166 -
I knew it Arky....no more paw fingas or bouga fists for you!
and Arky, feed your DOG!!! and Dogs don't need BLING!!
Quote:OK, I am not sure what planets aligned... but the spousal unit has tentatively approved a new rig.
I am examining some Alienware setups in my comparison shopping.
Dual 1GB GDDR5 ATI Radeon HD 5670 CrossfireX Enabled
Single 1.8GB NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 295
Single 1GB GDDR5 ATI Radeon HD 5870
(also an option for Dual 1GB GDDR5 ATI Radeon HD 5870, but don't think I can go that far)
Alienware, the King of overpriced Hardware!
You could build the exact same spec system for roughly 2/3 what they charge. -
Alt, this is ridiculous, $15 is like 2 coffees at starbucks or something. $15 is NOT hard to come up with, especially for someone who has no debt and has no mortage payment, so seriously, stop whining already. You sound like a spoiled child to thinks he is entitled to everything. I am not saying you are one, but that you are sounding like one.
Btw, constantly quoting how much you have spent in the last 5 years carries little weight, since a rather large portion of the current player base has done so as well. It is a cost of being entertained for 30 days for less than the cost of a few drinks at a bar. Pretty damn good deal.
NCSoft is doing nothing that every other MMO doesn't do. It is standard practice to offer 30 days when people buy the boxed games, as well as to combine them after several expacs have been released for the reasons quoted earlier in this thread.
Rather than look at it as the company trying to "fleece" you, i see it as them offering us another option rather than waiting until July for those of us who really want to play with the new power sets early. now THIS is something that not many, if any, MMO's have done and i love it! -
I tried both MM and EM for secondaries, in the end I went with Dp/EM for Power Thrust, Build Up, and Boost Range which fit my play style better than what the powers I would have taken in MM would.
MM has TK Thrust, but you are forced to waste a power pick on Subdual and EM gets Power Thrust as its first power.
Both Concentration and Build Up are the same, so it's a wash there.
Boost Range > Drain Psyche for me since I am not in melee range, and carry plenty of greens and never have end issues.
The only thing from MM that i do miss is Psychic Shockwave, this would be a perfect opener for Hail of Bullets.
Both secondaries make excellent choices though. -
Quote:They also have strengths no other AT's have. It is not the AT that is bad, it is the player. It takes a lot more thought and tactic to play a Khledian than it does any other AT.
Then they get upset because the EATs not only don't outperform other ATs, but in the case of Kheldians, they actually have additional weaknesses that other ATs don't have to worry about.
And yes, a Kheldian does out perform all other AT's in the sense that they can do anything any of the other AT's can do. Granted not as good as the specialized AT, but they can do it all. In some cases, even better depending on the player.
I am not saying anything about the unlock level, but rather the apparent lack of knowledge of Kheldians some people seem to have.
As for the VEAT's, yeah..a Widow > Stalker any day. a Soldier/Crab is a HUGE boon to any team, get 3 of those on your team with toggles and its easy mode on any difficulty. On average, the VEATs bring more to a team over all than most other AT's. Again, if played well. -
Quote:I have it rough right now but I have always been good with my money. I don't have any credit cards. I am in debt to no one. The only thing I ever bought with a loan was a computer that I already had money set aside for so that I could get credit to buy a house. I had a mortgage. I don't have one any more. I live within my means. I do what I have to do to get by.
I can see how $15 makes a big difference to some people in these hard economic times.
Some of us are really suffering out here. It isn't a joke!
Actually, your post is the joke. You claim you are "suffering"....yet, you have NO DEBT of any kind including credit cards and live in a house that is paid for.
You sir, do NOT belong in in the category of people you are so desperately trying to associate yourself with, and for some odd reason I am even offended by your post.
Maybe the reason has something to do with, while I am not going to go into any personal details, I do belong to the category of people you try to include yourself in, and I would kill to be in your position. If I can come up with the money for the pre-order (amazing what some people will pay for your stuff you consider junk on ebay) then you certainly can.
That's all I have to say about that... -
Quote:I only have one question. has anyone seen the exact specs for the new graphics mode? I'm wondering because I bought my new system with sweet specs as it is only 6 weeks ago. I'd like to see just how sweet it still is, if it is.
Check here for info on at least the video card requirements. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...18#post2606418 -
most of your questions were already answered in previous posts, but I would address your concerns about emailing influence/infamy.
In my opinion this will have no measurable impact on RMT/farmers. Sure, it will make it easier for them to send the inf around, but it will also make it easier to track, hence easier to catch/ban. This is far more of a QoL for players than it is for farmers. I have waited nearly 6 years for this to finally be implemented, and I for one am ecstatic about it.
A better idea, might have been to implement some sort of ATM service. Where you can make deposits and withdrawals to with each character on your account. That way it would not help the farmers at all, but would still provide us with the ability to transfer funds around. However, I am assuming this would be a much more difficult to implement than just adding numeric attachments to emails. -
Quote:Horse, Dead, Beating.Uh...Yes they do, actually.
There were two level bumps during Pistols Closed. One to 38, and then another to 50.
So, fail right there.They've pretty much done with Pistols testins, and it seems sound enough.
To be honest, it'd be kinda of stupid to have a DXP on test. So, I'd bet about 98% on it being on live.
Edit: Ah, I see a trail of humble pieNvm
This has already been resolved, thank you, come again!
Well, I am here because I am a man of my word. With the posting of this http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...96#post2632296
confirming the release of Dual Pistols 5 months and Demon Summoning 4 months before GR goes live if you pre-order the $29.99 digital only expansion I now stand corrected, holding my sign stating loud and clear saying "I WAS WRONG, AND YOU WERE RIGHT!"
*goes off to stuff face with some more humble pie* -
Quote:That is only some of what my responses have been, but if you choose to just focus on that part then that of course is your prerogative.Nothing concrete though Positron has mentioned he's working on a super secret "Endgame System" which could very possibly be in Going Rogue, so it's not entirely unfounded.
P.S. Just to point out, you could stop just sitting in this thread and going "BEEEEEEEEEH" and shaking your fist at anyone who DARES have any sort of speculation or anticipation excitement. It's getting old.
Pardon me if I happen to prefer facts over fiction. Wishing for something does not make it true, and I see no point in getting peoples hopes up for something that has not even been confirmed.
P.S. Your response would have been perfect if you had left out the second paragraph which had nothing to do with my question. -
Just curious, how exactly does the game encourage making as many alts as possible?
Quote:To answer your questions,They meant that if you pre-order during March or April, you get Dual Pistols. If you have dual pistols, they will not take them away for two months. That's just nonsensical. If you pre-order in May or June, I assume you do not get the Dual Pistols or Demon Summoning unlocked.
I think it's odd that you think that two powersets for existing classes are two of the biggest features of the expansion.
I would think all the New archtypes for the new beginning zone, the New beginning zone itself, the fact that all the tutorials are going through an upgrade, being able to switch sides, a massive graphics upgrade, new costume pieces, badges, missions, and stories are all more substantial than two powersets which have been in the rumor mill for two years now.
By giving us access to the Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning early, they are simply giving us a small taste of all the goodies that are to come!
Yes, I do think those are two of the best things to come out of this expansion, aside from swapping sides. Also, those two power sets got the most "oohhs" and "ahhhs" at Hero Con as well.
As for there being new level 1-20 content, I am not that excited about since they have already drastically increased the leveling speed from 1-20 it will go by very fast.
Costume Pieces, yeah..those are fine, but not "OMG, YES!!" quality material for most people. Yes, I know many will be over joyed with it, I am just giving MY opinion on it.
The "massive graphics upgrade" is nice, however given the average player of this game will not be able to use it at its highest settings, and possibly not even its mid level settings, I would say it is a nice addition, and personally I like it, but many will not even be able to run it without having to spend more money to upgrade their systems. One of the best things about CoX was that it was able to run well with bells and whistles on with a relatively low to mid level computer system.
what new Archetypes? There are no new archetypes that I am aware of, and if you are thinking of Rogue, Vigilante, etc those are not Archetypes. Archetype is like Blaster, Scrapper, Tank, Stalker, Dominator, etc.
Quote:If you pre-order in May or June, I assume you do not get the Dual Pistols or Demon Summoning unlocked. -
Also, to be clear, I really do hope I am wrong. I have been waiting for many years to get a Dual Pistols powerset, and will be pre-ordering the moment it becomes available.
P.S. - I like how you did your Index link in your sig. -
Quote:To answer your question, my thought process was that they said you would get access to them for March and April, but does not mention May or June. Why would they say you just have access to them for March and April, and not May and June. I would think they would just say March through July, or something like that.Here's something nobody has adressed and it bugs me. Where do you get the impression that if Dual Pistols was released Live four months before Going Rogue, it would be taken away again after two months?
And since Dual Pistols testing is being done right now, before any other part of GR, doesn't it make sense they might release it before any other part of GR? That way we can roll our Dual Pistols Heroes and Villains and level them up while we wait for the actual expansion to hit.
This is why I really hate ambiguous statements, since a devout believer and a hard core skeptic can take the same statement and come to two vastly different conclusions.
It just seems extremely weird to me that they would release 2 of the biggest key features of an expansion so early. That would seem to be akin to World of Warcraft releasing the Death Knight class 4 months before Wrath of the Lich King was released. -
Quote:Okay, dude, I can tell you've been burned by assuming too much, but the Dual Pistols Beta Test is going on *right now*. If by "Pre-order and get early access to DP" they meant "access to DP on the Test Server", why would they say "get early access to DP in March" and not "get early access to DP *right now*"?
Just to explain my thought process, and not to beat a dead horse, but to answer your question is because the Beta is being done in stages, and pre-orders get in on the second stage, not the first stage that is going on now, or so my thought process went.
And yes, enough of people quoting my same responses and answering them in the same way, really, if you aren't going to post something different than the dozen people before you, then just don't. -
Care to enlighten me, since you didn't even answer my question, rather than just posting one liners to up your post count?
On second thought, never mind. I am done trying to use logic here since obviously it doesn't work.
I will just come back on the fourth with my sign. -
Quote:Because that is a common perk among pre-orders, access to beta.So, you don't think that if this was something only for use on the test servers that they'd mention that?
Why would they advertise such a perk for pre-ordering if it's test server characters only?
Well, they didn't say it was for only live servers either. -
Are you?
Not that it makes any difference, but no, for this stage I am not in the beta. I have been in several of the earlier ones.
But I have also played on Test server for years, and yes the occasion to be auto-leveled does sometimes come up but not often as this would be counter productive to the testing purposes as none of the lower level powers or content, (whatever is being worked on) would not be tested correctly.