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  1. Chrome

    Quick Question

    I have tested this and Yes Developer Choice AE missions using standard rewards will drop shards!!!
  2. Chrome


    For anyone else curious about this i have tested and yes Shards will drop on Dev Choice AE missions using Standard rewards!
  3. Chrome


    so ill jsut have to run them with my 50 to find out for sure, surprised no one has tried and tested this out
  4. Chrome


    thanks for the info, is there anyone with a definite answer?
  5. Chrome


    I asked this on the player help forum and was told that this may be a better place to ask ...

    Will Developers Choice Missions with standard reward setting grant shards?
  6. Chrome

    Quick Question

    Me and a friend of mine recently made some alts that we plan on leveling through the Dev choice AE missions only and other non farm AE missions, this got me thinking, will dev choice missions using Standard rewards as opposed to Architect rewards, set at level 50 ...will they drop shards in those missions?
  7. This is a very interesting topic to me because I find myself trying to teach my girlfriend to use the WASD keys but she just wont use them. is there a Psychological reason for not using the letters to move since the Arrows are obviously for movement... i personally use wasd as fwd left right and back in order. i change a and d with q and e so my left and right are positioned closer to the way the arrows are and strafe keys are close by. i usually use my mouse for my 2nd and 3rd trays leaving the first tray which is directly above WASD also powers in the 7890 buttons are usually long recharge powers so i use the mouse for them as well. but 12345 are main attacks. i also use the mouse to turn and raise or lower my elevation, if flying, it is alot easier and smoother especially in caves or Grandville with its many Aerial obstacles. anyways just sharing to share i guess still curious as to why people use the keys or keybinds they do

    Also i believe there is a way to lock your powers in the trays so as to prevent inadvertently dragging them off
  8. Chrome

    what ?

    Ok a burning irritation of mine is that when you have a waypoint selected on the the trainer or wentworth's/black market... and your teammates enter a mission, the way point goes away and have to reset the way point... its not game breaking and maybe a minor annoyance to some...but seriously is this ever going to be fixed?
  9. i would have loved to have heard it , but i really do liek the current sounds as is, and in comparison, if you have ever heard force bubble over and over and over up to 13 times every 4 minutes oh yeah times 2 and its only 13 times cause i wont buff anyones pets but my own... gah!!
  10. First off i would like to add my agreement to the Sonic conversation, something needs to change there. Secondly Demons also need to be less vocal.I disagree with most about Kinetic Melee i love the sounds!!!

    the one thing that drives me nuts, if i am forced to continually recast my force field bubbles on an entire party plus my pets, please please please change the soudn to something a bit lower toned. or maybe even a hum of energy. like a really old TV when its warming up or shutting off...I hate the fact that i have to recast them all over and over and over again, but if i have to deal with that please change the sounds !
  11. Man, granted i am not a super powergamer, but i have put alot of inf into my toons and i have become really really great with PVE content! but i am really happy with these new TFs becasue its ...well ...different. its not even that challenging once you get the strategies... besides that...i play a Hero!! i keep fighting and fighting until i win!! no matter how hard or steep the challenge!! my villains have the same mentality...keep fighting the insolent heroes until they beg for my mercy and then kick them in the balls... i remember my first time through Apex.. it was bloody hard!... the only guy who had done it before was the leader...we were all slotted ...he quit during the warwalkers... so it was 7 of us doing it for the fist tiem with no direction... but we kept at it death after death after death!! finally we got to BM and died even more times!! we were starting to get the strategy down and the only guy i knew on the team , my friend on vent with me Dc'd so to the others it look like he quit! but we kept going and befor emy friend got back another we kept going when we only had 4 people left on the team and finally gave up !! but those of us that stayed werent mad! we just wrote it off as a loss and decided to meet up the next day ! well my friend wasnt able to log in the next day but me and one of the other "non quitters" teamed up and grabbed some more people and wooped up on BM! and it was such a good feeling to have beat her up ! we then proceeded to run an ITF and decimate it so quick it was nuts... man ya know the deal is that its not that this is hard or that its elitism or that its power gamers its that it is new and different. some people cant handle change. i garuntee that 6 months from now when the majority of 50s have the alpha slot unlocked and slotted, tinmage and apex will be just like ITFs or at least STF... difficult but the strategy so widely known and practiced that power gamers and elitists will be calling this too easy and beg for harder stuff! the cycle will begin again and these same "whiners" will have figured out that it isnt hard its actually not that bad at all!! but they sure as heck will whine about the next "harder" TF
  12. I have not had any problem with these forums and the only time i have been logged off the forums is if i am idle for too long... other than that whihc i think is by design rather than a problem...have not had one problem once!
  13. I’m trying to figure out what costs... I understand that if we were to purchase TV ads and what not then yeah it would cost some money...but I was talking about giving a call to local radio stations to just talk about Real World Hero which in and of itself will bring attention to city of Heroes most radio stations will gladly give a plug to a charity since it’s not going to infringe on any advertisers they currently have... especially now!! and while I may not know the specifics on the ins and outs of advertising, I do know that the more of an audience you reach the more people will see it... we are not worrying about costs since the cost is minimal and we will be successful even if we only get one other person to try the game!!! we are not taking the place of NCsoft marketing we are going to be adding to it ... and my original explanation is correct We do not need to focus our advertising on a specific market...the reason to use a focus group is to save on the cost of advertising...I bet that if NC soft had unlimited funds then they would advertise on more powerful medias. And to a broader audience... the fact is the more people who see your message the more effective the advertising is...if you do not have to worry about cost! which in this case we do not...I mean really the cost of printer paper is minimal at worst... so with my "limited" knowledge of advertising I still maintain that if we advertise for CoX on a broad scale we can effectively increase our population!!!
  14. so...your belief is that if we advertise to less peoplea bigger percentage of those advertised will play/subscribe....fair enough....but what we want is to advertise to more people a huge audience...mathematically speaking:

    if we focus the advertising to a small group of hand picked audience say for example its 100 people...the success rate of the advertising will be in the hi 75% range there fore 75 people will begin to play the game....75% is a great statistic!!!

    however... if we advertise to 10000 people we may only get 10% of them to play...but wait thats 1000 people!!! now maybe 10% is to hi... but even 1% is 100 people!! which is still more than the small focus these numbers are not realistic at all but i think it illustrates my point quite nicely!

    Especially when you have the Community doing the advertising for you !!
  15. i think that befor ethe incarnate system and I19 in general this would be an "ok" tho with the Alpha slot tip of the iceberg as it may, i am pretty sure that there will be bigger better faster cooler things coming along so be patient !
  16. actually that is the main problem, we do not have a recognized brand, when peopel talk MMos they talk WoW, they talk Everquest, They talk DAOC, heck even Lord of the Rings Online, but no one talks about CoX... it is not an established brand and hasnt been in along time. I was on a team tonight that actually had some new subscribers on...literally 0 vet badges and maybe 5 total badges.. and they were all into the game and how cool everything was...and then one guy/girl... starts talking about how burned out they are and how this and that needs to change...we wonder how and why we dont get new people to stay... how about we give a little effort... maybe talk it up at work...or school or where ever you are whenever you can! the game is not dying, nor is it clsoe to dying, new and returning subscribers come back everyday...if only we as a community had the resources and drive to put this game on the Air... it is Still beating out new Super hero MMOs ... I guess i really like the game and the community and i wanna help keep the game active and encouraging Devs and Corporations to keep giving us new and better content... I am not saying that this game is in Dire need of Subscribers, but what i am saying is that when it comes right down to it the game is getting up ther in age and thing slike GR are revitalizing its look and content. If we can help by going crazy about this and telling everyone we know about it woudl just be a great thing!!!

    BTW to the OP have you tried contacting Support to see if there are Official Posters available online that we can use in a campaign like this ? doing this on our own is good ...doing this with support from NC Soft and Paragon Studios would be even better!!
  17. So I am a Recruitaholic, and i support this message, however...every game i play i recruit all my friends to play...and am usually successful to the point they all say i should go into politics. with that i will proudly volunteer to help promote the game in anyway i can, but somewhere i heard someone say that going rogue was advertised well. I disagree. my girlfriend watches alot of TV and when im not playing CoH so do i. we typically watch shows of a superhero nature. ie Heroes, Smallville, no Ordinary family, and a few others. i also watch numerous shows on the SyFy channel during prime time!!. and from the time they Announced GR till today i have yet to see one commercial for GR or anything CoX related. but can you guess how many inane mohawk grenade commercials i saw? well it was alot more than none. someone earlier asked for other suggestions, i just happen to have one! ....

    If you have played CoX for the last few years you may have seen this. It is a Legit Charity put on by CoX players. Mr. Wentworth started it and you can read the info at there website! My suggestion is that during these holidays call your radio stations Rock/country /Rap call them all and tell them of this great program! Most radio shows are already advertising charities and stuff because this is the giving season. When people heare about stuff like this on the radio about 10% of them will at least check it out...

    What this will do is 2 things.

    A) give Mr Wentworth and RealWorldHero alot of visitors to the website.

    B) garner awareness and interest to a game in which the community of gamers can and does support noble charities. which is what this thread is trying to do! (Also its alot cooler to be the geek who gives to charities than the geek who throws a mohawk grenade)

    Disclaimer: while i have spoken with Mr. Wentworth in the past this post is not even discussed with him before i randomly spouted this awesome idea. and i did not get permission for anything, these are strictly my opinions but dang its an awesome idea!
  18. the difference comes in the a Scrapper and Brute lightning rod will be in the primary...and Shield charge will be in the secondary... therefore LR will do more damage, however for a tanker...SC will do more damage as the primary and secondary are switched
  19. This!!! Contrary to your Disclaimer, Paragon Studios should snap you up as a consultant for new AT right away!! i would love this !!
  20. I19 content can be solo'd as has been said. but i will be the first one to offer a helping hand if you switch to Virtue. I run the SG Retrospective and we also have a Villain side SG ...we are small tight group new recruits must be 18 + and we also use ventrilo... i have helped every single one of my SG that needs there alpha unlocked...come over and see whats up global is @C'hrome
  21. if money is no problem like it is for some people you can always do this

    [color:#A80000]Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.707[/color]

    [color:#800000]Click this DataLink to open the build![/color]

    [color:#000000]Level 50 Natural Dominator[/color]
    [color:#A80000]Primary Power Set: [/color][color:#000000]Earth Control[/color]
    [color:#A80000]Secondary Power Set: [/color][color:#000000]Earth Assault[/color]
    [color:#A80000]Power Pool: [/color][color:#000000]Fitness[/color]
    [color:#A80000]Power Pool: [/color][color:#000000]Leaping[/color]
    [color:#A80000]Power Pool: [/color][color:#000000]Speed[/color]
    [color:#A80000]Power Pool: [/color][color:#000000]Concealment[/color]
    [color:#A80000]Ancillary Pool: [/color][color:#000000]Leviathan Mastery[/color]

    [color:#A80000]Villain Profile:[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 1:[/color] [color:#000000]Fossilize[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Gladiator's Net - [/color][color:#820000]Chance of Damage(Lethal)[/color]
    • (3) [color:#820000]Gladiator's Net - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Hold[/color]
    • (3) [color:#820000]Gladiator's Net - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Recharge[/color]
    • (5) [color:#820000]Gladiator's Net - [/color][color:#820000]Recharge/Hold[/color]
    • (5) [color:#820000]Gladiator's Net - [/color][color:#820000]Endurance/Recharge/Hold[/color]
    • (21) [color:#820000]Lockdown - [/color][color:#820000]Chance for +2 Mag Hold[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 1:[/color] [color:#000000]Stone Spears[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Apocalypse - [/color][color:#820000]Chance of Damage(Negative)[/color]
    • (7) [color:#820000]Apocalypse - [/color][color:#820000]Damage[/color]
    • (7) [color:#820000]Apocalypse - [/color][color:#820000]Damage/Endurance[/color]
    • (9) [color:#820000]Apocalypse - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Damage/Recharge[/color]
    • (9) [color:#820000]Apocalypse - [/color][color:#820000]Damage/Recharge[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 2:[/color] [color:#000000]Stone Cages[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Gravitational Anchor - [/color][color:#820000]Chance for Hold[/color]
    • (11) [color:#820000]Gravitational Anchor - [/color][color:#820000]Immobilize[/color]
    • (11) [color:#820000]Gravitational Anchor - [/color][color:#820000]Immobilize/Recharge[/color]
    • (13) [color:#820000]Gravitational Anchor - [/color][color:#820000]Immobilize/Endurance[/color]
    • (13) [color:#820000]Gravitational Anchor - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Immobilize/Recharge[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 4:[/color] [color:#000000]Tremor[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Armageddon - [/color][color:#820000]Chance for Fire Damage[/color]
    • (15) [color:#820000]Armageddon - [/color][color:#820000]Damage[/color]
    • (15) [color:#820000]Armageddon - [/color][color:#820000]Damage/Recharge[/color]
    • (17) [color:#820000]Armageddon - [/color][color:#820000]Damage/Endurance[/color]
    • (17) [color:#820000]Armageddon - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Damage/Recharge[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 6:[/color] [color:#000000]Quicksand[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Pacing of the Turtle - [/color][color:#820000]Chance of -Recharge[/color]
    • (19) [color:#820000]Pacing of the Turtle - [/color][color:#820000]Endurance/Recharge/Slow[/color]
    • (19) [color:#820000]Pacing of the Turtle - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Slow[/color]
    • (21) [color:#820000]Pacing of the Turtle - [/color][color:#820000]Damage/Slow[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 8:[/color] [color:#000000]Hurdle[/color]
    • (A) [color:#9B0000]Jumping[/color][color:#9B0000] IO[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 10:[/color] [color:#000000]Combat Jumping[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Luck of the Gambler - [/color][color:#820000]Recharge Speed[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 12:[/color] [color:#000000]Stalagmites[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Absolute Amazement - [/color][color:#820000]Chance for ToHit Debuff[/color]
    • (23) [color:#820000]Absolute Amazement - [/color][color:#820000]Endurance/Stun[/color]
    • (23) [color:#820000]Absolute Amazement - [/color][color:#820000]Stun[/color]
    • (25) [color:#820000]Absolute Amazement - [/color][color:#820000]Stun/Recharge[/color]
    • (25) [color:#820000]Absolute Amazement - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Stun/Recharge[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 14:[/color] [color:#000000]Health[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Numina's Convalescence - [/color][color:#820000]+Regeneration/+Recovery[/color]
    • (27) [color:#820000]Panacea - [/color][color:#820000]+Hit Points/Endurance[/color]
    • (27) [color:#820000]Miracle - [/color][color:#820000]+Recovery[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 16:[/color] [color:#000000]Super Jump[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Blessing of the Zephyr - [/color][color:#820000]Knockback Reduction (4 points)[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 18:[/color] [color:#000000]Earthquake[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Dark Watcher's Despair - [/color][color:#820000]To Hit Debuff/Endurance[/color]
    • (29) [color:#820000]Dark Watcher's Despair - [/color][color:#820000]To Hit Debuff/Recharge[/color]
    • (29) [color:#820000]Dark Watcher's Despair - [/color][color:#820000]To Hit Debuff[/color]
    • (31) [color:#820000]Dark Watcher's Despair - [/color][color:#820000]Chance for Recharge Slow[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 20:[/color] [color:#000000]Stamina[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Performance Shifter - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Recharge[/color]
    • (31) [color:#820000]Performance Shifter - [/color][color:#820000]EndMod/Accuracy[/color]
    • (33) [color:#820000]Performance Shifter - [/color][color:#820000]Chance for +End[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 22:[/color] [color:#000000]Power Boost[/color]
    • (A) [color:#9B0000]Recharge Reduction[/color][color:#9B0000] IO[/color]
    • (33) [color:#9B0000]Recharge Reduction[/color][color:#9B0000] IO[/color]
    • (34) [color:#9B0000]Recharge Reduction[/color][color:#9B0000] IO[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 24:[/color] [color:#000000]Heavy Mallet[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Hecatomb - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Damage/Recharge[/color]
    • (34) [color:#820000]Hecatomb - [/color][color:#820000]Damage/Recharge[/color]
    • (34) [color:#820000]Hecatomb - [/color][color:#820000]Damage/Endurance[/color]
    • (36) [color:#820000]Hecatomb - [/color][color:#820000]Damage[/color]
    • (36) [color:#820000]Hecatomb - [/color][color:#820000]Chance of Damage(Negative)[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 26:[/color] [color:#000000]Volcanic Gasses[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Lockdown - [/color][color:#820000]Chance for +2 Mag Hold[/color]
    • (31) [color:#820000]Lockdown - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold[/color]
    • (36) [color:#820000]Lockdown - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Hold[/color]
    • (37) [color:#820000]Lockdown - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Recharge[/color]
    • (37) [color:#820000]Lockdown - [/color][color:#820000]Recharge/Hold[/color]
    • (37) [color:#820000]Lockdown - [/color][color:#820000]Endurance/Recharge/Hold[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 28:[/color] [color:#000000]Seismic Smash[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Mako's Bite - [/color][color:#820000]Damage/Recharge[/color]
    • (33) [color:#820000]Mako's Bite - [/color][color:#820000]Damage/Endurance[/color]
    • (39) [color:#820000]Mako's Bite - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge[/color]
    • (39) [color:#820000]Mako's Bite - [/color][color:#820000]Chance of Damage(Lethal)[/color]
    • (39) [color:#820000]Lockdown - [/color][color:#820000]Chance for +2 Mag Hold[/color]
    • (40) [color:#820000]Mako's Bite - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Damage[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 30:[/color] [color:#000000]Hasten[/color]
    • (A) [color:#9B0000]Recharge Reduction[/color][color:#9B0000] IO[/color]
    • (40) [color:#9B0000]Recharge Reduction[/color][color:#9B0000] IO[/color]
    • (40) [color:#9B0000]Recharge Reduction[/color][color:#9B0000] IO[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 32:[/color] [color:#000000]Animate Stone[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Soulbound Allegiance - [/color][color:#820000]Chance for Build Up[/color]
    • (42) [color:#820000]Soulbound Allegiance - [/color][color:#820000]Damage/Recharge[/color]
    • (42) [color:#820000]Soulbound Allegiance - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Damage/Recharge[/color]
    • (43) [color:#820000]Soulbound Allegiance - [/color][color:#820000]Damage/Endurance[/color]
    • (43) [color:#820000]Soulbound Allegiance - [/color][color:#820000]Damage[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 35:[/color] [color:#000000]Mud Pots[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Pacing of the Turtle - [/color][color:#820000]Chance of -Recharge[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 38:[/color] [color:#000000]Fissure[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Javelin Volley - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Damage/End/Rech[/color]
    • (43) [color:#820000]Javelin Volley - [/color][color:#820000]Chance of Damage(Lethal)[/color]
    • (45) [color:#820000]Javelin Volley - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge[/color]
    • (45) [color:#820000]Javelin Volley - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Damage[/color]
    • (45) [color:#820000]Javelin Volley - [/color][color:#820000]Damage/Recharge[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 41:[/color] [color:#000000]Water Spout[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Touch of Lady Grey - [/color][color:#820000]Defense Debuff/Recharge[/color]
    • (42) [color:#820000]Touch of Lady Grey - [/color][color:#820000]Defense Debuff/Endurance[/color]
    • (46) [color:#820000]Touch of Lady Grey - [/color][color:#820000]Defense Debuff[/color]
    • (46) [color:#820000]Touch of Lady Grey - [/color][color:#820000]Chance for Negative Damage[/color]
    • (50) [color:#820000]Achilles' Heel - [/color][color:#820000]Chance for Res Debuff[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 44:[/color] [color:#000000]Hibernate[/color]
    • (A) [color:#9B0000]Recharge Reduction[/color][color:#9B0000] IO[/color]
    • (46) [color:#9B0000]Recharge Reduction[/color][color:#9B0000] IO[/color]
    • (48) [color:#9B0000]Recharge Reduction[/color][color:#9B0000] IO[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 47:[/color] [color:#000000]Salt Crystals[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Fortunata Hypnosis - [/color][color:#820000]Accuracy/Sleep/Recharge[/color]
    • (48) [color:#820000]Fortunata Hypnosis - [/color][color:#820000]Sleep/Recharge[/color]
    • (48) [color:#820000]Fortunata Hypnosis - [/color][color:#820000]Sleep[/color]
    • (50) [color:#820000]Fortunata Hypnosis - [/color][color:#820000]Sleep/Endurance[/color]
    • (50) [color:#820000]Call of the Sandman - [/color][color:#820000]Chance of Heal Self[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 49:[/color] [color:#000000]Stealth[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Luck of the Gambler - [/color][color:#820000]Recharge Speed[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 1:[/color] [color:#000000]Brawl[/color]
    • (A) [color:#6F0000]Empty[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 1:[/color] [color:#000000]Sprint[/color]
    • (A) [color:#820000]Celerity - [/color][color:#820000]+Stealth[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 2:[/color] [color:#000000]Rest[/color]
    • (A) [color:#6F0000]Empty[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 1:[/color] [color:#000000]Domination[/color]
    [color:#843F3C]Level 6:[/color] [color:#000000]Ninja Run[/color]
    [color:#A80000]Set Bonus Totals:[/color]
    • 19% DamageBuff(Smashing)
    • 19% DamageBuff(Lethal)
    • 19% DamageBuff(Fire)
    • 19% DamageBuff(Cold)
    • 19% DamageBuff(Energy)
    • 19% DamageBuff(Negative)
    • 19% DamageBuff(Toxic)
    • 19% DamageBuff(Psionic)
    • 1.25% Defense(Fire)
    • 1.25% Defense(Cold)
    • 5% Defense(Energy)
    • 5% Defense(Negative)
    • 5.31% Defense(Ranged)
    • 2.5% Defense(AoE)
    • 2.25% Max End
    • 2.5% Enhancement(RunSpeed)
    • 84% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    • 2.5% Enhancement(JumpSpeed)
    • 2.5% Enhancement(JumpHeight)
    • 2.5% Enhancement(FlySpeed)
    • 5% Enhancement(Held)
    • 77.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    • 17.5% Enhancement(Range) (in PvP)
    • 5% FlySpeed
    • 148.8 HP (14.6%) HitPoints (in PvP)
    • 5% JumpHeight
    • 5% JumpSpeed
    • Knockback (Mag -4)
    • Knockup (Mag -4)
    • MezResist(Confused) 10% (in PvP)
    • MezResist(Held) 19.9% (in PvP)
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 13.3% (in PvP)
    • MezResist(Sleep) 12.8% (in PvP)
    • MezResist(Stun) 10% (in PvP)
    • MezResist(Terrorized) 10% (in PvP)
    • 27% (0.45 End/sec) Recovery
    • 50% (2.12 HP/sec) Regeneration
    • 20% ResEffect(FlySpeed) (in PvP)
    • 20% ResEffect(RechargeTime) (in PvP)
    • 20% ResEffect(RunSpeed) (in PvP)
    • 14.5% Resistance(Fire)
    • 14.5% Resistance(Cold)
    • 5% RunSpeed

    [color:#A80000]Set Bonuses:[/color]
    [color:#9B0000]Gladiator's Net[/color]
    • 2.5% Enhancement(Held)Status Resistance 5% (in PvP)
    • 2.25% Max End, 10% Enhancement(Range) (in PvP)
    • 2.5% DamageBuff(All), 10% ResEffect(RunSpeed) (in PvP), 10% ResEffect(RechargeTime) (in PvP), 10% ResEffect(FlySpeed) (in PvP)
    • 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime), 22.9 HP (2.25%) HitPoints (in PvP)
    [color:#000000](Stone Spears)[/color]
    • 16% (0.68 HP/sec) Regeneration
    • 30.5 HP (3%) HitPoints
    • 4% DamageBuff(All)
    • 10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    [color:#9B0000]Gravitational Anchor[/color]
    [color:#000000](Stone Cages)[/color]
    • 4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery
    • 2.52% Resistance(Fire,Cold)
    • 15% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    • 10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    • 4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery
    • 2.52% Resistance(Fire,Cold)
    • 15% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    • 10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    [color:#9B0000]Pacing of the Turtle[/color]
    • MezResist(Sleep) 2.75%
    • 2.5% Enhancement(Slow)
    • 9% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    [color:#9B0000]Luck of the Gambler[/color]
    [color:#000000](Combat Jumping)[/color]
    • [color:#000000] 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[/color]
    [color:#9B0000]Absolute Amazement[/color]
    • 4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery
    • 2.52% Resistance(Fire,Cold)
    • 15% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    • 10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    [color:#9B0000]Blessing of the Zephyr[/color]
    [color:#000000](Super Jump)[/color]
    • [color:#000000] Knockback Protection (Mag -4)[/color]
    [color:#9B0000]Dark Watcher's Despair[/color]
    • 15.3 HP (1.5%) HitPoints
    • 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery
    • 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    [color:#9B0000]Performance Shifter[/color]
    • 5% JumpSpeed, 5% JumpHeight, 5% FlySpeed, 5% RunSpeed
    • 19.1 HP (1.88%) HitPoints
    [color:#000000](Heavy Mallet)[/color]
    • 4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery
    • 2.52% Resistance(Fire,Cold)
    • 15% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    • 10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    [color:#000000](Volcanic Gasses)[/color]
    • 3% DamageBuff(All)
    • 2.5% Enhancement(Held)
    • MezResist(Held) 2.2%
    • 2.5% Defense(AoE), 1.25% Defense(Fire), 1.25% Defense(Cold)
    • 3.75% Defense(Ranged), 1.88% Defense(Energy), 1.88% Defense(Negative)
    [color:#9B0000]Mako's Bite[/color]
    [color:#000000](Seismic Smash)[/color]
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 3.3%
    • 15.3 HP (1.5%) HitPoints
    • 3% DamageBuff(All)
    • MezResist(Held) 3.3%
    [color:#9B0000]Soulbound Allegiance[/color]
    [color:#000000](Animate Stone)[/color]
    • 16% (0.68 HP/sec) Regeneration
    • 30.5 HP (3%) HitPoints
    • 4% DamageBuff(All)
    • MezResist(Held) 4.4%
    [color:#9B0000]Javelin Volley[/color]
    • 2% (0.03 End/sec) Recovery, 7.5% Enhancement(Range) (in PvP)
    • 10% (0.42 HP/sec) RegenerationStatus Resistance 5% (in PvP)
    • 2.5% DamageBuff(All)3.13% Defense(Energy,Negative) (in PvP), 1.56% Defense(Ranged) (in PvP)
    • 10% ResEffect(RunSpeed), 10% ResEffect(RechargeTime), 10% ResEffect(FlySpeed)1.89% Resistance(Fire,Cold) (in PvP)
    [color:#9B0000]Touch of Lady Grey[/color]
    [color:#000000](Water Spout)[/color]
    • 15.3 HP (1.5%) HitPoints
    • 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery
    • 8% (0.34 HP/sec) Regeneration
    [color:#9B0000]Fortunata Hypnosis[/color]
    [color:#000000](Salt Crystals)[/color]
    • 4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery
    • 2.52% Resistance(Fire,Cold)
    • 15% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    [color:#9B0000]Luck of the Gambler[/color]
    • [color:#000000] 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[/color]

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |