Damage output?




Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Finally, if EBs are not solo content, they shouldn't be in solo missions (unless I override that in my difficulty settings).
I just entered this mission, killed the Lt, spawned Catburgler, and he spawned as a boss when my mission settings were set to +0x0, not an EB. A defender designed to solo with reasonable offense will probably be able to defeat him, even with his defense and heal. I'm reasonably sure my TA/A could do it without difficulty and not all her enhancement slots are even populated (I don't have time to try now, but I will tomorrrow just for giggles).

Furthermore, the devs explicitly allow players to create custom critters that are stronger than the standard PvE critters, which means if you make a critter you can't solo, that's your fault. The devs will not accept that as proof an archetype or powerset is underpowered under any circumstances. I specifically asked Castle about this and relayed that answer in I14 beta.

To reiterate: custom critters can be stronger than the devs would allow in a normal standard difficulty mission. If you have a problem with that, you are supposed to take it up with the author.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Level 19 Rad/Psi Defender who hasn't trained up from level 18. No set bonuses. No Stamina (obviously). Unimpressive overall slotting.

He was an EB for me set to +0/x1/Bosses/No AVs.

Result? Victory (← That's a link to the image)

Here's my slotting.

I didn't know the guy would be invisible, so I stumbled across him and he basically one-shotted me. His focus deals 412 points of damage, and I have 403 HP. On my next pass, now though I was ready for his stealth, he still killed me again with Focus. 3rd try, I took him down.

I have vet attacks. I didn't use them. Yes, I used my inspiration tray. I used a total of four lucks (2 at a time), 4 reds (two at a time) and one blue. I'm level 19. I would have had to use inspirations on anything I've ever played taking on a foe like that at that level. I would have needed a different mix depending on AT, and I quite likely would have needed fewer on something like a Brute or Scrapper.

Yes, I know, Rad has debuffs and self buffs. The debuffs did help, but because I didn't have the sense to use yellow inspirations, any time he re-hid from me my toggles dropped. AccMet was no help to me because he killed the 1st time before I ever got to attack him with it running, and it never recharged before I defeated him.

I didn't really have a problem defeating him except for Focus, which I did find frustrating. Him having Focus wasn't a problem with my damage output.

At higher levels the EB will have more powers. So would my character, and much better slotting.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I saw him spawned as a boss.

To get him as an EB you have to adjust your difficulty UP. Ergo if you are having issue with him as an EB run on the default difficulty.

Mister Wales, a rad/rad defender happily took him down.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by StormDevil View Post
I understand that your greater point isn't this one specific instance of your FF/Nrg vs. this specific EB; your point is that Defender damage, for the AT as a whole, is underperforming. However, you then state that both Kin/ and Rad/ characters don't have this problem. Therefore, the problem isn't with the AT as a whole. The "problem" is with specific powerset combos.
This is my thought exactly. My D3 def could solo EB's. My kin def solo'd EB's. I tried my soon to be 50 cold/ice def and could do it with some help of inspirations. My friend's rad had no issues I can recall. Now my emp/psi defender had issues, but not when I had a shivan to drop and buff up.

Within each AT, there are powerset combos (aided by smart IO slotting) which will allow you to "break the rules" of those ATs.

I call this synergy like a D3. Some combinations work very nicely and smoothly together, bringing a greater effect.

The OP has to learn to play the ENTIRE AT, not just the secondary. There are more than this one EB out there. Some ATs/combos would struggle against them. Having a FF/ def along would greatly increase the chance of beating it - it is what defenders do FOR TEAMS that is their greater asset. Just look at the name - defender - what good is defending if you are by yourself? I am still amazed that the OP takes so many other powers. I just have health and travel powers on a lot of my defenders, and some leadership I take in the late 40's for things like the STF.

And just to be in the ultra-tiny minority, I don't have issues with the end cost vs. damage due to our inheret and teaming. I am already aware of all the threads debating this so won't bother here.



Wow... a bunch of defenders talking about soloing EBs. Imagine my complete lack of surprise.

I just looked at what could be done with IOs at level 39 on a FF/Ene defender.

I wouldn't be able to raise the diff much... maybe run at +0/x4, but for what *some* say isn't solo capable, I'd be tearing it up.

Even dropping everything back to basic IOs, +0/x2 would be a breeze.

Hover in, drop detention field on primary boss, Explosive Blast, Repulsion Bomb, Energy Torrent, single target attacks, keep boss in detention field, when surround spawn is gone, aid self, single target chain of p-burst, p-bolt, p-blast, p-bolt, repeat. Use PFF/AidSelf if things get hairy.

What's the problem here again?

Be well, people of CoH.



Why is it that the people who start these "my defender can't do enough damage" threads always seem to use as their example one of the defender primaries that contributes basically nothing to their own damage output?



Originally Posted by SkeetSkeet View Post
Why is it that the people who start these "my defender can't do enough damage" threads always seem to use as their example one of the defender primaries that contributes basically nothing to their own damage output?
Because it doesn't seem to sink in that different powers bring different effects.
Why is my grav/ff controller unable to solo AVs like an ill/rad controller? Using the OP's logic, they are both controllers, therefore, must be able to do the same.

What about my thugs/PD MM vs. my bots/storm MM? In my experience they were vastly different in what they could do. Again, using the OP's logic, they should be the same and something must be wrong.

The devs, IMO, took this into account when designing the sets - diversity.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
You are not alone

I also agree that if my blasts do half the damage of another AT, its simply logical that the cost should be less as well. Tankers, iirc received a endurance cost reduction on their attacks for the same exact reason. I have been waiting for the Defender discount for quite awhile. To the point that I have even suggested that defenders get a stacking bonus effect similar to blaster's inherent, but instead of dps increase, we get a endurance global reduction. Sure would make soloing easier. Would also be nice on teams.
the current defender inherent provides an endurance discount for more poeple on the team, supporting the fact they are supposed to be team dependent.

i dont mind defenders too much, but to me they are very underpowered compared to corruptors and way too team oriented for my liking.

as for the topic of the threat, i think the problem was fighting a custom enemy. custom enemies are insanely overpowred compared to any normal enemy, even with the same sets as a normal enemy. yes i do feel defenders are weak, but they would be able to solo a EB with the right inspirations and correct slotting.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Wow... a bunch of defenders talking about soloing EBs. Imagine my complete lack of surprise.

I just looked at what could be done with IOs at level 39 on a FF/Ene defender.

I wouldn't be able to raise the diff much... maybe run at +0/x4, but for what *some* say isn't solo capable, I'd be tearing it up.

Even dropping everything back to basic IOs, +0/x2 would be a breeze.

Hover in, drop detention field on primary boss, Explosive Blast, Repulsion Bomb, Energy Torrent, single target attacks, keep boss in detention field, when surround spawn is gone, aid self, single target chain of p-burst, p-bolt, p-blast, p-bolt, repeat. Use PFF/AidSelf if things get hairy.

What's the problem here again?
I find it disingenuous that someone who may find playing a MA/Fiery scrapper painful claims it would be a breeze to solo a FF/Nrg defender.

I find it disingenuous that someone who claims Khelds need to be buffed so that they do not have to take powers they don't won't also claims others should build properly or not complain.

Someone who won't even play a defender because their damage is so poor telling someone else not to request changes they desire would be like telling someone they should just make a tri-from Kheld and stop asking for the human form to be buffed.

Perhaps the OP might continue /signing and posting their agreement whenever they see a thread pop up asking for more defender damage. At least until this game's lead designer pops in and states, for the record, that it will never happen. If such a thing occurs, they could save the post as a favorite and simply point all newcomers asking for more defender damage to the statement in question.

Maybe I spent too much time on this post.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



I'm getting 77 DPS using Etorrent, Pbolt, Pburst, Pbolt, Pblast, repeat with no gaps in the chain on the build I slapped together in mids. This includes averaged out Aim uptime and a chance for buildup in pbolt. However, that's calculated for a level 50.

How many hitpoints does the EB in question have and what is its average regen rate considering the self heal?

Be well, people of CoH.



We know some sets do better than others. So I took a setup that's known to be pretty capable, and is also heavily IOd at level 50, and I upped the stakes.

Dark/Psi Defender

First, I felt I really had to clear the map. Such a small, narrow map with so many patrols set to x4 is just asking for something to come join the fun when you are trying to fight the main boss. As it was, even just trying to clear the patrols I still ended up in a fight with 3 spawns at once, each of which contained what appeared to be a Soldiers/Empathy LT and a boss with dual pistols. That fight was the hardest on my endurance bar, and at one point, Assault detoggled when Hasten expired.

Next, I went looking for mister catburglar. He was easy to find on a character with Tactics. When I switched on Tactics to keep him in sight I turned off Assault to keep my end expenditure the same.

I found him next to what appeared to be a 2nd spawn containing a boss and LT. Either that or the AE decided to make his a really nasty hard spawn. I managed to pull the boss, LT and two minions away, which is why I think they were actually separate. I defeated those down the street a bit and came back for the EB.

I dropped a Dark Servant, dropped Darkest Night on the EB, feared the rest, killed the empathy LT, and started in on the EB. He never hit me once.

Here are a few images.

Here he is almost dead.
Here I have just defeated him.
Here I realized I wasn't showing my difficulty settings. (I've also got a nice cascade defense failure going on.)

You can see this character has an almost ridiculous assortment of extra toys beyond passives and IOs at my disposal, none of which I used. None of a full tray of 20 tier 3 inspirations. No accolade clicks. No Shivans or WB nukes. I break those toys out when I want to solo an AV.

(By the way, if you think this Defender and the level 19 have awfully similar appearances... I made the Rad/Psi first and then decided I wanted a Dark/Psi instead, but I kept the original too.)

Was this slow compared to some other ATs out there? Well, honestly, it depends. I have some melee characters who would have had a horrid time with the multiple patrols piling in on them like that, plus the cascading defense failures. All my "slow" time was spend in clearing the map, not so much the EB itself.

Edit: Oh, by the way. I soloed this character to 45 before we had IOs.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Was this slow compared to some other ATs out there? Well, honestly, it depends. I have some melee characters who would have had a horrid time with the multiple patrols piling in on them like that, plus the cascading defense failures. All my "slow" time was spend in clearing the map, not so much the EB itself.
Would you delete your tankers and scrappers if your defender(s) did 23% more base damage and had scrapper base HPs?

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
I find it disingenuous that someone who may find playing a MA/Fiery scrapper painful claims it would be a breeze to solo a FF/Nrg defender.

I find it disingenuous that someone who claims Khelds need to be buffed so that they do not have to take powers they don't won't also claims others should build properly or not complain.

Someone who won't even play a defender because their damage is so poor telling someone else not to request changes they desire would be like telling someone they should just make a tri-from Kheld and stop asking for the human form to be buffed.

Perhaps the OP might continue /signing and posting their agreement whenever they see a thread pop up asking for more defender damage. At least until this game's lead designer pops in and states, for the record, that it will never happen. If such a thing occurs, they could save the post as a favorite and simply point all newcomers asking for more defender damage to the statement in question.

Maybe I spent too much time on this post.
That would certainly be a better option that starting a new thread every other week with the same complaint and the same refusal to change anything about his build, playstyle, etc.

I did something about my distaste for the AT with a damage dealing primary dishing out lousy damage. I deleted it and play something else.

I do find defenders and ma/fa scrappers painful. I don't play them. Defenders are a team based AT with a buff/debuff primary, designed with that role in mind. If you deviate from the role, you have to accept the consequences. My refusal to use the forms on kheldians has consequences. For my warshade, he still performs quite well. He still exists. The PB doesn't, so was deleted.

I have been told repeatedly to stop asking for PBs to get buffed. Those doing so refuse to accept that the AT is a damage dealing AT just as the OP refuses to accept that he is playing a support AT with a build not designed to overcome the consequences of attempting to play a support AT as a damage dealing AT.

The OP could, as I recently did, read an argument against his desire that finally sways him against the course of action he's pursuing, just as I did. I now fully understand and accept why TFs should not be allowed to start by a lone player. I won't be asking for it again, regardless of the fact that I find the reasoning against it appalling.

No, I don't think you wasted your time at all with your post. Your point certainly got through.

Unfortunately, only *some* of us can admit when we're wrong when a proper argument shows us the truth of a situation even if we disagree with that truth.

The OP disagrees with the low damage scaler for defenders and the equations used in the recharge to damage to end ratios. That's fine.

His refusal to adapt to those values to get what he wants from his powerset choices, however, is irrational. He can either build to solo or delete the character and move on.

Nice try, by the way. I will admit that "a breeze" was badly worded. Doable would have been a better term. An MA/FA scrapper will tear through content at base difficulty without breaking a sweat. It still wouldn't be any fun for me to play. With the build I have in mids for this ff/ene defender, it would also be easy, because this GAME is easy, to solo at base diff. Doable even with the diff cranked up.

This doesn't mean that I would find it *FUN.* Even my human-only PB soloed at higher than base diff. It wasn't fun either.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by bill z bubba View Post
wow... A bunch of defenders talking about soloing ebs. Imagine my complete lack of surprise.

I just looked at what could be done with ios at level 39 on a ff/ene defender.

I wouldn't be able to raise the diff much... Maybe run at +0/x4, but for what *some* say isn't solo capable, i'd be tearing it up.

Even dropping everything back to basic ios, +0/x2 would be a breeze.

Hover in, drop detention field on primary boss, explosive blast, repulsion bomb, energy torrent, single target attacks, keep boss in detention field, when surround spawn is gone, aid self, single target chain of p-burst, p-bolt, p-blast, p-bolt, repeat. Use pff/aidself if things get hairy.

What's the problem here again?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Would you delete your tankers and scrappers if your defender(s) did 23% more base damage and had scrapper base HPs?
I... don't think I know where you're trying to go with that question.

No. I already have characters that are technically inferior to others for the ways I want to play, so having one potentially outshine others in new and different ways would not make me delete anything I already have. My criteria for characters are:
  • Are they capable of playing solo at the difficulty settings I like to achieve
  • Are they capable of doing the above at a speed I can deal with
  • Are they fun for other reasons, such as visual style, etc.
Unlike what seems to me like a lot of posters, I don't play this game in a way that accepts only the optimal of everything. I don't even believe such a thing exists, because there are too many target ways to play the game to capture the idea of optimal for all purposes. That means I accept a wide range of performance.

Like Bill talks about, I don't play things that I don't think will satisfy my criteria. My Defenders therefore have things like Dark Miasma and Rad Emission as primaries, because they make good soloers. My one controller is Mind/Rad. I've made mistakes before in terms of whether I'd enjoy something enough to justify keeping it, and I've deleted a few characters as a result. It usually happens relatively early - if I can get a character into the 20s they're usually good to make it to 50.

I don't object to the idea of Defenders getting a damage buff. I do object to the idea that it's somehow obviously needed. I think it would be "nice to have". It would almost undoubtedly increase some people's enjoyment of the AT. I have no idea how to reconcile the intra-AT balances in a post GR world with such a change, but I think it could be done. (Since you mentioned one, I do object to the idea of Defenders needing a HP buff.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I did something about my distaste for the AT with a damage dealing primary dishing out lousy damage. I deleted it and play something else.
My Spines Scrapper reacehd 38 before my sense of why am I still doing this? kicked in and he got deleted.

My stone tank is now perma-retired (and will be shuffled off Triumph) at 45. The only reason he wasn't deleted is that I had space available in my 36 slots.

Bill makes a lot of sense here. Rather than banging around and finding something unfun, you (general) are better off finding something that is fun and runnign with it.

Brutes and me as a rule just don't work. I tried a dozen or more combinations, before finding one I was happy with. Thats hit 50 and still is in my regaulr play rotation.

Deleting an unfun character is not a defeat, its a liberating experience.

My stats from CIT tracked characters
Defender 10
Scrapper 10 (1 is perma retired)
Blaster 7
Controller 7 (1 is semi-retired)
Mastermind 5
Tanker 5 (Stoner is retired)
Brute 4
Corruptor 4
Dominator 2
Stalker 2
Arachnos Soldier 1
Arachnos Widow 1
Peacebringer 1
Warshade 1

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
The OP disagrees with the low damage scaler for defenders and the equations used in the recharge to damage to end ratios. That's fine.

His refusal to adapt to those values to get what he wants from his powerset choices, however, is irrational. He can either build to solo or delete the character and move on.
I think this may underscore a fundamental differences in the way Ultimo and someone like me (for example) approach the game.

I never start out with an idea for a character and then wonder what AT and powersets would match such a character. I always decide I want to play some AT and powerset combination and then create a concept for that character.

I can't really fault folks who create characters from concept first, but it's worth pointing out that the game isn't sufficiently flexible to allow all arbitrary concepts to function well, because it has certain baked-in trade-offs that are meant to enforce the dev's notions of balance.

We (in the general sense) can, and often do, argue about those trade-offs and the assumptions that underlie them, but given their state at any given time, it's unwise to try to ignore them. My Dark/Psi functions very well because I worked within the framework of existing trade-off options to give her durability, damage and good staying power. If I wanted to build a Bubble 'fender I would do so with different play goals in mind.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Ok just ran the arc, all the EBs spawned as bosses and had no problems with them, maybe an insp or two during each fight. What caught me was the EB Merc/Poison MM final boss. With my settings he is dropped to that lvl so he would be an AV is turned up for it.

I had use quite a bit of enrages, and lucks to pop this guys down. I did it though not too badly, so if you are having problems with one EB -> boss, then you should look at you own work as the writer of the arc.

here is my proof on it



Im probably evenly split between deciding a combination to play and coming up with the concept, and making a concept and trying to find the right combination that fits.

One of the reasons I have so many blasters on my CIT list, is that I wanted a fire/* blaster and basically rolled up a /fire /NRG and a /mental to see which worked better. The /NRG was the most fun and is now 45, but the others are also proving fun in their own right, and therby survived the 'teen deletion' hammer.

I do think I have a better base understanding of game mechanics than an 'average' player, which helps fit a concept to suitable builds that should be fun.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Yup. We can't make Iron Man in this game. Can't make Thor or the Hulk either.

The best we can do is close approximations.

Why is that? Because this is a game with rules that separate it from the fiction it's based on. A lot of people don't seem to get that.

If the OP had started a thread explaining that what FF had to offer a character and/or a team was less than what the other defender primaries offered, I'd probably not even post in the thread. It doesn't appear to be the case, however. FF gets 2 get out of pain free powers, and how many other defender primaries get an AoE damage attack?

But he didn't. He stated that he couldn't beat some boss and because of that, defender damage should be cranked up.

When I started the thread on buffing PB damage, I did so because I don't see PBs offering something that counters what their AT counterpart offers. I was seeking balance between those two powersets.

While I can understand that some people don't see the difference between the two requests, I fail to understand why they don't see the difference.

For those that want the defender base damage modifiers raised, you can make it happen. You only need to find a proper argument backed by solid reasoning showing that it won't knock the AT out of balance when compared to what defender primaries bring to the table.

Considering what the Repeat Offenders are capable of doing, I don't see that happening.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
For those that want the defender base damage modifiers raised, you can make it happen. You only need to find a proper argument backed by solid reasoning showing that it won't knock the AT out of balance when compared to what defender primaries bring to the table.
Good luck with that. This game makes only two performance promises to players. One: you should be able to solo standard PvE content at base difficulty. Two: you should be able to contribute a specific set of strengths to teams.

Defenders' team contribution nowhere includes significant damage. So the only way** you could prove the defender damage modifier itself was too low (as opposed to the damage of an individual set) would be to show that on average, defenders playing most or all of the defender secondaries solo too slowly or with too much difficulty when attempting standard content at base difficulty. That's not likely.

