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  1. The whole set looks pretty solid. Too bad it won't get any attention with Going Rouge in its final stages. I really like the ideas behind trip mine and the holographic decoy. This would probably be the teaming stalker secondary.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
    The following post is just my opinions.

    Why do players power level? The answer varies based on the many posts I've read on this forum. There are a couple of common answer that I've noticed though.

    1. I've played this content so much its stale to me.
    2. Level 50's get to do all the cool stuff. I want it now.
    3. Most of the content is replayable so why would I want to do it now with less slots and weaker powers.
    4. Everyone else is doing it.
    5. The pre-SO levels suck.
    6. I pvp so I just want to hit 50, slot my sets, and start playing my favorite part of the game.

    There is no major incentive for many players to play the original content of the game. The veterans dont want to do it because they've been there done that. The new players don't want to do it because their first in game experience is often the latest AE farm. The quickest path to 50 often leads to less involvement in your character. I still have my first 50. It took me nearly a year to get there. I've had other 50s since then but they didn't feel like they were as much of an achievement. These exploitative farms that people are using to power level are in my opinion lessening the achievement of attaining a level 50.

    The fix was needed to alleiviate the symptoms of the problem and I have every bit of faith in the development team to implement a better fix, that will impact story writers less, in the near future. However the problem will still remain. There needs to be incentive to play through the story arcs and other content of the game that has an impact on your character other than exp or loot and it needs to be level locked. Maybe not initially so that older 50s can have a chance to get the rewards but after a certain time yes the rewards for doing these tasks needs to be level locked so that if you want the new shiny you have to go play the content while your in that level range.

    The new rewards could be anything from special salvage that could be used as a wild card in any recipe, new costume parts, or special auto powers that give you a 1-5% chance of negating a specific damage type for a few seconds. These are just ideas. Don't get bent out of shape over X reward would break the game. I'm just trying to suggest a general idea for a solution with a few examples that will probably never be used.
    Not enough DOOM. Ignored for making sense.

    Really though it would nice if there were more missions like the cape and aura missions were there was an actual benifit for doing them beyond XP.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm torn which to do, because having that unreasonably high psi resist and defense really makes a big difference. [ QUOTE ]

    Thank goodness for dual builds right? But in all honesty I have pretty good def on my invuln and am pretty happy just being up set and having to carry a ton of purps against heavy psi targets, then again I also have decent rech (about 40% global) so dull pain is more like a line of defense than an emergency button.