Increase PVP IO Drop rate




Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind folks that this system is purposefully difficult to farm. Your BEST chance of getting a PVP IO drop is to have 10+ players fighting one another; either in zones or in arenas.

The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
I can accept difficult to farm, but how do you explain a full 2 hour practice with 8v8s going every 15 minutes and no one getting a drop?

*Edit* also, is it a concern that these IOs are going for more than the market cap and are now being traded outside the market?



Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
I can accept difficult to farm, but how do you explain a full 2 hour practice with 8v8s going every 15 minutes and no one getting a drop?
I don't. 2 hours 8v8 means nothing to me. 26 kills vs. 11 kills means more, but still is not enough information to make any sort of judgment on the validity of the drop rate.

*Edit* also, is it a concern that these IOs are going for more than the market cap and are now being traded outside the market?
Inflation is rampant. Things going for more than the market cap is obviously a problem, considering the market cap is supposed to be the individual wealth cap. Obviously, something is quite horribly broken there.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind folks that this system is purposefully difficult to farm. Your BEST chance of getting a PVP IO drop is to have 10+ players fighting one another; either in zones or in arenas.

The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
First off, thanks for showing up.
PMing Devs works.
+1 point for that.

second, I've been pvping in 8v8's for the last month and a half non-stop. I generally spend 2-5 hours pvping every night i'm on. i've gotten one single drop in a month. a gladiator's net i got on my sonic/cold about 4 weeks back.

can you confirm that you guys are in fact looking into the drop rates? 1.5 billion for a glad jav proc is exorbitant and definitely a barrier-to-entry for new pvpers that wanna play something other than support characters.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Inflation is rampant. Things going for more than the market cap is obviously a problem, considering the market cap is supposed to be the individual wealth cap. Obviously, something is quite horribly broken there.
I agree. Prices are an issue of inflation. Not drop rate. (Case example: prices of costume pieces when inventions launched. They didn't go for more than the influence cap despite rarely dropping.)

Protip: Give your endgame massive influence/infamy sinks. Inflation goes bye bye.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I don't. 2 hours 8v8 means nothing to me. 26 kills vs. 11 kills means more, but still is not enough information to make any sort of judgment on the validity of the drop rate.
I don't mean to come off as a dick, but does that mean then that as player skill goes up and kill counts go down, drops should also go down?

a system where it's more profitable to get 8 good players and gang up on 8 bad players for 10 mins straight while cycling targets in quick succession is just straight up griefy.



Interesting feedback.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
I don't mean to come off as a dick, but does that mean then that as player skill goes up and kill counts go down, drops should also go down?

a system where it's more profitable to get 8 good players and gang up on 8 bad players for 10 mins straight while cycling targets in quick succession is just straight up griefy.

Very interesting point



Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
I don't mean to come off as a dick, but does that mean then that as player skill goes up and kill counts go down, drops should also go down?

a system where it's more profitable to get 8 good players and gang up on 8 bad players for 10 mins straight while cycling targets in quick succession is just straight up griefy.

I had questions for Castle, but I'm not a PvPer in this game. There's no significant reward for it, and I can't level off of it.

I'll leave it to black_barrier and macskull and the other great PvPers to pose the questions. I really wish the development team would actually invest in PvP.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
Forgive my ignorance, but does that mean that once you get a drop its only available for the toon you get the drop on?

I'd prefer the horrid drop rate we have now over that.

Like I said before, the drop rate should stay the way it is now, random and rare, just give us another way to buy them with a new type of pvp currency system. That way it would give us a shot at getting that elusive glad jav proc without playing the market for a week or farming until our eyes bleed. Make it hard to get the amount of "pvp currency" we need to buy said recipe, but at least we can earn it doing something we actually like doing...



Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
Forgive my ignorance, but does that mean that once you get a drop its only available for the toon you get the drop on?
Yes, that's what Bind on Pickup means.



Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
Like I said before, the drop rate should stay the way it is now, random and rare, just give us another way to buy them with a new type of pvp currency system. That way it would give us a shot at getting that elusive glad jav proc without playing the market for a week or farming until our eyes bleed. Make it hard to get the amount of "pvp currency" we need to buy said recipe, but at least we can earn it doing something we actually like doing...
A PvP Currency could be shielded from AFK farming pretty easily, too.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
Thank god.

And here's hoping you never ever do. In a game that caters so heavily to alts that would be such a bad idea.



Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
A PvP Currency could be shielded from AFK farming pretty easily, too.
PvP merits is a good idea if done right.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
I don't mean to come off as a dick, but does that mean then that as player skill goes up and kill counts go down, drops should also go down?

a system where it's more profitable to get 8 good players and gang up on 8 bad players for 10 mins straight while cycling targets in quick succession is just straight up griefy.
No matter what caveats are put in tying the PVP IOs to player defeats runs into that same obstacle, higher skill match-ups tend to be lower kill counts.

Outside of a PVP defeat, what other options are there for having PVP drop something ?

Sirens Call Style Bounty (which is basically Defeats) ? Time in zone ? An arena win ?

