151 -
I'm getting the following error message this afternoon. No problem logging on this morning. I ran a Repair from Launcher several times and I keep getting this. I didn't see anything on the boards so I thought I'd post.
Thanks in advance.
Error Message:
File: player_library/animations/FEM/PARAMILITARY_CATCHBOOST.anim
Last Author/Status:Perforce.cpp failed to connect to Perforce.
Bad animation data loaded. Your data might be corrupt, please run the patcher and try again. -
Hey Forumites:
Click on Updater...
1. Verifying images
2. Download manifest
3. Fixing files: piggs/sound.pigg
Update - File Error
checksum failed on piggs/sound.pigg
Click Ok to do full checksum on all files
You maybe out of disk space or you may be trying to install to a location where you have insufficient permissions.
click OK
CohUpdater.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close...Sorry blah blah blah...
Ok, I've been gone for like 10 days...whats going on? how do I fix it? Thanks in advance.
Noght -
Hey Forumites:
Computer needed a system restore and I am trying to reload COH. My most recent Disc was Architect and I loaded it up.
After starting the Updater I'm stuck on Version 18.20081210.10T4 and it just sits there. OB/1.2G downloading...nothing moving at all. Fixing files: piggs/sound.pigg.
I had AVG, had to get it removed. Now I have Microsoft Security Essentials. Is that blocking it?
Seems so silly. Any advice would be appreciated.
Noght -
I'm guessing 880 million. No KB protection? If you add that make it 890 million.
p.s. saw the celerity stealth at lvl 14, so add 100 million
p.p.s no stamina might hurt, just saying. -
I have 16+ lvl 50's and a bunch between 20 and 40, and maybe 3-4 sitting at 45+ so I have a lot of alts floating around.
I use my 2nd build option on 60% of them, sometimes its a solo/team build for Defenders/Corrupters, sometimes it's low level TFs/Normal play (like adding stealth/superspeed/recall), and sometimes it's to try combos like Huntsman/Bane or Human/TriForm HEATs.
I use common IO's that I craft myself for most second builds, sometimes just SO's (Huntsman side has sets IO/Bane side is just SO's).
I actually have a Bane build at 39 who has a Stealth Build and a Ranged Build, both are frankenslotted and have +3 Def Steadfasts and KB. I farmed AE Tix and rolled 10-14 recipes on some level locked Door Sitters (lvl 15/20/25/35 respectively) and slot all the Acc/Dam commons and uncommons that I can craft.
Anyway I use a ton of 2nd builds but have a bunch of respecs anyway floating around.
I'd be in favor of an ultra expensive, rare respec recipe that lets us empty a build of all IO's not just 10/respec, maybe make it cost 1 Billion minimum (might be a great influence sink) and have the result of increasing "supply" of primo IO's causing a drop in "demand". Hmmmm.
Noght -
Thanks all!
I'll give it a whirl later today.
Noght -
Hey all:
Finally upgraded memory and video card and was wondering the process for running 2 instances of COH on one computer.
I have 2 accounts and have been doing some dual boxing (2nd computer is very slow, load time, laggy) but I was hoping to run it all on one.
Assume I'm a computer dolt (I am) so speak slowly and thanks in advance.
Noght -
Quote:I have always maintained that Longbow are the baddest bunch of enemies in the game, causing Red-side to be harder as you get your Longbow love starting in Mercy.This does make me want to check out some heroside pugs to see "I'm invincible" tanks meet up with stacked disruption fields and a liquefy, among all the other goodies Longbow offers.
I'm also curious to see how the Heroes are handling the increased debuffs and aoe-mania that is Longbow.
Longbow is just one of the reasons that the LRSF is harder btw.
Noght -
Thanks Swellguy...missed the importance of the Reiforcement of an alignment.
Noght -
Do you get plain old Reward Merits upon completion of a Rogue Morality Mission arc?
I thought that you got some upon completion, saw it in Zombie Man's Going Rogue Beta notes, and I don't see it in the Release notes.
Just looking for clarification.
Noght -
Quote:Okay, I'll bite. You ask if an EC/Elec is a decent soloist....then you say you ran some missions at 41 and liked what you saw...now you want build advice?First off, thank you for your positive inputs. I just ran a few mishes with a lvl 41 ec/elec and liked what I saw. Now, I just need help with build ideas.
Typo? Meant to say lvl 14? Or did you get Power leveled and are clueless about the "new" set? If you got PL'd who cares if you can solo it, just go get another toon PL'd. (I'm not ant-PL, just anti-PL then asking how to play the powerset).
p.s. I've got a lvl 18 EC/Elec and it solos just dandy. Between Sleep Patch and Chain KD you're golden. -
So far on Hero/Villian Merits:
LotG + Recharge (33)
Mako Tri (33)
Scrocco Tri (33)
Touch of the Nictis Tri (37)
Obliteration Proc x2 (37)
Devastation Tri (37)
Positron Tri (35)
Impervium Resist (35)
Not bad, the lvl 33 LotG sold for 180 million crafted, TotN Tri sold for 40 million.
Noght -
Quote:I know I've been running level 33-37 Level locked toons for the 5 Random Rolls.With 1 HV merit for 5 random pool C/D rolls, and being able to earn that merit in about 90 minutes (or less) of playtime, it'll definitely put us back in Katie territory. I'm worried we'll still have a lack of mid-level recipes though..
The level 33 toon has sold 8 of his 10 crafted IO's for about 280 million minus crafting costs (plus the 20 million one time fee)
The level 35 toon has sold 4 of 5 IO's and has made back his 20 million fee barely, one IO for sale for about 45 million profit.
The level 37 toon has been selling his 250+ merits in chunks and buying 5 random recipes and has sold 5 of them for 69 million and has 5 more up for sale that should net 100 million more.
So all told my 25 recipes should profit me 450 million or so while filling that "mid-level" range of product. Not bad, not great but I'm having fun.
Noght -
Level 37 Crafted IO's for sale:
Obliteration Chance for Smashing (x2)
Devastation A/D/R
Numina H/E/R
Pacing of the Turtle E/R/S
Noght -
Moar Stuff:
Level 35
Ghost Widow Tri recipe
Gift of the Ancients + run speed recipe
Impervium Resist IO
Posi Tri IO
Unbounded Leap +Stealth IO
Noght -
I remebered I have a level 37 Bane (darn Fury for her SOA diary posts) that ran arcs and has 280ish Merits and a bunch of cash so I bought a Villian Merit:
All Level 37 Crafted IO's (I know, they are a little higher than normal, good for lvl 35 SF/TF's?)
Call of the Sandman A/S/R (tri) (one a 44, few at 50, Perfect for all you Elec Trollers and Doms!)
Mako's Bite D/R
Positron Chance for Lethal
Sovereign Right A/D/E
Touch of the Nictus A/E/R (only one available recipe or IO below 50)
Noght -
2nd of the "5 for 1" Random Rolls:
All Level 33 Crafted IO's on the market nao!
LotG +Recharge
Lockdown Quad
Mako A/D/R (only one available below lvl 47, bid with confidence!)
Scirocco A/D/E
Soveriegn Right +Resist
Noght -
First of the "5 for 1" Random Rolls for my MLC Scapper:
All Level 33:
Trap of the Hunter Proc (recipe)
Gaussien Rec/Redux (crafted)
Gift of the Ancients Defense (crafted)
Entropic Chaos Tri (crafted)
Lockdown Quad (crafted)
Noght -
Well I plan on taking my Fire/WP scrapper through more tips and stay Hero for the 5 Random Recipes, level locked at 33. 5 Done, 5 More to Go!
I'd be up for tips anytime, just give a shout.
Noght -
Hey M:
Never said you were a jerk. I don't have a problem with the selling price, I hope you get it. It was all about the tone. It's play money, some people don't grasp it and that's why all the snarling.
Soft sell it. That's all.
PS My copied post was in response to people "flaming" the market (once again), complaining about high prices. I'm all for more supply and demand, so I say get what the stuff is worth even if it's 2.75 B. -
Wow...just Wow.
Or you could just buy a Steadfast, or take Combat Jumping, Weave, or Manuevers.
After reading that puffed up piece of "How Great Am I" I'd offer you 3 billions cuz you has the "bestest" +Res +3 Def IO evar!
To quote a famous rabbit, "What a maroon".
P.S. I'd bet you Misaligned has never had to sell a thing in his life. I'd recommend not insulting your potential customers in the future. You'd have sold it instantly by saying, "Gladiator's Armor +3 Def for Sale. 2.75 Billion or Best Offer. Thanks." -
Thats what I thought...Thanks guys.
Noght -
Quote:Both DC and Consume are on 3 min timers. DC does a bit more damage (minor). I was just wondering if the increased +end recovery and end drain protection is just going to be better for Brutes (seems like it should).Consume now grants +recovery when activated AND end drain protection.
But the recharge is still balls, so I'd opt for DC.
Thanks to all btw.
Noght -
Hey Fellow Brutes:
On the Eve of Going Rogue Launch, my 1st level 50: Dark Melee/Fire Aura Brute has a free respec that I probably should use up.
He is currently spec'd for Dark Consumption (auto hit and bigger damage) over Consume but with the changes being added to Fire Aura I was wondering if I should burn the freespec now and flip over to Consume.