Do your toons know each other?




All of them know eachother...1 rules all and goes down the ladder. thank u magic and mutation orgins



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
6 of 15... ahh, non-altaholism. (or should I say "Alt-light?")
If I had any more characters, then I'd never leave the house. Still spend WAY too much time playing as it is.



I do a 'character by request' kind of service.

My namesake and Mad Scientist par excellence Dr Mechano has a very profitiable business creating 'dream partners' for rich folk through genetic and chemical manipulation, grown to full maturity using accelerated growth tanks (which also give the subconscious brain all the teaching it needs to be able to speak, breath and all those other things required in day to day life).

The 'dream partners' thing is only a side of that, he actually makes more money off of the even more illegal trade of creating super powered loyal bodyguards for various villains and villain groups.

The prototype was created but turned into a hero (ss/invuln tanker) she still refers to the doctor as her 'dad' and visits him during the various holidays. One was patterned after a friends characters arch-nemesis in his VG (mad scientist and serious Arachnos command do not get along), so he wanted a subservant female version to humilate said nemesis and supplied the genetic material, however she didn't turn out right and was just as insulting and bitterly sarcastic as her source.

So while those two know Dr Mechano, they don't know of each other.



most of my hero mains are teachers, clergy or graduate students at paragon university, it is where our supergroup is connected to. my villains tend to know each other through their villain group, but differences in styles tends to make them less close than my heroes. my villains also know my heroes, as they tend to work together at times to take out real threats ,most of my villains are more like anti-villains, so they tend to pass information on the worst of the worst redside so that the heroes can stop them.



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
My very first character had a whole huge extended family with a vast elaborate backstory that only mattered to me. Now, only Eisenzahn (Nin/Nin Stalker) remains in CoH, while the ninja clan surrounding him has been repurposed as NPCs in the Exalted tabletop setting.
I'm becoming convinced that there are enough Exalted players on the CoH forums for multiple concurrent games.

Okay, all of my characters who are interrelated in any form...:
Freelance Rose is Erica Strauss' evil clone, but they get along pretty well. They have lunch together every Tuesday in the arena and discuss violence and biochemistry.

My Hero, Shatterware, and Battlecrash are all robots who were built by the same company, but they're not even aware of each other's existence. I mostly just used it as an excuse for why there are so many defective robots with superpowers running around.

And the giant trainwreck of continuities that is my old characters:
Kaelinia: Illegitimate child of a goddess of chaos, from another dimension and the distant past.

Aisha A.: The daughter of Earth Prime's version of Kae's mother (AKA Eris) and full goddess. She never really got any worshippers, so she sat around utterly powerless until she cut a deal with Kae to get enough prayers for her to manifest a physical body... and ended up turning to a life of crime eventually, which was sort of a big 'oops' moment for Kae.

Kai-Lian: Kae's daughter from a future that is practically guaranteed to not happen now. She's kind of worried about the fact that she was supposed to be conceived last year. Will pioneer the 'What Would Marty McFly Do?' bracelet.

My Hero/Mai Hirota: (now retired) Kae's biggest fan thanks to that one time that somebody in Japan made an unauthorized anime based around the adventures of her supergroup. Well, it used their names, at least. She mostly just jumps out at Kae in public to shout things like 'SUPA KAWAII KAE-CHAN GOOOOOO' and ask for autographs, at which point Kae scowls at her and chases her off with her sword.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



On Guardian, I have Dark Anarchy (villain) and Serenity Dark (Hero). They're sisters. The Dark family are not your typical nice family. They practice dark rituals and sacrifice stuff, except for Kaylee (Serenity Dark). She uses her dark magics for good. So, Kaylin (Dark Anarchy) swore to "redeem" the Dark family name.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



My characters all know each other. In fact, some of them were created by each other. My blaster, Valika, was a policewoman who was nearly killed by Malicio, my brute during a bank robbery. They gave her cybernetic implants and injections of an experimental mutagen they hoped would help strengthen her ability to heal. The treatment worked--with a side effect of giving her superpowers similar to those Malicio produces artificially with his powersuit. One of these days, she's going to catch up to Malicio and take him down...

Feel free to try out my AE mission arc, # 473452: Praetorian Redemption



Pretty much all my villians know each other due to being in the same VG. Now, whether or not they get along is another story entirely...Most of them hate each other! My few heroes are not linked in any way yet.

How about connections to NPCs? Frowned upon, yes, but doable if handled with care. For example Rose Prince, my Plant/Thorn Dom, studied botany alongside the hero Rosethorn in college. Differant paths lead to similar powers, and their former friendship has become a bitter rivalry. The idea stemmed from the fact that she showed up in several consecutive Mayhem missions, and being such a minor character with little backstory made her a good candidate for an archnemesis.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.




Crazy Dragon is joined by his sister, DJ Stacker, and his mum StreetLight. Due to a magical mishap, he ended up with a female clone of himself now operating as Sting Star once the initial mess was dealt with. He's also on good terms with the teenage cross between Tony Stark and Motoko Kusanagi that is Molly.EXE, often meeting up for scheduled bouts of Dance Dance Revolution. Currently dating Trick. Second Shot blames Crazy Dragon for her death and is currently hellbent on wiping the entire Stacker family from the genepool.

Molly.EXE has several agents in her employ. Crash Leadfoot was hired after her previous employers collapsed in on themselves, along with 777. Crash often operates with Mashup and almost ended up destroying the alien robot Star Splitter during their first encounter. Erica the Butler was initially built my Molly as a personal project, but has since become a vital asset to the teen genius' organisation, and Sky Stormer tends to be found in the nearest Longstaff WarTech lab ranting his head off over his powersuit. Justine Sampson has yet to actually socialise proper with the rest of them. The whole team is currently targeted by the former human Digital Curse and disgraced scientist Constructed Curse.

DJ Stacker owns a record label and radio station, all by amazing coincidence staffed by metahumans. DJ Marc Maxxis presents a decent-sized chunk of the radio station, while White Noiz and Another Visitor produce their own music. Reactor Party is also on hand whenever a songwriter is needed. Being one of the Stacker family also sees her targeted by Second Shot.


Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




This is a good idea for a thread! Alot of my heroes and villains know of each other...some work directly together....and some are linked directly together...

The Fallen Angel (my main) is a mutant who is shunned by normal people. he hates his powers (eng/eng blaster)....he tries to lose himself in the craziness of Paragon but can not overcome his obligation to help....The Decadent Angel is the twin brother who was born powerless and is jealous of his brother....he went to the Rogue Isles and enlisted in Arachnos...he submitted to Ghost Widow and through a combination of tech and magic granted him powers (eng/dark corr)...

I allowed them to evolve as they aged so The Ruinous Angel (Fallen's evolution is a all human PB VEAT)...his mutation granted new powers and made him more powerful than before....seeing this the twin brother seekns an increase of power and Widow grants it...she re-brands him The Nefarious Angel (night widow VEAT)....

Lone Arrow is an archery/psi blaster who is from the year 2045...he is the son of Mantivore and Sister Pysche...he wears a costume very similar to Manticore's but is green like his mother's costume...his sister is Maiden Ethos who is a sonic and force field defender...she wears a costume similar to her mother's but it is red like her father's costume...they have come back in time to warn of Statesman going insane in the future and ripping Manticore in half and destroying the majority of Paragon City...

The rest of my alts are in the same sg's and vg' they are definitely aware of each other...

"A great love is alot like a good memory. When it's there and you know it's there,but it's just out of your reach. It can be all that you think about. You can focus on it and try to force it but the more you do, the more you seem to push it away. But if you're patient and hold still...maybe...just will come to you. I just need to be somewhere she can find me" - Church from Red vs Blue



Most of my characters on any given server would know each other to some extent, mostly because they're all in the same SG. There are a few cases that have connections beyond that, though:

Blightfall, a knight from Brittanic Earth, is that world's version of Redemption Jack, a reformed villain from Earth Prime. Both of them find this disturbing, for different reasons, and the more things they find they have in common, the more creeped-out they get.

All of my characters on Victory--in fact, the whole SG there--are crew and/or passengers from the same marooned, time-traveling airship, so they have an established web of relationships with each other.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



Originally Posted by Nova Knight View Post
I was just wondering how many of you create toons who have some connection to each other.
Many, probably most, of my female characters have a shared background: they were either born on New Colchis or were trained there. The page needs a bit of updating; there are new characters and some of the characters have jumped servers.

I also have some characters with closer relationships. Ekphobippe, now on Champion, is Heraclea's sister. A number of my oldest villains are counterparts of heroes, although sometimes the relationship is not spelled out explicitly. Beata Beatrix is Heraclea's analogue, and Anactoria is Melaena's. Mrs. Weed is Grandma Gnosis's next door neighbor.

My male characters are far less likely to know of each other. It's unlikely that William Shakespeare knows Jade Emperor, or that either of them know Grignr.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



I have "clusters" of characters that know each other. Mainly they are separated by server, and that was intentional, I set up SGs for my characters so they could interact with each other "behind the scenes", and for the most part I tried to create the characters depending on which SG they would end up in. However, with Server Transfer becoming so easy a lot of the boundaries are breaking, and many of my "groups" have now met each other.

My main group is the Crime Fighters, my two mains, Jade Dragon and Blue Diamond, a third teammate named Genie Gold, and their nemesis, Silver Bolt. They share the same origin, they found four artifacts in an Egyptian Pyramid (the villain was trying to steal them all) and split them up between each other. The two guys are ex-cops, so they returned to Paragon City as a team, but Genie Gold was the archeologist in charge of the dig, and she really doesn't think of herself as a hero. It took her a while to feel she could contribute as well as the other two.

Meanwhile, my villain went over to the villain side, but doesn't have an SG of his own. On one server, though, I have an alternate universe version of him where the situation is reversed; he has two teammates, and only Blue Diamond remains as a "hero", his potential teammates having been killed before they could get their powers. He's actually in the same SG just for convenience, as Blue Diamond's a Brute on that server, but I think of it as two different SGs. Likely with Going Rogue he will go over to the hero side and start an SG of his own. (He has a teammate, a detective who found out about his story and is trying to help him)

On Virtue, I have a more loose association of heroes, based around Bloodwolf, my vigilante Batman type of character. He put together an SG to help some other troubled heroes, like Sandy, my reluctant half-robot heroine. There are also some villains in the "same" SG redside, either because they aren't really villains and are trying to clear their name, or Bloodwolf is either trying to resolve their issues that make them a villain, or just keep an eye on them. (Like Experiment OEBR1, my occult powered robot that feeds off souls)

Finally, on Pinnacle I joined an SG that has a film noir detective theme, and had my cyberpunk detective Alan Midnight join, because it fits him perfectly. I basically describe him as Sam Spade in Cyberspace. He has a partner, an AI named Rachel, so they obviously know each other. On the villain side, there is another version of Alan from an alternate future, and although he knows about the "good" Alan, I haven't decided if the good Alan has figured out there's an evil version of himself running around yet.

I also have a bunch of characters I originally created on Infinity. Over time, though, I've moved them over to Pinnacle and added them to the SG as well. They're all based on D&D characters, the main of which is called Dragoncove, and he is a Stone/Axe Tanker. There is also a Trick Arrow/Archery Defender named Galendon, and a Dark/Dual Blades Tanker named Arladen. Arladen had originally been the Stone/Axe Tanker, but as part of his concept I had given him stealth, because I wanted a "sneaky" Tanker, just as a lark. After Dark came out for Tankers I realized that was perfect for him, plus he had originally weilded a Scimitar, not an Axe, so I just recreated Arladen and used the existing Stone/Axe as Dragoncove.

And again, they have their archrival, a wizard who has taken over the body of a dragon, called Dragon Lord Morgon. Morgon is actually from the medieval past, where he fought the ancestors of the heroes, and Dragoncove's axe is the same relic his ancestor used, so he's intentionally put together this team because he knows "the evil has returned", so to speak.



Two of my characters exist as diametrically-opposed remnants of a single (Mutant) entity that lived thousands of years ago. Said entity fought against a magic/religious cult, resulting in a curse placed on the entity's lineage, where the sum total of its powers would always be split between two siblings in each generation. And as alluded to above, the curse results in a constant battle between the two each time.

It actually has, you know, fleshed-out details but I tried to keep this blurb-ish.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Sister Nova and Sister Nebula are both based off the same physics student who accelerated herself outside of time and space in the '70s. Neither are the real deal, but neither know what exactly happened to happened to her.

Sentai-themed Phantom Pink is unaware that the rarely-played sixth-rangeresque Phantom Sigma is her long-lost brother.

During a base lockdown, La Paloma had to share a room with Sheryl Flynn. Wackiness ensued. Sheryl will still sometimes complain about how she had to room with "that bird girl".

William Shakespeare was the Bob Haney of his day!



Two of my villain gals have made love to Scirocco, does that count?

"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"



On Infinity, just about every character is in some way connected to my main, Peppermint Cat. One's an alternate-universe Evil version, another is a prototype toy robot based on Pep's appearance, she has a sister that's a tanker, a cousin that's a scrapper, her aunt is another tanker, her deceased grandmother's clone is yet a third tanker (it runs in the family, it seems), and so on....

Other servers are various characters that are not part of the "Pepverse"... as if those stories were published by another company. =^_^=

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



A lot of my characters have connections to one another. And that's aside from the SG/VG connection which I have downplayed (all of my heroes are in the same SG, and all of my villains share a VG).

• Mender Cocytus and Svyx Qordlin are related through an accident of sorts, though I don't think they really know what happened to connect them... if they even know about each other. Svyx was trying to escape from a prison dimension just as Cocytus was time-travelling to a spot that was "connected" to Svyx's location. As a result, Svyx's otherwise failed attempt succeded, and Cocytus was thrown off course, and frozen in space (giving him additional super powers).

• My main hero, Wylde-Fire was in a relationship with my deleted Blaster who was the brother of my second Stalker.

• Schwarzpunkt (my first Stalker and first redside 50) owns a company that has spawned a soon to be vigilante Hero infected with what amounts to be a technological virus (Spines/Elec Scrapper), and one of my MMs, Ophidius Rex, a scientist who used to work for Scwarz's company... until his cloning process paid off. Now, Ophidius has an army of Mercs and has split off from Schwarz's company. Also, there is Mantis Engine, who was created bu a guy who got pissed that he ended up unknowingly selling his inventions to a villain (Schwarz) who used them to commit crimes. Now, Mantis's inventor has dedicated his life to crime fighting via his creation.

• There's Jon Zander whose family was slain by my brute, Chris Allys an Axe/WP. They are also connected by a mysterious magical entity who appears to Chris as a butterfly to give him instructions (and is his impetus for criminality) and saved Jon's life by granting him regeneration and raising him from the dead. In other words, the "butterfly" created both of them. I was going to make the butterfly as an actual character, but I think I like him better as an unseen player.



Some, but not all of them.

Lunar Wrath is the praetorian equivalent of Lunar Eclipse. Wrath hates Loony because he thinks he’s a slovenly, underachieving slacker who besmirching his good name. Loony hates Wrath because Wrath tried to kill him….and ‘cause Wrath is a douchenozzle.

Traceur has never met Loony, but he knows OF him. He thinks he’s a dweeb.

DJs Castor and Pollux had BETTER know one another: They’re identical twin brothers. They also work together in their non-DJ job: they’re intergalactic and interdimensional explorers for their homeworld’s science ministry.

Arc Charge has seen some of Traceur’s movies. He thinks he’s cool. Traceur doesn’t even know AC exists.

The Cape Radio - You're not super until you put on The Cape!



I have a Corrupter named Liturgy and a Scrapper named Homily. Both were/are members of the Church but have taken less than holy paths. Homily is a nun who has become a vigilante, wielding a katana and bathed in "holy" fire which is either divine or perhaps a function of her (magical?) blade. Liturgy is a priest who tried to run a ministry on the Rogue Isles, turned to the Family when the church was going broke and then slipped into consuming greed as a result of the easy money. He's now an AR/DM who rationalizes his actions by the fact that he's taking from criminals to nominally support his ministry.

Both have met one another via Pocket D and they'll be my Going Rogue projects as Homily helps redeem Liturgy. Or as Liturgy corrupts Homily.

As someone else mentioned though, it's a shame they'll never really meet in game.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
As someone else mentioned though, it's a shame they'll never really meet in game.
'Tis true. Though I have done duos of characters with my BF that are related, they could meet... and level pact (one set were brothers, and another were partners... they are Praetorian heroes who are acting as double-agents within Arachnos: versions of Shadow Spider and Viridian).



Interesting Thread.

Most of mine don't know each other. Even ones in the same SG have only
passing knowledge of each other (like a familiar person you might occasionally
see and say "Hi" to at the grocery store or office).

However, my original namesake main has an adopted daughter (from the
Shadow Shard), and a nephew in Paragon City.

Some of my other heroes are slightly connected - I have a couple "Ghostbuster"
characters who know each other, for instance. But it's a pretty small portion
of my toons overall.

Interestingly enough, none of my villains are connected to anybody - they're
all standalones (even if they're in the same VG).


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



My first hero and first villain are arch enemies. Villain is somekind of bounty hunter who hunts my hero. Probably never find him

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



I don't have any toons.

One of my characters is the Praetorian double of the other. They had their big showdown about a year ago; the hero won, sending the thug packing. We'll see what GR does to their story.

None of my other characters know each other directly, only through reputation. Those that are in the same SG, or closely affiliated ones, may have met briefly face to face.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City




On my main server (Infinity FTW!), Johnny Lightning acts as mentor/big brother figure to most of the heroes under him. Mostly because Johnny was my first ever character. I see everyone else as learning the ropes, dealing with/being introduced to contacts through him, that sort of thing.

Oddly enough, my villain characters are mostly independant. Go figure!

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: