Semi-Serious Semi-Humorous PEAT Suggestion




There's been a running gag on the forums from time to time about PEATs or Praetorian Epic Archetypes. I figured I'd take the gag and make it a touch more serious while hewing towards it's comedic birth.

The Devoured Epic Archetype, a PEAT.

The Devoured Epic Archetype would be a Natural origin EAT with both Resistance and Loyalist Praetorian story-paths unique to it's type.

The Resistance Path would be that the Infected human is seeking to aid the Resistance in taking down Cole, the only human capable of harming or stopping the Hamidon. Initially, the character's allegiance is to the Hamidon itself, and their primary goal is to destroy Cole and then the Sonic Fences keeping the citizens of Praetoria safe. Once that goal is accomplished, the Devouring Earth will tear down Praetoria and kill all the humans.

They join the Resistance under the guise of a naturalist mutant who has control over plants and stone. The Resistance, eager for new recruits, accepts the story and helps them to fight against Cole, their joint enemy. After the initial Storyarc the PEAT character can choose whether he wants to continue to aid the Resistance, or Defect to Cole's side as a Loyalist. This option is granted only after the Nova Praetoria arc is completed, the arc which releases the PEAT character from Hamidon's direct control.

The Loyalist Path would be infiltrating the Regime as a PEAT with the ultimate goal of becoming close enough to Cole and his Praetors as their lackey to destroy him, and the Sonic Fence, so that the Devouring Earth can kill all the humans. They would join Powers Division as a Naturalist mutant with control over plants and stone. Powers Division, required by law to accept all powered individuals, will accept the story and help them to fight the Resistance.

The Loyalist PEAT must complete their Nova Praetoria storyarc, in which they break free from Hamidon's direct control, and are given the ability to make their own choices. At which point they can choose to join the Resistance or continue to aid the Loyalists.

Regardless of which path they pick, after they complete the initial PEAT arc they are cut off from the Hamidon and can no longer contact it telepathically for more missions directing them to contacts or information about which option to choose on their missions beyond Nova Praetoria.

After they reach Imperial City, both PEAT arcs focus on destroying or exposing other Devoured characters and delves into the truth of what happened to the Hamidon. Whether or not a character continues on the PEAT line or chooses only the standard Loyalist or Resistance arcs they will, on occasion, be ambushed by minions of the Devoured in much the same way that PBs and WSs are attacked by Nicti, but in ambush form and usually consisting of several weaker than average foes to represent their lack of advancement compared to the PEAT character.

These ambushes would continue into Neutropolis, but end on exiting Praetoria.

It should be noted, that Devoured Players would -look- human, and not be monstrous to facilitate their ability to infiltrate the Loyalists and Resistance for Hamidon's ultimate goal. Being an obviously Devoured monster would mark them for immediate death.

The Primary Powerset of the Devoured Epic Archetype would be divided much like the Peacebringer or Warshade Primary Powerset. 13 powers to choose from, with certain levels opening up 2 options at a time. This gives them a bit of build flexibility and makes a single archetype feel almost as if it were multiple ATs. Each tier opens up at the normal level (tier 1 and 2 at level one, tier 3 at level 2, both Tier 4 powers at level 6, and so on)

The Secondary is similarly oversized, and contains elements of control, buffing, and personal defense. It also offers a "Play" to tie into the primary by creating Emanators which can buff the part, and with a Tier 7 power from the primary set: Animate and follow the group around.

All of the powers in both sets take marked advantage of the new bout of animation customization that I presume will function like the SS and MA customization (Same attack, different animations). This allows players to choose a single type of DE to emulate (Boulder, Herder, Fungi, Crystal, Swarm) or to use a mix and match method to best encapsulate their Devoured character, or roleplay their character in a different way, if they prefer.

Praetorian Epic Archetype Primary Powerset: Devoured Assault

Tier 1: Devoured Strike: Single Target melee attack, Moderate damage and recharge, Chance to KD. This power takes advantage of the new animation options to animate as either a Stone-fist or Crystal-fist attack or a spine-styled lunge with options for Wooden spikes, Crystal spikes, or Chitin spikes.

Tier 2: Devoured Lance: Single Target ranged attack, Moderate damage and recharge, Chance to KD. This power takes advantage of the new animation options to animate as either stone or crystal spears or as a thrown spine attack with customization for crystal, wood, or chitin arm-spikes.

Tier 3: Thrall: This power functions similarly to a Mastermind pet summons, with one, two, or three randomized devouring earth underlings based on your level. However, the underlings are uncontrolled. The minions are crystals, mushrooms, herders, swarms, or boulders, chosen randomly at every summoning. Attempting to summon more only fills your quota of three. Possible customization, later, for specific underlings. Alternatively, multiple identical powers which lock the PEAT character out of choosing the others, which create a specific set of pets.

Tier 4: Devoured Slam: Single target High damage moderate recharge melee attack with a chance to Immobilize. This attack can animate as Stone or Crystal Mallet, or a double-arm thrusting lunge with spine-customization for wood, crystal, or Chitin.

Tier 4: Devoured Grasp: Minor damage single target Immobilize. It animates as either Hurl boulder, with the boulder transferring into the standard earth control immobilize with both crystal and stone customization, or as Impale, with wood customization for a transition to "Entangle" from plant control or as a chitinous spine which follows the standard "Impale" animation and adds dripping venom.

Tier 5: Devoured Crash: PBAoE Moderate damage attack with chance to KD, animates as Tremor or with animation customization as Thorn Burst with customization options for crystal, wood, or chitin spikes.

Tier 6: Devoured Blast: Cone Moderate damage attack using the "Throw Spines" animation with crystal, chitin, and wood customizations, or the Minions of Igneous "Gravel" attack with crystal, stone, and insect customization.

Tier 7: Minion: This power functions in all ways as "Thrall" but creates a normal minion-sized DE monster and you only get 2 at the highest level. They retain their normal ability to spawn an underling class pet on defeat, which lasts for 60 seconds or until destroyed.

Tier 7: Walking Emanator: Very Long Recharge "Special" power, transforms the targeted Emanator into a minion class pet which follows the caster and provides it's standard AoE buff to all allies near it. This power can be used on Enemy Emanators, as well. The pet emanator lives for 60 seconds.

Tier 8: Devoured Sweep: Melee Cone Moderate damage, moderate recharge. This power would animate as the Ripper power with Crystal, thorn, and Chitin arm spike customization, or as Crowd Control with a stone or crystal mallet or Chitin blade.

Tier 8: Devoured Burst: Moderate damage ranged Targeted AoE. This power would animate as Fissure, with stone and crystal customization, or as Hurl Boulder with Crystal, Wood, and Stone options as well as a Hive option. on impact the hurled Boulder animation would explode outward with thorns, stone, shards, or insects for the Hive animation.

Tier 9: Will of the Earth: Summon a crystal filled with the Will of the Earth mold at a targeted location. All enemies within a small area take superior damage, any enemy corpses in the area are targeted with an "Unchain Essence" style power (max of 10 targets) which creates uncontrolled underling class Devouring Earth monsters in the area. These underlings last for 2 minutes and follow the PEAT character. Same potential customization of pet options as Thrall or Minion. Very long recharge.

Praetorian Epic Archetype Secondary Powerset: Devoured Emanation

Tier 1: Sturdy:
An automatic smashing/lethal resistance power with a slight hit of Toxic resistance as well.

Tier 2: Healing Emanator:
This power functions as a tree of life emanator, and animates as either the DE Tree of life, a cairn, a patch of mushrooms, a crystal emanator, or a small hive with a few swarm insects floating around it. It lasts for 60 seconds, or until destroyed.

Tier 3: Nature's Guard:
This is a toggle self +res(Smash/Lethal/Toxic) power which can animate as a trio of stones or crystals floating around the body or as a "Fireflies" aura of leaves, or as the Swarm aura.

Tier 4: Resistance Emanator:
This power creates a DE Cairn at the targeted location and provides a PBAoE resistance (all) bonus to nearby allies. It can appear as a set of crystals, a tiny tree, a stone cairn, a patch of mushrooms, or a small hive with a few swarm insects floating around it. It lasts for 60 seconds, or until destroyed.

Tier 5: Nature's Grasp:
Targeted AoE no damage Immobilize. This can animate either as Stone Cages, Roots, or a wide area web.

Tier 6: Nature's Warden:
This toggle power grants protection from hold, immobilize, and stunning effects as well as KB effects so long as you are near the ground. In addition it grants a small resistance bonus to all damage types. This power animates as a trio of stones, crystals, or leaves circling your head, or as a swarm of insects flying around it.

