Discussion - Ultra Mode, Issue 17: Dark Mirror and Going Rogue!




When can you pre order Going Rogue?



When can i Pre order Going Rogue?



Originally Posted by David_S View Post
When can i Pre order Going Rogue?
When they want you too. So stop asking. and stop posting the same stuff over and over again. and on differnt topics.
maybe when someone doesn't post a answer it means that noone knows.



Originally Posted by OmnipotentMerlin View Post
When they want you too. So stop asking. and stop posting the same stuff over and over again. and on differnt topics.
maybe when someone doesn't post a answer it means that noone knows.
Isnt it supposed to be tomarrow?
And yes someone does know, but I guess just not you.



Originally Posted by CodeJunkie View Post
Also, allowing us to invite our own characters to a super group. Of course allowing offline invites should make this possible without having to do anything. I don't think there is anything limiting it other than the fact that you cannot have more than 1 character online at a time.
Prime idea that can be done thru the registar at city hall. Toons go up to official to put in application for SG they want to join. Leader or who ever given the privilege will get email stating new applicants and can go to city hall to accept or deny the app.

Also, im realllllllllllllly wanting wolf and fox tails.



Based on the announcements page I though Issue 17 would show up after the maintenance window today on test. After test came back up I logged in and checked the GMOTD and it said welcome to dual pistols test.

Is it a flip of a switch and if so did I miss what time this would start?

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



Probably been covered multiple times, but here it goes anyway.

Will DP closed beta testers have access to closed beta i17?



Originally Posted by GATTACA View Post
Probably been covered multiple times, but here it goes anyway.

Will DP closed beta testers have access to closed beta i17?
Good question, I want to know too.

@Naa - Liberty Server




Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
Good question, I want to know too.
Me too >,>



Originally Posted by firebug_EU View Post
I mean epic should be...epic.
EATs at 20 are not epic, definitely; new genuine_epic EATs incoming?



I'm going to echo the question asked by a couple previous posters.

Are the Dual Pistols closed beta participants going to be the same folks that get into the I17 closed beta, or will it be different qualifications (or random)?

PLEASE, we would like some official word.

Thanks, devs and admins!

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Originally Posted by Power_Play View Post
I'm going to echo the question asked by a couple previous posters.

Are the Dual Pistols closed beta participants going to be the same folks that get into the I17 closed beta

I seriously doubt it.

"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"

Arc ID 91456: The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force:poster 1, poster 2




Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
It's the history of the EATs that are 'Epic' not getting to 50, and not the EATs themselves.
EAT=Epic ArcheType, the AT is epic:
  • Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size
  • Heroic and impressive in quality

before you unlocked 'epic' ATs for any Hero of the City or Made, now a Keeper of Peace or Insider can drive epic stuff...very epic neh?
inflation of epics make them not epic anymore



Originally Posted by Vanex_NA View Post
EAT=Epic ArcheType, the AT is epic:
  • Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size
  • Heroic and impressive in quality
Would you say that Kheldians surpass other Hero ATs? Do Soldiers of Arachnos surpass other Villain ATs?

One of the main points behind changing them up so they're unlocked at 20 is because players expect them to outperform all the other ATs based on the current requirement to unlock them. Then they get upset because the EATs not only don't outperform other ATs, but in the case of Kheldians, they actually have additional weaknesses that other ATs don't have to worry about. And then the EATs get very little developer attention, because they're so rarely played.

Lowering the requirements to unlock them will allow more people to play them, which will in turn warrant more developer attention (and maybe, finally get that annoying Crab-backpack-on-a-Bane bug fixed ). They'll never outperform other ATs, but new players won't expect them to any more because they're much easier to unlock.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



"epic" ATs are ones that are inherantly tied to the story lore. I know that on the internet "epic" = awesome but the word is being used to describe soemthing that's part of a larget narrative (An epic useed to be just that, a long story)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Then they get upset because the EATs not only don't outperform other ATs, but in the case of Kheldians, they actually have additional weaknesses that other ATs don't have to worry about.
They also have strengths no other AT's have. It is not the AT that is bad, it is the player. It takes a lot more thought and tactic to play a Khledian than it does any other AT.

And yes, a Kheldian does out perform all other AT's in the sense that they can do anything any of the other AT's can do. Granted not as good as the specialized AT, but they can do it all. In some cases, even better depending on the player.

I am not saying anything about the unlock level, but rather the apparent lack of knowledge of Kheldians some people seem to have.

As for the VEAT's, yeah..a Widow > Stalker any day. a Soldier/Crab is a HUGE boon to any team, get 3 of those on your team with toggles and its easy mode on any difficulty. On average, the VEATs bring more to a team over all than most other AT's. Again, if played well.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Would you say that Kheldians surpass other Hero ATs? Do Soldiers of Arachnos surpass other Villain ATs?
Whatever the reason they got the word in their name, they're epic.

Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
One of the main points behind changing them up so they're unlocked at 20 is because players expect them to outperform all the other ATs based on the current requirement to unlock them. Then they get upset because the EATs not only don't outperform other ATs, but in the case of Kheldians, they actually have additional weaknesses that other ATs don't have to worry about. And then the EATs get very little developer attention, because they're so rarely played.
here are the answers:
Originally Posted by F_M_J View Post
They also have strengths no other AT's have. It is not the AT that is bad, it is the player. It takes a lot more thought and tactic to play a Khledian than it does any other AT.
Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Lowering the requirements to unlock them will allow more people to play them, which will in turn warrant more developer attention (and maybe, finally get that annoying Crab-backpack-on-a-Bane bug fixed ). They'll never outperform other ATs, but new players won't expect them to any more because they're much easier to unlock.
more people to play with them will result in more unnecessary complaints, because of the reasons F_M_J has very well explained.

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
(An epic useed to be just that, a long story)
that was "something" unlockable at lv 50, now it is at lv 20. What is the benefit of that? I can only imagine them to 20 because of new lv50 unlockable AT, otherwise I see it as unnecessary nerf, more complaints...and because of those complaints more unnecessary nerfs/buffs



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Would you say that Kheldians surpass other Hero ATs? Do Soldiers of Arachnos surpass other Villain ATs?
Arachnos i leave in the middle (cant really figure them out), but Kheldians have a few tricks making them more then a avarage hero. Flight/teleport, range/melee damage, tank and heal abilities. Epic not always means 'better' (ok, in WoW it did), lore wise they can be considered Epic (as in doing a heroic act).

So its now unlocked at 20, or kheldians get instant boost to 20?

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
So its now unlocked at 20, or kheldians get instant boost to 20?

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I already have 50s on both side, and therefore both EATs... so it really doesn't impact me.

I do like the change for new players but having EATS being unlocked at the same time as capes and a second costume slot may cause confusion. And it may make the cape/costume slot achievement underwhelming. Maybe moving both (cape/costume) down to 10 or having EATs unlock at 30 would be a better alternative.

I do like the potential of having other 'EATs' become available (now that the 50 pre-req is being killed)

I do like that they moved EATs out of conflict with the planned 'endgame' system

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



For those that were asking, it looks like those who got invited to the Duel Pistol closed beta do NOT have an invite to I17 closed beta. I finally put Test on last night - or should I say, early this morning - and found out that I could not access the Training Room. Thinking that somehow things had been screwed up somewhere along the lines, I sent off a question to Support. I recieved word back today that only those with I17 closed beta inviate were able to access the room at this time.

I got my DP closed beta invite back on Feb. 9th, but didn't have time to install Test. Since I didn't use that invite, does this now mean that I will never get another closed beta invite in the future?

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



It only makes sense that the next EAT should be HEAT. The next EAT should be something like the SoA and use Longbow instead...Maybe they could get a Longbow/Arachnos only PVP Zone?!

I would actually play a Longbow HEAT. I think the devs hit some serious AT gold by doing the SoA branching AT system and would be awesome to see other type of ATs that work this out.




The reason the EAT unlock was moved to twenty was because, after serious datamining, there was a statistical gap between player population and those who actually had attained lvl 50. There is so much altitis in this game that the vast majority of the character population hangs out in the midlevels. Personally? I think 20 is too low. But when so little of the player population has ever unlocked an EAT it's kind of going to waste and I can see the logic behind the decision.

And it's been said before, but the "Epic" in Epic Archetype does not equal "Super awesome." It means they're tied into the narrative story of the game. Although, the Kheldian storyline has really fallen by the wayside and needs to be revisited.

ETA: The probability of a new EAT with the release of Going Rogue is virtually nil. Praetoria will have, at launch, only content from levels 1-20, when it spits you out in either the Isles or Paragon depending on your moral stance. IF there is to be a new Praetorian EAT (PEAT) it will be sometime in the future, and probably only after they include higher-level content in Praetoria. We may see them adjust the EAT unlock marker higher, say 25 or 30. (but I doubt it.)

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.