Do your toons know each other?




All of my characters on Infinity know each other at least in passing, within their respective factions, and most of them are aware of the ones in the opposite faction, though they are far from arch-nemeses.

My original main, Manacle, happened to be one of the first heroes that my second character, who is my true main and forum handle namesake, Ms. Mesmer, encountered upon arriving in Paragon. He set her up with an invitation to the SG that he was in, a favor that she would return when that SG fell apart and she joined the one that she is currently in.

Similarly, Ms. Mesmer would later meet a another new hero, Tiarna Finn, and do the same for him for both groups. She would be the main reason for all but one of my heroes on Infinity becoming members of the Tychian SGs there, as well.

Most of the relationships are like this on hero side, respected allies and friendly, professional acquaintances, except for two. My Warshade, Cyan Shadow, is Ms. Mesmer's older brother, and Opel Miraje is actually her counterpart from another dimension, though Opel is the only one who is certain of this, and dodges the issue when it's brought up.

The villains know each other the same way. They've met, and each vouched for the next as prospective member for the Fortune Hunters VG. Tiarna Patrick has a deeper connection to Tiarna Finn, as both are Masters of an ancient order of warrior-monks, but their time training at the order was in different decades

My heroes on Champion know each other, mostly in closer friendships than the ones on Infinity, since they're almost all teenagers who go to the same school and fight crime after school. A few are older family members or mentors. They also know of the heroes on Infinity, at least in some really vague connection.

Tremolo was inspired by a speech that Ms. Mesmer gave, denouncing the Council's genocidal practices against Kheldians, to join her pro-Kheldian alliance of heroes. Laochra Sean was a student at the same order as Tiarna Finn, and came here to complete his training under Finn when the order's last teacher passed away.

Aside from them, my heroes on Virtue are all part of an extended family, four pairs of siblings that are all of the great-grandchildren of a Golden Age hero.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



My main is a scientist who specializes in robotics and cybernetics. Any of my blueside characters who use technology have a business relationship with him at the very least.

My 50 blaster for example, is Sonic/Devices, his powers of flight and some of his gadgets (Cloaking Device and Targeting Drone) came from my main.

My 50 defender is my blaster's brother and has a cybernetic arm and right eye, designed and built by my main.

He built a device to contain the powers of my Fire/Fire blaster.

You get the picture.

My main villain is an alternate timeline future version of my main hero. Remember the mission where an alternate version of you destroyed the world, leaving only ghosts?

My main villain is that guy. The corpse you find in the mission isn't him, but another version of my hero who found the dimension first and was murdered for his dimensional portal. He's actually trying to stop my main hero from repeating his mistakes and destroying the planet, most likely planning on killing him to do so.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Some know others, some don't. Depends on the characters.

A lot exist within the Galaxy Girl RP group on Union and so have at least heard of each other, but then they've also heard of other people's characters they've never physically met due to newspapers, television, general reputation, etc.

Come GR, one of my characters will be the Praetorian counterpart to my current main, though she'll actually be a fairly significantly different character, and they probably won't meet in the forseeable future.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Some do, some don't, often it goes unsaid in their bios:

e.g. Punchy the Loon (my L50 Mace/SR Brute) was once an orphan called Jimmy who earned the ire of Westin Phipps at Grandville's Haven House by burning down the Punch & Judy puppet show that Phipps had put on to distract the children while some of their little friends were being dragged off by Arachnos for psychic testing. Mistress Distress (my L50 Widow) was one of the orphan girls taken that day, while Phipps got even with the mischievous boy by blackmailing Darrin Wade into magically cursing Jimmy with the grotesque appearance of a Mister Punch puppet (the character's costume was inspired by my forum avatar, and just like Mister Punch he spends most of his time hitting things with a big stick).

I'm also putting together a concept for a cyborg character (who I've already designed a costume and settled on a name for) that was built by my existing cyborg villain Baron Steelfist (L50 Bot/DM Mastermind), using the brain of some poor civilian he kidnapped. Baron did this in a bid to understand his own condition and so that he could run experiments on his creation and test upgrades (intended for himself) on it without risk to his own life. Baron himself was kidnapped and turned into a cyborg against his will and was cruelly experimented on by a mad professor that he murdered when he escaped - my twisted update on the Frankenstein story - he is rather angry and confused about it all and he lost most of his humanity during the process and cannot remember his former identity, so this is basically repeating his own pattern of abuse. As a twist I think the new cyborg is going to retain its conscience through the "procedure" and, to make the best of a tragic situation, become a hero (probably as a heroic brute post-GR) with Baron as his arch-nemesis.

Also some of my characters are alternate universe versions of each other - usually one on Defiant as a hero, the other on Union as a villain - whose lives were identical up to a defining point in their life (usually the moment when they got/discovered their powers). e.g. Nightbow (my L50 Arch/En Blaster) and Ghost Spider (my L50 En/En Stalker) are the same person, mugged and tortured by a Hellion - the Defiant version was rescued by Manticore, who paid for his treatment (replacement cybernetic eyes, making him a great marksman) and mentored him, while the Union version gave in to savagery, killed the Hellion and was found and kidnapped by Captain Mako who saw potential in him, so had him rebuilt as a partly-cybernetic Arachnos assassin.

Arctic Prince (my L50 Ice/Storm Corruptor) and Polar Storm (my L20 Ice/Ice Blaster) are also the same person, a Bavarian mutant who was persecuted for his icy appearance - in the Defiant-verse he ran away to Paragon City to escape persecution and find more people like him, but in the Union-verse he killed his persecutors and ultimately fled to the Rogue Isles to escape prosecution.



Oh, in so many ways. Let's just say with my lot (and my husband's) there's family trees and mentoring trees that cross *dimensions*. Darn you, server transfers!

(in our own personal canon, each of the servers are different alternate earths accessible through Portal Corp.)

Heck, half the time we make new characters, the first thing out of our mouths is "Okay, how do we link 'em up?"

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately