Damage output?




Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Okay Ultimo_, let's play your game. Here is your proposition, your "hypothesis" if you will:

Is it correct that this is your fundamental hypothesis? If so, what is your definition of a foe that "should" be defeatable by every character in the game, including Defenders, solo? AVs? Elite Bosses? Bosses? Just Lieutenants? Any specific named enemies that you'd like to include? Also, are you in fact counting Mission Architect created enemies in this belief, or only the enemies found in the "normal" game content?

The reason for these questions is to find a rational and definitive starting point for meaningful conversation in the future. You must define your terms and define your conditions before you can support a hypothesis, and before others can attempt to disprove that hypothesis.

So, THIS time, instead of everyone running in circles, let's start off with everything clearly defined.
For reference, I gave Statesman a specific example for a specific powerset, way, way back around I6ish after Archery came out. One of the Striga cargo ship missions was, on heroic, spawning dual Lt groups at even and +1. If you happened to be unlucky enough to draw a significant number of dual +1 LTs (due probably to the level round off issue) you could, with some secondaries, find yourself running out of endurance before being able to generate enough damage to defeat them both if you were a smash/lethal secondary and you didn't have stamina or an endurance recovery power. That *shouldn't* happen while solo at that level in a heroic mission within the core content.

That situation does not occur at the lowest difficulty level anymore, I don't think, so its no longer a valid example.

My own line of thinking currently does not rely on the existence of such an example. Rather, it relies on a more general principle that whether everything is soloable or not, the defender mod may imply a lower soloing rate than the devs intend. Its telling that of all the archetypes with modifiers lower than about 0.75-0.8, all of them except defenders have eventually had soloing performance improved *specifically* with damage enhancing buffs. Controllers got containment, Tankers got a modifier boost (Dominators were also boosted, but its not perfectly clear if the boost intended to improve solo performance or if that was a side effect of increasing the damage contribution of the archetype to teams). Corruptors have a 0.75 modifier but got Scourge out of the box.

It could just be a coincidence, but I don't think 0.75 is just an arbitrary cutoff number. The implication of a 0.75 modifier, in the absence of other damage improvements, is that the archetype is designed to solo 25% slower. I have reason to believe that 25%-30%% is close to the point where the devs would take action if they discovered that an archetype was datamined to be much slower than average, overall, and a lot of the changes they have made to damage and soloing seem to converge on this rule of thumb. However, I don't know enough about the devs' balancing methodology to state this with 100% certainty. I'm 90% sure this line of thought does point approximately to the truth, though.

In game design terms, DPA affects the short-term ability for something to generate damage. DPE affects something's kill speed. The game tools do allow the devs to adjust both independently, by adjusting damage modifiers which adjust both, and then the archetype endurance scaler which specifically affects DPE separate from DPA. However, the devs don't do that anymore, since the archetype endurance scaler is now set to be the same for all archetypes: 5.2 endurance per scale. My gut instinct is to believe the actual core intent is for all archetypes to have similar (but not necessarily identical) *absolute* DPE, but they are currently set to have identical *relative* DPE, which is a totally different thing, and at modifier values lower than about 0.75 it diverges from intent in a way that actually violates their soloing standards. But that's not something I can prove absolutely at the moment, because the devs' soloing standards are not publicly known with enough precision.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



If we allow that the AT is to solo 25% slower, shouldn't they have 25% more endurance (or equivalent) so they can last long enough to go slower?



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
If we allow that the AT is to solo 25% slower, shouldn't they have 25% more endurance (or equivalent) so they can last long enough to go slower?
Its better to reduce the costs of attacks rather than buff endurance. Buffing endurance has collateral unintended side effects. In particular, it acts essentially to reduce the relative costs of all non-attack powers. I have no reason to believe the endurance costs of team buffs are too high. And specifically for defender primaries with damage-buffing powers, reducing the relative costs of using them could increase the offensive disparity between defender primaries (particularly solo), which is something else I wouldn't want to do.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
In game design terms, DPA affects the short-term ability for something to generate damage. DPE affects something's kill speed. The game tools do allow the devs to adjust both independently, by adjusting damage modifiers which adjust both, and then the archetype endurance scaler which specifically affects DPE separate from DPA. However, the devs don't do that anymore, since the archetype endurance scaler is now set to be the same for all archetypes: 5.2 endurance per scale. My gut instinct is to believe the actual core intent is for all archetypes to have similar (but not necessarily identical) *absolute* DPE, but they are currently set to have identical *relative* DPE, which is a totally different thing, and at modifier values lower than about 0.75 it diverges from intent in a way that actually violates their soloing standards. But that's not something I can prove absolutely at the moment, because the devs' soloing standards are not publicly known with enough precision.
Not sure if it belongs into this thread but has someone done any analysis on the effect of Assault in this regard? It seems to link DPA and DPE in a different way in that if you can increase your DPA (kill quicker) you can at the same time increase your DPE (run Assault for a shorter duration). Not sure if it would be a significant amount let alone enough to give Defenders a noticable advantage.



