Harrassment during RP




Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
And Teleport is only suppressed in the club itself to keep people from gatecrashing the VIP Room. It works fine by the chalet.
I realized that sometime after I hit send upon rereading my post. Thank you for pointing it out, though, as it gives me an excuse to post in the thread to clarify something before my words get misconstrued.

My earlier point about powers being on in Pocket D is this.. we've now been supplied numerous areas in the game where absolutely no powers are active save perhaps the Vaz disease, one of them being co-op. If people choose not to use them and instead stay in the public areas where powers aren't deactivated then save obvious griefing with teleporting or summoning, the most someone can do with their powers is be rude to you and that's simply something you have to be ready to deal with if you choose not to use the areas where powers are disabled.



The ability to do a thing does not grant you free permission to use that ability to harrass or annoy others. Or do you not have any manners?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
The ability to do a thing does not grant you free permission to use that ability to harrass or annoy others. Or do you not have any manners?
Another way to put it: if playing on a public area is agreeing to the possibility of harrassment, then harrassing me is agreeing the possibility of being reported.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
Another way to put it: if playing on a public area is agreeing to the possibility of harrassment, then harrassing me is agreeing the possibility of being reported.
*throws several snowballs at Kitsune in his/her little bikini with his/her.....snowman*

Huh.... I wonder if the snowman would even feel that...



Originally Posted by Afterimage View Post
That isn't true. The only way that it could possibly be true would be if I could turn off my feelings on command. But I can't, and I don't think that most other people can either. If I could turn off my feelings so that words didn't have power over me, then I could also turn off my feelings so that when someone dies, I wouldn't have to feel sad.
I can do this....... two questions:

  1. Is that really not normal? and...
  2. Is that BAD that I can do that?



It's amazing the lengths some folks will go to justify boorish behavior, when it's so much easier to just show some respect for those around them and exhibit some basic politeness.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Everyone and their cat was a Sysop.
Well, maybe not all the cats, but I was too.
And I was one of the first in the crowd to have a 2400 baud modem.
What, only one?

Come on, I ran a tradewars hub and MajorMUD!

Still one of the bestest games ever.

So basically, I was using two cups and a string.
I remember when 14400 baud came out. It was godly. ANSI graphics just flew past!

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
It's amazing the lengths some folks will go to justify boorish behavior, when it's so much easier to just show some respect for those around them and exhibit some basic politeness.
You'd think so, wouldn't you?

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
The ability to do a thing does not grant you free permission to use that ability to harrass or annoy others. Or do you not have any manners?

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
that must be one of their most popular strips.
Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
That's my plan for after Christmas, I sorta need a break. Got Tekken 6 L4D2 and hopefully a couple others to bide me over for some time
tekken 6 dissappointed me. the story mode leaves a lot to be desired, and given the different control setup, i found my favoirte character, hworang, to have lost most of his best moves. the core vurses game is solid, but i cant say i was thrilled with it.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
What, only one?

Come on, I ran a tradewars hub and MajorMUD!

Still one of the bestest games ever.

I remember when 14400 baud came out. It was godly. ANSI graphics just flew past!

LORD rocked. Loved Tradewars too.

Setup my own BBS at one point as well, but only to understand how it worked. Never had anybody join up as I did not have any dedicated phone lines.

I remember when the BBS I hung out at got the new modem bank. 12 modems, all 14.4. Good times back then, good times.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I can do this....... two questions:

  1. Is that really not normal? and...
  2. Is that BAD that I can do that?
1: Is being a bully normal?

2: yes. It is bad.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
Castle mentioned that there are "unwritten rules" that govern our conduct and behaviour, and one of those unwritten rules is that if you are in a PvP zone you are fair game for PvP. If I am in a PvP zone, and I am RPing, I accept that other characters may attack mine, and that such attacks may have nothing to do with the RP I'm involved in.[...]
A snowball fight could be considered PvP gameplay.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
*throws several snowballs at Kitsune in his/her little bikini with his/her.....snowman*
Dunno about his/her but 9 tails? Yikes. Stay away from rocking chairs.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
What, only one?

Come on, I ran a tradewars hub and MajorMUD!
Only one at 2400. My other computer had a 1200 as a back-up.

But yeah, I'm glad the BBS wasn't in my house. It was a big BBS with 32 phone lines and there were 4 Sysops, one of whom had all those phone lines running to his house.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I can do this....... two questions:

  1. Is that really not normal? and...
  2. Is that BAD that I can do that?
I am not capable of judging normal.
I am not capable of judging you either.

I cannot turn off my feelings. I am of the opinion that most people cannot. I offer as evidence in support of my opinion: any discussion that ever degenerated into an argument.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
It got even worse when he dropped an Orob portal right in the middle of a group of people; at least one got caught by the thing.
I chuckled at this because I thought it was funny that someone managed to click on the O Port.

Man, it's fun laughing at other's minor misfortunes.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
So. Let me get this straight. You play a game called City of Heroes... where the default costume is a bright spandex jumpsuit. You run, jump, fly, or teleport around one city beating the excrement out of make-believe baddies, rescuing hostage victims, recovering stolen items, and saving the world; or run, jump, fly, teleport, or swim around a set of islands beating the excrement out of do-gooders, knocking over banks and jewelry stores, taking victims hostage, and trying to take over the world...

and you want to type lolRP?

Um. I don't know how to break this to you, but every time you log into the game and you pick a server, YOU HAVE ALREADY BEGUN A ROLE PLAY SESSION. Let me make this as clear as I can. EVERY SINGLE SERVER IS A ROLEPLAYING SERVER:


So please. Knock off the whole lolRP line. If that's how you feel, this is the wrong game for you.

uh, no. Big text doesn't make it true. lolRP.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Um. I don't know how to break this to you, but every time you log into the game and you pick a server, YOU HAVE ALREADY BEGUN AN EROTIC ROLE PLAY SESSION. Let me make this as clear as I can. EVERY SINGLE SERVER IS AN EROTIC ROLEPLAYING SERVER:


So please. Knock off the whole lolRP line. If that's how you feel, this is the wrong game for you.
Added a word, for humor

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I can do this....... two questions:

  1. Is that really not normal? and...
  2. Is that BAD that I can do that?
Whoever responded to this quote above with the following feedback:

1- It is indeed abnormal. 2- It is not necessarily good or bad, but in all seriousness, please ask your doctor about Asperger's Syndrome and whether you might be affected.

I actually WAS diagnosed with Asperger's just about a year ago, and I've been learning more and more about it ever since. What I have learned so far, does explain a LOT of things, including a lot of the difficulties I've had relating to people, just as an example.



Originally Posted by Atheism View Post
I chuckled at this because I thought it was funny that someone managed to click on the O Port.

Man, it's fun laughing at other's minor misfortunes.
It was me. I was clicking on people and checking global names... and accidentally clicked on the Ourob portal. Had a good chuckle about it at the time (after a bit of cursing).

And for anyone who ever suffers from this exact same problem, my IC comment when I got back was "Sorry I had to vanish so quickly - sudden call of nature."

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I can do this....... two questions:

  1. Is that really not normal? and...
  2. Is that BAD that I can do that?
That depends Westley, whether you can really "turn off" your emotions, or whether you can set them aside and think and react rationally (in other words, the emotions are still there, not off, and you are simply adjusting your reactions with the understanding that your emotions may be affecting them.)

If you can really just "turn off" your emotions, instead of just adjusting for them, then you may wish to seek some counseling (not from the Council, however, they have issues. I hear that the 5th Column Vampire Mesmerists have degrees in Psychology, but rely too much on Freud. There's a cute Carny fortuneteller I know with a PHD in abnormal psychology. . . .)



I don't understand the tags on this thread.

Furries don't go faster than light.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I don't understand the tags on this thread.

Furries don't go faster than light.
They'll show up faster than light if the mutant booster pack is good

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork