Harrassment during RP




I'd like to know if there's any stance held by the game GMs on harrassment during RP in game.

I'd finished playing as my corruptor (missions etc) and alted to my controller whom I RP with. I went to the ski chalet in Pocket D because, at least on Union, it's a popular place to hang out and chat in character.

One user decided it would be fun to constantly do the throwing snow emote and occasionally spam some powers which was, at the time, a minor distraction but a distraction nonetheless.

I politely asked them to stop as it was distracting me.

I got a response that said, in cruder terms than I'll put here, no.

So I sent a petition (marked under Harrassment) detailing the conversation we'd had (Cut and Paste in the chat window was very useful).

Then I global ignored the user.

Then they alted to a Stone Armour Tank and proceeded to teleport into my vicinity, effectively pushing me out of the ski chalet. The user also did this to a number of other groups of users who were chatting in character.

The user continued to do this so I unignored them (to check the global, hence why I know it's the same user). I asked them politely again to stop but this time got the response 'No, I am RPing'. This led to a silly conversation and repeated teleports to disrupt me and other people.

In that time I sent three separate petitions, detailing the continued aggravation this user was causing me. I reealised after the silly conversation we'd had that the user had effectively 'won' by rankling me. So I logged and decided to channel some of my frustration into this post, which I hope doesn't sound whiny.

I do generally want to know if there is a position on this kind of behaviour in game and if these situations ever lead to a GM intervening and talking to the 'offender'.

I know that it's not policy to inform the petitioner of the outcome and I'm not asking for that.

Also, could this go in a better place on the forum? I just wasn't sure if there was a harrassment/GM questions section.

EDIT: Oh and for those that were there, please remember there is no naming and shaming, however tempting. Nor implications of name and such. I'm not intending to persecute the person who I felt disrupted my enjoyment of the game.



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
I'd like to know if there's any stance held by the game GMs on harrassment during RP in game.
While i'm not sure about it, I would say it falls under general harrassment. As they continued to bother even though you asked the to stop. Harrassment is harrassment, i don't think that excludes it from RP bother.

The 'offender' will most likely be punished in some way or another, whether it be a warning or ban(not sure this will happen).



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
... So I sent a petition (marked under Harrassment) detailing the conversation we'd had (Cut and Paste in the chat window was very useful). ...
In that time I sent three separate petitions, ...
Clogging up the petition lines.

You should have sent one petition, then updated it as you were getting more harassment. As it is, a GM is going to have to manually link all FOUR of your petitions together, instead of having a single record of the whole event.

Sounds like a typical harassment case. You will not get notified of how the GMs decide to process your complaint. This is standard practice in harassment cases.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.






Your best ignoring these people as much as possible, as I know it's annoying. People seem to find something alien about roleplayers which they think is exploitable in the form of harassment because of "lulz rp".



Does it help or hinder if multiple people petition? On the one hand, it would be nice for everyone to vent constructively (ya know, otherwise you're helpless to stop the fun-ruiner) and the GMs would get a better sense of the scale of the perp's annoyingness, but... One petition is all that is required I suppose, and much easier for the GMs to work with.

What's the stance here?

OMG! How like, totally kewl are these characters?!1



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
So. Let me get this straight. You play a game called City of Heroes... where the default costume is a bright spandex jumpsuit. You run, jump, fly, or teleport around one city beating the excrement out of make-believe baddies, rescuing hostage victims, recovering stolen items, and saving the world; or run, jump, fly, teleport, or swim around a set of islands beating the excrement out of do-gooders, knocking over banks and jewelry stores, taking victims hostage, and trying to take over the world...

and you want to type lolRP?

Um. I don't know how to break this to you, but every time you log into the game and you pick a server, YOU HAVE ALREADY BEGUN A ROLE PLAY SESSION. Let me make this as clear as I can. EVERY SINGLE SERVER IS A ROLEPLAYING SERVER:


So please. Knock off the whole lolRP line. If that's how you feel, this is the wrong game for you.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Thank you for your insight into the matter. I'm sure that your unique and thoughtful response will be of great use to the OP and doesn't demonstrate an attitude that is in any way similar to the person they were aggrieved about.

(WARNING: Post may contain sarcasm.)

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



You want to lol at RP? Fine. Do it quietly, and go about your business. Unless the RPers are blocking access to NPCs, they have as much a right to be there as you do, and far more reason to stay there than you do.

To the OP: yes, I'd consider that harassment, unfortunately I'm not a GM. If I were, I'd be routinely deleting the accounts of people who enjoy being jerks just because they can.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Clogging up the petition lines.

You should have sent one petition, then updated it as you were getting more harassment. As it is, a GM is going to have to manually link all FOUR of your petitions together, instead of having a single record of the whole event.
Yup, you're right, I should have sent the one and then updated. I guess I was just annoyed at the time.

Thank you to all of you who have responded sensibly.



I doubt the GM's would care. If someone is being a pest then either ignore them or leave. Don't get butthurt and stand your ground to "defend your honour." That will just end in tears.

I used to roleplay in COH a lot back in the day. Whenever i got griefed I'd play along until they got bored. Or I'd leave the area they were in and go do something else. It's not really that big a deal. I didn't feel like someone was "dictating the way I played the game." They were simply being a pest. And I didn't want to be around pests.

If you don't want conflict; Avoid it.



I'll be brutally honest here.

The GMs, if they're anything like the WoW RP server GMs, wont give a monkey's uncle about it and will infact just plain ignore the petition. Despite the WoW RP servers having additional rules (don't name your character something stupid, don't hastle people RPing etc.) the GMs enforce them about as often as goats produce flying meat pies from their horns...



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
So. Let me get this straight. You play a game called City of Heroes... where the default costume is a bright spandex jumpsuit. You run, jump, fly, or teleport around one city beating the excrement out of make-believe baddies, rescuing hostage victims, recovering stolen items, and saving the world; or run, jump, fly, teleport, or swim around a set of islands beating the excrement out of do-gooders, knocking over banks and jewelry stores, taking victims hostage, and trying to take over the world...

and you want to type lolRP?

Um. I don't know how to break this to you, but every time you log into the game and you pick a server, YOU HAVE ALREADY BEGUN A ROLE PLAY SESSION. Let me make this as clear as I can. EVERY SINGLE SERVER IS A ROLEPLAYING SERVER:


So please. Knock off the whole lolRP line. If that's how you feel, this is the wrong game for you.
ya know, i agree with you, but westly really isn't the guy who you should take so seriously, he jokes around for reactions, so reacting only feeds him.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
ya know, i agree with you, but westly really isn't the guy who you should take so seriously, he jokes around for reactions, so reacting only feeds him.
I'm wondering how anyone could take a post that begins with 'lol' at all seriously.






Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
Thankfully, they are generally not.
Heck, if they are anything like WoW GMs at ALL, let alone rp server gms, she is looking at a 3 week wait before receiving a form letter that they've already addressed the issue and thanking her for contacting customer support.

GMs are the single worst aspect of Blizzard's customer service for that game.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
So please. Knock off the whole lolRP line. If that's how you feel, this is the wrong game for you.
Remember kids: Posting is SRS BZNS!

Apparently so is playing a game for fun! SRS BZNS!



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
ya know, i agree with you, but westly really isn't the guy who you should take so seriously, he jokes around for reactions, so reacting only feeds him.
Have you ever tried tasting internet tears? They taste like Hawaiian Punch, and I LOVE Hawaiian Punch!

Nerdrage is also delicious, and it tastes like a combination of Cheez Whiz and Slim Jims!



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Remember kids: Posting is SRS BZNS!

Apparently so is playing a game for fun! SRS BZNS!
PURE win!



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Post Deleted
It's very, very rare that PK posts without his tongue firmly implanted in his cheek. It is recommended to read each of his posts with YOUR tongue firmly implanted in your cheek (not his, that's awkward).

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
It's very, very rare that PK posts without his tongue firmly implanted in his cheek.




Originally Posted by Westley View Post

That is so not his cheek!

edit: you changed the picture! cheater

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
That is so not his cheek!
Is it mine?