Harrassment during RP




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
My first thought is...couldn't he just say he was RPing his character as being annoying?

Rude. Annoying. I don't think I'd agree to it being bannable, or even worth the GMs time, personally.
I'd like to clear this sort of misunderstanding up, because people aren't quite getting this. (Not in a harsh way, I just want to explain the matter to make it clear)

The person in question (or at least the one who was in PD regularly harrasing people) was running pretty much every aura he had, all a bright green. In itself? Not too bad.

He would then go and stand in the middle of groups talking. And jump around, being rather obnoxious. Thats harder to ignore. People will ask politely for it to stop. He doesn't.

He then turns whirlwind on. Now, this move has the added affect of actually shunting other Players around. Given most of the people in PD are standing around, this is even easier. Like a bowling alley. It's impossible to concentrate with a person spinning around with that high pitched whirly wind sound. And being shunted around. A lot. With the green auras too.

Just saying, it's like saying to people who get bullied at school 'Just ignore them' or 'Just avoid them'. That really, really doesn't work. Trust me on that.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Remember kids: Posting is SRS BZNS!

Apparently so is playing a game for fun! SRS BZNS!
When people pay money for a game and some jerk makes it his mission to ruin their fun, it kind of becomes serious business. A jerk is a jerk whether he's griefing you or just making it a point to irritate you, and whether or not you "handle" it well, it is never pleasant.

That, and "srs bzns" arguments insult my intelligence.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Thanks to all those who have posted with regards to the actual topic and not attempted to threadjack.

Well I've received the usual response by email, it's just a shame that some people feel the need to disrupt others in that way.

Perhaps I should have known better than to post this discussion in 'General Discussion'.



A good way to avoid this, I find, is by joining a nice RPSG and RPing the the SG base. Although, I will admit that Pocket D is also fun for RP.
Just ask them to stop, petition and leave it be.



I wish they would get enough GMs so that they could reply immediately to harassment petitions, and when they see someone deliberately being an a**hole, at least temp ban them on the spot.

To the OP, when encountered by a griefer, I generally deliberately stay and continue doing what I'm doing and act as completely oblivious to them as I possibly can. That is how you get to them. No matter how irritating they're being, don't acknowledge their presence in any way, because every millisecond of attention you give them after determining that they're griefing you is only giving them pleasure and every millisecond you ignore them irritates them more.

By standing there and taking it, you are accomplishing three things: 1) You are actually irritating them by not reacting (thus how you "win" against a griefer). 2) You are giving the GM time to show up and witness what's going on firsthand. 3) By wasting the griefer's time, you are helping out other players who the griefer would move on to if you leave.

To anyone who is confronted by a griefer, make sure that you DO NOT provoke them in any way. In particular, DO NOT get mad and start cussing them out. If you do, end of game, they win. If anything, be overly nice to them, and I don't mean in a passive-aggressive sarcastic way. The goal is for when a GM reads the logs, you want it painfully obvious that they were harassing you completely without cause. If you dish out any at all, the GM will simply chalk it up to two people fighting amongst themselves. On the other hand, the more they dish out while you stand there being nice and taking it, the more likely they will get banned and you have removed a disruptive person from the game, which makes it more fun for everyone.

Just saying, it's like saying to people who get bullied at school 'Just ignore them' or 'Just avoid them'. That really, really doesn't work. Trust me on that.
In this case, though, "just ignoring them" is actually taking proactive, constructive action against them to remove them from the game.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Bingo, Tony got it in one. Why can't everyone get this?



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Because this private institution that its own rules.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
If you dish out any at all, the GM will simply chalk it up to two people fighting amongst themselves. On the other hand, the more they dish out while you stand there being nice and taking it, the more likely they will get banned and you have removed a disruptive person from the game, which makes it more fun for everyone.

In this case, though, "just ignoring them" is actually taking proactive, constructive action against them to remove them from the game.
Which brings us back to the OP. Do the GM's ban griefers like that? Or is reporting things like that a waste of the time as nothing will ever be done?



I wouldn't worry too much about these people. Karma has a way of biting them in the rear. A few months ago, on Virtue, there was a conversation in VU2009 where one person bragged about how he griefed a sewer team with his Grav/FF controller, by phasing enemies so they couldn't get any XP. He was obviously a villain player, and claimed that he "played blueside just to grief". He also said that Grav/FF was the "best griefing build". I one-starred him and made a note.

Some time later I noticed the griefer did not appear on VU2009 for a few days. A short while after he did come back, he was complaining how one of his characters (basically an Islamic terrorist) was genericed for being offensive. Apparently, not only was he petitioned and temp banned for harassment, someone had reported his character as offensive and got it genericed. Coincidence? Revenge? I don't know, but he got his just deserts.

Also, I would ignore that advice about standing there and taking it and even being nice to the griefer. Unless you derive some sort of masochistic enjoyment from being harassed and abused, just petition and walk away. It's not your duty to be a doormat. If they chose to go harass another player, let them; the more people report the griefer the stronger the case against him or her will be.



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
You're awesome.



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
Which brings us back to the OP. Do the GM's ban griefers like that? Or is reporting things like that a waste of the time as nothing will ever be done?
They used to temp ban them after a warning. I know of one person who had 3 accounts that he kept switching between because one or two would be banned.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Also, I would ignore that advice about standing there and taking it and even being nice to the griefer. Unless you derive some sort of masochistic enjoyment from being harassed and abused, just petition and walk away. It's not your duty to be a doormat. If they chose to go harass another player, let them; the more people report the griefer the stronger the case against him or her will be.
I wonder if India would be free right now if Gandhi had listened to this advice...



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
You're awesome.




To the OP...

If you're in the snow realm, I think people throwing snow and snowballs is pretty much fair game. Same as people skating around and asking for a team to do BNY missions. It's like a whole zone dedicated to snow and fooling around, so someone telling me they're RPing and to stop throwing snowballs is like people trying to RP next to Hamidon and telling people that they're interfering by doing that whole raid thing.

Even though I'm an RPer, I recognize that the snow realm isn't "my RP zone" and I can't expect people there to drop what they're doing so that I can RP. If I want to RP uninterrupted, there are other places I can go. Even in that zone. You don't have to stand in the ski lodge, where there are hundreds of people coming and going, many of whom will almost assuredly not be RPers. If you insist, people throwing snowballs or doing emotes is just one of the general things that you'll have to deal with.

And really, what you're doing in the zone is no more valid than what they're up to. What would your response have been had someone said "Excuse me, I'm trying to recruit for BNY missions here and your RP is distracting. Can you go do it somewhere else?" You can't always expect people to conform to what you believe they should be up to in any given location. Pocket D and the ski chalet are not official RP zones.

That said, the person crossed the line when they started intentionally griefing you and especially started with the teleport stuff. At that point you were justified in sending a petition.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
To the OP...

If you're in the snow realm, I think people throwing snow and snowballs is pretty much fair game. Same as people skating around and asking for a team to do BNY missions. It's like a whole zone dedicated to snow and fooling around, so someone telling me they're RPing and to stop throwing snowballs is like people trying to RP next to Hamidon and telling people that they're interfering by doing that whole raid thing.

Even though I'm an RPer, I recognize that the snow realm isn't "my RP zone" and I can't expect people there to drop what they're doing so that I can RP. If I want to RP uninterrupted, there are other places I can go. Even in that zone. You don't have to stand in the ski lodge, where there are hundreds of people coming and going, many of whom will almost assuredly not be RPers. If you insist, people throwing snowballs or doing emotes is just one of the general things that you'll have to deal with.

And really, what you're doing in the zone is no more valid than what they're up to. What would your response have been had someone said "Excuse me, I'm trying to recruit for BNY missions here and your RP is distracting. Can you go do it somewhere else?" You can't always expect people to conform to what you believe they should be up to in any given location. Pocket D and the ski chalet are not official RP zones.

That said, the person crossed the line when they started intentionally griefing you and especially started with the teleport stuff. At that point you were justified in sending a petition.
...I don't know if I love you or Westley more...



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Bingo, Tony got it in one. Why can't everyone get this?
Because it doesn't work?

Now, if there was an ignore button that actually removed the character from your screen and made them not interact with your character (collisions, etc)...

Well. Happy days that'd be. He/she can carry on getting their kicks from griefing, while the others can carry on doing what they do for fun. Win/win?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
...I don't know if I love you or Westley more...
Oh how fickle love is. This is one of the reasons why I'm still single.

Probably the main reason though is because I'm a complete ***.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I wonder if India would be free right now if Gandhi had listened to this advice...
Is this the opposite of a godwin's?



Originally Posted by Big_Lunk_NA View Post
Is this the opposite of a godwin's?
You know I was thinking that exact same thing when I posted it? But I figured it'd be too presumptuous of me to attempt to create a corollary to an internet law.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
You know I was thinking that exact same thing when I posted it? But I figured it'd be too presumptuous of me to attempt to create a corollary to an internet law.
Then i think it shall be done! Westley's law, or the reverse Godwins: Comparison in an internet thread to Ghandi, Buddha, Mother Theresa or other stereotypical nice figures.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
So. Let me get this straight. You play a game called City of Heroes... where the default costume is a bright spandex jumpsuit. You run, jump, fly, or teleport around one city beating the excrement out of make-believe baddies, rescuing hostage victims, recovering stolen items, and saving the world; or run, jump, fly, teleport, or swim around a set of islands beating the excrement out of do-gooders, knocking over banks and jewelry stores, taking victims hostage, and trying to take over the world...

and you want to type lolRP?

Um. I don't know how to break this to you, but every time you log into the game and you pick a server, YOU HAVE ALREADY BEGUN A ROLE PLAY SESSION.
Uhm. No. Sorry, but you're incorrect.

Logging into an MMO doesn't mean you're RP'ing. Does playing Quake make you RP Sarge? Does playing Metroid make you RP Samus? When you play Donkey Kong, do you RP Mario? ('ats-a SPICY meatball!)

Yes, you're playing the game. But, by default, CoX is really more meta-game by default. You have to actually to go out of your way to role-play. Otherwise, you're doing what every game makes you do. Knock down enemies the computer throws at you.

Let me make this as clear as I can. EVERY SINGLE SERVER IS A ROLEPLAYING SERVER:

Incorrect. Every server allows you to RP. But RP is, by no means, inherent.

Over-emphasis doesn't make your point any more valid. You have a point, about discrimination against any given play style. But your conclusion that everyone is an RP'er isn't correct.

So please. Knock off the whole lolRP line. If that's how you feel, this is the wrong game for you.
Have you ever thought that he was being facetious? C'mon, this IS PK we're talking about here. You've never seen lolPVP either?

I posit that you've just allowed yourself to be trolled and have over-reacted in a SPECTACULAR fashion. Congrats!

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Uhm. No. Sorry, but you're incorrect.

Logging into an MMO doesn't mean you're RP'ing. Does playing Quake make you RP Sarge? Does playing Metroid make you RP Samus? When you play Donkey Kong, do you RP Mario? ('ats-a SPICY meatball!)

Yes, you're playing the game. But, by default, CoX is really more meta-game by default. You have to actually to go out of your way to role-play. Otherwise, you're doing what every game makes you do. Knock down enemies the computer throws at you.

Incorrect. Every server allows you to RP. But RP is, by no means, inherent.

Over-emphasis doesn't make your point any more valid. You have a point, about discrimination against any given play style. But your conclusion that everyone is an RP'er isn't correct.

Have you ever thought that he was being facetious? C'mon, this IS PK we're talking about here. You've never seen lolPVP either?

I posit that you've just allowed yourself to be trolled and have over-reacted in a SPECTACULAR fashion. Congrats!
Actually (s)he is correct.
Whenever you play this game...no matter the context...you are role-playing your character.



To be fair, the term is MMORPG. We can lol it all we want, but RP is still in the name.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Actually (s)he is correct.
Whenever you play this game...no matter the context...you are role-playing your character.
oh jeez

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Actually (s)he is correct.
Whenever you play this game...no matter the context...you are role-playing your character.
We all must be Deadpool with the frequency at which we break the 4th wall while "roleplaying our character."

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.