Damage output?




Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino
Didn't they increase arc space at one point? If I'm remembering correctly, then if you haven't looked at it in a while it's possible that you might have a bunch of extra space. Most of the customs did have descriptions, I only noticed it missing on those two.
Going Rogue will double it. (if it doesn't occur before then)
Ah, that was it. I knew I remembered it being mentioned somewhere. Ok, so you might not be able to add more dialogue until then, but at least it's coming. Also, Ultimo, I also had a couple of comments I wanted to make about the briefings in the arc:

First, the one timed mission, you really should mention that fact in the pre-accept briefing, not in the blurb afterward. If you weren't planning on immediately doing the mission, it could be pretty annoying to not know it was timed until after you accepted it.

Second, and this one's really minor, the briefing for the third mission sounds kinda... abrupt. While I like the terse, no-nonsense tone that the briefings generally take, this one's a bit *too* much so - mostly because saying 'take out the bunker!' with no windup makes it sound like we've already talked about this bunker at some point (which, unless I missed something, we hadn't).

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



I do have and use Hover.

Yes, they all do, but they don't all have the ability to sustain or do the same amount of damage with that endurance, which can leave some sets at a severe disadvantage.

Yes, but debuffing Def will result in more hits, which results in more damage.
You're right, blues aren't always the answer. That's why I also tried using a combination of blues and reds, among other things.

Your examples are good, and describe what I'm trying to get at in a way.

PC Guy:
Grow up. Telling people to "stfu" and "gtfo" is childish and unproductive.

I'm not going to address this, as it's little more than namecalling.
Numbers don't lie, but they can mislead.

I apologize if it seemed I was putting words in your mouth. That was never my intent. It does seem we agree on the issue, even if I've presented it poorly. I'll start over without the confusing example.

I, and others before me, have percieved a significant lack of performance in Defenders, specifically offensive ability. That is, they are sometimes unable to do enough damage to defeat some foes. There are many possible examples of this.

There are two ways this could be remedied. First, damage could be increased. I don't think this is the appropriate solution, as it would give a disproportionate advantage to primaries that improve their damage output.

The alternative is to decrease endurance use. Doing this would not create an advantage to power sets already able to generate sufficient damage, but it would allow power sets without that advantage to reach the same damage output, just over somewhat longer time.

Is that clearer?



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I wonder if Muon's recharge time bonus would be a reason he could defeat the character when I could not? How do you get that window to appear, anyway? As I say, I used Inspirations instead of Aim and Buildup, which I see he has.
did you neglect garent soloing him with just steamy mist from his primary?

I would do this but you are just going to dismiss it.
By your definition:
My traps/sonic even if i just used ffg would be void due to having -res in the secondary
My sonic/rad would be void because of the -def in teh secondary even if i just used dispersion.
My kin/arch dunno even if i just used my arrows it would probably be void due to the accuracy bonus.
My traps/dark same as the traps/sonic but due to -tohit instead.
My rad/sonic same problem as the traps/sonic.

Dunno mate seeing how you dismissed Garent when he used just steamy mist from the primary what do you want us to do? Brawl Catburglar to death?



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
I would be curious to know what is more important than Build Up in the build.
If I remember correctly, this character has the Fighting pool.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
If I remember correctly, this character has the Fighting pool.



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
I'm not sure if it was the recharge bonus specifically (two sets of red fortune, btw, so it's not like I spent millions on that - it was more or less a side effect of trying to get soft-capped ranged def), but my attacks are slotted with about 55% endredux and recharge, so perhaps I'm able to put together a tighter and more efficient attack chain.
I think this is the key difference. My FF defender has her blasts 6 slotted with Thunderstrikes mostly for the ranged defense set bonuses. 6 slotted, they provide 65%+ accuracy, end redx, recharge and above the ED cap in damage.

Even without hasten (in my case) or in the case of Muon and I where neither of us had much global recharge, you can put together a seemless and endurance efficient attack chain.

I'd recommend that at the very least that a frankenslotted approach is used to slot up your blasts to reach 60% or more in accuracy, recharge and end redx and 95%+ in damage. Thunderstrikes are all sorts of awesome for a FF defender because it does all those things *and* provide 3.75% ranged defense for every set of 6. Three sets of 6 provide 10% of ranged defense which stacks on top of hover/cj/dispersion bubble/manuevers.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
I would be curious to know what is more important than Build Up in the build.
As a rule defender don't get build-up....

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I do have and use Hover.

Yes, they all do, but they don't all have the ability to sustain or do the same amount of damage with that endurance, which can leave some sets at a severe disadvantage.
Outside of the /elec and /sonic covered.

What do /Archery /AR /Dark /Psi and /Rad have in the dept that energy doesn't ?

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Okay Ultimo_, let's play your game. Here is your proposition, your "hypothesis" if you will:

That is, they are sometimes unable to do enough damage to defeat some foes. There are many possible examples of this.
Is it correct that this is your fundamental hypothesis? If so, what is your definition of a foe that "should" be defeatable by every character in the game, including Defenders, solo? AVs? Elite Bosses? Bosses? Just Lieutenants? Any specific named enemies that you'd like to include? Also, are you in fact counting Mission Architect created enemies in this belief, or only the enemies found in the "normal" game content?

The reason for these questions is to find a rational and definitive starting point for meaningful conversation in the future. You must define your terms and define your conditions before you can support a hypothesis, and before others can attempt to disprove that hypothesis.

So, THIS time, instead of everyone running in circles, let's start off with everything clearly defined.



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
As a rule defender don't get build-up....
Well, that would explain that.



Unwilling to change build or playstyle at all.

Is presented with NON debuffing defenders soloing the SAME MOB and ignores the evidence.

Yeah, it's you and your build.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post

I was playing my World War 2 arc below, and came up against the Elite Boss, Catburglar. It was actually a pretty fair fight, except that I couldn't do any damage. I'd get him down to about half health, using an entire tray of blues in the process, and he'd heal back to full health. That was WITH Sands of Mu and the Nemesis Staff in use. I hate to think how little I'd have done if I didn't have those.

This leads me back to the seemingly endless debate about Defender damage output.
Hello again Ultimo_

I decided to try this arc with Biospark (At least the first one with Cat Burgler in it).

Ran the first mission twice. Succeeded both times

First set at +0/x1 No Bosses
He spawned as a Boss and surprised me, even though I have tactics, SS+Celerity.
No worries though, immobilized him with electric fence, drained his endurance and whittled him down fairly easily. No inspies used.

Second run was at +0/x1 With Bosses. He spawned as a level 50 EB.
This time I saw him first. The fight took awhile, full cycle of my RA's (150-180sec estimated). Had to pop Powersink a couple times for refilling my endurance bar and used 3 inspies at the start of the fight (Red, Purple, Yellow). He never got a heal off, missed on my first SC but got him immobilized and drained pretty easily.

My conclusions are ;

1) CatBurgler is a pretty cool little NPC. Challenging, but very doable.
However, I am level 50 with all my epic powers and all but 10 IOs from a completely IO'd build. My defense is over 20% to Range, Melee and Psi, 14% to AoE (Darn BotZ KBs).

2) My strategy is very different than a FF/Nrg, so results would vary across different combinations. Draining his endurance completely negated his healing and a great deal of his potential DPS.

3) Considering how my Energy-Device blaster plays, I suspect that your strategy would need to be perfected against this kind of mob. Does he animate when he heals ? When does he start healing ? With KB, alot is about timing. If you can keep him on his back side the majority of the fight and hover out of melee range, I would think he could be soloed.

My questions for you are regarding your build. What do you have in your ST attacks ?
Do you have all three of them ? (Power Bolt, Power Blast, Power Burst).
What level are you at ? What is your Melee and Ranged Defense when you take him on ?

bottom line, this EB may just be too much for your current build and IO set-up.




Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
This leads me back to my seemingly endless campaign to con the developers into making defenders even more tank-magey than they already are.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
PC Guy:
Grow up. Telling people to "stfu" and "gtfo" is childish and unproductive.
right back at ya, getting on the forums and complaining because you suck at playing defenders and saying they're broken, when they arent, is extremely childish. There used to be a player that would come in the S&I section (probably still does, havent checked) that would come in and complain about how his toons would get boned in PvP and demand that this needs to be "fixed" or nerf this ect. with the exception of his 4th grade education, you're brewha. congratz!

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
This thread delivers. My god, this is such a hilarious train wreck.
Yeah. i didn't get involved at all once i saw it was more of the same as the last several.

Sometimes you find someone with a learning curve like the approach to the Rocky Mountains, not much progress upward happens for a bit then it takes off into the sky, and sometimes you find someone with a learning curve like Utah's Salt Flats, not much progress upward is made for a while and then you realize it's actually a circular track and no real progress is occurring at all, just an endless circling that gets nowhere.

Rather than play greyhound to the thread's dog track rabbit i'm happier to pop in now and again, sit on the sidelines, and watch the looping patterns as they cruise by covering the same ground again and again all the while getting nowhere.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



No, I didn't neglect him. However, his characteris Level 50, which means he's getting greater effect from hi enhancements (notably the endurance modification, but also the damage), and he does have passive accolades that affect it too. Any power set that has a means of increasing theeffect of its damage will do better than Force Fields or Energy, neither of which can.
As I say, though, that example is confusing the issue, and I'm trying to leave it behind.

Yes, Tech has the Fighting pool, in order that he could have Tough and Weave. It's kind of irrelevant, but I can post thebuild if you really want it, when I get home.

As I understand, the game is balanced (so to speak) around SOs. IOs will certainly help, but they don't represent the standard.

I don't have the info in front of me, but I believe most of the other sets have attributes that reduce Defense or Resistance. Again, I'll look when I get home.

My fundamental hypothesis is that Defenders do too little damage relative to the endurance they use. As I see it, you could either increase the damage output or reduce the endurance use to correct this.

My opinion is that every character should be able to solo anything that is defined as soloable content. To me, that's everything up to and including Elite Bosses.

I do include mission architect enemies in this. If the AE can be used to create foes that are invincible in solo conditions that will appear when solo, then there's a problem with the AE system (which I do think anyway, but I realize the AE is still essentially in a beta state). Either way, I am prepared to set the AE aside for the moment. There's just too much variablity, so I think we should restrict the discussion to "normal" content.

Again, that example is beside the point. Let us move on.

Glad you enjoyed the fight!
As I say, if I had an ability that bottomed out his endurance, I might have been able to beat him, because with no endurance, he couldn't heal himself.

As I say, I'll post my build when I get home.

I'd appreciate it if you don't put words in my mouth. I'd also appreciate it if you posted constructively.

If I was the only one who ever brought this up, you might be right. However, I'm not, so...
Personal attacks are unconstructive and petitionable, and do nothing to strengthen your position. Please refrain from being insulting.

If you have anything to add to the thread besides personal attacks, I'm happy to listen.

I agree, it distresses me when my threads go around in circles as they do. I'm trying very hard to keep it on track though.

That track is to discuss ideas to remedy the problem that many people have noted, that the damage output of Defenders is too low. I've suggested reducing endurance costs to allow for more sustained attacking, thereby increasing damage without actually increasing Damage.



Well, there's one option, having gotten hints about your build.

Grab Aim over something in the fighting pool. That will increase your damage per endurance over the long run. I'm pretty sure every one who've posted videos soloing Catburglar has Aim. I have Aim and Power Build Up from the epic pool.

FF, Energy Blast w/ knockback, Fighting Pool toggles, it really sounds like your build isn't a fendblaster build, but a fendtanker build. You're not building the character to kill, you're building the character to survive.

I'd humbly suggest using your second build to try a more offensive flavoured style, dropping fighting completly and taking aim and maybe your snipe. Snipe because with your above average defense compared to other flavours of defender (dispersion bubble, maneuvers if you take it), you have a better chance of firing it off in the middle of combat without any interruptions.

Aim + Snipe in combat will increase your combat curve. One could argue that it's not wise, sniping in combat, but if you have a second build (Or copy over to training room and respec) why not give it a shot, to see where the rest of us are coming from.

You've said you're not the first one to suggest defenders need a damage boost, fair enough, wisdom of the masses and all.

The other half of the masses are suggesting fixes to your build to address the problem that you feel exists. Wisdom of the masses, which you invoke, suggest that there may be something to what we're saying about your build or your playstyle, rather than the wholesale change of defenders. Give the builds changes a shot, and maybe we can meet in the middle somewhere.

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb



My fundamental hypothesis is that Defenders do too little damage relative to the endurance they use. As I see it, you could either increase the damage output or reduce the endurance use to correct this.
Alrighty then, we now have a clearly defined hypothesis. Let's take a look at the data then. I'm going to go over to Red Tomax and take a few samples of different AT's attack power and compare the DPE (Damage Per Endurance) to see how they compare. This will be a completely random sampling. I'll take 3 different attacks from each archetype, ensuring that I take all the samples from a variety of tiers and powersets:


Archery: Aimed Shot
82.58 Damage/5.2 Endurance = 15.88 DPE

Electrical Blast: Lightning Bolt
102.6 Damage/8.528 Endurance = 12.03 DPE

Fire Blast: Blazing Bolt
172.67 Damage/14.352 Endurance = 12.03 DPE

Average Blaster DPE from samples: 13.31


Controller (assuming Containment)

Fire Control: Ring of Fire
67.3 Damage/7.8 Endurance = 8.63 DPE

Plant Control: Strangler
67.3 Damage/8.528 Endurance = 7.89 DPE

Mind Control: Levitate
80.74 Damage/6.864 Endurance = 11.76 DPE

Average Controller DPE from samples: 9.43



Psychic Blast: Psionic Lance
99.77 Damage/14.352 Endurance = 6.95 DPE

Dark Blast: Dark Blast
36.15 Damage/5.2 Endurance = 6.95 DPE

Ice Blast: Bitter Ice Blast
82.42 Damage/13 Endurance = 6.34 DPE

Average Defender DPE from samples: 6.75



Broad Sword: Hack
102.6 Damage/8.528 Endurance = 12.03 DPE

Fire Melee: Scorch
71.33 Damage/4.368 Endurance = 16.33 DPE

Claws: Slash
82.58 Damage/5.4912 Endurance = 15.04 DPE

Average Scrapper DPE from samples: 14.4 DPE



Battle Axe: Beheader
44.49 Damage/5.2 Endurance = 8.56 DPE

Fire Melee: Fire Sword
76.52 Damage/6.864 Endurance = 11.15 DPE

Super Strength: Haymaker
72.96 Damage/8.528 Endurance = 8.56 DPE

Average Tanker DPE from samples: 9.42 DPE

Looking at the data here, you MIGHT be onto something here. To know for sure, we'd have to really take ALL the powers and figure this out, rather than just a random sample. Also, this doesn't account for a variety of things... like what the developers believe the role of the ATs are in comparison to the others. They may take OTHER things into account rather than just DPE when they decide whether a power is balanced or not, and they may readjust the DPE based on what else the powers DO. They may even be satisfied with these results, we don't know.

But see, this is what we call science... which uses actual evidence that can be quantified...

...as opposed to cryptic stories that can't be proven, or generalized arguments that can't be disproven because of the way the argument is worded. Facts, specific evidence, THIS is the kind of thing you need to cause a change to happen.... not anecdotes.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I do include mission architect enemies in this. If the AE can be used to create foes that are invincible in solo conditions that will appear when solo, then there's a problem with the AE system (which I do think anyway, but I realize the AE is still essentially in a beta state). Either way, I am prepared to set the AE aside for the moment.
You definitely need to set the AE aside. It's easy to make incredibly tough foes in the AE.

Critters have ATs, just like player characters do. With those ATs come modifiers that define how well their powers work. Most canon critters have AT modifiers as good or better than "primary" users of the effect the modifier applies to. For example, mobs deal excellent damage, debuff strongly, have strong defense powers, etc. They are, by design, able to be tank mages. This is intended to help counteract their limited AI.

However, the devs don't actually want all canon mobs to be hideous threats, so they are often given toned down versions of powers players get. Their AT modifiers remain strong, but the base power effects those modifiers apply to are smaller than for most comparable player powers.

As a case in point, when Mayhem missions were new, the PPD Quantum foes present in the level 45+ versions had the power Incandescent Strike at the same scales a Kheldian player character would. This is a "tier 9" sized attack, comparable to things like Knock Out Blow or Total Focus. When used by a Boss "archetype", it was capable of one-shotting every CoV AT but a Brute. The devs scaled it back.

This doesn't apply in the AE. Mobs appear to get the same versions of powers that player characters do, but still scaled by their high AT modifiers. That means that they hit much harder than most canon mobs. If you give them a full powerset worth of powers, they also have a better attack chain than most NPCs, and they certainly have more defensive powers at their disposal than most NPCs. Also, critters with defensive powersets are far harder to mez than normal bosses, because they can get player-style mez protection toggles.

In short, all bets are off when you create a custom NPC in the AE. Its the main reason why people are so up in arms about the fact that they are worth less than canon mobs even when given every power available to them - with such a configuration they are significantly more difficult to fight.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Interestingly put. I do tend to play amore defensive style, and Tankers are my favourite class (ifI could have made a Tanker with blasts, none of this might have come up...).

In any case, I'd love to have been able to incorporate Aim, but I just didn't have room. For Defense, I needed to get to Weave, and that requires Boxing and Tough (and with Temp Inv., I'll have 71%+ Resistance!). I usually carry a couple of yellows and reds to compensate, though if the fight runs long, I can be at a disadvantage.

I'd thought about Snipe, and like it on other characters, but I wasn't sure what to leave out in favour if it. Energy Torrent? I don't know, I find that so useful. Certainly, it would increase total damage output.

My other build is my team build. Its full focus is on helping the team, and to that end I have lots of buffing pools (Leadership, etc.) and the team bubbles. The offense on that build is very anemic, but rationally so.

I appreciate that people offer me suggestions, and I usually do test them out (I copy to Test Server when its available). However, as was mentioned, I do start from a concept and then try to realize it in the game. Sometimes that precludes some of the suggestions. Also, it doesn't remedy a problem that I see affecting everyone. As I say, I'm not looking out just for me, I'm trying to make things better for everyone.

Westley, I think it may be better to consider dmage output from sets that don't have a mechanism built in that increases their own damage (not considering secondaries either).

As I say, I'm hardly the first one to note an issue here, I'm just hoping to find a good way to relieve it.



I guess I have to ask why you need weave and tough, especially since you're taking power epic pool. TI will grant you about 45% S/L resists, and is one toggle, rather then the 3 or so you seem to be running. That will help with end.

I would suggest on the training room to drop all of the fighting pool, if not before, then once you get TI slotted, then try Catburglar again. Don't know what else you're taking (I'd wager you're interested in conserve power given your worry over endurance, but PBU is the true gem of the power pool), but run in with PBU and Aim, using PBU first then Aim for your alpha (As PBU will, I believe, boost the values of Aim), then alpha. You should be able to fire off 2 or 3 attacks in this state, and the damage increase should be notable.

To survive this onslaught, your primary and secondary both highlight knockback, so cycle through powers that have good chance for knockback to keep your foe on the ground. Air Superority might be worth the prereq for flight if that's your travel power.

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Alrighty then, we now have a clearly defined hypothesis. Let's take a look at the data then. I'm going to go over to Red Tomax and take a few samples of different AT's attack power and compare the DPE (Damage Per Endurance) to see how they compare. This will be a completely random sampling. I'll take 3 different attacks from each archetype, ensuring that I take all the samples from a variety of tiers and powersets:

< snip >


Broad Sword: Hack
102.6 Damage/8.528 Endurance = 12.03 DPE

Fire Melee: Scorch
71.33 Damage/4.368 Endurance = 16.33 DPE

Claws: Slash
82.58 Damage/5.4912 Endurance = 15.04 DPE

Average Scrapper DPE from samples: 14.4 DPE



Battle Axe: Beheader
44.49 Damage/5.2 Endurance = 8.56 DPE

Fire Melee: Fire Sword
76.52 Damage/6.864 Endurance = 11.15 DPE

Super Strength: Haymaker
72.96 Damage/8.528 Endurance = 8.56 DPE

Average Tanker DPE from samples: 9.42 DPE

Looking at the data here, you MIGHT be onto something here. To know for sure, we'd have to really take ALL the powers and figure this out, rather than just a random sample. Also, this doesn't account for a variety of things... like what the developers believe the role of the ATs are in comparison to the others. They may take OTHER things into account rather than just DPE when they decide whether a power is balanced or not, and they may readjust the DPE based on what else the powers DO. They may even be satisfied with these results, we don't know.

But see, this is what we call science... which uses actual evidence that can be quantified...

...as opposed to cryptic stories that can't be proven, or generalized arguments that can't be disproven because of the way the argument is worded. Facts, specific evidence, THIS is the kind of thing you need to cause a change to happen.... not anecdotes.
You made some pretty unlucky choices for Scrappers and Tankers. The powers I highlighted have higher than usual DPE from most attacks. In the case of the Fire Melee attacks (Scorch / Fire Sword) get an extra dot as their flavor effect instead of, say, knockdown. If you want to look at raw DPE the powers were balanced around, you'd need to drop the dot.

The special of Claws is that its powers recharge faster and cost less endurance than they should. Claws powers are additionally complicated because the damage of the powers are scaled based on the speed of the attack. The faster the attack, the power takes a damage hit, while slower attacks get a damage boost. I'd pretty much steer clear of Claws, I don't even remember how they were calculated.



I wanted Weave, so I could approach the soft cap. Tough and Temp Inv. are for when I DO get hit (plus, they are in character for an armored hero).

As I say, I've been using inspirations instead of aim or buildup, but I can try rearranging a bt and see what it's like. The only concern I will have is that I may become too squishy.

I've always thought DPE should be equalized across all ATs and power sets, but one hurdle at a time .



As far as I know, and bearing in mind that there are powers which deviate from "standard" equations, there are common ways the devs calculate damage scale per point of endurance. The aforementioned AT modifiers then convert these damage scales into damage points, and from there we calculate DPE. Defenders deal, with otherwise analgous powers (and after level 20 or so) 58% as much damage with their ranged attacks as a Blaster would for the same attack, because they have a 0.65 AT ranged damage scale compared to a 1.125 scale for Blasters. That means their DPE is also 58% of a Blaster's.

I know Arcanaville has posted about this in the past, and has referred to those posts in this thread. I only somewhat remember the thesis, but I seem to recall (and think the posts here support) that Arcana didn't think this state of affairs was so hot.

I'm not sure why its considered good balance for characters in lower damage ATs to be both less efficient in damage per time and in terms of damage per point of endurance. Especially in this game, given the relatively high HP regen rates of player characters and NPCs alike, this is a definite double whammy. It's not a Defender-specific situation, but one that's true for all ATs with "low" damage scales. It just hits Defenders hardest, because they have the lowest AT damage mods that aren't accompanied by an inherent means to boost damage (such as Containment or Scourge). I'm not saying I think it needs to be changed, but I'm not sure of good arguments for it, beyond the obvious one that we've already got it, and it doesn't seem to be at a level that makes Defenders unplayable. (Which see: evidence in this thread.)

Of course, we have to be careful what we ask for here - if endurance costs were to go down as AT damage modifier does, making endurance costs reflect actual damage and not damage scales, then endurance costs could be increased for higher modifier ATs like Scrappers or Blasters. I don't think that would be very popular. It all depends on what scale is taken as the Damage Scale per Endurance baseline. (Such a change would probably give Brutes insanely attractive DPE unless they were given a modified version of the formula.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA