Harrassment during RP




Originally Posted by Attache View Post
So you're the one who cry's all the time.

Cho the Fro -- F I N -- ShuTheFrontDoor-- Whosenwatcher -- RoboCho -- Don Wanton -- Wonder Cho - Spam Man - Cho - Dupa - Shelitababy - Emo'd - Flossy - Soviet Garden - Choalee - zaploid - Ko'Tain - Frine - Trower - Choake - Mr. Trashy - i r n00b - Mr. Class E - Mr. Stabbens - Beta Cay



Originally Posted by Choake View Post
oh snap i am being stalked! *PHASE*!



I have reviewed the progress of this thread since the last time I checked it weeks ago, and my conclusions can be summed up:

what is this i don't even

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Choake View Post
Originally Posted by Attache
So you're the one who cry's all the time.

"So you are the one who cry is all the time?"
*looks slightly confused*

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Interesting indeed this post .

Starts with harrassments..
Turns into trolling and flaming .
Case solved harrassment.
Trolling and flaming more important then harrassment .
Turns roleplay bashing into cybering ...
Turns into griefing ...

Woot very very interesting
*eats some more popcorn*

Here some more fire to the wood , am roleplaying eating popcorn :P
Popcorn is not pie



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
So. Let me get this straight. You play a game called City of Heroes... where the default costume is a bright spandex jumpsuit. You run, jump, fly, or teleport around one city beating the excrement out of make-believe baddies, rescuing hostage victims, recovering stolen items, and saving the world; or run, jump, fly, teleport, or swim around a set of islands beating the excrement out of do-gooders, knocking over banks and jewelry stores, taking victims hostage, and trying to take over the world...

and you want to type lolRP?

Um. I don't know how to break this to you, but every time you log into the game and you pick a server, YOU HAVE ALREADY BEGUN A ROLE PLAY SESSION. Let me make this as clear as I can. EVERY SINGLE SERVER IS A ROLEPLAYING SERVER:


So please. Knock off the whole lolRP line. If that's how you feel, this is the wrong game for you.

And uh, does that mean we are all RPing when we play any game since lots of games have running and swimming and flying and stuff?

Also, if this was the case, then when I talk "out of character", why do I get hate upon hate upon hate because I am not "RPing" on a server or area that is for RP?

Your entire statement is elitest and BS. So I'll leave your facist statement with a simple...



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I find the whole "You are RP'ing no matter what" vs "lolRP" arguments to be pretty strange. I think that there is always a balance when you play a video game, and neither school of thought has to be taken to the extreme:

1. The "lolRP" position: Even though this game is called a MMORPG doesn't mean that you have to take roleplaying to heart. You don't have to play your character as though you are pretending you actuall ARE that character, you don't have to adhere to canon story structure or behavior, you don't have to speak "in character" if you don't want to. Your gameplay is pretty much anything you want it to be, and as long as you aren't pissing other people off on purpose, how you chose to play is your business.

2. The "Everyone is RPing" position: Yes, technically we are all pretending (to various degrees) whenever we play a video game. When you play CoH, you aren't really leveling up your characters or walking them around the zones. You're just sending and receiving data from a server. Even when you play a game like Galaga, you aren't really kicking butt at anything or blowing up stuff. You're just entering data into a computer and watching the output. It's all make believe, even if you don't put any stock in it at all. Pretending what you do in a game actually matters or makes a difference is part of what makes the game fun. Until all games actually become remote control units for UAVs during a real-life battle, and getting damaged actually hurts you (like this):


...you have to suspend reality at least a little to enjoy it. When you say things like "I almost got killed!" or "I earned an extra life!" while you're playing a video game, do you really mean it? Yes, most of us roleplay--at least a little. I wouldn't say that makes us all HARDCORE roleplayers (hence the lolRP), but most of us "get into the game" at least a little...

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Originally Posted by Sin_Stalker View Post
Your entire statement is elitest and BS. So I'll leave your facist statement with a simple...
I get it. You're role-playing right now, aren't you?

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



So basically, this has boiled down to strawman vs strawman, and all the rational arguers have long given up and either left or broke out the popcorn.

Gotta love it.