Increase PVP IO Drop rate




Originally Posted by Leandro View Post

People leave that running overnight and make 2-3 PVP IOs a night. Not huge returns, sure, but still worth doing for the chance at a bucketload of inf. I personally know three people who do it.

Speak for yourself.
I run such farms and have been doing so for the past few months (my pvp toons aren't gonna fund themselves by PVPing), and I am yet to have a night where I get 3 IOs. My last 4 days of farming have resulted in 0 IOs. Nothing.

Stop believing your lying friends.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
When both supply/demand and inflation are at play, you can't single one out as the sole cause.
Supply on PVPIOs is higher now then it has ever been.

The only reason prices haven't dropped MAJORLY is because the market is still adjusting to the changes. If you don't believe me just go look at the market. PVP Recipe's have a higher turnover, higher supply, and lower cost than PVP enhancements.

Most of the last 5 sales for the enhancements are from last month.

Glad javs, Glad Armours, and Panacea Procs will always cost loads. They're the exception not the rule. (akin to LOTG & Miracle's.)



Originally Posted by Red_X2 View Post
2-3 drops a night... thats pretty funny. i've tried that myself and i'm lucky if i get 1 a night. there have been times i've gone 3-4 nights without getting a single drop. i'm at the point where i hardly do it anymore since it seems every time i do get one it's some crap like glads net or fury of the glad. i make more money at the market and farming tickets then trying to farm pvp ios. you probably need something like 3-4 accounts to do it effectively. the drop rate sucks.
ding ding ding!

good to know someone here's confirming my experience.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
PVP Recipe's have a higher turnover, higher supply, and lower cost than PVP enhancements.
This is not evidence to your point.



Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
This is not evidence to your point.
My point was that the turnover/price of recipe's is more indicative of how available PVPIOS are. (I.e. not "impossible to get.") I have a sneaky suspicion that some people in this thread are looking at the "last 5 sold" prices of enhancements and wrongly assuming that's the current market value.

I agree with you on drop rates though. Anyone getting 2/3 per night is using three accounts, not two.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Supply on PVPIOs is higher now then it has ever been.

The only reason prices haven't dropped MAJORLY is because the market is still adjusting to the changes. If you don't believe me just go look at the market. PVP Recipe's have a higher turnover, higher supply, and lower cost than PVP enhancements.
Yeah, I am not seeing how this supports your point.

You also don't account factors such as increased demand. Over the past few months, awareness of these IOs and their benefits in builds - including PvE builds - has been on the rise. That drives up interest, which drives up competition, which drives up price.

Most of the last 5 sales for the enhancements are from last month.

Glad javs, Glad Armours, and Panacea Procs will always cost loads. They're the exception not the rule. (akin to LOTG & Miracle's.)
Ironically, despite real inflationary pressures since I16 (solodoubling the average inf that 50s get for defeating a mob) the price of LotGs and Miracles have been fairly steady since around issue 14. Of course, unlike PvPOs, you can buy LotGs and Miracles with merits, giving them a price valve that PvPOs lack.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



What this game needs to fix the inflation issue is a big old money sink.

My suggestion: Allow us to purchase merits with inf. Something along the lines of 100k inf to one merit I think would remove an awful lot of the money from the system, and the prices of everything would drop.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
My point was that the turnover/price of recipe's is more indicative of how available PVPIOS are. (I.e. not "impossible to get.") I have a sneaky suspicion that some people in this thread are looking at the "last 5 sold" prices of enhancements and wrongly assuming that's the current market value.
The same thing happens with purples. And their price has been on the rise for a while.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
The same thing happens with purples. And their price has been on the rise for a while.
The biggest drive for Purples was PvPers in i12. In i13 with the changes, a lot of your hardcore farmers stopped farming. In i14, AE made it easier to get money, but no Purple drops.

I know its captain obvious here, but its kinda easy to see where the problem is.



No one will see any inflation relief until the holes are closed with regards to exploit leveling. Just remember that xp is closely related to inf in this game and the amount of xp and inf that you can generate today (usually via AE) has seriously flooded the game with cheap easily gained influence.

i14 1 to 50 in less than an hour.
Right now, 1 to 50 in 3 hours.

PvP IOs trading for such high value are a symptom of rampant inflation and not only high demand and low supply.



actually, the Starcraft 2 beta starts today, so I official have no opinion on Drop rates or IOs



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post

Right now, 1 to 50 in 3 hours.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
Agreed. This just sounds like anti-farming nonsense. Please.



And yet, he's telling the truth.

Please refrain from spouting argument from personal incredulity, it only makes those who know better immediately ignore you.

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If you don't want to increase drop rates give an alternate supply.

Ideas (Shoot down/modifiy as you wish)

Siren's Call bounty system:

I used to love going to Siren's Call but really, there's no need anymore with maxed builds at 50 and RV being hopping.

Modify the Bouty System so that the 6,000 bounty (or whatever it is) for a SO is instead applied to a random roll for a PvPIO. If you want some PvPIOs to maintain their value, lock them out of the roll table.

Issues with this include killsteals, of course, and farming for them. The killsteal issue could be resolved by having a tab of the player performing the most attacks on the target getting the IOs. The farming issue is always going to be there. Farming happens now, it always will so not sure where to go with it. If you want to disincentivize farming you need a higher supply output.

PvP Merits:

The PvE Merit system is based on time for rewards. Applying this to PvP could be problematic because matches generally last 10 minutes (sudden death is largely ignored at the higher end) and time in zone doesn't necessarily equate to getting kills.

Make this a participation thing...if you're in an 8 v 8 match you get a Merit on completion. You can add extra Merits for getting the most kills or getting kills. To disincentivize kill farming, also think about getting Merits for good healing skills...if you AP someone back from a potential death, grant a Merit for that. The problem is, of course, you could set up a farm where someone would just spike a target like a petless MM and your Empath could just gather up the Merits, of course.

In an ideal world, both teams would get Merits. Give each team member 2-3 Merits for participating (per member, so 16-24 Merits per team per match) and add more Merits for kills, saves, etc.

Make the Merit vendors about equivalent to PvE. Unfortunately, the low pool of IOs here (let's be honest, there aren't recipes available at level ranges, JUST recipes) means you might have to set the roll cost fairly high. It doesn't make sense to have it be 20 Merits or something...

Say in our practices last night, one of the matches ended 18-11 or something. So that would be 3 Merits to each team member for playing. Give the Emps 2-4 Merits for making saves. Give the Blasters 2-4 Merits for kills. In the end you'd get 10-20 Merits in a match. The rapid accumulation of Merits means you'd need to make rolls around 40-50 merits each at least.

The zone problem is...people KS. Some people are really good at KSing. The game/power system ensures that DoT powers can kill off a target someone has been working so Merits could be hard to gauge then. You might want a lower Merit output in zone. Reward time in zone more...after a half hour out there you get 5 Merits. If you get kills you get 1 Merit or something...not sure what the best methodology to work this would be as I just zone for kicks and I rarely get kills myself.

(As an aside, cages would become somewhat lulzy as you might see people caging targets on low HP to prevent Merits from being awarded)

Of course, at this point you have to decide how rare you want stuff to be. Should PvPIOs be as rare as purples? Not in my humble opinion. Should they be rare? Sure. You shouldn't get them with every kill. It shouldn't take hundreds upon hundreds of kills either...



The new system awards Merits automatically to PvPers in Arenas and to Zone PvPers. It tends to reward teaming more (a good thing imo) as team members get a set amount on match completion.

This would require some extra work on the Devs parts and of course some checks and balances, but you'd get more recipes into the system (hopefully) by players PvPing regularly and dumping excess in the Markets.

Even if you don't dump your excess, you still get more IOs generated overall.


Merit vendors in Arenas and PvP hospitals/zone entrances.
Random Rolls at around 40-50 Merits each.
Weight rolls as needed/desired. Exlcude some recipes if needed, if you really want some recipes to be drop only.

