Discussion: Live Patch Notes - 4/7/10

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Flameshot View Post
But....the level cap isn't being raised. Unless I misunderstood something, they aren't actually raising the level cap. They're simply enhancing 50's.
Maybe. No official word yet, unless someone has read something I haven't.

There is no way the actual level cap will be raised. Far too many people have far too much invested in their sets of level 50 purples and HO's to allow them to turn red. But *IF* GR includes "higher levels" it will be to give us more slots to use while we all remain at 50. (I would LOVE this, of course. No matter how I build Zube, he is always desperately short three or four slots.)

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

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- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The basic outline is to consider an overall fight to be a case of you dealing damage and you taking damage. "Help" is when something increases your damage or decreases your incoming damage. If the game could calculate damage components in a manner similar to how the tohit code calculates deflection messages, you could theoretically say, for every attack you make, how much of that damage is "yours" and how much is due to someone else buffing you or debuffing the target (this is not as straight forward as I've phrased it to be, given the way buffs and debuffs interact multiplicatively). A rad defender using EF on a giant monster could, in effect, get partial credit for all the attacks that land.
That would/could work for things like +DEF, -DEF, +RES, -RES, +DMG, -DMG, +ToHit, -ToHit... what about things like -recharge, -speed, or mezzes? You could easily make a Mind/Plant pet that spams confuses and holds while doing no damage. Or knockdowns through Ice Slick. Or an arch-villain that just stands around with Choking Cloud or Oppressive Gloom on.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by OABAAB View Post
Way to go devs. When you announced that CoX is going to implement content creation tool, many player warned that this will open a Pandora's Box but obviously it was an acceptable risk to you all. You said that you can deal with the bugs, unbalances, or exploits as they come and the overall potential for such a groundbreaking feature outweighs the risk. Now, those predictions have indeed came true and sure enough, you kept to your word and continued the tsunami of nerfs every few weeks in order to keep up with the authors that were *too* creative for their own good. As time went on, CoX population went through a continuous decline and AE use dwindled. This isn't a conjecture as anyone who has played for more than two years have made that very observation with their own eyes. As for those of us that can read financial reports and is knowledgable on currency exchange rates, the persistant decline in CoX is even more crystal clear. CoX sales revenue declined every quarter in 2009 from 6.8 million won in Q1 to 3.9 million won in Q4. That's a 43% drop in CoX revenue in the short span of one year. If revenue continues to decline at this alarming rate, barring a miracle, CoX will be in its death throes sooner rather than later. You don't even have to do any in depth due diligence to arrive at that conclusion but I digress.

My question for you devs is this. Given all that have transpired during the past year, what exactly was the point of AE? Why did you spend so much time developing, fine-tuning, monitoring and marketing (to the point of hype) the AE if it is eventually going to be little more than a niche feature that only a fraction of the population will actually partake in? Did you actually think that most people will only be motivated to use the AE for "storytellling" and "roleplaying" purposes when you went ahead with it? Maybe you haven't noticed but that vast majority of the "story" arcs on AE are amateurish in quality, full of typos, logical fallacies and simply aren't all that fun to play.

This isn't to insult the player authors but rather pointing out a reality in the world of arts/literature when it comes to the talent divide between the haves and the have nots. If every amateur storyteller were so adept at their craft and hobby then practically anyone can publish good literature or conjure up compelling scripts for movie/television. That is simply not the case.

As some other people have said before, if I wanted a good story, I'd go read a book or watch a movie. I certainly do that constantly but in an online game? Not so much. Obviously not everyone will share that sentiment but enough surely do. Yet you choose to go the route of trying to mold AE into an exclusive story telling club as if to alienate those who care more about rewards. Are you so confident that GR is going to replenish your subscriptions and coffers? Here's a reality check. Engineers and programmers are quite often bad with the finances and if you all actually do expect GR to have that kind of impact, you fit firmly into that stereotype. You're introducing a paid expansion and revamping the graphics of a game that's already 6 years old. That's not to mention that there's literally a log jam of competitors out there so consumers aren't exactly short on options. To be brutally honest, GR is not going to make a huge splash as you think and it certainly wouldn't bring it a massive amount of new subscribers for a sustained period of time. Certainly not enough to make up for the 43% revenue decline over the course of 2009. After all, no game except for WoW, (and *maybe* EQ1) has exhibited such persistent staying power over that lengthy time frame in the U.S. market. As a matter of fact, the entire U.S. MMO market is suffering from a drastic decline in subscriptions numbers and CoX is not going to be the game to buck the trend, economic recovery or not.

P.S: Going back to the original point of introducing AE and the inevitable train wreck of nerfs that will surely follow it. I would just like to say, I told you so. You made your own bed and now you have to sleep in it. And no, more nerfs is not going to be the solution because it hasn't worked so far, hasn't it?
I decided to color code your post instead of trying to respond to each falsehood, lie, error, mistake or irrelevant rambling individually. Here's a handy legend:

Red text = Lies.
Orange text = Things you know nothing about.
Blue text = Irrelevant for the discussion in this thread.
White text = More or less blatant insults.
Green text = Actual true statement.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by OABAAB View Post
And they will say, never has one used so much, to say that which meant so little to so few.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I decided to color code your post instead of trying to respond to each falsehood, lie, error, mistake or irrelevant rambling individually. Here's a handy legend:

Red text = Lies.
Orange text = Things you know nothing about.
Blue text = Irrelevant for the discussion in this thread.
White text = More or less blatant insults.
Green text = Actual true statement.
Thank you FredrikSvanberg. Nice to see someone else was annoyed with that . . . person. Got to wonder if he figured in the huge economic decline in 2009 to the loss of earnings in MMO's. Something tells me he didn't.


Kinda funny, I looked back at this post and noticed some REALLY bad Neg Rep Points had been slammed onto it. Again I have to wonder why? Not like my point? Or just flaming me for disagreeing with you? Something tells me the later.



Originally Posted by Zubenelgenubi View Post
Well, I think that a lot of the hostility between "farmers" and "non-farmers" ... comes from a lack of distinction between "legitimate" farming and "exploitative" farming. In many of these sort of discussions (i.e. arguments) I fail to parse that distinction myself.
Aas has been pointed out, players who were exploiting are the ones who tend to drag in the term "farming" rather than using the much more accurate term "exploiting" which can muddy up the issue. Whether they are clueless about it, in denial or doing so on purpose is up in the air.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Red text = Lies.
Orange text = Things you know nothing about.
Blue text = Irrelevant for the discussion in this thread.
White text = More or less blatant insults.
Green text = Actual true statement.
This should be used across the forum. Perhaps add in a few positive colors such as "Black - I agree with this part", "Pink - That was pretty funny", etc. and we could all use "The FredrikSvanberg Code".




NPC critters that are resurrected will be unselectable while going through the resurrection animation.
I've /bugged this yesterday, Freakshow is abusing this feature. If they died on a ledge or halfway in a wall, they wont play the animation and (if u are melee) hit you before you can even hit them.

I've already been killed twice by a freakshow boss, who rezzed and instantly wacked me.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post

... why was it imperative to put this patch out NOW, when it could not be properly implemented or tested ...
My guess is, to get feedback. Test server was already occupied or it probably would have been there first. But since they're releasing an issue relatively soon anyway, they might as well toss this out now and see if it works or explodes. That way any new changes can be neatly rolled into I17.

As for the fix, I'd suggest adding a secondary xp-reduction effect to ALL ally-activated support powers (heal, buff, debuff, mez and toggle) in MA. After all, it's not the number of allies you have that's causing the unbalance, it's the number of powers they're using to help you. Since attack powers already cause a 'kill-sharing' style of xp-reduction, they can probably be left as is. The effect would apply either to every player in a certain AoE range or every player in the mission, and would last for the duration of the power that activated it (or a few seconds in the case of instant powers). These effects stack, so the more powers your allies are bringing to bear, the less risk you're facing and thus the less reward you receive for it.

The game already uses somewhat similar effects, such as Gauntlet adding a Taunt to all Tanker attacks, and Defiance stacking damage bonuses for Blasters. You can throw it like a blanket across every MA critter, custom and canon alike, since the only characters earning xp are players anyway.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
I've /bugged this yesterday, Freakshow is abusing this feature. If they died on a ledge or halfway in a wall, they wont play the animation and (if u are melee) hit you before you can even hit them.

I've already been killed twice by a freakshow boss, who rezzed and instantly wacked me.
If "We" res, or use a wakie in the middle of a mob, they sure as heck can select us and start beating. we cant fight back, because that "stunned" doesn't stop them. This seems a bit heavy handed and really needs another look.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I decided to color code your post instead of trying to respond to each falsehood, lie, error, mistake or irrelevant rambling individually. Here's a handy legend:

Red text = Lies.
Orange text = Things you know nothing about.
Blue text = Irrelevant for the discussion in this thread.
White text = More or less blatant insults.
Green text = Actual true statement.
do you ever smile?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
do you ever smile?
Are you kidding? Have you really looked at the face on that Avatar? If FredrikSvanberg smiled something might break!



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
If "We" res, or use a wakie in the middle of a mob, they sure as heck can select us and start beating. we cant fight back, because that "stunned" doesn't stop them. This seems a bit heavy handed and really needs another look.
So i assume they changed this against the self-rezzing mobs in AE? Why just not remove the power from AE itself? Less impact then this 'fix'. (im running in Bricks atm, i see Freaks a bit too often atm).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
So i assume they changed this against the self-rezzing mobs in AE? Why just not remove the power from AE itself? Less impact then this 'fix'. (im running in Bricks atm, i see Freaks a bit too often atm).

They will figure something out. Guess we will just have to be patient.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Er, no it doesn't. I'm staying because so far their mystical 'vision' is about where I want it to be. If it veers off course I'll leave. I know I'm not the only one.
The vision needs to be an inclusive one. You may not leave but lots of other people have been.

Fixing an exploit isn't going to end farming. I'm not implying it should.
That was my point, the impact on regular farmers is minimal. The impact on mission creators is large. The developers protestations that the fix will be here soon, is falling on deaf ears. There are very easy fixes that could have been deployed instead of this, or they could simply have waited till soon, and just deployed what they considered the good fix.

AE teams were only going to accept scrappers and blasters. I didn't imply soloing, so don't act like I did.
Saying that you should have soloed so you could have seen what things were is the opposite of implying soloing. Strange farm teams you played on btw. If you are going to have nothing but blasters and scrappers you might as well solo, its more efficient.

Solo farming is worse than team farming, which is why I just jumped over to team farming, because that's the part we should give a crap about.
In what way are you using the word worse ?



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
That is kinda annoying. I can see the argument for why to do it but having to re-target resurrecting enemies is a bit irritating (especially against Rommy where you have to break LoS while he rezzes). Oh well, it's not the end of the world.
It's also exceedingly frustrating on Freakshow. When that big tanker gets up you have to wait for him to finish getting up, and he gets to smack you before you can even target him.

Meanwhile, rezzed PCs get whooped on mercilessly. :P Well, depending upon which rez you're using, of course.

Don;t get me wrong, I'm all for stomping on exploits. This is just a little unintended side-effect.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I decided to color code your post instead of trying to respond to each falsehood, lie, error, mistake or irrelevant rambling individually. Here's a handy legend:

Red text = Lies.
Orange text = Things you know nothing about.
Blue text = Irrelevant for the discussion in this thread.
White text = More or less blatant insults.
Green text = Actual true statement.
The colorization says much about the man wielding the crayons.



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
I have player this game since before i7. When respec recipes were released I said "cool". i have leveled 16 50's since then and have seen zero drop. (wether or not they are on ww is immaterial) as far as i am concerned they have a drop rate of zero. I dont farm. evidently you must farm to get one of these.
debt nerf, modified XP curve, -1/x8, supersideckick(so you can just sit at the door) and too shiny purples at 50 heavily encouraging PL.....then enter the frayed fantasy-mmo time-$inking endgame model of forever grindfarming boredom to eventually get some purple$ and ultra-rare $tuff

is this their #1 mantra "risk vs reward"? no, this is purely "FARM vs reward", with no exploits allowed of course



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
I've /bugged this yesterday, Freakshow is abusing this feature. If they died on a ledge or halfway in a wall, they wont play the animation and (if u are melee) hit you before you can even hit them.

I've already been killed twice by a freakshow boss, who rezzed and instantly wacked me.
Hmm. That does sound bad. However, I think the PCs are still having the rez bug where using certain rez/wakie/power combinations skips the rez animation entirely (toon on floor - rez - toon pops up instantly without "standing up"). Might be related to that since I don't think critter rez results in stunned status.

Come to think of it, this isn't so much of a change. CoT Hordelings did this already with their rez, they would be untargetable as well during their rez. Sounds like it's just an expansion on that idea. Still, if they are attacking before their rez animation is completed (or its coded time to animate is complete), then that sounds like a bug.

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Originally Posted by twelfth View Post
Hmm. That does sound bad. However, I think the PCs are still having the rez bug where using certain rez/wakie/power combinations skips the rez animation entirely (toon on floor - rez - toon pops up instantly without "standing up"). Might be related to that since I don't think critter rez results in stunned status.

Come to think of it, this isn't so much of a change. CoT Hordelings did this already with their rez, they would be untargetable as well during their rez. Sounds like it's just an expansion on that idea. Still, if they are attacking before their rez animation is completed (or its coded time to animate is complete), then that sounds like a bug.
From the missions i ran yesterday in a team, the 'not targetable' time is way longer then the rez-animation actualy is (Kzzzzt he stands up, goes combat stance, turns to you, if ranged he already starts an attack.. THEN he is targetable).

So those bosses when i was solo stood up, i was clicking/tabbing like a madman, whoomp, and there goes over 500HP of my health.

Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
In what way are you using the word worse ?
Teamfarming can be done pretty much with any setup, a tank, a healer and a trashload of DPS. Solo not every set or AT is as efficient, some also require some serious IO slotting before jumping into a group of 14 +2's (or higher). Worse, if you dont have such character, or in my case, they are on the EU side while im at the US servers.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



It's a game get over it, not like your all getting shot in the foot for goodness sake...

Be a little relative.




I see risk vs reward being brought up a lot, but there are plenty of things the devs changed that skew that anyways. CoT portals and Comm officer portals spring to mind. Any summoned enemy really - Infernals demons, Batzuls imps, anything the wyvern conjure up, ect... all things that bring with them plenty of risk but literally 0 reward. I can see why they were changed, but there is still risk involved and no reward.



Outside of AE was always more fun for me anyway.

This is welching on the "Full rewards in AE" from the beginnings and "You can go from 1-50 in AE" claim which is overall much harder now, but hey, life goes on. The devs are human, and made some promises that are biting them in the ***, but the technology is still amazing, even if you can't use bubbledrones for capping defense anymore. The farmers will move on, they always do.

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



Originally Posted by RedSwitchblade View Post
This is welching on the "Full rewards in AE" from the beginnings and "You can go from 1-50 in AE" claim which is overall much harder now
You've been able to use standard mobs like Council, Hellions, Malta, Arachnos, or Tsoo (and all the others) with full rewards in AE since day one. No change or nerf to the AE has impacted that and made legitimate leveling in AE harder to people who are playing by the rules and creating missions that are on-par with regular content.

There were two things that happened that impacted regular spawn exp a little. One was changing Freakshow exp which impacted AE and non-AE alike -- Freaks have always given a disproportionate amount of exp for their ease. The other was reducing the exp of Com Officers, since they have always been minions that give lieutenant exp.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.