Originally Posted by Dunkelzahn_NA View Post
Not sure if it belongs into this thread but has someone done any analysis on the effect of Assault in this regard? It seems to link DPA and DPE in a different way in that if you can increase your DPA (kill quicker) you can at the same time increase your DPE (run Assault for a shorter duration). Not sure if it would be a significant amount let alone enough to give Defenders a noticable advantage.
Assault is +18.75% damage for Defenders. It costs 0.39 eps. If we cut the endurance cost with slotting its about 0.2 eps. For this to improve DPE, real attacks have to cost more than this, which is essentially saying that 195% (slotted attacks) have to cost more than 2.08 eps.

Defender secondaries are basically similar to Blaster primaries in terms of scale DPA, hovering around 1.0 dps in scale numbers; a full unslotted Defender chain is going to burn about 5.2 eps as a result (AoEs complicate matters somewhat). Someone that 1-slots for endurance will still have a 3.9 eps burn rate, plus or minus. So assuming you are attacking at least 55% of the time, Assault will help Defender DPE (if you spend too much time moving between spawns and don't toggle off Assault, it will burn endurance without buffing anything and ultimately reduce your endurance efficiency). This is solo: Assault has a much better return on investment in teams for obvious reasons.

That's actually not true for all archetypes. Blasters, for example, with similar offensive burn rates only get +10.5% damage from Assault. They must burn more than 3.7 eps for Assault to improve DPE, and with attacks 1-slotted for endurance they have to be attacking 95% of the time that Assault is up. That's extremely unlikely unless you toggle-manage Assault, and few people seem to do that.

However, having said that, Assault isn't strong enough to significantly alter the *overall* endurance picture. If we are guestimating a Defender generating a relative 1.27 dps (0.65 * 1.95) and burning 3.9 eps overall and comparing to a blaster generating 2.19 dps and burning 3.9 eps overall, adding Assault to both would increase the Defender to 1.39 dps and 4.1 eps, and the Blaster to 2.31 dps and 4.1 eps. The DPE of the Defender increases from 58% of the Blaster to 60% of the Blaster.

If we compare to Tanker theoretical DPE instead, we have Defender theoretical DPE being 81% of Tanker without Assault, and 84.5% of Tanker with Assault (that's comparable to increasing the Defender ranged damage modifier from 0.65 to 0.675).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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It generally takes fairly little time for any of my fully slotted, though not necessarily set IO slotted, Defenders to recover full endurance when not attacking. (This is generally by level 30+ or so.) Then the endurance usage of Assault becomes irrelevant at that point until combat starts again. Most missions consist of isolated battles in hallways interspersed with several large rooms of nearly non-stop combat. In practice i find this works out to either nearly continuous fighting where Assault would be optimal or combats with enough downtime in between to start at full endurance, making any endurance usage by Assault in between academic, so i tend to leave Assault toggled on even if it does reduce my theoretical efficiency.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...




you're FF primary, that's not any damage assistance at all. That would be why you couldn't do a thing against the guy.

Say, traps? That'd tear up an EB. My traps/dark defender can solo game EBs, but that's with Insps



you're FF primary, that's not any damage assistance at all. That would be why you couldn't do a thing against the guy.



Originally Posted by PosterChild View Post
This is wut.



Originally Posted by Garent View Post
This is wut.
That and ignoring the at least half dozen posters in the following discussion who could in fact defeat the guy in question. Of course being a QR they probably only read the OP and then posted blissfully ignorant of all those who succeeded in doing what the OP couldn't.

The Westley "wut" could just be an expression of incredulity that they posted something so obviously clueless.
<Goofy voice>"Gawrsh, there are too many posts in this thread, so I'll just post the first opinion that pops into my head without bothering read past the original post. Hyuk."</Goofy voice>

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
The Westley "wut" could just be an expression of incredulity that they posted something so obviously clueless.
Yeah pretty much this. Especially with the post coming after the video of me WHOOPING the mentioned EB with an FF Defender.