People PvP, recipes generated, supply increases, profit?

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



There are a couple alternate solutions I'll touch on quickly. Bolded important parts.

First, the core problem. PvP is supposed to be balanced. The theory that is, I'm aware that it rarely is in practice. This was the philosophy behind the Issue 12 (?) changes. It didn't really work. When you required 3 power pools (2 travels + fitness) before, you now need 4 (2 travels, fitness, and phase, a build generally useless for PvE).

Incorporating loot into this, especially RARE loot, means that introductory PvP is even uglier. These recipes need to for kills AND defeats, so that high damage builds are not the only ones with a good chance of drops. Team Fortress 2 does this rather well I believe, for drops are awarded as a chance per set time interval, and is not tied to normal objectives which can be farmed or griefed (there's an interesting interview with Valve here). This method examines the average playtime of a player, and has a set rate interval, at which each interval the player has a chance to get an item. If you spend more time playing, more chances, but none of the needless grinding for achievements that plague other situations like XBox live. This I believe is not too unlike the method Castle commented on briefly about badges a long time ago which was scrapped in design. This has the added benefit of allowing players to get those rare recipes whether they spent 30 minutes getting base camped (it does happen) or off in a bout which may or may not even be balanced due to the problematic factor of faction numbers currently in the zone. The very fact that a character here has so many survival mechanics means that kills in PvP can be rare. As was mentioned earlier, higher skill means you get killed less, and if the other player is good as well, kill less. Less supply because people are getting smarter? No thanks.

edit: As the immediate problems of afking in a zone came to mind after I posted this, the simple solutions are A) remove all safe zones outside of a very small area outside the zoning portal, and/or B) make the logout timer much shorter (like 5 minutes) and override ALL other methods of preventing auto-logout.

Valve also releases gameplay statistics, something I believe this game could use. If nothing but scrappers and blasters are in a PvP zone, something's wrong. Having drops for getting defeated also makes it sort of a consolation prize of "Hey, thanks for playing!" rather than only awarding PvP IO's to the best and leanest, something of a design problem if you ask me. Yes, I'm aware that TF2 is nothing but team based PvP, but this sort of thing is interesting to the average person and not just the mathematician.

Inflation exists because there's no supply. Unlike a real economy, you cannot go and start a business to address shortage of something. You cannot craft a PvP IO recipe from a bunch of garbage salvage. These PvP recipes need to drop like inspirations, this is the only way to truly drive the prices down. Farmers are continuing to find better and leaner ways to farm as they twink out builds, optimize DPS and attacks, making their own missions even, and the 'inf generation' part of the game will do nothing but rise on the higher end. To draw an extended analogy, this is a little bit like the drug war in several countries: the only way to effectively combat prices is to offer a completely alternate, legitimate means by which to obtain the product, and at much, much lower prices than the competition. If Gladiator Armor +res's suddenly start dropping by the dozens, people won't continue paying the 3.6 billion inf currently required. Why would they?

Inf was a trivial commodity before IO's themselves came around and fostered a very different attitude in this game which I think was a very refreshing change compared to other games. I still remember my first month in this game back in 2005 when I started off in Atlas and was given 250k out of the blue by some level 50 because he was helping new players. I don't see that as much any more unfortunately, and maybe it's time to turn inf back into what it was before: just that, play money.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
But we can do something else.

If drop rates are so bad, then people will leave the game.

let's wait and see if anyone does.
I know of quite a few people who have left, actually. Not particularly do to this one thing, but it was amid the argument points. Heck, I left for awhile as well. I'll be leaving again soon until GR comes out. I also know that a majority of players don't have anything else to flock too at the moment (thanks to the cataclysmic failure of CO); however, I'd bet that once more MMO's that are good come out, you'll see more of an exodus. As for me, when SWTOR comes out, I porbably won't bother with this game ever again, unless some MASSIVE fixes come down the pipe. Heck, I'll even take a break for Mass Effect 2, Star Craft 2 and others to fill the void till SWTOR comes out, just not to play this game. I feel a lot of others will be right there with me as well, but only time will tell.



Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
And yet, he's telling the truth.

Please refrain from spouting argument from personal incredulity, it only makes those who know better immediately ignore you.
Once again, 1-50 in 3 hours is BS. Why would it not be possible to do that before AE when someone could have a level 46 sk them but now when everyone is auto level 49? 1-50 in 3 hours would take some major grinding and major skill and in that case would be well deserved. I'd love for someone to show me how to ding 50 in 3 hours. Besides, with prices the way they are, the 3-5 mill I earn from farming AE runs and the lousy drops get drained. I make a ton more money x8 +0 on BM getting purps.

i16 Anyone? Super AE/SK nerf. AE xp is pretty much on par with normal missions.



PVPIO farms yield between 1 and 20 recipes per 24 hours farmed.

Thats with 1 offensive AE character and 5 alts with self rez on auto getting killed over and over.

Drop rate seems pretty low to me considering thats like 500 kills a night.

That said.. people who farm PvPIOs can theoretically get between 25-100 recipes a week.

Also before people balk..

The people who can do this (not me, my wife would kill me) spend $15 x 5 ($75) a month. Its not exactly cheap.




Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
People with two accounts farm PVP IOs for cash while AFK easily. Take a character with a self rez power; lock it on an Ouro TF mode with the no enhancements and debuff challenge sets to make it really weak. Take a Fire Controller/Dominator or MM. Park them both in Warburg (if both characters are the same faction) away from people's sight. Let the pets/henchmen kill the character with self rez, have the character have the self rez on auto. Sure, you have to wait until the self rez recharges, but the rep/drop timer is there to prevent drops even if you could rez any faster.
How do they get past the auto-rez to the hospital? If you stay faceplanted for longer than 60 or 90 sec (can't remember which) you end up in the recovery ward.


"I know that will get glossed over and 6 months from now someone here on the forums will make a statement like "Remember back when walk was crashing the mapservers" and someone else will say "Oh yeah, I remember that" and I will drop my face into my palm and die a little bit more inside." - BABs



Originally Posted by AresSupreme View Post
Once again, 1-50 in 3 hours is BS. Why would it not be possible to do that before AE when someone could have a level 46 sk them but now when everyone is auto level 49? 1-50 in 3 hours would take some major grinding and major skill and in that case would be well deserved. I'd love for someone to show me how to ding 50 in 3 hours. Besides, with prices the way they are, the 3-5 mill I earn from farming AE runs and the lousy drops get drained. I make a ton more money x8 +0 on BM getting purps.

i16 Anyone? Super AE/SK nerf. AE xp is pretty much on par with normal missions.
Silent Method actually had a cool method in the day that used a Freak farm, his Fire Tanker, a 46, a 41, a level 2 (!) and your alt. It's waaay since been patched but it got you to 50 in notime flat.

There are some AE missions that reward commensurately more xp than canon ones...and they aren't hard to find either. Nota: I am not part of the 1-50 in 3 group, but the usual suspect missions are usually circulating in PvP circles.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Gaheris View Post
How do they get past the auto-rez to the hospital? If you stay faceplanted for longer than 60 or 90 sec (can't remember which) you end up in the recovery ward.

Good quesiton lol



Originally Posted by Gaheris View Post
How do they get past the auto-rez to the hospital? If you stay faceplanted for longer than 60 or 90 sec (can't remember which) you end up in the recovery ward.

You red circle your self-rez, like Rise of the Phoenix or whatever and let it do its thing, I imagine. Likely need more than one of a farm target though.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Gaheris View Post
How do they get past the auto-rez to the hospital? If you stay faceplanted for longer than 60 or 90 sec (can't remember which) you end up in the recovery ward.

ancient chinese secret...



Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
And yet, he's telling the truth.

Please refrain from spouting argument from personal incredulity, it only makes those who know better immediately ignore you.
You'll excuse us if we don't take your unsubstantiated word on such an incredible statement.

I'll personally sit and watch someone PL from 1-50 in 3 hours before filing the bug report.