Increase PVP IO Drop rate




I have seen a screenshot with a character talking to the time NPC, the NPC stating "You have been on patrol for 3 Hours and x minutes", and the number 50 with a green arrow in the XP bubble.

Could it have been photo-shopped? Sure. But I know the player in the picture. He is the most extreme player in this game that I know. He's deleted more 50s than I have and I have about 20.

If he says he can get to 50 in 3 hours, it is truth.

I will not reveal his name nor post the picture. You can believe me or not. I know the truth and the truth has set me Flea.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



You know something silly that has helped the inflation over the years?

Free Costume Changes

Imagine if everyone had to pay for their Costume Changes every time new pieces were offered.

(I know this has nothing to do with the OP, but it's one thing that would help the "broken" market as Castle said.)

P.S. LOL @ Castle calling a system broken.



How rare should rare be?

How many PvPIOs should a competent PvPer who does nothing but PvP get in a set period of time - say 10 hours?

But even at that, as posted by others (and Castle) upthread, time playing does not equal number of kills.

How many PvP kills should it take, on average, to get a PvPIO?

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
This makes me happy that I could care less about pvp Io's or pvp in general. Now if pvp gets fixed I might start caring but I dont see that any time soon. Actually I have pretty much given up hope of it ever being fixed after the last "fix".

Bind on pickup would be a horrible idea. That would FORCE people to farm for it. Bind on Equip I could live with.

Anyway you slice it though pvp will have to be worth something for me to even glance at a pvp IO. I had hoped that pvp io's would have given some kind of purpose to pvp but the virtually non existant drop rate dashed those hopes.

I would also like to add that this is coming from someone whose characters became better with the pvp changes. Not that that really helped me since virtually all the pvpers I knew left the game after the changes. I have toyed with the idea of getting back into it even though I do not like the changes but I expect more sweeping changes in the future so I see no reason to invest in a toon that will have to be gutted down the road.

Maybe if pvp changes were implemented one thing at a time instead of changing the entire feel of it all at once. Just my two cents.

*readies fire extinguisher*



I have noticed that all the intelligent posters on this page hail from Justice, justsayin.



Originally Posted by Ignicity View Post
I have noticed that all the intelligent posters on this page hail from Justice, justsayin.
It's a con spiracy.



Originally Posted by AresSupreme View Post
Once again, 1-50 in 3 hours is BS. Why would it not be possible to do that before AE when someone could have a level 46 sk them but now when everyone is auto level 49? 1-50 in 3 hours would take some major grinding and major skill and in that case would be well deserved. I'd love for someone to show me how to ding 50 in 3 hours. Besides, with prices the way they are, the 3-5 mill I earn from farming AE runs and the lousy drops get drained. I make a ton more money x8 +0 on BM getting purps.

i16 Anyone? Super AE/SK nerf. AE xp is pretty much on par with normal missions.
I dont know how to grow a 50 in 3 hours. I do know that you can run +4's missions. Which means my sked 49 is fighting +5's... its decent xp.




Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
I dont know how to grow a 50 in 3 hours. I do know that you can run +4's missions. Which means my sked 49 is fighting +5's... its decent xp.

yeah ive been doing that. Softcapped my ** to lethal/smashing...makes farming a breeze



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
I agree. Prices are an issue of inflation. Not drop rate. (Case example: prices of costume pieces when inventions launched. They didn't go for more than the influence cap despite rarely dropping.)

Protip: Give your endgame massive influence/infamy sinks. Inflation goes bye bye.
... What?

Protip: As money AND supply vanish, inflation skyrockets.

As money remains excessive, and supply remains unchanged, inflation skyrockets.

As supply increases, and money remains constant... inflation falls. Considerably.

Economics 101. It's one of the main reasons why I want to see salvage merchants in the game, no matter what they charged, they'd still be cheaper than the players until the players learn to lower their prices. (But that's a rant for another forum and topic, I think.)

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
Petal Dancer (35 Plant/Kin Contoller) Virtue
Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
(and more)



Originally Posted by JChaos View Post
... What?

Protip: As money AND supply vanish, inflation skyrockets.

As money remains excessive, and supply remains unchanged, inflation skyrockets.

As supply increases, and money remains constant... inflation falls. Considerably.

Economics 101. It's one of the main reasons why I want to see salvage merchants in the game, no matter what they charged, they'd still be cheaper than the players until the players learn to lower their prices. (But that's a rant for another forum and topic, I think.)
You think that this games developers are capable of understanding economics? roflmfao

After seeing how they "fixed" pvp; I can't wait for the lolz when they "fix" the in-game economy.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I don't. 2 hours 8v8 means nothing to me. 26 kills vs. 11 kills means more, but still is not enough information to make any sort of judgment on the validity of the drop rate.

Inflation is rampant. Things going for more than the market cap is obviously a problem, considering the market cap is supposed to be the individual wealth cap. Obviously, something is quite horribly broken there.
I'd say it's mostly a limitation imposed arbitrarily due to the limits of the data type used to store personal influence. Accumulating more than 2 billion is extremely easy with a little effort, and unless the system is set to destroy any influence you earn when you have a total of 2 billion combined out in bids and on your person, having more than 2 billion won't go away.

Mind you I've not arguing the point simply because I'm a have instead of a have not. I'd much rather see new uses for influence in game and a return to previous drop rates on TFs to help lower costs for have nots and to help curb inflation by offering new outlets.

PvP IOs on the other hand should be the shiny expensive items they are. PvP in the arenas, zones and markets is a hardcore player feature and if you want to be part of that crowd you have to make the investment to be competitive.

I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.



Wentworths' 10% is basically the only money sink in the game. Prices will rise until that 10% eats up the entire wealth generated by all the playing people do.

If pvp recipes and purples were cheaper, all the other enhancers which are now super cheap, would be more expensive.

And by the way, bind on pickup is not okay. If I have something in my build it must be possible for me to get ahold of that item. Hoping for a random drop that may never come - enormously unfun for me.



well if the market is broken, then there is only one thing to do , we should petition Pres Obama,and tell him we need some TARP money to stabilize the markets.

I don't PVP mostly due to the nerfing of my best toon by DR. and i personally don't think the risk vs reward is worth it. can't think of the last time i was in a PVP zone,and for the record ,i have run pvp servers in the past both tribes and team fortress.

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
I don't mean to come off as a dick, but does that mean then that as player skill goes up and kill counts go down, drops should also go down?

a system where it's more profitable to get 8 good players and gang up on 8 bad players for 10 mins straight while cycling targets in quick succession is just straight up griefy.
No different than pve, which for recipe drops rewards mowing down high quantities of weak opponents. Unavoidable as long as the rewards are based per kill.



Just so you all understand the big picture...

Originally Posted by Sunstorm
OK, so now that things have calmed down a bit, here's the low down on this one.

Macskull and Warface both got it right. When we looked at how the PVP system was going to work with a rewards system, the result was pretty nasty. It's a massive oversimplification, but normal players could not compete with experienced PVP'rs, which wasn't much fun for the normal players.

PVP needed to be reworked so a normal player had a reasonable chance of beating an experienced player. Otherwise, normal players simply will not play if they have no chance of winning. Ending the /threadjack there though.

Oversimplified comments below...

DR + TS + HD + Mez Res only + greater imbalances on sets and powers + worthless sets and powers + DRed PvP IO rewards + cruddy drop rate + can't be purchased with merits or rep cash in system + 50mil through 4bil price tags + PvP won't be touched until after GR which will be about 2 years = sucks big time, is not fun or enjoyable and is not very encouraging for current or future players.

I'm all for reasonable and "as balanced as can be" systems but currently everything PvP related is the exact opposite and absolutely ridiculous.

A very sad story about War Witch and the neglected kitty.

Originally Posted by Black_Barrier
Guess it's hard to click while actively trying to keep the drool away from the keyboard...



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind folks that this system is purposefully difficult to farm. Your BEST chance of getting a PVP IO drop is to have 10+ players fighting one another; either in zones or in arenas.

The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
i seriously think you may want to compare the amount of people that PvP to the amount of people that PvE and then adjust the drop rates accordingly. there will never be a supply with both types of players gunning for them on the markets. with probably 60% of the 95% off the PvE'rs wanting them and around 5% or less of the community PvP'ing to get these, the drop rates need to be adjusted. not so as to make them to easy, but to at least get more showing up on the market then there are currently.

i appologize if i sound rude, but this is a problem that does need to be addressed. i also know that those are not actual numbers, but from what i can tell they are a close representation.



Originally Posted by JChaos View Post
... What?

Protip: As money AND supply vanish, inflation skyrockets.

As money remains excessive, and supply remains unchanged, inflation skyrockets.

As supply increases, and money remains constant... inflation falls. Considerably.

Economics 101. It's one of the main reasons why I want to see salvage merchants in the game, no matter what they charged, they'd still be cheaper than the players until the players learn to lower their prices. (But that's a rant for another forum and topic, I think.)

The Devs are commies.
Expect heavy taxation in GR.



Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
The Devs are commies.
Expect heavy taxation in GR.
I think we need welfare for those of us who can't afford SO's. Give us like 10mil influence a month.



Seems like a hot thread to post this in.

Selling crafted Gladiator's Armor proc for 4 bill hero side on Freedom server. PST to @End-User.



Originally Posted by Ignicity View Post
I have noticed that all the intelligent posters on this page hail from Justice, justsayin.
I feel I've made some intelligent posts.

(Triumph Veteran)



Originally Posted by Dr_Dositheus View Post
Not BS, I've seen the screenshot. I will say, though, that it was done with the use of a broken power.
How did the screenshot denote how many hours it took?



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
How did the screenshot denote how many hours it took?
Hehe, well I deleted my post because I felt I may have said too much, but there are NPCs that will tell you how many hours you have been "on patrol". This person was level 50 and had been "on patrol" for 3 hours, according to the NPC dialog. Basically all that can be said regarding this has already been said by Pum and the others and I'm shutting my mouth now.



You guys are taking the "that's BS" out of context. The real issue was that I don't believe there is a large group of people using whatever these exploits are, at least not enough to cause inflation. That is all I have to say about that issue.



Agreed, a dozen people at most super-PLing is not the root of our inflation problems. I fear, from the tone of Castle's post, that drastic measures to alleviate this issue may be in store for us. I would be for an inf to merits exchange rate, but i think 100k to 1 might be too cheap. 100 million would cap your merits, and 100 million is chump change.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
And heres to hoping that you never do or never attempt to add such a terrible feature to our current able to trade for anything game.

I like not having to muster up 10 - 40 people just to get gear (enhancements) And I'm glad that you've made things in our current raids tradeable. Well the hami-os atleast. Its great that in coh I can use my earned inf to buy anything ingame that I want or trade for it and it needs to stay that way. As "no trade", "bind on pickup", "soul bound" crap would just ruin this game for alot of people.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.