never happens on a regular team. Although to be fair sometimes people would get bored and start squabbling with each other, and then I'd get a headache and have to stop playing for a day or two. But I have to hand it to the devs, it was pure genius to improve the mission difficulty system so we didn't need lowbies to pad spawn sizes anymore. Yet here we are arguing about farms again, leading me to conclude that clever quality of life upgrades are not going to end this back-and-forth. The only solution I can think of is to somehow enrich the leveling process itself, so that even someone who wishes they could PL straight to 50 would say “No, no... if I were to suddenly hit 50, I'd miss out on X, and that would SUCK so badly!” But as long as the value of X is “a whole ton of warehouse missions” then we can expect PLing to continue.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
And this retarded nerf doesn't make the distinction between buffbots and combat allies at all. Hell, it doesn't tell the difference between battles with friendlies in them and buffbots either!
This collateral damage is the issue I have with the change. It fixes the buffbot exploit but it also screws up hundreds, probably thousands of legitimate arcs that use regular allies in order to tell a story.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.




rofl at "exploit fixes" causing more damage to actual arcs than farm arcs

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Looks like the reduction in exp is also applied to friendly patrols and battles in addition to allies.

I just logged on and played an arc of mine which features battles. The first mission that had no battles and compared it to the second which did. The result was a 60% reduction in exp.

I can only hope this change is reversed.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Originally Posted by Redoubtable View Post
I think your definition of "a little bit" is somewhat off. Putting enough buffbots in a mission makes any character practically unkillable, which is a pretty big exploit when there's no corresponding reduction in XP gain.

did you actually use the bots? they were not that efficient. most of the time they just buffed each other. you got one reliable buff per type of helper you made after that it was luck of the draw. they wouldn't stack like buffs either. so sure you could get lots of buffs but it wasn't like you were getting 3 forts or something like that. did it make it easier? sure. but it wasn't as game breaking as it sounds. 30 buff bots sounds like a lot but you never had 30 buffs on you.



Originally Posted by D4nnYb0Y View Post
I didn't bother to read the Farmer's Manifesto, but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say it was alluding to:

try hacker's manifesto.

Political correctness is a stench in the nose of God. Yes, your God(s) also.



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Im actually glad the AE farmers are pretty much back to square one now, where they actually have to do something other than stand in Cap or Atlas spamming 'lfAE team' then watch buffbots do all the hard work in the missions.

Thank you very much for the fix, lets just hope the farmers dont find a way around this one and actually go back to old skool teaming where you actually play the game instead of repeating the same mission a billion times over
When you say back to old skool teaming, you mean back to BM and Demon farms in Peregrine and Television in Granville. Nothing has changed except location. Oh, and the speed. Which has gone from super fast, back down to really fast.



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Im actually glad the AE farmers are pretty much back to square one now, where they actually have to do something other than stand in Cap or Atlas spamming 'lfAE team' then watch buffbots do all the hard work in the missions.

Thank you very much for the fix, lets just hope the farmers dont find a way around this one and actually go back to old skool teaming where you actually play the game instead of repeating the same mission a billion times over

Too late, Too Slow, and you really don't understand what the actual impact of this is.

If you think a farmer can't come up with a character that can't run the same maps without the bots, you are sadly mistaken. I pointed this out way way back, when the hairshirts and whips came out for the critters with no ranged attacks. It was no different than having someone take their softcapped ranger in the mission and run it. Now the people that have characters that don't need the buff bots, own the farms.

All this does is divide the community into those with the privilege of doing this and those without. Well it does also highlight the relative lack of importance "Story" content embedded into missions has for most people.



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
did you actually use the bots? they were not that efficient. most of the time they just buffed each other. you got one reliable buff per type of helper you made after that it was luck of the draw. they wouldn't stack like buffs either. so sure you could get lots of buffs but it wasn't like you were getting 3 forts or something like that. did it make it easier? sure. but it wasn't as game breaking as it sounds. 30 buff bots sounds like a lot but you never had 30 buffs on you.
Then you were doing it wrong. Toggles are always on, and offensive debuffs are always used. Give the buffbots Dispersion Bubble or Sonic Dispersion and you have pets following you that ALWAYS grant DEF/RES and ALWAYS stack. All it takes is a couple FF users and you're soft-capped. You don't need them to cast individual buffs when they have toggles that are always on. Things like Quicksand and AoE mezzes work just fine too.

The issue is this change pretty much gives people permission to have an Earth/FF pet in every farm mission they make, while making it easier and not impacting the exp any. But it simultaneously breaks legitimate missions.

I would say that the exp drop happens based on the powers the pets have. If they have all offensive or self-defense powers, no reduction, no matter how many you have. But you start getting reductions the more buffs/debuffs they have. Even if you only have one. That would be the right way to do it.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.