Do your toons know each other?




I can't think of any toons that I've specifically written how they know each other into their background... well, that's not true, on a couple of servers that I don't play on very much I created a lot of alts to fill up supergroups I created there; so on one server I have a lot of heroes with the last name of Rojo that are all related somehow to my main toon there, and on another server I have several toons who also share a last name with one of my main toons on that server.

But in general my toons don't necessarily know each other. Which doesn't stop them from giving each other money and items on a regular basis.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I have a mother/daughter pair, and a sister pair.

One person is both a hero and a villain - the villain is making scouting trips under an assumed name to Paragon city. I try to keep them about the same level (one dominator, one controller). The roleplay with that one is a lot of fun.

Other than that, they all know each other as acquaintences through the supergroups though, with the one exception, none of my villains are at all related to my heroes.



The most obvious connection I can think of it my Sonic Blaster (The Amber Banshee) and my Stone Tank (Karnac) who are daughter and father respectively. I'd originally come up with her dad as the reason she got into hero business but as our RPSG progressed and the plot continued, he turned into a fun character in his own right.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Every one of my hero-side characters on Triumph is a direct or indirect result of me expanding Beckett Alteridem's personal world. And I'm planning at least one more character when Going Rogue hits and we can have heroic Brutes and Stalkers. My Triumph-server villains tend to come about from me deciding to give one of my heroes a personal nemesis, with the exception of Gamble Spider, who has her own agenda.

Freedom has a similar setup. The Paragon Titans and Phi's Fiends both developed around Bitt Player.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



I've got some; there'd be a few more if certain proliferations would go through.

I've got a pair of self-aware robots made by an evil organization who escaped their creators. One became a hero after being allowed too much independent thought. The second (made in response to the first's failings) was a distributed intelligence where each part watched the others for signs of morality; it worked so well that it felt no loyalty, either, and went rogue as a villain. Neither is aware of the other's existence. The first was originally an ice/ice blaster (remade as a cold/ice defender), the second is a bots/traps MM who will be remade as a bots/storm if I ever get around to it.

I've also got a pair of defenders who are members of the same order of nature mages. They know each other peripherally, but aren't close friends or anything like that.

I've also got a father / daughter pair plotted out. The father developed the PPD's battlesuits and was working on the next generation when he apparently went evil and defected to arachnos, taking his designs with him - but he was actually being psychically controlled by a fortunata. His daughter was the only one who refused to believe that he'd turned, and took the only prototype and swore to find him. She's a shield/mace tank (energy shield/techy costume), but his concept doesn't really fit into the game as it stands (battlesuit squad / energy assault MM/dom hybrid). If some more proliferations come through, though, he could be either a bots/rad MM or an illusion/energy dom. Perhaps eventually they will, and then I can take him heroside once his daughter rescues him.

Most of my characters, though, are one-offs or conceptually partnered with the characters of people like my brother instead of others of my own characters.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Quite a few of toons have connections. And they are all horribly intertwined, they just kind of evolved as I was coming up with concepts.

Black Karhu and Tired Angel are best friends. Dr Hooked is Black Karhu's arch-nemesis.

Atomic Daemon and Atomic Hell are clones of Black Karhu created by Dr Hooked. Ghost Fiend and Dr Hooked have been known to work together.

Black Karhu recruited Shadow Mercury (before he became a bit unhinged) into the SG GGRRR.

Shadow Mercury, followed by Black Karhu, trained Mind's Arrow. SM then went onto mentor Shining Darkness.

Mind's Arrow then trained Pyschic Whisper.

Apocalyptic Jester and Sir Tristan know all of the above through the SG GGRRR. Apocalyptic Jester's sister is Halloween CarnEvil. Chiller Insect knows them all to from working in GGRRR and has a daughter called Shar'Lan Ze.

Dark Polar Karhu, Karhu Varjo and Karhu Junior are from alternative dimensions and know Black Karhu through the course of their adventures. Karhu Junior's best friends are Angel's Ghost and Kitten is High. Veiled Moon is an operative from the same dimension as Dark Polar Karhu and is hunting him due his betrayal of his dimension.

Shazoo is Black Karhu's cousin. Baby Bam is Shazoo's sidekick and Bane Wolf's girlfriend. Bane Wolf and Ghost Fiend arch nemesises.

Tristar Phoenix's (a PB) origin is intertwined with Black Karhu and is married to the WS Omega Sentry.

Charlie Bright and Greg Wise are partners. Captain J. Fist used to be Greg Wise's commanding officer.

Rendraka, The Devil Divine, Jade Dragon Disciple and Golden Tech Knight work together as a small group investigating magical disturbances.

Techno Sage Mai and Techno Sage X'Tar are married and are hunting Techno Sage Zeebad.

Mai Ishtar and X'Tar Ishtar are borther and sister (oddly Techno Sage X'Tar and X'Tar Ishtar aren't related!).

There is a version of Black Karhu called Karhu of Light which haven't met yet.

There are alternative dimensional versions of Tired Angel called Tired Angel (same name, different server, baddy), Hell's Angel Uriel, Tortured Angel, Cold-Tech Angel and Tired-Angel.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



On Freedom, Mr. Paradox (a Defender) and Ms. Paradox (a Tanker) are married. I also have many alts in supergroups on Pinnacle and Virtue that work together. Can't think of anything else.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Ooh, I like this thread.

I've got a brother/sister pair. They grew up learning about crime and punishment as their father was a police chief. The brother followed in his footsteps and joined the PPD, while his sister joined Longbow as they can use less 'discrete' methods. They fall out a bit.

The brother of the two is in the same sg as my main, so those two know eachother as colleagues.

Also, my main works undercover as an Arachnos Agent (a different character), so those're connected. Other than that though, my characters don't really know much of one another.

Of course, this is going to be turned upside-down and inside-out once GR hits and their Praetorian counterparts come out to play.



Originally Posted by Nova Knight View Post
I was just wondering how many of you create toons who have some connection to each other.

For example, I have an archery/devices blaster and an archery/traps corruptor who I think of as brothers who chose different paths. I also have an ice blaster and an ice tanker (both mutants) with similar faces and costumes who I consider related. (i.e. the ice mutation runs in their family)

I'm not saying that I do this for all my characters, but I've noticed that 6 of my 15 are connected in some way. Anybody else do this?
6 of 15... ahh, non-altaholism. (or should I say "Alt-light?")

For most, other than "casually from being in the same supergroup on the server," the answer's no. Of course, I've got 160 or more spread across two accounts and every server, both sides.

My most involved as far as knowing each other? My first 50, an elec/elec blaster.

Blaster -> Peacebringer
|-> Daughter (emp/psi) -> Undercover agent (ice/cold corr) -> On her own (ice/cold def)
|--> Alternate universe 1 - Elec/Elec Brute
|--> CoT attempt to make a 'fake' that turned on them (dark/therm corr) and wants to kill the original as well.
|--> Alternate 2 (Merc/Storm Mastermind)

All but the brute and Ice/Cold corr are on the same server, and know of each other. I expect that whenever we see electric control, there'll be another version again.



My very first character had a whole huge extended family with a vast elaborate backstory that only mattered to me. Now, only Eisenzahn (Nin/Nin Stalker) remains in CoH, while the ninja clan surrounding him has been repurposed as NPCs in the Exalted tabletop setting.

My main (Elec/Elec Brute) has a startling array of clones, extradimensional dopplegangers, and echoes from timelines that may or may not come to pass. There are currently six other versions of her, one for each AT with Electric or Storm powers. If Electricity Control ever gets developed for Dominators and Controllers, I've got names reserved and concepts worked out. I've got a name saved for a Mastermind version of her too, but a primary that fits the theme as well as I'd prefer is pretty unlikely.

Currently the following versions exist:

Lunaticia - Elec/Elec/Mu Brute, the original. Founder, president, and currently only member of the Captain Mako Appreciation Society and Scrapbooking Club. "Mu Cataphract", but operating outside Scirocco's authority, mainly because he and his Mu Mystics got sick of trying to channel her chaotic impulses in a productive direction.

Mu'Luna - Elec/Storm/Mu Corruptor, a homonculus-clone grown at Scirocco's direction after he decided it was too much trouble to re-educate the original, but that her mystical potential was too great to squander.

Pandemonika - Elec/Elec Scrapper, the Praetorian Doppleganger. Or maybe not, depending on how much Going Rogue invalidates her backstory. In her dimension, she married the heroic Admiral Mako and with him founded the Sharkhead Island Defense Force, a super team dedicated to keeping the slumbering Leviathan a secret from Tyrant and his servants. The SIDF was betrayed by one of its own members, and Pandemonika was forced to seek sanctuary in Primal Earth. It's unknown if there were any other survivors.

L00N471C14 - Elec/Elec/Mu Stalker, from a dimension where Luna joined the freakshow instead of Arachnos, because she'd become obsessed with Dreck instead of Captain Mako. A concept that deserves being fleshed out further, but I just hate how Electric Armor performs for Stalkers too much to play this variant very often.

Catastrophilia - Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster. A clone escaped from Crey's Revenant Hero project, this version's cellular structure is too unstable to channel lightning directly as a close combat shield or to command more complex storm manipulating magics, like most of her other incarnations. What she lacks in control though, she makes up by having the most raw power of any variant. With an incomplete set of crey-generated false memories, she finds her development as a Hero hampered by her physical resemblance to a top-ranking Arachnos Operative, and is a very strong candidate for falling to villainy.

Dr. Monika Fujita - Storm/Elec/Elec Defender. An echo from a future that's now unlikely to come to pass, where Luna's supervillain activities were just a short phase, and she used her ill-gotten gains to put herself through college as a Marine Biologist like her father. Returns to present day Paragon City to attempt to prevent the catastrophe in her own timeline that awoke the Leviathan.

Ame no nuhoko - Elec/Elec Tanker. In Reichsman's Axis America, the Hawaiian Islands fell to Japan in WWII, and that world's version of Luna (a Hawaiian native of mixed Hawaiian and Japanese descent in all her incarnations) was recruited in early childhood to become a member of the Emperor's personal bodyguard. Relations between the Japanese and German empires had soured decades before her birth, and it's no surprise that multiple attempts were made on the emperor's life during her brief time in his service. When the sixth (and final) attempt succeeded, she was commanded by her superiors to flee to Primal Earth in posession of a number of occult artifacts and documents posessed by the Imperial Guard, which they did not wish to see fall into the German's hands. She tries to bury her feelings of shame and guilt through tireless service to the common people, and sees it as a personal holy calling to try and reform this dimension's native version of herself.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



My "main" characters all know each other, as my Stalker, Evil Gulzow-Man, is effectively the selfish and self-hating parts of my Scrapper, Chad Gulzow-Man, brought to life. My Peacebringer, Chibi Gulzow-Man, is Chad's inner child made real, and I have a Brute, Rabid Gulzow-Man, that's embodiment of Chad's mindless rage. (In the original story, there were dozens of short-lived minor personality traits brought to life, but all but those listed above were hunted and killed for fun by Rabid.)

The rest of my characters know of each other, since they're mostly in the same SG or VG, but they don't usually work together. Most of them have personality quirks that get on each other's nerves, anyway.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Occasionally I hint at Destructeon being the constant, bothersome thorn in Scythus' side. Other than that, I have two other villains of mine (Madame Kilner, Kali Souldrinker) in Scythus' villain group. Also, said villain group is coalitioned with another villain group that has yet other villains of mine (Mistress Bloodwrath, KAOS-219, Baron Ironfist, Poison Lips) in it.

I also like to think my heroes are all familiar with each other (for example, Destructeon and Supercollision were likely scientific colleagues before they were heroes). There is potential for my mystical hero, Shocking Freeze, to be at constant odds with Kali Souldrinker and Madame Kilner (both magical beings in their own right).



I've had ideas in which a character could be related to another, but I haven't implemented them yet.



Oh man... thinking of the relationship diagram for all of my characters makes my brain hurt.

Several of my characters know each other or know _of_ each other, but I try to keep it so that they only find out about them through the normal flow of RP. I may have a new character in an SG affiliated with one of my other characters in another SG, and have friends who interact with both, but if the name doesn't come up, they don't know of them.

Some examples though:

My main (Kat/Regen scrapper) has an evil clone (DB/WP brute) who's not quite the same person, and they definitely know each other.
I have a MA/SR scrapper who's the sister of my main.
I have a Invuln/SS tank who's a family friend of my main and her sister. They all know about the evil clone.

My main knows _of_ my illu/emp controller through a mutual friend in another SG. That character knows my elec/elec scrapper as they're part of the same SG, but has never come up in conversation with my main so she doesn't know them...

Sometimes I think about making a spreadsheet to keep track of it all. Then my brain starts hurting again and I move on to other things. Having 24 characters (and counting) isn't a job, it's a nightmare.

"Yes, yes this is a fertile land and we will thrive. And we shall rule over this land, and call it... ... This Land."

Main: Mikuruneko (50, Katana/Regen Scrapper)
Alts: Many



Some of my characters know each other, either by association in a supergroup or otherwise.

The Omega Squad: Firebolt Omega, Avalanche Omega, Aftershock Omega, Nightfall Omega and Thunderbolt Omega are all part of the same supergroup. They know each other professionally and through common experience (they are all either military or law enforcement personnel).

The Flower Phalanx: Lord Aquarian, Go-Go Girl, Merry Prankster, Rainy Day Woman and Violet Starshine are my 60s counterculture supergroup. They live in a commune in the ruins of Eden, at peace with themselves and opposed to bad vibes and squares. Violet is in love with Aquarian, and Go-Go Girl and Merry Prankster will eventually hook up. (see Granny Go and Dag Nabbit, below)

Granny Go and Dag Nabbit are the modern day versions of Go-Go Girl and Merry Prankster. In the 80s, their power faded in the face of Reagan-nomics and they "quit the game", got married, had kids, and retired to Salamanca. An encounter with the Cabal while walking to the movies revitalized their powers, somewhat changed. They decided to get back in the game and made new identities for themselves.

Marabunta and Marimbondo are brothers. They were gang leaders in Brazil when Marimbondo, the elder brother, came to the attention of Arachnos. Arachnos recruited Marimbondo for the Bane Spider program. After a year with no word from his brother, Marabunta came to the Rogue Isles to find him, and was immediately snapped up by the Widows because of his impressive latent psychic powers. The two are being kept apart by their superiors, but they will eventually find each other, and then they will conspire to overthrow Recluse and take Arachnos for themselves.

Lady Crane and Lord Rook were married before Geoff Krane's death at the hands of the Tsoo. Apprarently, one of the Krane's figured in a prophecy that Tub Ci did not want to see fulfilled, but it was unclear which Krane. Tub Ci assumed it was Geoff, and had him murdered. This drove Susan to train herself in martial arts and assume the identity of Lady Crane. After Lady Crane stopped the Banished Pantheon from reassembling the Wheel of Destruction, the Shamans set about rebuilding their forces. One of the corpses they attempted to turn into a Husk was Geoff Krane's. He rebelled and kept his independence, becoming Lord Rook. Geoff was dead for three years, so he has so far been unsure about letting Susan know that he lives again, for fear that she has moved on without him.

Bruce Levon and Sho Nuff are rivals. Both are martial arts masters, but polar opposites in regards to philosophy.

Final Arbiter and Dame Morte are Arachnos agents from 25 years in the future. A disaster has struck Arachnos, and they are the last Arbiter and the last Fateweaver. They have come back in time to "fix the problem." Their relationship so far is professional, but it will likely get deeper as they work together more.

The Silver Phantom is really just one character, but four different people, spanning the generations. This is one of my planned Dual Pistols characters.

Prometheus Cole and Texas Hold Up are also rivals. Texas Hold Up is a time traveling outlaw from the 23nd century. He ran afoul of a lawman by the name of Prometheus Cole in the Wild West. Prometheus chased the crook back to his hideout and jumped into the time portal after him as he sought to make his escape. The interference disrupted the time portal, and both were deposited in the 21st century Paragon City and Rogue Isles. Texas Hold Up wants to build a new time machine to get home, Prometheus Cole wants to bring him to justice. Prometheus also needs to find his way back to his own time so he can sire Statesman's father. More planned Dual Pistols characters.

Father Damien and Damien Fetch are aspects of the same person. Father Damien discovered a secret archive of forbidden texts underneath his monastery. Father Damien wanted to use the secrets to oppose the rising evil in the world. He also knew that the the dark secrets would call to the darkness within all men and try to pervert his will. Father Damien undertook a ritual to separate his "evil within" so that corruption would not be possible. The "evil within" took the form of Damien Fetch, and promptly escaped the wards set about him. Father Damien will be my heroic Zombie / Thermal Mastermind, and Damien Fetch is my Dark / Dark Brute.

Deimos Areios and Phobos Areios are brothers. They are the sons of Ares. Ares has kept their powers on a tight leash for thousands of years, and they have had enough. They use their "off-time" to build their power in the Rogue Isles, biding their time until they have the strength needed to break their bonds and supplant their father.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



Outside of a pair of twins, most of my chars have mundane/stupid connections to one another at best.

Couple of examples: in their civvies, my MM and my defender often play & joke with each other in online games. Neither one is aware that their nemesis lies behind the screen.

My corruptor is an android who was reprogrammed to believe it's my scrapper and is trying to replace her in society. The scrapper in question has no idea the android even exists. (yet...)

I'd make more in-depth connections, but it's always been a bit of a bummer to me that the chars would never be able to actually interact with each other.
I've thought for a while now of offering up my remaining char. slots to make chars for others instead. (like, if someone wanted a sidekick/rival/twin/student/whatever) Sadly, I have little faith in my ability to really pull that off, though.



Almost all of mine do not know each other (aside from becoming acquainted due to being in the same SG, for those who are).

The exceptions would be my main character, Ironblade (BS/regen scrapper) who gained his powers from a magical helmet at an archaeological dig. He was a professor of archaeology. The linked character is Ironshield (SD/axe tank) who gained his powers from a shield at the same dig and was a graduate student.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



A couple of my alts know each other, but most either do not, or would only in passing or by reputation.

Storm Locust and Thunder Locust are both avatars of a machine intelligence that allow it to operate in both Paragon City and the Etoile Islands, so they're basically two faces of the same "person". A person who really, really despises the Rikti despite the fact that its existence is the result of an accident while reverse engineering Rikti technology. Then again, she might actually be an accidentally uploaded human consciousnes. Even Locust doesn't know know for certain.

Sturmsoldat Valkyrie was given her powers by Doctor Von Hellreich and is a loyal assistant, so they definitely know each other.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Almost all of my blueside characters are in the same SG, so if they don't know each other, then they definately know *of* each other.
I've never seen any two of them in one place at the same time though.

Likewise with my redside characters, who are in the same VG.

However, my bluesiders do not know anything about the redsiders and vice versa.
Because the SG is in a universe code-named "Justice" by the guys at Portal Corps, and the VG is in another parallel universe code-named "Virtue".



Well, I do see them all as being in the same Universe (even though I'm spread across half a dozen servers, go altholism!), so many of my characters do know about each other, even though only a few I've actually sit down and given them a more detailed related backstory on their relationship.

Walkiry/Waldrada: Broadsword Scrapper sisters (/Regen, /Shield respectively), Walkiry was possessed by an old fighting spirit during a ritual that bound her to a little girl named Tilly and serves as her guardian (the Circle were after the girl at the time, and the binding was pretty accidental), Waldrada joined her sister in crimefighting after some nasty incident that left her crippled and then uncrippled (go go cyborg parts!). Waldrada's gonna go Rogue though, not because she's evil, but because she's kind of sick of everything that's gone wrong with the both of them and thinks that Cole's society would be much better.

Actin/Myosin: DM/Inv Scrapper, Kin/Dark defender. Met by accident as victims of a Council experiment (look it up in Mission Architect, #1345, Jumping In Feet First, where you are the hero who rescues them and saves the day! </shameless plug>), standard crimefighters all things considered. Actin was a valley girl, so she found this crimefighting a bit weird; then after i10 she made a switch to taking it dead seriously after getting her bum kicked by the Rikti, now she's likely the most badass Scrapper I have. Myosin was a gold medal winning German athlete, so he came from a different perspective, he was used to being taken as a "role model" and participate in social programs and whatnot; he was rather popular and didn't mind using his fame to help charitable causes, so he fit into the new role as super-powered hero pretty naturally. They're not a couple, in fact, their attitudes seem to clash every so often (Actin has swung both ways, from being too aloof to being way too serious about crimefighting, whereas Myosin is more balanced and mature).

Aliana Blue/The Blue Sorrow: They're family related, Blue Sorrow turned to e-vile whereas Aliana doesn't know he's still alive (yet!). I've got their full story in my head, just haven't put it down on paper, and decided against putting it into Architect since playing other people's "main" stories is not always that fun (I actually did plan it a bit as a "choose your own adventure" kind of thing, but I'd need some 20 architect slots to be able to publish all the selectable "paths"). White Flare, the Actin/Myosin duo, and Walnut Pie all play a role in this story. White Flare kinda has a crush on Aliana.

Moon Eclipse: This is two souls (two sisters) inside a single body, which makes it fun to play her. I always speak in plural when playing her, but nobody seems to pick on it, or at least make comments. I may need to be more blantant about it!

Hm, can't think of any other obvious ones. There are characters I play as part of fixed "trios", but that's another story since I'm only one of the three.

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Some do. I have a villain that is a good oni summoned and trapped in the isles. He does a martial art (DM) called Oni-do. All of my DM or DA characters are practitioners of this ancient art. That is where the knowing stops.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Most (but not all) of mine are connected through my main character somehow.
Ditto, my main character is the big daddy warbucks for my SG, providing not only monetary funding but tech support as well.

So remember folks, if your ever passing through Pinnacle dimension its Advanced Cybernetics And Dynamics Industrial for all your tech and science needs.

Just don't pay attention to the OSHA investigation LOL, two friends have backgrounds involving ACADI - the first was encased in an experimental set of spandex that fused with his body and the second had everything mashed off below the waist.

Then there is my main villian which is an artifical intelligence created by ACADI as a master control for all its computer systems which was unfortunately corruppteds by the Rikti and is now hanging out in the Rogue Isles waiting to supplant Recluse and basically turn Pinnacle into the CoH version of the borg.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



I have a string of 5 war-robots all built in the same automated factory. Does that count? Probably not I guess.

Actually it hasn't occurred to me yet to have any of my more human toons to somehow know each other.

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."



Great question

I've got several toons that know each other. Some are all in the same SG so are colleagues - but my main toon, Scarlet Shocker was caught by the Rikti in the 2nd Invasion and cloned as an experiment. Her clones were grown to various stages (artificially accellerated to account for time) and then let loose in the Rogue Isles - and historically that has generated some interesting and fun RP.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



A few of mine know each are / are related:

I have a mother, daughter, aunt trio. The daughter thinks she's the only member left of her family (not counting her family's pet ninjas which she took with her when she left), and the mother / aunt are trying to find her.

My tanker has an evil brute alter-ego, caused by a Portal malfunction. The brute knows all about her origins and hates her goody-two-shoes "other self", but the tanker knows nothing.

And my boyfriend and I have a brother / sister pair: Mine's a fire/fire dom, and he's a fire/thermal controller. The dom is insane, fire-obsessed and quite dumb. The controller is a more personable type, and likes barbecues.