Discussion - Ultra Mode, Issue 17: Dark Mirror and Going Rogue!




I might be in a minority here, but I don't like the idea of the epic ATs being available when you simply get to level 20 as opposed to the cap 50. To me it makes things a little too easy and cheapens epic ATs a bit.



27.4 MB patch on test this morning.



Originally Posted by overfiend_87_EU View Post
I might be in a minority here, but I don't like the idea of the epic ATs being available when you simply get to level 20 as opposed to the cap 50. To me it makes things a little too easy and cheapens epic ATs a bit.
Don't worry, that's just your perception--I assure you that the ATs remain unchanged at this time.

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Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
I dont know where the rumor of a EAT with GR...I just want more EATs
in the Hero Con vid, part 2 talked about the Preatorian ATs, the new one that comes with GR so it isn't a Rumor.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Don't worry, that's just your perception--I assure you that the ATs remain unchanged at this time.
yeah I assumed they'd remain unchanged, but I still feel that they will feel cheap, especially all the time it took for my characters to gt to 50.



Originally Posted by overfiend_87_EU View Post
in the Hero Con vid, part 2 talked about the Preatorian ATs, the new one that comes with GR so it isn't a Rumor.
Do you have a link to that?
As nothing's been said at all about any new ATs in GR, I was wondering where you got that info from.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by overfiend_87_EU View Post
in the Hero Con vid, part 2 talked about the Preatorian ATs, the new one that comes with GR so it isn't a Rumor.
Source? There is no mention of it anywhere.



Originally Posted by F_M_J View Post
Source? There is no mention of it anywhere.
And if it had been mentioned at Hero Con, I'm pretty sure it might have been talked about at least once on the forums

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And if it had been mentioned at Hero Con, I'm pretty sure it might have been talked about at least once on the forums

Ah, yes. Would have spawned multiple threads about how the mystery new AT is OP, or too weak, or needs more cow bell, etc!



Originally Posted by overfiend_87_EU View Post
in the Hero Con vid, part 2 talked about the Preatorian ATs, the new one that comes with GR so it isn't a Rumor.
Oh, you mean the Paragon PPD and Praetorian Clockwork? Right.

That isn't a rumor: Those are enemy groups.



"Positron Task Force Update: This Task Force has been split into two halves and dramatically upgraded and updated to ramp up the fun. The final battle of the Task Force takes place in the Faultline Dam and incorporates the new Dark Mirror enemy."

Maybe the devs can answer this.....

It says Positron TF Update, is this a brand new Positron TF, or is it simply the same story just done better.

If it is a new TF altogether, then why not have Posi have the ability to run both TF.

That is all.



I agree that lowering the min lvl to unlock the EAT's is like a slap in the face to everyone who had to trudge through those grueling 40's to get them. However, my disapproval isn't going to stop it, so grats to everyone else

On a more positive note, I'm strangely excited about the animated tails. Finally, after all these years my main toon will have an animated tail. <squee!>

My mind is like a badger with a water gun. It makes no sense, but it sure is entertaining.

@Striggoi(Heroes Unlimited/Villains Unlimited)
21 50s on Guardian and counting



Originally Posted by Jerikko View Post

It says Positron TF Update, is this a brand new Positron TF, or is it simply the same story just done better.

If it is a new TF altogether, then why not have Posi have the ability to run both TF.
Not that I'll miss the old Posi, but I know some people will. I wonder if they'll add it to Ouroboros, or maybe the AE, or let Posi have two TF's. It sounds to me like it's the same story but rewritten, so probably the old one will have disappear from "continuity", but it could still be around in some form.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Have they posted system specs for Ultra Mode anywhere yet? Ive been out of town for a few weeks and curious. Haven't seen anything yet.



Actual Location: Inside the system itself.

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The only thing anyone in this game is "supposed to be doing" is having fun. Everything else is negotiable. -Jet Boy



Posi posted the preliminary specs back in Nov.

