Discussion: Live Patch Notes - 4/7/10

Adeon Hawkwood



This thread is to discuss the patch notes found here.




  • NPC critters that are resurrected will be unselectable while going through the resurrection animation.

Mission Architect
  • Rewards in Mission Architect missions that contain more than one allied critters will give progressively lower rewards for each additional allied critter in the mission.
  • Mission architect critters that are resurrected will be given a large regeneration buff for 4 seconds.

Thanks for the fix.

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NPC critters that are resurrected will be unselectable while going through the resurrection animation.
That is kinda annoying. I can see the argument for why to do it but having to re-target resurrecting enemies is a bit irritating (especially against Rommy where you have to break LoS while he rezzes). Oh well, it's not the end of the world.



Well. In other words. They DID nerf only farms. Going back to BM.




Seems someone played a particular arc..




Mission Architect

Rewards in Mission Architect missions that contain more than one allied critters will give progressively lower rewards for each additional allied critter in the mission.
Okay, I know this is totally an exploit nerf from the speed runs, but here's my question:

What counts as an "allied critter"? Is it an "Ally" Detail? Does it include any group set to "ally" (patrols, ambushes, battles, etc)?

The former stinks, particularly for those of us who design Story-related arcs where several Allies are made available to assist MA Story Solo'ers who might not be able to take on EBs or AVs that are placed in the mishes (Such as the very excellent "Teen Phalanx Forever" arc, which has 3-4 allies per mish). Since soloing makes up the majority of story-based AE activity, this is going to make the present missions unattractive, and designing future missions aggravating.

The latter, if true, is just freaking stupid.



"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



Mission Architect

* Rewards in Mission Architect missions that contain more than one allied critters will give progressively lower rewards for each additional allied critter in the mission
Does this work for all allied critters or just allied critters that are killable? Presently one of the easy farm exploits is to have hostages follow you around and heal/buff or use knockdown powers such as ice slick or debuff powers such as anguishing cry.

I have been wanting to see lame farms like this nerfed for quite awhile as farms with things like this only make the quality and learning curve of a new player just that much more bad when they are never truly challenged ingame or ever at true risk they simply never learn how to play. Basically the kind of people you never want on your team.

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Originally Posted by twelfth View Post
The former stinks, particularly for those of us who design Story-related arcs where several Allies are made available to assist MA Story Solo'ers who might not be able to take on EBs or AVs that are placed in the mishes.

The latter, if true, is just freaking stupid.
I can definitely see the problem for story tellers, it really does discourage the use of allies for story reasons. At the same time the nerf was needed (due to the farms with 10+ buff bots) so hopefully the XP loss isn't to great if you only have one or two allies.



I should find a way to exploit the lag in the ITF for more xp. Maybe it'd actually get fixed then....

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Whirligig SG



I'm going to start farming the 3rd mission of ITF devs, you should fix it before all my toons hit 50 off of it.



As expected--I've never heard of any of this, so it must be exploit plugs.

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Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Does this work for all allied critters or just allied critters that are killable? Presently one of the easy farm exploits is to have hostages follow you around and heal/buff or use knockdown powers such as ice slick or debuff powers such as anguishing cry.
I'm assuming this only applies to allies set to follow you and assist you, rather than freed hostages that remain on the field as friendlies, or friendly patrols.

There's one mission I've made that involves a simulated mass uprising; you free friendly hostages, who go their own way and spawn a variety of friendly patrols, in an attempt to create an atmosphere of encouraging an uprising at a prison camp. The freed hostages do not buff the team or follow the team, but will attack enemies they see. They're supposed to wander continually, but when the team leaves their LOS they tend to stand stock still. This may require revision.

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Once again it's the devs jumping the gun to fix some farming, meanwhile it effects everyone that had missions in AE with allies. GG devs, maybe one day you can learn to fix one thing without breaking three other things.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
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Im actually glad the AE farmers are pretty much back to square one now, where they actually have to do something other than stand in Cap or Atlas spamming 'lfAE team' then watch buffbots do all the hard work in the missions.

Thank you very much for the fix, lets just hope the farmers dont find a way around this one and actually go back to old skool teaming where you actually play the game instead of repeating the same mission a billion times over



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Thank you very much for the fix, lets just hope the farmers dont find a way around this one and actually go back to old skool teaming where you actually play the game instead of repeating the same mission a billion times over
Not going to happen. People who want to farm will farm (and IMHO there is nothing wrong with that). What the devs are doing is pruning back the exploitative farming methods not attempting to eliminate farming entirely.



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
Once again it's the devs jumping the gun to fix some farming, meanwhile it effects everyone that had missions in AE with allies. GG devs, maybe one day you can learn to fix one thing without breaking three other things.

Excuse me but do you have any other way around it? If so post it and maybe they would revise it :P

Till then Im really thankful they got around to hitting them hard with the nerf stick. Even better if they do the proposed idea of removing exp completly from AE in i17 like has been circulating in rumors for the past week or so.

The amount of doom comments in game is kind of comical now 'oh noes AE nerfed how canz we lvl now?' amidst the collection of high level noobs finally having to learn what slotting is to survive. Lets hope they finally venture out of the dark depths of AE into the actual game before it was a low level farmers paradise

(yes i do know people will probably still go back to BM and freak farms etc, but at least the level 1s will have a harder time now and might actually have to play the game to get past level 1)



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I can definitely see the problem for story tellers, it really does discourage the use of allies for story reasons. At the same time the nerf was needed (due to the farms with 10+ buff bots) so hopefully the XP loss isn't to great if you only have one or two allies.
Yeah, I knew about the buffbots and I can tell this patch is supposed to be making use of those subject to diminishing returns. I'd just like some clarification on what details/features in the MA are subject to pinging the nerf bat so I can avoid using them. I'm still annoyed that my story arcs are going to be pig-slapped for trying to help a solo player (I just realized that my 'Inhuman Resources' arc has 1-4 allies in it depending on which mission you're on).

