Harrassment during RP




Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
edit: you changed the picture! cheater
Actually I changed it twice, I couldn't decide which I liked better. The one up now is the original.


It is recommended to read each of his posts with YOUR tongue firmly implanted in your cheek (not his, that's awkward).



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
It's very, very rare that PK posts without his tongue firmly implanted in his cheek. It is recommended to read each of his posts with YOUR tongue firmly implanted in your cheek (not his, that's awkward).
Not always appreciated though. In this case it isn't.



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
Not always appreciated though. In this case it isn't.
That's a perfectly natural sentiment. If you go around spraying people with seltzer water for laughs, eventually someone's going to say "HEY! "



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
Not always appreciated though. In this case it isn't.
Ignore him. Or ignore the posts that are not appreciated if you don't want to outright ignore him. Reaction feeds him and makes him happy. So does talking about him like he's not able to see that we're talking about him. (Hi PK!)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Offense is created by the offended, not the offender. If nothing upsets or offends you, then guess what? Nobody has that power over you, and you lead a much happier life.

People GIVE others the power to hurt them. If someone is hurting you with words... simply take that power away from them. Give their words no weight or meaning. There, problem solved and you end up with an idiot that's ranting and raving his head off to no effect, wasting HIS time instead of yours.



Offense is created by the offended, not the offender. If nothing upsets or offends you, then guess what? Nobody has that power over you, and you lead a much happier life.
So basically you never have to take any personal accountability for your own behavior. Any lingering negativity that occurs when you've posted something offensive is the fault of the other person because they gave you power over them. Nothing is ever your fault. You have a blank check to be as much of a jackass as you possibly can be forever.

Glad we cleared that up.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
They taste like Hawaiian Punch, and I LOVE Hawaiian Punch!
Ooooh. That is a dangerous thing to say. Surely you are old enough to remember what always happened to the guy who stated that he liked Hawaiian Punch.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
Ooooh. That is a dangerous thing to say. Surely you are old enough to remember what always happened to the guy who stated that he liked Hawaiian Punch.
He got punched by a Hawaiian?



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
So basically you never have to take any personal accountability for your own behavior. Any lingering negativity that occurs when you've posted something offensive is the fault of the other person because they gave you power over them. Nothing is ever your fault. You have a blank check to be as much of a jackass as you possibly can be forever.

Glad we cleared that up.
Let's make this simple.

Take this word: Can't.

Now remove the apostrophe and replace the second letter with a different one.

The new word "offends" people. But why? They are merely letters. What makes that word any "worse" or better than any other? "Bad words" were made up by people. They are entirely imaginary.

The Osbournes on their TV show swore all the time, but none of them took offense to their own swearing or the swearing of those around them. Why? Because those words had NO NEGATIVE POWER over them. None at all. To them, the F-word was as offensive as saying "spoon".

That's just an example. Words are words. They only have the power over you that you GIVE them.


I just don't get why people let others have that kind of power over them, the power to upset them so easily. It makes no sense to me.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
Ooooh. That is a dangerous thing to say. Surely you are old enough to remember what always happened to the guy who stated that he liked Hawaiian Punch.
Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
He got punched by a Hawaiian?
Duh! Of course!



The new word "offends" people. But why? They are merely letters. What makes that word any "worse" or better than any other? "Bad words" were made up by people. They are entirely imaginary.
It isn't the words you use that make it offensive. You can string together the most intricate and long-winded string of vulgarity you could imagine and if you don't direct it at anyone, hardly anyone on these boards would take offense.

Why? Because it's impersonal. No one cares.

What makes it offensive is that no matter what words you use, if you use your words to personally denigrate an activity that someone finds meaning in, that person is going to be hurt. Because whether it's important to you or not, it's important to them. And because it's important to them, when you belittle the activity, you are belittling the fact that they find it important, and, hence, you are belittling them.

That is why your behavior is offensive. But you already know this. I am only repeating things other people have already said to you at other times in other threads in other ways.

But if this actually IS some sort of revelation for you, that's why. It isn't the words you use. It's the intent behind them and the fact that when you use the words you choose, you display that you think the other person is worthless.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
I doubt the GM's would care. If someone is being a pest then either ignore them or leave.
If you don't want conflict; Avoid it.
The OP took steps to avoid it. The person persisted. That is harassment, and to a point where it is perfectly legitimate to take it up to a higher authority (the GMs.) And yes, they *will* take action.

It's especially fun when they catch the offender red handed and you see them suddenly... vanish.



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
It isn't the words you use. It's the intent behind them and the fact that when you use the words you choose, you display that you think the other person is worthless.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I say, Punchy there really should be sharing a cell with Mac (that guy who did the Charles Atlas course and then went to the beach to commit assault and battery as revenge on a guy who just merely insulted him previously.)



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
Ooooh. That is a dangerous thing to say. Surely you are old enough to remember what always happened to the guy who stated that he liked Hawaiian Punch.
Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
He got punched by a Hawaiian?
Hey Dr Mechano, want to play 52-card pick up?

Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
So basically you never have to take any personal accountability for your own behavior. Any lingering negativity that occurs when you've posted something offensive is the fault of the other person because they gave you power over them. Nothing is ever your fault. You have a blank check to be as much of a jackass as you possibly can be forever.

Glad we cleared that up.
Sister Twelve, are you familiar with the works of Ayn Rand? Not as familiar as Westley is, I guarantee. His answer would be, essentially, "Yes", although probably longer and even more exasperating.



Sister Twelve, are you familiar with the works of Ayn Rand? Not as familiar as Westley is, I guarantee. His answer would be, essentially, "Yes", although probably longer and even more exasperating.
I doubt that Ayn Rand would agree that being an objectivist somehow grants one person carte blanche to treat another person poorly, especially if treating the other person poorly nets the individual doing it nothing other than a fleeting moment of entertainment.



My feeling is, you never should have unignored the person, and never spoken to them again, regardless of what they did. They were baiting you, and you got baited. Petition, ignore, and let them get bored because no one is reacting, then the GM will sort them out.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
I doubt that Ayn Rand would agree that being an objectivist somehow grants one person carte blanche to treat another person poorly, especially if treating the other person poorly nets the individual doing it nothing other than a fleeting moment of entertainment.
I doubt she would agree as well.

There is also the matter that what one player sees as entertainment, other players see as a reason to involve the Game Moderators.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Offense is created by the offended, not the offender. If nothing upsets or offends you, then guess what? Nobody has that power over you, and you lead a much happier life.

People GIVE others the power to hurt them. If someone is hurting you with words... simply take that power away from them. Give their words no weight or meaning. There, problem solved and you end up with an idiot that's ranting and raving his head off to no effect, wasting HIS time instead of yours.
This is true.

But it does not change the fact that each individual can choose for themselves whether or not to act like a jerk, based on prevailing community standards.

Player A can be a jerk to Player B, who laughs it off and isn't bothered in the slightest.
Player A can be a jerk to Player C, who is enraged by it.
In both cases, Player A is choosing to be a jerk.

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Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Let's make this simple.

Take this word: Can't.

Now remove the apostrophe and replace the second letter with a different one.

The new word "offends" people. But why? They are merely letters. What makes that word any "worse" or better than any other? "Bad words" were made up by people. They are entirely imaginary.
And, following the example of my previous post, go ahead and post that word and see what happens. That would be choosing to behave inappropriately and you would be punished. But why? It's only a word.

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Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
I doubt that Ayn Rand would agree that being an objectivist somehow grants one person carte blanche to treat another person poorly, especially if treating the other person poorly nets the individual doing it nothing other than a fleeting moment of entertainment.
Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
I doubt she would agree as well.

There is also the matter that what one player sees as entertainment, other players see as a reason to involve the Game Moderators.
I doubt your doubting:

"It is not very inspiring to fight for the freedom of the purveyors of pornography or their customers. But in the transition to statism, every infringement of human rights has begun with the suppression of a given right’s least attractive practitioners. In this case, the disgusting nature of the offenders makes it a good test of one’s loyalty to a principle.”

If she supports the rights of "hard core pornographers", then I'm sure she supports the rights of "lolRP".



cant stand people who are just plain pig headed and try to piss people off in game. i mean how much of a 9 yr old do u have to be to still do that?



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
And, following the example of my previous post, go ahead and post that word and see what happens. That would be choosing to behave inappropriately and you would be punished. But why? It's only a word.
Because this private institution that its own rules. And while I am on this private institution's property, I'm required to follow that institution's "rules".

But, in the end, THEY are the judges of what's an infringement and what's not, not the players. So petition and move on.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
I doubt she would agree as well.

There is also the matter that what one player sees as entertainment, other players see as a reason to involve the Game Moderators.
Especially after being told "no, that's not appreciated, please stop." Continuing to do whatever the action/behaviour is afterward is generally seen as harassment without question.