Damage output?




Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
There's only one solo player? People don't get frustrated when facing content that is impossible to overcome?
As I say, I wasn't intending to use the AE example to "make my case," just to illustrate it. I referred to other instances (though only bombs, specifically) where the same issue has come up, and there have been other threads on the subject. THIS thread was intended to discuss an idea of how to remedy a situation that many of others have posted about before now. Unfortunately, people are fixating on the illustration rather than the idea.
If you have a better case, make your better case. Its not like I haven't looked at the situation myself. I've made the case myself that solo Defender endurance consumption is higher than it should be. I've just done a much better job than you have trying to make the case that the Defender damage mod is too low, by picking examples that are *typical*, not corner case invalid oddities.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The bug was that it stacked with itself, so Ninjitsu critters were always at the damage cap. But the current version still buffs, just not quite that high. it also correctly suppresses, which I think the original version was not set correctly to do.
Oh, I know what the bug is, I was just saying at release the spawns would've been unusually nasty because of that bug.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Still, with rage and hide a custom LT would be at 280% total damage instead of 400%. That's still kinda high. Picture a level 50 mission full of invisible rage-buffed Lts that will do ... 449.76 damage with a scale 1.0 attack like Punch. That's at even con, not +2. If you are unlucky enough for them to open with KO Blow, that's 1601.16 damage heading your way.
It's been a while since I've stepped into AE, but last I checked, mobs didn't use BU like powers unless they were aggroed, then it wasn't a guarantee they'd use it before an attack.

I'm not saying that the mobs wouldn't be stupid hard or that they wouldn't wipe the floor with "normal" players, mind you. I'm just nitpicking, sorry.



Too low based on what? Given the mitigation provided by defender primaries, I can't even see what case you could make.

What's even stranger, unless this FF/Ene def's soloability plummets after 22, I might just keep it.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
I don't recall Tankers ever getting an endurance discount due to having a lower damage scalar. A *long* time ago their damage was buffed from ~0.65 to 0.8, effectively raising their DPE, but their end wasn't cut.

(If someone can point me towards proof to the contrary, I'll freely accept it.)
Hmmm, maybe this was the change I am referring to.
I was not playing tanks as often back then, but my SG Leader sure was, and I recall that something changed in regards to his endurance usage that made him very happy.
It was sometime right after they took the root penalty off Unyeilding.

Anyway, long time ago, and my memory is bad.




Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Too low based on what? Given the mitigation provided by defender primaries, I can't even see what case you could make.

What's even stranger, unless this FF/Ene def's soloability plummets after 22, I might just keep it.
For most players kill speed is ultimately constrained by endurance recovery. Every point of damage costs a certain amount of endurance. That means every kill costs a certain amount of endurance. And factoring out CaBs, which everyone gets in similar amounts, everyone is essentially bound to a maximum kill speed related to their recovery rate, which is basically the same for every player without endurance recovery powers.

That kill speed limit is much lower for Defenders than the average of all archetypes combined. Its sufficiently lower that it almost certainly causes the average solo performance of Defenders to be much lower than average. The question is to what degree that is intentional. Since Defenders are stated to not solo efficiently, we can't compare them to the theoretical soloing performance of, say, scrappers. But we can compare them to Tankers. Tankers are also not intended to solo efficiently, and there is reason to believe the Tanker endurance limit is not far from the devs' intended target for slower archetypes: tanker offense was increased specifically to address soloing speed.

If we assume that Defenders might not be intended to possess the same damage as Tankers, but should not be held to a limit significantly more severe, that suggests that Defender endurance efficiency should increase to be comparable to Tankers while holding their damage modifier constant. And that suggests Defender offensive powers should get discounted to about 80% of their current costs.

You could argue, as it seems you are implying, that Defenders can solo slower because they solo safer. But its unlikely you could make the case that they solo significantly safer than Tankers overall, especially in the hands of average players. So there's no safety justification for having endurance limits lower than Tankers.

You could also argue that Defenders can buff their own damage more than Tankers can on average. But *solo* it turns out that isn't very efficient for Defenders: you are often burning more endurance than you are saving in higher buffed damage, until you get to very high slotting levels or inventions.

My guess is that the endurance limit is strong enough to show up in the devs datamining, but because defenders solo far less often than other archetypes, that penalty ends up being a very low percentage of their overall performance. In effect, it gets diluted to the point where the devs don't consider it a problem any more. But I would.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Hmmm, maybe this was the change I am referring to.
I was not playing tanks as often back then, but my SG Leader sure was, and I recall that something changed in regards to his endurance usage that made him very happy.
It was sometime right after they took the root penalty off Unyeilding.

Anyway, long time ago, and my memory is bad.
Actually, I do remember an end discount, come to think of it. It wasn't, however, specific to Tankers. When ED hit, a global end discount was given to everyone* to compensate for the fact attacks did less damage and they had less recovery (no more 6 slotted Stamina). (Of course, ED also means more people would actually put end reducs in their attacks, but that's beside the point.) It was in response to ED, rather than Tankers specifically needing help.

* I seem to remember Arcanaville saying that Blasters were already set at the same level everyone else was dropped to, but I don't have any knowledge of that myself.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Too low based on what? Given the mitigation provided by defender primaries, I can't even see what case you could make.

What's even stranger, unless this FF/Ene def's soloability plummets after 22, I might just keep it.
It gets Harder, trust me

My Empath went thru a really rough spot at 17-22, only slightly easier from 22-28.
But after getting a Hold (Telsa Cage) it got much easier.

My new FF has Detention Field AND Force Bolt. So he doesnt even have to wait till 28 to start pre-empting mezzers. To be honest, I have travelled this road before. I had a FF/Nrg up to 23, prior to deleting him and making him a Blaster. But I have learned alot since then. I was trying to use too many toggles (Hover, Maneuvers, Dispersion, Tough, Weave) all at once. Horrible idea for a sub-25 Defender (or Blaster even).

Hover, Dispersion, then maybe Medicine and Hasten, wait for Epic toggle and IO sets.

PFF+Aid Self = I WIN




Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
* I seem to remember Arcanaville saying that Blasters were already set at the same level everyone else was dropped to, but I don't have any knowledge of that myself.
I believe Castle acknowledged that recently (like, within the last year or so). I think Blasters were already at 5.2, and everyone else was set to 5.2.

It bugs me a little, because had I known at the time I would have called the devs on it. Its one of those things I think I should have paid much more attention to, like the Kheldian health balancing calculation error.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I believe Castle acknowledged that recently (like, within the last year or so). I think Blasters were already at 5.2, and everyone else was set to 5.2.
I'm pretty sure Stupid_Fanboy pried the history of endurance changes out of Castle around two years ago; I seem to have lost the PM he sent me in the forum migration, so I can't check the date, but that was the jist of it. The exceptions were Brawl and pool attacks, which remained at the original 6.5 end/DS values (although Jump Kick and Flurry are weird to begin with).

However, defenders did get a discount prior to I6. Their blasts were reduced to the blaster values in Issue 2--I remember it clearly because in one glorious patch, my new D3 saw bug fixes to three powers and Gloom stopped costing ~11 endurance.

Hmm. Looking at the notes again, it looks like tankers actually got the same treatment then, too.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
People aren't listening, alas.

Storm is a set that does fairly well, as it also has debuffs in it.
Read my post again. The only storm summoning power I used was steamy mist.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I'm afraid it is definitive. It's like saying "red content should be red." If something is going to presented as a challenge for a solo hero, it has to be soloable. If the devs are saying different, then they're wrong too.
It's not definitive. You want it to be definitive. That's it. You don't always get what you want.

Solo content has to be soloable, or it's not solo content. If it's not solo content, then it shouldn't be appearing to solo players.
I soloed it, so I guess it must be soloable content. See how that works?

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
ugh..Uberguy, could you edit your post please? I don't want anyone thinking I actually stated anything like that. Not sure what happened with the quote thing.
Wow, what the hell...? Sorry man, fixing it now.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Other posters solod the same mob with an Energy blast defender with no debuffs.

End of discussion.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Okay, no screenshot, but I just tried this mission with my level 43 FF/Sonic Defender.

Difficulty: +2/x1 player/Bosses Yes/AV Yes

Cat Burglar spawned as a purple conning Elite Boss.

I went in running Dispersion Bubble, Manuevers, Tactics. My attack chain is shriek -> scream -> shout -> shriek. I don't have hasten nor do I have much in terms of global recharge.

The build *does* have 45% ranged defense, 33% AoE, 25% melee and good endurance sustainability.

Tactics: Clear the annoying German soldiers with their defense debuffs, defeat the Gestapo Agent, find Cat Burglar and pin him against the wall with Force Bubble.

With soft capped ranged defense and Force Bubble pinning him against a building, the fight was completely lopsided and unfair...to Cat Burglar.

I did not run out of endurance even with Force Bubble (and dispersion, cj, tactics, manuevers) running the entire time. I did use two small green inspirations only because I got caught with two lucky hits of Focus and Aid Self was still recharging. Most of the time, Cat Burglar did nothing since the only time he could attack was with Focus. Occasionally, Force Bubble knocked him down.

I'm positive I can beat him without using such "cheap" tactics. However, the other method I would use is simply using force bolt to keep him ragdolled while I beat on him. The net result would probably be the same, maybe it would work even better.

I'm also positive I could make the fight even more trivial if I leveraged inspirations more. Use a lot of reds and some oranges to take the sting out of the focus attacks. I could even get a global recharge temp power from the base if I felt like it.

Yes, my secondary is sonic so I do more damage than energy blast, so to compensate, I played at a higher difficulty. I think with my build though, a +4 Cat Burglar EB would be very doable. However, I'm pretty convinced that a FF/Energy with the right slotting could easily take out this EB. I don't even have Assault, and an aura that provides 18% more damage would make up the difference I'm getting from sonic -res.

Force field doesn't have a lot of ways to debuff enemies or self buff, but it has so many tools to keep you safe (PFF, Dispersion, Force Bubble) and ways to mitigate damage (Force Bubble, Detention Field, Force Bolt, Repulsion Field, Repulsion Bomb) that a fight of this nature only comes down to whether or not your build has decent endurance management.

One note: my FF defender is built for teaming, and hence is not optimized for soloing. If I were to build her as a soloist, I'd be running a far stronger and higher damage attack chain, have much more global recharge, better endurance management and have hasten.

I think it's the OP's build.



4 hours on patrol 100% solo
Level 10 reached after soloing Frostfire
Frostfire defeated me three times before I took him out
That was without the use of vet powers. I do have sands of mu, but I knew better than to get into melee range with him where he and his imps would tear me apart in seconds. At level 9, you can only carry 8 insps.
I didn't even look to see what FF spawned as. Scrapperlock had me. Good thing I had ninja run to get me back to the mission quickly.

At 10 I took power burst

That's about twice as long as it takes me to solo a brute to 10. Sounds right to me so far.

Be well, people of CoH.



[QUOTE=Ultimo_;2482870]If the devs are saying different, then they're wrong too. QUOTE]

Good luck with that one.



I still don't get what the problem here is.

EBs were never meant to be soloable, yet you cry about being unable to solo a (relatively) very powerful EB you made yourself with a weak soloer.

Beats me.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



As a side note, Bill, do yourself a favor and pick force bolt up at some point. The damage on it sucks, yeah, but the 100% knockback is just glorious. It's super accurate, recharges fast, and doesn't cost that much end (and if you want there's an uber-cheap KB set damage proc you can stick in it). Sure, the energy blasts can often pull off the same thing, but you just know that if you give him a chance, Mr. Murphy will step in and stop the KB from proc'ing just when you need it most. When you want to bounce the baddest **** in the room in the corner until he dies, there's nothing better than force bolt. And you should have the power room if you're setting up a soloing build and not taking the shields. Nothing says you have to cut into your DPS to use it when you don't need it, but when you *do* need it, it'll be there.

And yeah, dispersion bubble is hold/stun/immob *protection*, not resistance. Isn't it awesome? Once you get yourself softcapped to ranged, it just gets silly. Force bubble + softcapped ranged defense + partial mez protection feels just *wrong*, and yet oh sooo right. It's a pretty sick combo - if I were you, I'd start lowballing thunderstrikes now, so you can whack in 3 sets once you get to 30 or so. 6 red fortunes in dispersion (and maneuvers, if you get it) would also be helpful. Combined with a pair of BoTZ in each of fly/hover, that'll get you quite a bit of ranged def. I don't remember - are you allowed to run hover and CJ at the same time? If so, that'd also be pretty good. It's just amazing how survivable a defender you get with that much ranged defense.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



It was the parallel to focus that I felt would drop a big enough hint to Bill on its its usefulness.

And yes CJ+Hover can be run simultaneously.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Too low based on what? Given the mitigation provided by defender primaries, I can't even see what case you could make.

What's even stranger, unless this FF/Ene def's soloability plummets after 22, I might just keep it.
Soloing my FF/Nrg got pretty painful from 27-36 (and therefore I rarely did it, 2 or 3 missions every level or two). After I got Explosive Blast slotted, I was content with my kill speed, but I think I have a higher tolerance for slow killing than most.

It is easy enough, for me, to grab one scrapper or blaster on my FF/Nrg and make them unkillable. But as far as game balance goes, I see no reason why defenders must solo as slow as they currently do. The only reason I care is that when I search for a defender, I'd like to be able to find one.

The only reason I can think to buff defender damage would be due to low population. If defender pop is plenty high, then I am fine with how they play right now. The pop seems low enough, from casual observation, to at least be concerned. Would a damage buff increase defender pop (enough to matter if it is an issue)?

I believe it would and not just because it would help them solo, but also because people would feel like the AT is good at both of its roles (something I already believe, but I think its a widespread belief that defender secondaries are pointless, even among some people who use them anyway).

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
I still don't get what the problem here is.

EBs were never meant to be soloable, yet you cry about being unable to solo a (relatively) very powerful EB you made yourself with a weak soloer.

Beats me.
This, except I believe EB's were meant to be on the boundary between soloable and not.

Personally, I do have some issues with what normal contacts will dish up to you when you're solo, at least hero side, but that's more a matter of simultaneous click missions than Elite Bosses. And I think it's absolutely insane to believe that the devs are even *ABLE* to make sure that everything in player created content is of an appropriate difficulty level. That level of control is impossible without requiring that they validate every single player created mission and all the enemies within it, unless somebody cares to propose that the MA be crippled to an apalling degree.




Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
I still don't get what the problem here is.

EBs were never meant to be soloable, yet you cry about being unable to solo a (relatively) very powerful EB you made yourself with a weak soloer.

Beats me.
And yet, it's possible, Empath soloing EB Catburglar

Defenders are fine. And if you think I sacrificed team ability to do this, fort, ab, and cm are slotted well enough.

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
I think it's the OP's build.
Yeah, perhaps if the OP showed us their build, and maybe a video showing them taking on the EB Catburglar, we could provide some constructive feedback...

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb



Back. Hopefully my exam turns out well, it seemed to go ok.

Anyway, to comment on the posts in the interim...

My build IS designed for soloing. I have all the blast powers (not Power Push, which seems redundant, and not Snipe, which is useful, but I couldn't fit it in anywhere), all slotted for damage. I don't have Aim or Build Up, there just isn't room in the build. However, I have inspirations to compensate for that.

If the problem is me, why does this subject keep being brought up by others (for years before I started doing it - and for the record, this is the first time I've brought up defender damage).

Rad debuffs the enemy resistance, effectively increasing damage.


If you have a better case, make your better case. Its not like I haven't looked at the situation myself. I've made the case myself that solo Defender endurance consumption is higher than it should be. I've just done a much better job than you have trying to make the case that the Defender damage mod is too low, by picking examples that are *typical*, not corner case invalid oddities.
If you agree with me, what are we arguing about? My illustration, that's what. I wish people would stop talking about the illustration and instead consider the idea.

My apologies, I wasn't clear. I meant that Storm as a set (ie not necessarily just in your example) performs fairly well.

No, solo = solo is definitive. If it's not soloable, by definition it's not solo content. If it's not solo content, it shouldn't be present in solo play.

That you soloed it is insufficient. There are people that solo AVs and GMs. That doesn't make them solo content. You're being spurious.

Be dismissive if it makes you feel better, it's not going to end the discussion.

Force Bubble is a power I didn't take on Technaught, but my MM loves it. In any case, Hover accomplished the same thing (keeping me out of reach) at lower endurance cost.

As I've said, though, it's not the defensive situation that was a problem, it's the offense. I simply couldn't produce enough damage to defeat the foe. It's a problem that has occurred before (though admittedly not especially often).

I'm not sure how you could be taking out a +4 Catburglar (he's an EB, so he would never present as an AV). As I say, he was a +1 EB to me, and I couldn't overcome his regeneration and heal after a dozen tries. The only thing I can say is that Sonic has a significant (and as I understand it, stacking) -Res effect.