My two cents:

One of my SG-mates nearly broke his keyboard out of frustration trying to play a FF/NRG defender.

You can create some really broken enemies with the custom enemy maker in AE.

I like Arcana's idea of reducing END costs for defender secondaries. The additional debuffs relative to Blaster/Corruptor's primary attack debuffs just don't cut it. It does feel the Defender gets short changed somehow. Buffing damage seems like the "easiest" way to buff the class where the primaries vary too much. Also when you have the Corruptor class, which is a re-working of a Defender, the idea of "Defender damage = Corruptor Damage - Scourge" doesn't seem too out of line with the changes to Khelds, Blasters, Stalkers, and Dominators.

Here's the thing about Defenders: The class is showing it's age and by that I mean the idea of a "pure support" character. It's nice to be the force multiplier and I've heard the lament of "We need a Healer" more times than I care to remember, but I think there are more people who want to be more "Proactive" than "Reactive" in their gameplay. Sure being able to buff is nice, but the feeling that your attacks amount to no more than a ranged taunt is kind of a buzzkill.

Just going by the inherent: It's inherent is too situational, it requires a team and that team to perform poorly and even then the utility of the inherent is questionable even then. You could leverage Defiance 1.0 although it require a lot of skill to do, Vigilance... not so much.

I have a some questions for those still following this:

Could you do what "Repeat Offenders" do with a team of Corruptors built along the same lines?

When GR comes out and mixed teaming (ATs if not faction) is commonplace, will there still be a place for a Defender if you can get a Corruptor?

To be honest I would like to make the defender more... defensive or at be able to self buff to a degree. Something that doesn't make the defender the automatic "weakest link" in team PVP. Yes, the Defender can make the team fairly awesome but can be taken out almost as an afterthought at times.

Go nuts... Turn PFF into something other than a "phase, but not really". How about the idea of getting rid of "only affecting self" for "-9999% damage" similar to what happened to rage. They'd at least be able to provide teaming buffs or debuffs.

Sometimes progress requires the slaying of sacred cows.

"Steady as a mountain, attack like fire, still as a wood, swift as the wind.
In heaven and earth I alone am to be revered."
- Motto on the war banner of Takeda Shingen (1521-1573)



r u callin me a cow?



I really like the idea of turning PFF into a major damage debuff instead of only Affecting Self. With a few qualifiers.

It would also have to neutralise Knockback though, Force Bolting with PFF up seems too good.

I'm not too sure about mezzes either, should they get reduced duration through the PFF?
Having a FF/Rad/Dark being able to stun a boss and his minions with Oppressive Gloom and Cosmic Burst with their PFF up all the time is too much.

It would have to apply its debuff to Sands of Mu vet power. Using this during the Rage crash isnt a killer, but using it with +67% Defence is out of balance.

It would have to neutralise Dispersion Bubble. The team oriented FF-er shouldnt be able to run around with their PFF up without impunity.

Come to think of it, I'm not really sure what you should allow through. Just debuffs maybe? Even that could be overpowered. The more I think about the details, the less I like this idea.



Just imagine Mike, PFF that you can "act" through + Repulsion Field.

You'd be the ultimate team saver by running all over like a pinball knocking everyone all over. *drools*



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
I really like the idea of turning PFF into a major damage debuff instead of only Affecting Self. With a few qualifiers.

It would also have to neutralise Knockback though, Force Bolting with PFF up seems too good.

I'm not too sure about mezzes either, should they get reduced duration through the PFF?
Having a FF/Rad/Dark being able to stun a boss and his minions with Oppressive Gloom and Cosmic Burst with their PFF up all the time is too much.

It would have to apply its debuff to Sands of Mu vet power. Using this during the Rage crash isnt a killer, but using it with +67% Defence is out of balance.

It would have to neutralise Dispersion Bubble. The team oriented FF-er shouldnt be able to run around with their PFF up without impunity.

Come to think of it, I'm not really sure what you should allow through. Just debuffs maybe? Even that could be overpowered. The more I think about the details, the less I like this idea.
Change the numbers so it's more on par with a tank's defense/resists then. The defender has a chance to go *squish* but he has more options than just "run away".

I'm just spitballing here, but the direction I would go for the defender would result in a rethinking of how the defender is actually played as something more that just a heal/buff/debuff bot with low damage ranged attacks.

Look at the other "Buff" classes:

Controller: Crowd Control with Buffs
Corruptor: Ranged Damage with Buffs
Mastermind: Pets (Damage/Cannon Fodder) with Buffs

Defenders are "Buffs with Damage" and that damage is the lowest amongst all ATs now, when you adjust for Containment. That's why Arcana's DPE idea interests me, it would be nice to be able to solo a defender and not be sucked dry for endurance and still have angry enemies to deal with.

"Steady as a mountain, attack like fire, still as a wood, swift as the wind.
In heaven and earth I alone am to be revered."
- Motto on the war banner of Takeda Shingen (1521-1573)



I definitely think you're on to something, Raithnor.

I've played a FF Defender who was softcapped to Ranged/AoE and Psi and at about 38% vs Melee, and I've got to say I loved the combination of medium-low damage and medium-high defence.

It wasnt overpowered or underpowered, it's a very common concept for superheroes, and it was fun to play. Unfortunately, I had to get to the mid 40s and spend millions to realise it.

I wouldn't take away PFF as it stands - its a pretty unique game mechanic that forces you to make decisions. I'd maybe add some more personal protection into some of the other FF powers, eg +Melee Def in Repulsion Field and +Ranged/AoE into Force Bubble.



I have always viewed Defenders as the flip-side of Blasters much as Tankers are the flip-side of Scrappers. So my biggest issues playing defenders have not been about damage per-se, but about being able to to blast with more survivability than blasters and not run out of endurance doing so.

If anyone should be running out of endurance it should be Scrappers and Blasters (rabbits), while Tankers and Defenders would be more like the tortoise versions that just keep plodding along and never get winded.




I would agree that defenders overall would be much more appreciated if they had a damage boost, but in all honesty defenders are meant to support the team first, and sometimes with the right sets that support can increase your damage for example... Kinetics obviously will have a nice amount of damage with fulcrum shift. Then you can move on to see that almost any debuffer can do some massive damage. That is just your primary and how it affects it and then you move to your secondary it really comes down to do you want AoE or single target damage, I know that I LOVE AoE damage, therefore my defenders are all /ice or /archery.One /Ice has the same blizzard that blasters have same numbers and all, check it out you'd be impressed when its slotted correctly. While for /Archery for RoA (Rain of Arrows) and blazing arrow for my single target runaways. I play my cold/archery and its nasty the damage I can output with sleet and RoA coming up at almost the exact same time. Sleet (25s) RoA (28s) my RoA is currently slotted with 5 positrons blasts but I know with Ragnarok's the damage could be over whelming. Just look into those two sets, paired with debuffs or without. If you want to branch out on secondaries pick a primary that has some decent -res/-def. Defenders over all are NOT damage dealers but if you want them to be they can be built to do so.



Originally Posted by Most_Amazing View Post
I would agree that defenders overall would be much more appreciated if they had a damage boost, but in all honesty defenders are meant to support the team first.. .
yes but this kind of statement is long dead in this game
dev, gave damage to anyone, mezz to anyone.. rules of "your role is" doesn"t existe anymore.

how would it be possible then that the faster farmer (not the safer, the one that deals the more aoe damage) blue side is a controller? pure support AT that doesn't even have a damage dealing primary or secondary?



Originally Posted by Nny_the_mad View Post
yes but this kind of statement is long dead in this game

dev, gave damage to anyone, mezz to anyone.. rules of "your role is" doesn"t existe anymore.
That you don't like/agree with something doesn't make the counter position dead. There's still a place for a support role. Just ask most of the Controllers who aren't Fire/Kin. Because, you know, not all Controllers are Fire/Kin - something people taking your position seem to conveniently overlook all too often.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
That you don't like/agree with something doesn't make the counter position dead. There's still a place for a support role. Just ask most of the Controllers who aren't Fire/Kin. Because, you know, not all Controllers are Fire/Kin - something people taking your position seem to conveniently overlook all too often.

facts are that AT break their own rules now.
saying that a damage boost would not fit their original designed role have no more meaning.

i'm not talking about how i liked this statement.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
That you don't like/agree with something doesn't make the counter position dead. There's still a place for a support role. Just ask most of the Controllers who aren't Fire/Kin. Because, you know, not all Controllers are Fire/Kin - something people taking your position seem to conveniently overlook all too often.
The problem is do the Defender's more powerful Buffs/Heals/DeBuffs make a substantial impact to a team versus a Controller or Corruptor with the same secondary. Does that extra 25% to Buffs/Heals/DeBuff justify the lack of damage it does? Does the fact that the a good portion of defender abilities require another teammate impact on the defender ability to take out opponent without outside assistance?