Ultimo's line of argument tends to be "the game should not put me in a position where my expectations won't be met." You have a better chance of winning the lottery, buying Paragon Studios, installing yourself as lead designer, and ordering Castle to change the defender damage mod than you have getting an argument pursuing that line of thought from working.

Of course, finding out upon actually taking the time to test that his assertions about the difficulty of the situation are not factual doesn't help either. Credibility is important when making game balance assertions.

** Technically, there are other much more esoteric ways to prove it, but most of them probably cannot be pulled off by a player, given the information available to most players.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



First, thanks for the more considered responses.

Yes, I probably too get a little defensive, but I've been given plenty of reason in the past. I do try not to, though.

Like you, I've learned a lot from the forums. I do try to at least test many of the suggestions I'm given. I just wish such wisdom could be had without having to be disrespected. Not in every case, but enough to make me get defensive.

1) EBs appear in solo missions. To me, that makes them solo content. Again, to me, that means ANYONE should be able to solo it, regradless of AT or powers. If anyone can't, then there's a problem somewhere. I wouldn't complain about being unable to solo AVs or GMs, because they don't appear in solo situations. EBs can, and do.

2) Defenders, like all ATs have their strengths and weaknesses. Obviously, I do have some issues with this one, but I've played other classes I dislike MORE (Blasters, anyone?). I'm not suggesting anything utterly radical here, just a tweak.

3) Choice of primary shouldn't preclude players from playing certain content. If it's going to prevent me from soloing solo content, then a problem exists there. Perhaps altering Force Fields would be a btter course of action, but I don't really think making a defensive setmore offensive is the way here, as it doesn't address the same issue (endurance/damage balance) I'm seeing for all other sets, and it's not quite in concept. I recognize it means slower soloing, but it shouldn't mean NO soloing (an exaggeration, but you get my point, I think).

I appreciate the good wishes.

I realize there are temp and vet powers available, but they shouldn't be neccesary to be effective. They should be supports for your own powers, not replacements for them (consider that the Nemesis Staff does as much damage in one shot as my WHOLE attack chain!).
I'd never call any TF solo content. However, if it could be initiated by a solo player, I would call it solo content, and would expect anyone to be able to solo it (discounting deliberately gimped characters, like petless Masterminds).

As I said, not all combos suffer from excessively low damage output (such that there are things they cannot defeat because they just can't do enough damage), however, they still suffer from an excessive endurance cost. I'm suggesting that fixing this excessive endurance cost might be enough to overcome the offensive deficit of the underperforming combos without overpowering the ones that perform adequately.

Content that appears when you're solo must be soloable. It's definitive. I'm not saying it should be easy, just possible. As I've said, I've encountered situations where I simply cannot do enough sustained damage to overcome a solo challege. I'm not saying the damage has to be boosted to Blaster levels, or Scrapper levels; I'm not saying it should be boosted at all, really. I'm juggesting equalizing the endurance use so the AT can sustain damage longer, thereby inflicting more damage over time.

I'm not using flawed logic. The subject has come up before, and has been discussed by many others before me. The example I cited was just for illustration, to describe why I'm posting. It's not definitive, just illustrative. You may be right, I may be etter off not including illustrations, they just seem to confuse things.

Again, if it appears when I'm solo, then I should be able to overcome it solo. Even in the AE, AVs appear as EBs so that they're soloable (though, Catburglar isn't an AV, just an EB).

I'm not saying the Defender is too slow, that's not an issue to me, I play Tankers! I'm saying their damage output is so low, there are some things they simply cannot defeat (at least, this power combo).

Regrding your attack on him with your rad Defender, that is a set that helps your damage output (Radiation Infection, etc.), as well as your endurance efficiency (Accelerate Metabolism). I would expect it to perform better, whatever the offensive set chosen.

I originally made Catburglar spawn without an escort, but because he starts invisble, I figured I needed to have something to clue players to where he was. I'm not sure why his escort has been so nasty recently. I'm looking into it.

I've had him spawn as a Boss, but also as an EB. I'm notsure what decides that. Notably, I've beaten him as a Boss, on all my characters (I always playtest my arcs on all my characters before publication, so I have a sense of the difficulty across ATs and level).

Regarding your assertion that players are only guaranteed to be able to solo standard PvE content, I'll only add that should say "solo content." It's a minor thing, but as I say, I wouldn't expect to solo things that are expressly team content. However, I wouldn't expect team content to appear in my solo content.

I agree, he's harder than most PvE content, but I've had difficulties in regular content situations too; I just used this as an illustration.

I actually play on LOWER difficulty most of the time (ie. -1 level).

I'm not ignoring you, I think I've addressed what you were saying though.

I don't have Detention Field, but I used movement and such to spread the enemy out so I could pick them off one at a time until only the Catburglar was left. Took a while, but I'm patient. The problem came after that, tat I couldn't do enough damage to overcome him. Even with a full tray of blues, I just ran out of endurance, and couldn't sustain enough damage to overcome his regeneration and heal. It wasn't that he was killing me, he had a hard time connecting (33% Defense, and close to 50% Resistance - I'd have to check the actual numbers, but Technaught has become fairly tough in his later levels).

The fact is, such a combo exists. If it isn't supposed to be able to solo all the solo content, it shouldn't be put in solo situations. If my primary isn't going to boost my offense to adequate levels, then my secondary has to be able to achieve those levels without such help.

Perhaps an adjustment to the Defender inherent is in order then? Make it work when the Defender is solo? The only issue I have there is that it rewards poor play, and Defenders are too squishy to rely on that. That is, I find that I'm either fine, or dead. There's little middle ground that would allow the inherent to work.

I'd love to have a redname come in and just say they're looking at the issue. That would go a long way with me; just the recognition that there may be a problem.

I apologize for any spelling errors, this computer at work has a wonky keyboard. I've tried to catch them all, but it's a long post.

I also apologize if I didn't mention everyone, but I did read everything. I just didn't think I needed to address everything being said as most of it had been addressed in my responses to others.



I've had him spawn as a Boss, but also as an EB. I'm notsure what decides that. Notably, I've beaten him as a Boss, on all my characters (I always playtest my arcs on all my characters before publication, so I have a sense of the difficulty across ATs and level).
Judging from Ubers slider and mine

Uber: EB +0/x1/Bosses/No AVs.
Me: Boss +0/x1/ No Bosses/No AVs.

Bosses enabled should make him spawn as an EB always

Any team size greater than 1 should as well.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Content that appears when you're solo must be soloable. It's definitive.
No, it's not. That's your opinion. Nothing anywhere says that. When you meet something that's not soloable and you're solo, you're supposed to form a team. That's not my opinion. It's been told to us by the devs on and off for going on six years.

The closest thing to what you're saying that the devs have ever told us is that everyone should be able to solo at a reasonable pace on the old "Heroic" difficulty. No claims were made that this meant that one could solo all possible contented offered to a solo player. They added warnings to many missions advising that they recommended a team for them, but they did still let you accept them solo. They added the ability to drop missions. Now they've added the ability to run missions at -1 level to your own

For one thing, there are too many build combinations to guarantee that everyone can solo everything. Should the game evaluate your build and decide that because it sucks it should make sure it never offers you anything hard, even though other characters would waltz through it? I don't think it should. If your character can't solo, then either fix what's wrong with it, get a team, or try a different character.

For another thing, there's a difficulty "slider" for a reason. Turn it down. You are facing an EB, and that means you have bosses turned on. Turn them off, and your problem should be solved. If it's not, turn down the level more. If still too hard, I really think you have done something wrong with your character.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I'm afraid it is definitive. It's like saying "red content should be red." If something is going to presented as a challenge for a solo hero, it has to be soloable. If the devs are saying different, then they're wrong too. Solo content has to be soloable, or it's not solo content. If it's not solo content, then it shouldn't be appearing to solo players.