I also know we're not going to get a response from the devs on "X number of allies is okay; Y allies is the threshold for the XP/Reward Crash" but I'll be watching the forums to see what the numbers start looking like.

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
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Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Excuse me but do you have any other way around it? If so post it and maybe they would revise it :P
since most farms make use of all the ally slots, usually around 30, why not make it like 3 or 4 allies are ok, after that we see diminishing returns.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Not sure I understand this:

Rewards in Mission Architect missions that contain more than one allied critters will give progressively lower rewards for each additional allied critter in the mission.
I have a mission that contains an AV. I wanted it soloable if set to Elite Boss by a solo player. So I added 3 healer allies to help with the AV/EB in that mission of my arc.

Does the quote above mean people will not get full rewards (tickets OR exp)?

If so, I find it very unfair. I don't set up arcs to farm, I set them up to be epic stories, and if this is the case it's like that 8th time they've broken my arcs...which means I'm sick of trying to bring them up to standards.

It would be enough to say I'm done with MA/AE...and that is one of the few things keeping me in the game right now.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Not going to happen. People who want to farm will farm (and IMHO there is nothing wrong with that). What the devs are doing is pruning back the exploitative farming methods not attempting to eliminate farming entirely.
Dont get me wrong, Im not against farming completly, i can see its benefits just like everyone else, however level 1 new players to 50 in less than a week is just too sad.

Im getting tired of being asked random questions from noobs now at level 40+ asking simple questions like:
'Whats slotting mean and is it good?'
'Whats FS mean? I got told to use it but i have no idea what it is'
'Whar cn get cape plz?' (spelling copied exactly as sent)
'Whats an insp?'
'Whats a TF?'

This list goes on and on but im getting tired of hearing these things regularly from high level players. These are things you should learn under level 20, or in the case of FS, 38 max not level 50. Its players like that, that run into mobs and get the entire team killed once they realise theres no buffbots to help them.



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
since most farms make use of all the ally slots, usually around 30, why not make it like 3 or 4 allies are ok, after that we see diminishing returns.
That technically wouldnt be a bad idea, if they sorted it so you couldnt just place 4 allies in one then 4 different allies underneath to get full exp.

I dont think that would help the farmers too much yet keeps solo players happy.



Originally Posted by BasicallyJesus View Post
I should find a way to exploit the lag in the ITF for more xp. Maybe it'd actually get fixed then....
I would love to one day load up CoH and have it update, click patch notes and see that they finally fixed the lag in the ITF. Sometimes the order of which the devs fix things is so bizarre.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Excuse me but do you have any other way around it? If so post it and maybe they would revise it :P

Till then Im really thankful they got around to hitting them hard with the nerf stick. Even better if they do the proposed idea of removing exp completly from AE in i17 like has been circulating in rumors for the past week or so.

The amount of doom comments in game is kind of comical now 'oh noes AE nerfed how canz we lvl now?' amidst the collection of high level noobs finally having to learn what slotting is to survive. Lets hope they finally venture out of the dark depths of AE into the actual game before it was a low level farmers paradise

(yes i do know people will probably still go back to BM and freak farms etc, but at least the level 1s will have a harder time now and might actually have to play the game to get past level 1)
I find it ironic that they try to nerf farming in AE but make it extremely easy in the rest of the game with Super SKing and the new difficulty settings.

It's stupidly easy to farm now without AE, and frankly, making missions is no longer fun because evry time we turn around, we have to fix something.

May as well take Mission Architect out of the game at this point.

Personally, I see no reason to nerf the AE farming at all. The only reason it became rampant before is because of all the kids that were out for the summer. Most schools only have 1 quarter left right now, so you are going to see tons of stuff again, whether in or out of AE.

I personally felt they should have removed the AE building from Atlas to make it less populated. There is a AE in Galaxy, which is the same level range.

They should have a giant Rikti mother ship hover over it and destroy the atlas one like in independence day

But as far as farming, I really do not mind it at all. I farm at times, and I have certain toons that I SLOW level to get all their missions done and to unlock the TFs. I call these SLowbies.

Some people just like to PVP, and jumping to 50 quickly is a fun way to do it if you are into it.

Personally, I prefer PVE...and AE was great for that. But it has long since ceased to be fun.



I see they smacked down the Jellybean AE farms. Awesome.

Of course, it's only a matter of time until somebody comes up with the next greatest AE exploit.

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Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
Not sure I understand this:

I have a mission that contains an AV. I wanted it soloable if set to Elite Boss by a solo player. So I added 3 healer allies to help with the AV/EB in that mission of my arc.

Does the quote above mean people will not get full rewards (tickets OR exp)?

If so, I find it very unfair. I don't set up arcs to farm, I set them up to be epic stories, and if this is the case it's like that 8th time they've broken my arcs...which means I'm sick of trying to bring them up to standards.

It would be enough to say I'm done with MA/AE...and that is one of the few things keeping me in the game right now.
Standards to get FULL rewards. The arc still works. The story can still be the same. Nothing is broken for what you are creating the arc for, as you claim, the story, which is also what the AE was meant for. The only thing that changed is you don't get full rewards because of the new rule that more NPC allies mean less rewards.

Not saying it doesn't suck that you won't get full rewards. Blame the players that exploited this with dozens of buff-bots per mission for that change, or blame the developers for not seeing this as a possibility when they let you start telling your story. But nothing has changed about what stories you can and can't tell.