Tier 7: Protective Emanator:
This power creates an emanator which grants all allies in it's immediate area a mez protection of 2. It can appear as a set of crystals, a stone cairn, a patch of mushrooms, or a small hive with a few swarm insects floating around it. It lasts for 45 seconds, or until destroyed.

Tier 8: Empowering Emanator:
You create an emanator which grants all allies in it's area a large recovery boost. It can appear as a set of crystals, a stone cairn, a patch of mushrooms, or a small hive with a few swarm insects floating around it. It lasts for 30 seconds, or until destroyed.

Tier 9: Confusion Cascade:
Targeted AoE Confuse, long recharge. Functions as Seeds of confusion, but is power customizable for crystal or stone dust, seeds, or swarms of insects around the afflicted target's heads.

Tier 10: Nature's Defender:
Toggle Self+Resistance(Fire/Cold/Energy/Negative/Confuse) Animates as the Fireflies animation for Crystals, Stones, or Insects, or as a trio of leaves floating around the PEAT character.

Tier 11: Nature's Wrath:
Point Blank Area of Effect Hold. no damage, can animate as Salt Crystals, Vines, Multi-Target Fossilize, or Cinders with the Smoke animation replaced by swarms of insects.

Tier 12: Power of the Earth:
Self-Rez +pet summon power. On clicking this power four uncontrolled Allied DE Lieutenants spawn as you rise with half health, half HP, and a fairly hefty Damage Debuff on yourself. These DE Lt class enemies will not follow you, but will stay on the map until defeated or the mission ends.

Questions and comments would be deeply appreciated.




I-... like this... A lot.
I think I'd role it up and play it.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I-... like this... A lot.
I think I'd role it up and play it.
This is the kind of response most any poster loves. Thank you! =-3

Originally Posted by Pedro Schwartz View Post
Even if i have more hopes for a PPD and Heavy Hands PEATs,this sounds like a good idea too!
I dunno! I think both could make good classes, or at least decent customizations for energy blast and assault rifle and energy melee...

What is it, in particular, you like about the suggestion? I'm fond of the fact that whichever way you go (Undercover Loyalist or Resistance) your primary goal is to destroy Praetoria, at first... =-3




/Likes it a lot!



Well thought out, I like it.



Just in case it becomes relevant at some future point, I'd like to stress the following paragraph.

I officially renounce any claim to the various concepts and intellectual properties proposed by myself for legal purposes, and give it freely to Paragon Studios and their parent company NCSoft. I seek no remuneration or compensation for any of the ideas given in this thread of the CoH Forums and willingly sign away any future claim to either the concepts or compensation.

-Rachel Christina Williamson-



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
There's been a running gag on the forums from time to time about PEATs or Praetorian Epic Archetypes. I figured I'd take the gag and make it a touch more serious while hewing towards it's comedic birth.

The Devoured Epic Archetype, a PEAT.

The Devoured Epic Archetype would be a Natural origin EAT with both Resistance and Loyalist Praetorian story-paths unique to it's type.

The Resistance Path would be that the Infected human is seeking to aid the Resistance in taking down Cole, the only human capable of harming or stopping the Hamidon. Initially, the character's allegiance is to the Hamidon itself, and their primary goal is to destroy Cole and then the Sonic Fences keeping the citizens of Praetoria safe. Once that goal is accomplished, the Devouring Earth will tear down Praetoria and kill all the humans.

They join the Resistance under the guise of a naturalist mutant who has control over plants and stone. The Resistance, eager for new recruits, accepts the story and helps them to fight against Cole, their joint enemy. After the initial Storyarc the PEAT character can choose whether he wants to continue to aid the Resistance, or Defect to Cole's side as a Loyalist. This option is granted only after the Nova Praetoria arc is completed, the arc which releases the PEAT character from Hamidon's direct control.

The Loyalist Path would be infiltrating the Regime as a PEAT with the ultimate goal of becoming close enough to Cole and his Praetors as their lackey to destroy him, and the Sonic Fence, so that the Devouring Earth can kill all the humans. They would join Powers Division as a Naturalist mutant with control over plants and stone. Powers Division, required by law to accept all powered individuals, will accept the story and help them to fight the Resistance.

The Loyalist PEAT must complete their Nova Praetoria storyarc, in which they break free from Hamidon's direct control, and are given the ability to make their own choices. At which point they can choose to join the Resistance or continue to aid the Loyalists.

Regardless of which path they pick, after they complete the initial PEAT arc they are cut off from the Hamidon and can no longer contact it telepathically for more missions directing them to contacts or information about which option to choose on their missions beyond Nova Praetoria.

After they reach Imperial City, both PEAT arcs focus on destroying or exposing other Devoured characters and delves into the truth of what happened to the Hamidon. Whether or not a character continues on the PEAT line or chooses only the standard Loyalist or Resistance arcs they will, on occasion, be ambushed by minions of the Devoured in much the same way that PBs and WSs are attacked by Nicti, but in ambush form and usually consisting of several weaker than average foes to represent their lack of advancement compared to the PEAT character.

These ambushes would continue into Neutropolis, but end on exiting Praetoria.

It should be noted, that Devoured Players would -look- human, and not be monstrous to facilitate their ability to infiltrate the Loyalists and Resistance for Hamidon's ultimate goal. Being an obviously Devoured monster would mark them for immediate death.

The Primary Powerset of the Devoured Epic Archetype would be divided much like the Peacebringer or Warshade Primary Powerset. 13 powers to choose from, with certain levels opening up 2 options at a time. This gives them a bit of build flexibility and makes a single archetype feel almost as if it were multiple ATs. Each tier opens up at the normal level (tier 1 and 2 at level one, tier 3 at level 2, both Tier 4 powers at level 6, and so on)

The Secondary is similarly oversized, and contains elements of control, buffing, and personal defense. It also offers a "Play" to tie into the primary by creating Emanators which can buff the part, and with a Tier 7 power from the primary set: Animate and follow the group around.

All of the powers in both sets take marked advantage of the new bout of animation customization that I presume will function like the SS and MA customization (Same attack, different animations). This allows players to choose a single type of DE to emulate (Boulder, Herder, Fungi, Crystal, Swarm) or to use a mix and match method to best encapsulate their Devoured character, or roleplay their character in a different way, if they prefer.

Praetorian Epic Archetype Primary Powerset: Devoured Assault

Tier 1: Devoured Strike: Single Target melee attack, Moderate damage and recharge, Chance to KD. This power takes advantage of the new animation options to animate as either a Stone-fist or Crystal-fist attack or a spine-styled lunge with options for Wooden spikes, Crystal spikes, or Chitin spikes.

Tier 2: Devoured Lance: Single Target ranged attack, Moderate damage and recharge, Chance to KD. This power takes advantage of the new animation options to animate as either stone or crystal spears or as a thrown spine attack with customization for crystal, wood, or chitin arm-spikes.

Tier 3: Thrall: This power functions similarly to a Mastermind pet summons, with one, two, or three randomized devouring earth underlings based on your level. However, the underlings are uncontrolled. The minions are crystals, mushrooms, herders, swarms, or boulders, chosen randomly at every summoning. Attempting to summon more only fills your quota of three. Possible customization, later, for specific underlings. Alternatively, multiple identical powers which lock the PEAT character out of choosing the others, which create a specific set of pets.

Tier 4: Devoured Slam: Single target High damage moderate recharge melee attack with a chance to Immobilize. This attack can animate as Stone or Crystal Mallet, or a double-arm thrusting lunge with spine-customization for wood, crystal, or Chitin.

Tier 4: Devoured Grasp: Minor damage single target Immobilize. It animates as either Hurl boulder, with the boulder transferring into the standard earth control immobilize with both crystal and stone customization, or as Impale, with wood customization for a transition to "Entangle" from plant control or as a chitinous spine which follows the standard "Impale" animation and adds dripping venom.

Tier 5: Devoured Crash: PBAoE Moderate damage attack with chance to KD, animates as Tremor or with animation customization as Thorn Burst with customization options for crystal, wood, or chitin spikes.

Tier 6: Devoured Blast: Cone Moderate damage attack using the "Throw Spines" animation with crystal, chitin, and wood customizations, or the Minions of Igneous "Gravel" attack with crystal, stone, and insect customization.

Tier 7: Minion: This power functions in all ways as "Thrall" but creates a normal minion-sized DE monster and you only get 2 at the highest level. They retain their normal ability to spawn an underling class pet on defeat, which lasts for 60 seconds or until destroyed.

