Discussion - Ultra Mode, Issue 17: Dark Mirror and Going Rogue!




Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
ok apparently i am one of the few people who felt that EAT are horrible versions of already existing AT, when i got my first 50 and i was so excited to play a PB for the first time it was awesome!!! so i leveled it up awhile, and realized that wow these EAT are not as "E" as i thought they would be , time went on i decided to try Warshade, again basically the same as a PB so meh! Blue Side EAT lost my interest very quickly. So i got my first Red Side to 50 and tried out those EAT and i realized omg i am so glad i really like the other AT because the Epic ones are garbage on both sides... and then i thought maybe they will be good for pvp, come to find out EAT are horrible in pvp compared to the other AT, i say stop the pretense and make the current "EAT" a regular AT available at lvl 1 and start over and create new EAT that are truly Epic.
As far as I remember, the "Epic" title refers to the independent storyline, not the powers of the character.

And Peacebringers and Warshades play completely differently! PBs are steadier but slower-leveling, completely self-contained, they feel blapper-y in human form. Warshades have high highs and lower lows, they're dependent on enemies around them to up their output, and feel more scraptroller-y in human form.

And I don't even know what to tell you about the VEATS. If you think a Widow or Bane Spider is "garbage"? I really don't know where your criteria are. I have one of each, and they're monstrously awesome.



To be honest in response to those of you who think that Epic AT should just be extra AT without being better, then that is your opinion, i however feel that if i have to attain a certain level(regardless of that level) then it should be something better, something to work for not just another Blaster wannabe, or whatever. On that note i believe that they should at least be equal to the other AT if not better, and in my experience, they just aren't.



Originally Posted by FreckledAvenger View Post
As far as I remember, the "Epic" title refers to the independent storyline, not the powers of the character.

And Peacebringers and Warshades play completely differently! PBs are steadier but slower-leveling, completely self-contained, they feel blapper-y in human form. Warshades have high highs and lower lows, they're dependent on enemies around them to up their output, and feel more scraptroller-y in human form.

And I don't even know what to tell you about the VEATS. If you think a Widow or Bane Spider is "garbage"? I really don't know where your criteria are. I have one of each, and they're monstrously awesome.
VEATs barely have any storyline, much less an epic arc.

Political correctness is a stench in the nose of God. Yes, your God(s) also.



Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
To be honest in response to those of you who think that Epic AT should just be extra AT without being better, then that is your opinion, i however feel that if i have to attain a certain level(regardless of that level) then it should be something better, something to work for not just another Blaster wannabe, or whatever. On that note i believe that they should at least be equal to the other AT if not better, and in my experience, they just aren't.
You don't think the Epic ATs have (at least on paper) more versatility than any one of the other ATs? Take the Kheldians, for example. You have a fragile, high-damage "blaster" form, a resistant, low-damage "tank" form (that also functions as a panic-button breakfree), and a midrange human form. Jack of all trades, master of none, but with IOs in the mix, they can be plenty strong at any or all of the three "roles".

And the widows and spiders with their branching capability? Plus, since we can dual-build, you can have one character that can be either a Fortunata or Night Widow (for example) depending on your mood.

If you really think that the Epic ATs are just clones of other ATs, you haven't played them. I'm not saying they don't have their issues, but to dismiss a PB as a "blaster wanna-be" is just ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Ezoran View Post
VEATs barely have any storyline, much less an epic arc.
Well, true. I didn't say they were "good" storylines, just that the Epic title was meant to refer to that, not the actual powersets of the ATs themselves.



Well those that blast the EAT's i just don't get it. WS is an amazing class..especially solo. PB I am not so into. VEAT's I have not played but look forward to the Widow. As far as the epics unlocking at 20 that seems a little early to me. I thought 40 would be better since your standard AT's unlock their epic power near there, consistency ya know.



as much as i would love to keep the discussion of EAT going, id really appreciate the "release date" to I17



Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
To be honest in response to those of you who think that Epic AT should just be extra AT without being better, then that is your opinion, i however feel that if i have to attain a certain level(regardless of that level) then it should be something better, something to work for not just another Blaster wannabe, or whatever. On that note i believe that they should at least be equal to the other AT if not better, and in my experience, they just aren't.
You are right Chrome, it is my opinion and I am sorry that seems to make you upset for some reason.

Truly though, I can not understand your beef with Epic ATs. I have a 50 PB and a 50 Widow and both are awesome to play.

As a matter of fact for sheer survivablity, a Widow seems to beat out a scrapper/stalker in most cases without being IO'd to the teeth. The PB's ability to take different forms can also come in very handy under many circumstances. Tanks are tanks, blasters are blasters, but a PB can be both if needed and a scrapper to boot.



i agree with you about widows, i jus tdont find them fun to play...as far as PB they are able to assume those forms but they cannot take the place of the blaster or Tanker. i am pretty sure you can slot enough to make one for or the other really really good but in the grand scheme of things you cant be great at both, if that were truethen i would actually reconsider my opinion, but the problem is the White dwarf is about as good as a tanker as a scrapper and the squid form is about as good a blaster as a defender is ... im pretty sure we should agree to disagree before this gets repetitive...anyway i enjoy discussions like this so definitely looking forward to debating with you on another topic, until then i want I17 :P



Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
i agree with you about widows, i jus tdont find them fun to play...as far as PB they are able to assume those forms but they cannot take the place of the blaster or Tanker. i am pretty sure you can slot enough to make one for or the other really really good but in the grand scheme of things you cant be great at both, if that were truethen i would actually reconsider my opinion, but the problem is the White dwarf is about as good as a tanker as a scrapper and the squid form is about as good a blaster as a defender is ... im pretty sure we should agree to disagree before this gets repetitive...anyway i enjoy discussions like this so definitely looking forward to debating with you on another topic, until then i want I17 :P
You hit the nail on the head when you talked about slotting, which is why most people dislike PBs/WSs. There is simply too many powers to slot effectively unless you decide to do what some of us do, pick two forms and only slot them. I have seen very effective tank/blasters or scrapper/blasters, and even one scrapper/tank but never have I seen a Kheld that could do all three very well. You just don't get enough slots for it. My guess is that is why your not liking the Khelds. If so I can sort of understand, but again I have to say they balanced these ATs pretty well in my opinion.



Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
as much as i would love to keep the discussion of EAT going, id really appreciate the "release date" to I17
Okay, here you go: "sometime in April"

Re: EAT slotting -- yes, it's tight, but IOs made it a whole heck of a lot easier to get the most out of those slots. I can keep my triforms (and make each form kick-***) by frankenslotting the forms to save on slots without sacrificing enhancement. It does take a lot of planning, though.



Hello, do you think it will be at the end of April or sometime soon? Also does anyone know if you have to play the EPIC archetypes on the server you have a 20+ on?

Thanks for any information!



Originally Posted by TimothySWinter View Post
Hello, do you think it will be at the end of April or sometime soon? Also does anyone know if you have to play the EPIC archetypes on the server you have a 20+ on?

Thanks for any information!
All we know is sometime before the end of April. Because Demon Summoning was promised in April and, per the launcher, is being released with issue 17. Therefore, issue 17/Demon Summoning will be here before the end of April.

And once you get a character to 20+, epics will be unlocked account wide (on all servers). But you do have to get a hero to 20 and a villain to 20 to unlock both redside and blueside epics.



I'm not sure if this is "news" or not, but today when i logged out the patcher started downloading an 884mb patch.

that's "rather large". about 1/3 the size of the game itself.

again, I don't know if that's new information or not, or when they'll drop i17, but I feel pretty darn sure that this patch is a preload of i17. likely there will be at least one additional small patch which will tweak this 'bulk serving' of i17 goodness, perhaps more than one, and then they'll restart servers and launch it.

Which could be tomorrow, or a couple weeks from now. but i'm really excited to see it downloading

(( also... the HEAT's really lack slotting, it greatly limits them. I'd totally support giving HEATs like 5 extra slots or so to play with. Like maybe just start giving them 3 slots instead of 2 at a lower level than everybody else. I mean they come with randomly spawning racial enemies that effectively nerf them as tanks, and their group based buffs tend to make them more able to provide more of what the team 'least' needs. Plus many a PB will slowly drive an AoE focused team stark raving mad with poorly timed knockbacks. So the hero epic AT's really could use a little improvement IMO. I am a 4 year veteran, I've made a PB and a WS (and almost every other AT there is) and I have always been a little underwhelmed with the hero epics. I'm not saying they can't be played well, skill is a great equalizer of all things. But while they do have shapeshifting coolness, they just are not that impressive as AT's. They've been tweaked some, and the set bonuses for IO's helps them out some too, but in my opinion that just pulls them out of a bad state of affairs into a mediocre state of affairs.

VEAT's on the other hand... are drop dead sexy (in terms of their team effectiveness), some of them are perhaps even kinda overpowered in the group defense buff department. They almost make 'resistance' a poor mitigation choice for a team play villain.

Honestly though, I kinda prefer the traditional non epic AT's myself. I like to conceptualize from the ground up, on my own terms, in my own story-line. VEAT's make me feel a little guilty about the effectiveness i might be missing out on, by playing my own concept character instead of a VEAT i mean. HEAT's don't make me feel guilty.

Which isn't meant to troll PB's/WS's. I'm saying I really think you guys should get some more potency. Probably in the form of extra slots. I mean if you're going to be a jack of all trades, master of none, you should get enough slots to actually be a jack of all trades ...right? ))

Virtue Heroes of note:
Katerinae, Luci Ferre, Shinigami's Kiss, Dark Invokation, Cerulean Twilight, Side effect, Cheshire Noir

Virtue Villains of note:
- Black Dragon, Raven Sterling, Domina Procella, Inertia K., Vivian Revenio, Charlotte Arachne, Doll Parts, Fierce Orchid, Theta Charge



Originally Posted by TimothySWinter View Post
Hello, do you think it will be at the end of April or sometime soon? Also does anyone know if you have to play the EPIC archetypes on the server you have a 20+ on?

Thanks for any information!
No idea when it will finally come out, but I may have some good info for you regarding the Epic ATs. I only have Level 50 toons on Guardian server, but I have made PB's and WS's on several other servers. I believe it is a good bet that you will be able to do the same when the level drops to 20.



For real... its a song dude look it up on youtube!



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Uhm . . . really? That is just vulgar. Just so you know I Neg Rep'd you and reported your post. I am sorry if this breaks some rule about griefing someone, but . . . really?
Flurbal in the crocket berry



Originally Posted by PopShot View Post
Flurbal in the crocket berry
Uh . . . Well . . . I got nothing here. Can anyone tell me what he is trying to say? Not trying to be rude, but I honestly can't figure it out.



Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
You will also be able to get your hands on an exclusive item pack if you get the City of Heroes Going Rogue: Complete Collection (MSRP $39.99 USD), that will be available when Going Rogue releases in July!

I do hope you intend to offer the item pack as a separate 9 dollar purchasable cause honestly, If I knew I could WAIT, buy it when it came out and get going rogue, add 10 dollars ( LESS than the price of a month of play) And get a month PLUS items?

Something is wrong here..
You would think the already existing players who Prepurchase, putting money out for it before they even know all that goes into it should be getting the bonus, not so much the late adopters.



Originally Posted by Dekar View Post
I do hope you intend to offer the item pack as a separate 9 dollar purchasable cause honestly, If I knew I could WAIT, buy it when it came out and get going rogue, add 10 dollars ( LESS than the price of a month of play) And get a month PLUS items?

Something is wrong here..
You would think the already existing players who Prepurchase, putting money out for it before they even know all that goes into it should be getting the bonus, not so much the late adopters.
I already commented on this in the other thread you just created, but for the sake of new people stumbling in here I'll do it again.

Going Rogue Prepurchase--
Targetted at existing players, gives them access to two powersets months before the expansion comes out (Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning will remain unavailable unless you eventually purchase the expansion). No additional fee required once the expansion is released in July.

Going Rogue: Complete Collection--
Targetted at new and returning players, contains full version of CoH/CoV as well as the expansion. It can be used to upgrade an existing account, at which point it will add a month of game time. Also contains some extra in-game items, such as new costume auras and emotes and an inherent stealth power. (These extra items will be available to purchase as a package through the NCSoft online store, but no price point has been set yet. It is generally assumed that the price will be $10 like every other upgrade/booster.)

All this information was given on the boards by the moderators with some developer commentary in February, before the prepurchase program started. If you didn't read the information, then it's not really their fault.


Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Scratch that, it was in news, I simply must have missed it. My bad.



So . . . anyone want to hazard a guess as to how much longer we have to wait for Issue 17 since Open Beta has started? I am guessing either the 20th or the 27th, probably the 27th though. Both of these dates are Tuesdays which allows that to get back from the weekend on a Monday and deal with the issue release on Tuesday, while still having Wed-Fri to fix any major issues that may come up.

Who knows though, I could be completely wrong.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
So . . . anyone want to hazard a guess as to how much longer we have to wait for Issue 17 since Open Beta has started?
Actually friend, the open beta is running NOW. Started I think 2 days ago on the test server.



Originally Posted by Dekar View Post
Actually friend, the open beta is running NOW. Started I think 2 days ago on the test server.
Gman was asking when we think it will go live. My money's on the 27th. It's a Tuesday, and it coincides nicely with the anniversary.



Wednesday the 28th is a good secondary bet, given that April 28th is the actual 6th anniversary of the game. (I'm with you guys for the 27th being the more popular choice, though.)

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!