I don't expect the devs to agree with me.

The problem is that Defenders in general do too little damage, especially in relation ot their endurance usage. It really has nothing to do with that particular situation; that was just meant as an illustration.


I can post the build if you really need it, but it isn't addressing the idea I presented; specifically, that endurance use be made more proportional to damage output. This would have the effect of allowing the Defender (whatever his powers) to attack longer, and put out comparatively more damage, without unbalancing the sets that buff or debuff themselves.



I just took my 50 FF/nrg and soloed the arc. He's got a few more powers than a mid-30ish def would, but most of those are defensive in nature, and the offensive ones (PBU, TF) I didn't use on the bosses (I don't have conserve power, either). He usually runs on the standard difficulty, but for this I turned on bosses so that the EBs wouldn't be downgraded.

Catburgler spawned right on top of me (was that intentional?) and surprised me, but as soon as I got my bearings I just hovered over his head and hit 1, 2, and 3 until he died. He healed twice, but I was able to overpower that. I used 1 medium blue after I realized that using energy torrent to fill out the attack chain was costing too much end, and one medium green when he got lucky and hit me twice in a row with focus. I brought some yellows to see through his stealth, but found I didn't need them as I could still target him for a few seconds after he hid and so was able to knock him right back out. My end was certainly low at times, but I never bottomed out.

The end of the Catburgler

The rest of the arc wasn't overly difficult either. I just used PFF when the boss in the third mission hit BU, and used force bubble on the boss in the 4th so he couldn't close with me. The final boss was more challenging, but with some purples to overcome his pets' 75% base tohit and defense debuffs, some greens for the hits that leaked through, and some blues to counter the end cost of the AoEs I was using, he went down.

The final soldier drops

The arc was pretty fun, by the way. The customs were well done, and the difficulty wasn't too over the top (at least on standard difficulty, although non-flying+softcapped characters would probably have had more trouble with the melee-heavy bosses). I especially liked the map choices, I thought they were very atmospheric. Also, I like the fact that the boss in the 4th mission had fly (which I think is sadly underused) - it made the battle feel much more epic to be dashing all over the sky with him.

I only had a couple nits. The Ubermenschen and russian soldiers were missing descriptions, which may be a file size issue (heck knows you've gotta be pushing 100% with all those customs), but I did notice. I didn't mind the first kill all very much since the map was small and it made sense, but the last one felt odd - the briefing sounded like my objective was just the boss. Finally, I think it would spice things up a bit if the patrols said something when they spotted you - the arc is a bit light on dialogue, and given that (I assume) they're all a single detail it wouldn't cost much space to have them shout 'Achtung!' or something when they see you, and it would add to the atmosphere. Those are minor, though, it was really pretty good overall.

Returning from the threadjack/impromptu arc review, I don't necessarily disagree with the idea that it's a mite unfair for lower-damage ATs to pay more for the damage they do get. I'm not sure it rises to the level of a full-fledged problem that needs to be dealt with, but it did always feel a bit odd to me. One possible issue does come to mind with the idea, though, if we just simply lowered the end costs on ATs like tankers and defenders. Given that all the damage scalars start out at 1 and then diverge, at low levels they'd effectively be doing the same damage as blasters, but paying much less end for it. I'm not sure if the devs can make end costs that also scale by level, which would be the way I would fix that issue.

Ultimo, if you don't want people to fixate on the example, it might indeed be good to just not give one. The problem is that you often give examples that are pretty obvious edge cases, so of course those that disagree are going to focus on them since discrediting them is a way to argue against the suggestion. This would have probably worked just as well if you had simply said: "It is my experience that defenders often have endurance issues solo, and I think it comes from the fact that they pay more end per point of damage than higher damage ATs. Perhaps we could... " etc. You'd still get people saying 'my defender doesn't have end problems', but I think as a whole it would stay more focused. If you do want to give examples, It'd probably be good to make a conscious effort to have them be as 'normal' as possible to avoid people attacking them for being edge cases.

(As an aside, I'd never actually bothered to use detention field on an EB before, and was surprised that it didn't work. I understand that acc/mez hamis raise the magnitude of the OnlyAffectsSelf status - does anybody know how many it would take to make detention field work on EBs?)

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!