Tier 7: Walking Emanator: Very Long Recharge "Special" power, transforms the targeted Emanator into a minion class pet which follows the caster and provides it's standard AoE buff to all allies near it. This power can be used on Enemy Emanators, as well. The pet emanator lives for 60 seconds.

Tier 8: Devoured Sweep: Melee Cone Moderate damage, moderate recharge. This power would animate as the Ripper power with Crystal, thorn, and Chitin arm spike customization, or as Crowd Control with a stone or crystal mallet or Chitin blade.

Tier 8: Devoured Burst: Moderate damage ranged Targeted AoE. This power would animate as Fissure, with stone and crystal customization, or as Hurl Boulder with Crystal, Wood, and Stone options as well as a Hive option. on impact the hurled Boulder animation would explode outward with thorns, stone, shards, or insects for the Hive animation.

Tier 9: Will of the Earth: Summon a crystal filled with the Will of the Earth mold at a targeted location. All enemies within a small area take superior damage, any enemy corpses in the area are targeted with an "Unchain Essence" style power (max of 10 targets) which creates uncontrolled underling class Devouring Earth monsters in the area. These underlings last for 2 minutes and follow the PEAT character. Same potential customization of pet options as Thrall or Minion. Very long recharge.

Praetorian Epic Archetype Secondary Powerset: Devoured Emanation

Tier 1: Sturdy: An automatic smashing/lethal resistance power with a slight hit of Toxic resistance as well.

Tier 2: Healing Emanator: This power functions as a tree of life emanator, and animates as either the DE Tree of life, a cairn, a patch of mushrooms, a crystal emanator, or a small hive with a few swarm insects floating around it. It lasts for 60 seconds, or until destroyed.

Tier 3: Nature's Guard: This is a toggle self +res(Smash/Lethal/Toxic) power which can animate as a trio of stones or crystals floating around the body or as a "Fireflies" aura of leaves, or as the Swarm aura.

Tier 4: Resistance Emanator: This power creates a DE Cairn at the targeted location and provides a PBAoE resistance (all) bonus to nearby allies. It can appear as a set of crystals, a tiny tree, a stone cairn, a patch of mushrooms, or a small hive with a few swarm insects floating around it. It lasts for 60 seconds, or until destroyed.

Tier 5: Nature's Grasp: Targeted AoE no damage Immobilize. This can animate either as Stone Cages, Roots, or a wide area web.

Tier 6: Nature's Warden: This toggle power grants protection from hold, immobilize, and stunning effects as well as KB effects so long as you are near the ground. In addition it grants a small resistance bonus to all damage types. This power animates as a trio of stones, crystals, or leaves circling your head, or as a swarm of insects flying around it.

Tier 7: Protective Emanator: This power creates an emanator which grants all allies in it's immediate area a mez protection of 2. It can appear as a set of crystals, a stone cairn, a patch of mushrooms, or a small hive with a few swarm insects floating around it. It lasts for 45 seconds, or until destroyed.

Tier 8: Empowering Emanator: You create an emanator which grants all allies in it's area a large recovery boost. It can appear as a set of crystals, a stone cairn, a patch of mushrooms, or a small hive with a few swarm insects floating around it. It lasts for 30 seconds, or until destroyed.

Tier 9: Confusion Cascade: Targeted AoE Confuse, long recharge. Functions as Seeds of confusion, but is power customizable for crystal or stone dust, seeds, or swarms of insects around the afflicted target's heads.

Tier 10: Nature's Defender: Toggle Self+Resistance(Fire/Cold/Energy/Negative/Confuse) Animates as the Fireflies animation for Crystals, Stones, or Insects, or as a trio of leaves floating around the PEAT character.

Tier 11: Nature's Wrath: Point Blank Area of Effect Hold. no damage, can animate as Salt Crystals, Vines, Multi-Target Fossilize, or Cinders with the Smoke animation replaced by swarms of insects.

Tier 12: Power of the Earth: Self-Rez +pet summon power. On clicking this power four uncontrolled Allied DE Lieutenants spawn as you rise with half health, half HP, and a fairly hefty Damage Debuff on yourself. These DE Lt class enemies will not follow you, but will stay on the map until defeated or the mission ends.

Questions and comments would be deeply appreciated.

Damn. You just caught Lightening in a super powered bottle.



Originally Posted by Dark Lost View Post
Damn. You just caught Lightening in a super powered bottle.
It had to happen at least once. Like a thousand chimps with typewriters... >.>




Very cool idea and well thought out. Good job, I love it!



Originally Posted by SkarmoryThePG View Post

Wouldn't DE be Science origin?
Maybe? It could really go either way. You could be infected by a scientifically engineered mold, or grown from a plant or a stone or a swarm of bugs with powers inherent to what is, for you, your natural form.

Though I could see it go either, or both, ways. Or even be a Mutant Origin, since you're a permutation of the original method of infection.




Oh god if they did this, I would have to re-roll 3 toons that are devouring earth from another dimension.



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
It had to happen at least once. Like a thousand chimps with typewriters... >.>

There'd be broken typewriters everywhere and poo all over the walls. It'd be utter chaos!



I support this action freely.

<_< *hopes no one notices this was already my Plant/Earth dom's backstory...*



Change the tier 12 secondary power and I'll /sign this.

In it's current form that sounds pretty useless.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
The Devoured Epic Archetype would be a Natural origin EAT with both Resistance and Loyalist Praetorian story-paths unique to it's type.{...}

After they reach Imperial City, both PEAT arcs focus on destroying or exposing other Devoured characters and delves into the truth of what happened to the Hamidon. Whether or not a character continues on the PEAT line or chooses only the standard Loyalist or Resistance arcs they will, on occasion, be ambushed by minions of the Devoured in much the same way that PBs and WSs are attacked by Nicti, but in ambush form and usually consisting of several weaker than average foes to represent their lack of advancement compared to the PEAT character.
Way to cut the Gordian Knot of the PEAT issue! In all the discussions I've read on the forums (and my idle contemplation of the topic), all the suggestions have been rooted in what players already have encountered in Going Rogue. While we've seen how the devs can spin familiar figures after what they did for the Arachnos VEATs, "Infected" DE would really expand the Praetorian world from its narrow focus on Cole's city. Plus classic "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"-style paranoia would spice up the city's convoluted politics before players settle into faction roles.

Perhaps this PEAT could even provide the impetus to expand Praetoria past level 20.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Way to cut the Gordian Knot of the PEAT issue! In all the discussions I've read on the forums (and my idle contemplation of the topic), all the suggestions have been rooted in what players already have encountered in Going Rogue. While we've seen how the devs can spin familiar figures after what they did for the Arachnos VEATs, "Infected" DE would really expand the Praetorian world from its narrow focus on Cole's city. Plus classic "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"-style paranoia would spice up the city's convoluted politics before players settle into faction roles.

Perhaps this PEAT could even provide the impetus to expand Praetoria past level 20.
I really thought it would be good.

We saw how much the Kheldian background and storyarc expanded the universe, and then in came the Arachnos Soldiers which did -nothing- to expand anything. I'd like to have an epic AT for Praetoria which expands the, so far limited, story and background.




This!!! Contrary to your Disclaimer, Paragon Studios should snap you up as a consultant for new AT right away!! i would love this !!






It's a nice suggestion, looks like you put alot of thought into it.....1 major problem...the DE are on their own side, both the resistance & the loyalists agree....the DE MUST die. They wrecked the world, they nearly killed off humanity...who'd trust them now? Like it or not the DE fit in nowhere with either camp, except maybe as a trained pet. Sorry to rain on your parade (really), but as a PEAT it just doesn't work.

When's the next altaholics anonymous meeting again?



Originally Posted by Tinkerbel View Post
It's a nice suggestion, looks like you put alot of thought into it.....1 major problem...the DE are on their own side, both the resistance & the loyalists agree....the DE MUST die. They wrecked the world, they nearly killed off humanity...who'd trust them now? Like it or not the DE fit in nowhere with either camp, except maybe as a trained pet. Sorry to rain on your parade (really), but as a PEAT it just doesn't work.
Which is why the character would be a Defector From Decadence who believes My Species Doth Protest Too Much.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Originally Posted by Tinkerbel View Post
It's a nice suggestion, looks like you put alot of thought into it.....1 major problem...the DE are on their own side, both the resistance & the loyalists agree....the DE MUST die. They wrecked the world, they nearly killed off humanity...who'd trust them now? Like it or not the DE fit in nowhere with either camp, except maybe as a trained pet. Sorry to rain on your parade (really), but as a PEAT it just doesn't work.
I think the point was that the character would be working undercover for the Devouring Earth and assumed by everyone else to simply be a metahuman with plant powers.