Look at the secondaries:

Cold Dom: 3 powers Teammate only, 1 PbAOE shield. 5 enemy debuffs
Dark: 1 AOE heal, 1 rez, 1 Hold, 1 cage, 1 pet, 2 debuffs/soft controls, 1 debuff. 1 PbAOE shield
Empathy: 1 PbAoE heal. 4 Teammate only, 1 rez, 2 PbAOE buffs
Force Field: 1 Affect-only shield, 2 Soft controls, 2 teammate only, 1 PbAOE sheild, 2 PBAoE soft controls, 1 cage
Kinetics: 1 AoE heal, 5 PbAOE buffs, 1 PbAoE soft control, 2 teammate only
Radiation: 1 PbAOE Heal, 3 AoE debuffs, 1 PbAoE buff, 1 rez, 1 pbAoE controlish, 1 teammate only, 1 PbAoE Debuff
Sonic: 2 Debuffs, 5 teammate only, 1 cage, 1 PbAOE buff.
Storm: 1 soft control, 1 teammate only, 1 PbAoE buff, 1 PbAoE debuff, 1 debuff, 1 Pet-ish, 3 Debuffs
Traps: 3 Soft controls, 2 Debuffs, 2 PbAoE buff, 2 Damage powers
Trick Arrow: 4 soft control/debuffs, 2 Debuffs, 2 Holds, 1 Soft control/damage

My point is certain mixes work better than others, depending on the spread of abilities and whether it's a "support-focused" set.

Things I'd look at:

See if the "Repel" PbAoE fields have too high an endurance cost, particularly the ones where the Endurance consumed is based on the number of enemies affected.

See if sets that have a large portion of teammate-only buff could be tweaked so they're of some use to the defender who doesn't have a team. I'm not saying cater to the Solo defender, but give the defender some flexibility if he cannot get a team at a particular time of day. Using Temp pets and Alting to a more solo-friendly AT aren't viable solutions.

Consider the possibilty of giving Defenders the "Overpower" ability (Able to crit with Mezzes increasing the magnitude of that Mez)

Some sort of "scaling defense/resist" ability based on HP levels, the less HP the more base defense/resist you have. Maybe even toy with the notion of a PVE version of the base Defense/Resist they get in a PVP environment. Because any PVPer worth his salt will know to always take out the Healer/Force Multiplier first. Sure the AI is brain-dead stupid and doesn't think like that, but it usually has muscle to compensate.

I hate trying to compare this to fantasy MMO archetypes, but to me a Defender most resembles a Cleric/Priest. It's a defensive class that focuses on supporting other teammates with some offense. The difference between a Cleric and a Defender is that a Defender has the damage capacity of a Wizard/Sorcerer (none). You have your tanks, your Dps/off-tanks (scrappers), your glass cannons (blasters), and your crowd controllers. The Villain ATs fill the various gaps in between the established Hero classes with the Corruptor filling the gap between Defender and Blaster.

There are other methods of improving the defender, but all of the above ideas require a total rethink of the AT, and I doubt the devs would do that unless the AT was getting left in the dust in a provable (something measurable by server metrics/data mining) way. Removing the AT limitations on Blue/Red Side might go a long way to proving that.

"Steady as a mountain, attack like fire, still as a wood, swift as the wind.
In heaven and earth I alone am to be revered."
- Motto on the war banner of Takeda Shingen (1521-1573)



There have been alot of comparisons drawn between Controllers and Defenders, and IME there never was an issue until Controllers got "containment". Basically, prior to "containment", Defenders had higher buffs AND higher DPS, but controllers were "safer" solo, although much slower until mid-30s (set-dependant of course).

"Containment" brought the controller a MUCH-NEEDED boost solo and (to me) a greater focus on their primary powers that were not pets. A lot has been said regarding the Controllers huge dps abilities now, but if you look closer I think that you will see that Defenders have more powers which deal single target damage, more AoE damage powers and that even with Containment, the average DPS for controllers rose to be more in line with Defenders.

Obviously there are Controller builds/combos which can seriously create some DPS, but they achieve it the same way that the best Defender builds do (RAD, KIN).

So... what then is the problem ? Well, this is just my opinion, Controllers REMAIN (just as in the begining) much safer solo than defenders and now command comparable damage (I am not saying greater, notice). It would make sense then, to either make Defenders deal more damage either through base mod or recharge, or... make them safer personally. This would balance them somewhat with Controllers.

There are alot of ways to look at it, and as we all know, just as many ideas to fix it.