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
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Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Thank god.

And here's hoping you never ever do. In a game that caters so heavily to alts that would be such a bad idea.
/signed and I hope that by saying "currently" Castle is not implying that BoP is part of "Endgame"

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Slax View Post
/signed and I hope that by saying "currently" Castle is not implying that BoP is part of "Endgame"
/signed x2



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
One suggestion (which I'll probably need to officially take to the real Suggestion Forums) is to both have a mild drop rate scalar applied to PvP Reputation and to have more PvP IOs. Specifically, have PvP IO sets that are more comparable to uncommon sets instead of purple sets and have these drop more often. Easy, if weaker, drops would seem to be a better way to entice more players than the current ones and would hopefully be more plentiful on the market.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
One suggestion (which I'll probably need to officially take to the real Suggestion Forums) is to both have a mild drop rate scalar applied to PvP Reputation and to have more PvP IOs. Specifically, have PvP IO sets that are more comparable to uncommon sets instead of purple sets and have these drop more often. Easy, if weaker, drops would seem to be a better way to entice more players than the current ones and would hopefully be more plentiful on the market.
This is a good idea as long as the lower sets are still worth getting. Nicely said.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind folks that this system is purposefully difficult to farm. Your BEST chance of getting a PVP IO drop is to have 10+ players fighting one another; either in zones or in arenas.
People with two accounts farm PVP IOs for cash while AFK easily. Take a character with a self rez power; lock it on an Ouro TF mode with the no enhancements and debuff challenge sets to make it really weak. Take a Fire Controller/Dominator or MM. Park them both in Warburg (if both characters are the same faction) away from people's sight. Let the pets/henchmen kill the character with self rez, have the character have the self rez on auto. Sure, you have to wait until the self rez recharges, but the rep/drop timer is there to prevent drops even if you could rez any faster.

People leave that running overnight and make 2-3 PVP IOs a night. Not huge returns, sure, but still worth doing for the chance at a bucketload of inf. I personally know three people who do it.

The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
I'd hate you guys immensely if you did that, because it'd mean I'd never finish slotting my character with those enhancements. Having to rely on random drops for ANYTHING is painful; getting the five Panacea sets I want on my main? I'd just give up. While I do ocassionally PVP, I do that on my Blaster, and I don't want PVP enhancements on him; I want them on my main, the character I care about. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
Oh! Suggestion. If you ever do decide to do Bind on Pickup tech, could you make it "Bind to Account" rather than "Bind to Character"? This is a really alt heavy game, and I really think that would make things a lot easier for people to accept.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind folks that this system is purposefully difficult to farm. Your BEST chance of getting a PVP IO drop is to have 10+ players fighting one another; either in zones or in arenas.

The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
Even if the droprate increase isn't something you are comfortable doing at this time, another way to obtain PVPIOS would be an excellent addition. The Siren's Call bounty system is terribly outdated. Gaining SOs means nothing to most pvpers and most of us prefer the medium inspirations and dread reaching 6k bounty.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
I agree. Prices are an issue of inflation. Not drop rate. (Case example: prices of costume pieces when inventions launched. They didn't go for more than the influence cap despite rarely dropping.)

Protip: Give your endgame massive influence/infamy sinks. Inflation goes bye bye.
When both supply/demand and inflation are at play, you can't single one out as the sole cause.

Also, it's naive of the devs to consider the inf cap as the maximum of individual wealth. We can have multiple characters and effectively pool their wealth. We can also measure wealth in ways other than inf. If I have 10 Apocalypse procs in my enhancement tray, I have effective wealth well over the "cap", and can conceivable use that to trade off-market for goods.

If you want to prevent things like that, drop rate is the primary tool for addressing it. Of course that has other knock on effects, such as ensuring that more people have access to them. Such are the vagaries of tying character power to random drops and relying on a market to distribute them efficiently.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
Oh! Suggestion. If you ever do decide to do Bind on Pickup tech, could you make it "Bind to Account" rather than "Bind to Character"? This is a really alt heavy game, and I really think that would make things a lot easier for people to accept.
If they were to do it at any point, that'd be the only acceptable way to do it.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Protip: Give your endgame massive influence/infamy sinks. Inflation goes bye bye.
I'd gladly pay 100 million influence for a portal to a private instance of The Hive / The Abyss in order to have raids with my SG/globals without leechers, and I know I'm not alone on that.

(Heck, even at ONE BILLION INF to access the private raiding zone, that's still 20 million inf per character at the cap. Some SGs would go for it.) Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
People leave that running overnight and make 2-3 PVP IOs a night. Not huge returns, sure, but still worth doing for the chance at a bucketload of inf. I personally know three people who do it.
2-3 drops a night... thats pretty funny. i've tried that myself and i'm lucky if i get 1 a night. there have been times i've gone 3-4 nights without getting a single drop. i'm at the point where i hardly do it anymore since it seems every time i do get one it's some crap like glads net or fury of the glad. i make more money at the market and farming tickets then trying to farm pvp ios. you probably need something like 3-4 accounts to do it effectively. the drop rate sucks.