Then updated the post feb 10th


@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Not sure this is the right place, but where in the store is the Going Rogue pre-order to be found? I only see Europe version, where other items in the store (regular CoH etc) have a link to the US version, the Going Rogue one doesnt.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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Originally Posted by silver_1 View Post
I agree that lowering the min lvl to unlock the EAT's is like a slap in the face to everyone who had to trudge through those grueling 40's to get them. However, my disapproval isn't going to stop it, so grats to everyone else

On a more positive note, I'm strangely excited about the animated tails. Finally, after all these years my main toon will have an animated tail. <squee!>
Animated tails are fine, but where's the variety in animal heads/limbs? Would have thaught that, after all this time, someone cold have come up with a half-deacent ferret head, or eagle face (for those of us wanting a bit more variety with our animalistic creations!)

I wants a super buffalo!



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Not sure this is the right place, but where in the store is the Going Rogue pre-order to be found? I only see Europe version, where other items in the store (regular CoH etc) have a link to the US version, the Going Rogue one doesnt.
SinergyX for the US version try the US flag in the upper right of the store, or link back from the NA going rogue site.

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
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AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Have we heard anything more definite about a release date for Issue 17?



I17 still in closed beta, along with DS I guess...
Cant wait for the open beta, Im not a beta tester but i really wanna see some screenshoots, and see if the Ultra mode have any effect on costume pieces.



Originally Posted by Rubyred View Post
Have we heard anything more definite about a release date for Issue 17?
Not yet - just that it's going to be sometime in April.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



ok apparently i am one of the few people who felt that EAT are horrible versions of already existing AT, when i got my first 50 and i was so excited to play a PB for the first time it was awesome!!! so i leveled it up awhile, and realized that wow these EAT are not as "E" as i thought they would be , time went on i decided to try Warshade, again basically the same as a PB so meh! Blue Side EAT lost my interest very quickly. So i got my first Red Side to 50 and tried out those EAT and i realized omg i am so glad i really like the other AT because the Epic ones are garbage on both sides... and then i thought maybe they will be good for pvp, come to find out EAT are horrible in pvp compared to the other AT, i say stop the pretense and make the current "EAT" a regular AT available at lvl 1 and start over and create new EAT that are truly Epic.



It is kind of crazy and backwards they let people play epics so early now but still have the choke hold on mere costume pieces in task/strike whatever forces some of us will never be able to get. It's just awful , it's all i can say. I mean one is higher priority then costume pieces so why not just make the things available to everyone through normal arcs they can play by themselves at 2-3-4 am in the morning when no one is on? Group content could then give out group oriented rewards for people that can play that way without punishing people who protect and work while everyone else is online. =( Issue 17 looks like it's up today. going to sleep.



Originally Posted by BloodFairy View Post
It is kind of crazy and backwards they let people play epics so early now but still have the choke hold on mere costume pieces in task/strike whatever forces some of us will never be able to get. It's just awful , it's all i can say. I mean one is higher priority then costume pieces so why not just make the things available to everyone through normal arcs they can play by themselves at 2-3-4 am in the morning when no one is on? Group content could then give out group oriented rewards for people that can play that way without punishing people who protect and work while everyone else is online. =( Issue 17 looks like it's up today. going to sleep.
I'm not sure what server you play on, but I would suggest coming over to Guardian Server since I have very little trouble getting a team together at any time for a TF / SF.



Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
ok apparently i am one of the few people who felt that EAT are horrible versions of already existing AT, when i got my first 50 and i was so excited to play a PB for the first time it was awesome!!! so i leveled it up awhile, and realized that wow these EAT are not as "E" as i thought they would be , time went on i decided to try Warshade, again basically the same as a PB so meh! Blue Side EAT lost my interest very quickly. So i got my first Red Side to 50 and tried out those EAT and i realized omg i am so glad i really like the other AT because the Epic ones are garbage on both sides... and then i thought maybe they will be good for pvp, come to find out EAT are horrible in pvp compared to the other AT, i say stop the pretense and make the current "EAT" a regular AT available at lvl 1 and start over and create new EAT that are truly Epic.
I'm not sure what your problem with the Epic toons are. Let's face it, if the Epics were as over-powered as you seem to want them, nobody would play any other ATs after they unlocked the Epics. We would have to rename the game "City of Epic Arch-Types". Balance is where it's at. Personally, I think the title of Epic simply refers to the fact that you have to level a toon to 50 before you can make an "Epic" (too bad they are nerfing even that). Lastly if you don't like the Epic villains, you have not played a Widow to Level 50.