Rep Trolls Beware!




Someone gave me negative rep because I apparently made a 'Pro-Lighthouse' post in a thread that I can't even open. How bloody many months ago was that? >_<

I say get rid of it. I was really shocked to see they'd left it on, as I remember when they took away the stars...



I don't know why y'all get in such a twist about this. My neg reps and PMs are some of my most treasured possessions. My fave is a "stern talking to" another forum poster gave me about my name and how it violates the Freemason's oath. The message ended with the insistence that I change my name.

It's sorta like looking at cartoons drawn by the mentally insane. One part insight into the human psyche and condition, one part colorful fun!

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
I don't know why y'all get in such a twist about this. My neg reps and PMs are some of my most treasured possessions. My fave is a "stern talking to" another forum poster gave me about my name and how it violates the Freemason's oath. The message ended with the insistence that I change my name.

It's sorta like looking at cartoons drawn by the mentally insane. One part insight into the human psyche and condition, one part colorful fun!
You're letting the secret out!

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Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
I don't know why y'all get in such a twist about this.
According to Niv's announcement some people are saying things in rep comments that are a clear violation of the forum rules and guidelines. Things that they would never post in a regular post like here because they think the comments are anonymous to the mods.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
According to Niv's announcement some people are saying things in rep comments that are a clear violation of the forum rules and guidelines. Things that they would never post in a regular post like here because they think the comments are anonymous to the mods.
This. Recently, a conversation discussing LGBT Rights came onto the forum. While I understand this is a touchy and tricky topic to navigate, it was entirely inappropriate when a certain forum member received a lot of homophobic rhetoric in the form of an anonymous neg-rep. Quite a far toss from what would have been tolerated "in public".




Never wanted to get involved in the Rep thing. But silly tags are a fun way to kill time!

Leave my silly tags alone!

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Presumably those rules also apply to rep ranking comments?
So, we've already got a system whereby victims of genuinely abusive vituperation can seek redress, yes?
Which is what I've been talking about all along...

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
What's the point of moaning on about the rep system again?
I haven't been "moaning on" about the rep system. I gave my opinion on it a few pages back...
Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
My personal OPINION is that the system is not being used "as intended", has become a point of contention (this thread & several others as proof), has become a "mod sink", and does not contribute to the purpose of forum discussion.
...but have always focused more on the abuse of the comments.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Moderation around here is like feeding time at the preschool- the loudest babies get all the attention. I'm surprised you haven't figured that out yet.
And this is where I say I am done engaging with you. Attempting to derail the thread by calling people who don't agree with you "whiners" and "babies" does not make you clever.

It just makes you a bully-goat.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



They could have just turned anonymity off. Myyself don´t reall bother with rep as ut holds no value for ne.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
According to Niv's announcement some people are saying things in rep comments that are a clear violation of the forum rules and guidelines. Things that they would never post in a regular post like here because they think the comments are anonymous to the mods.
Yeah. They'll do that. Its part of the nature of ANY communication system the lowest people will use it for the lowest purposes.

I wouldn't condone the forum or the rep system for illegal activities, like actively threatening a person's well-being or livelihood in real life. If someone uses it to call you a bad name, eh, you deal with it how you want. Report it to the mods, laugh it up, get it printed on a T-shirt. You go on the Great Human Safari, sometimes you'll step in the poop.

What I certainly would NOT agree with is that because some people might use a system for mean or immature purposes, that system should be shut down. If you don't like it, don't use it. Turn off your rep. Don't read the silly little messages. The emotional fargility of a few should not dictate what is available by the many.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Neg rep doesn't hurt you and pos rep doesn't do anything for you, either. They are meaningless green and red dots on an internet forum that could be completely wiped when you wake up tomorrow morning. They hold less meaning than ant farts on a windy day. If you spend more than three seconds of your entire life worrying about your rep on these forums, then you need to re-prioritize.

Turning off the rep system isn't worth the time the mods would have to take to do it. Finding the couple of morons who are dumb enough to break forum rules with them (and remember: just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they're breaking any rules) isn't exactly time consuming, so let us have our fun.

Some of my favorite things I've ever read on these forums have been -rep comments I've gotten. Being told that I shouldn't resort to insults on posts where people are calling me names and I'm trying to be civil, having someone say that only women can decide what is and isn't sexist (I'm giong to try that with some of my black and gay friends and see if I can guess what they'll find offensive), and other such tomfoolery has absolutely made my day when I've read them.

And if your thread is at a 1 star with lots of votes, it's because a lot of people didn't like it. You can only vote for a thread once (unless you're changing your rating). Trust me. I've tried.



I've been calling for this since the first day of the new forums. I have rep turned off, yet I am STILL receiving insulting or inflammatory comments. Worse, I've sent messages to the webmaster several times and have not received so much as an acknowledgement that they recieved the message.

Get rid of it, it's just a source of bile and trolling.

I'll point out that I have no problem with people enjoying it. If you like it, good for you. I don't like it, and I don't like being the unwilling target of your "fun" so I turned off the system. My problem is that it doesn't turn off. I still get the comments.

It has nothing to do with the thickness of my skin, you DO NOT have the right to get your jollies at my expense. Suggesting that somehow I am in the wrong for not wanting to put up with the abuse is ridiculous. It's victim blaming.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I've been calling for this since the first day of the new forums. I have rep turned off, yet I am STILL receiving insulting or inflammatory comments. Worse, I've sent messages to the webmaster several times and have not received so much as an acknowledgement that they recieved the message.

Get rid of it, it's just a source of bile and trolling.

I'll point out that I have no problem with people enjoying it. If you like it, good for you. I don't like it, and I don't like being the unwilling target of your "fun" so I turned off the system. My problem is that it doesn't turn off. I still get the comments.

It has nothing to do with the thickness of my skin, you DO NOT have the right to get your jollies at my expense. Suggesting that somehow I am in the wrong for not wanting to put up with the abuse is ridiculous. It's victim blaming.
Why do you keep reading the comments? i think i've read the rep comments maybe three or four times since they implemented it. The negative comments i've generally ignored, since they are almost always incoherent blips of bile, and the positive are nice, but hardly a source of pride. (At least 75% of the negative comments have also been ranked grey, so they don't really do anything to the meter. *shrug*) Honestly, i have no idea why you keep reading them if you hate them so much...
AFAIK no one forces you to read them every time you log into the forums, or at all for that matter.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Why do you keep reading the comments? i think i've read the rep comments maybe three or four times since they implemented it. The negative comments i've generally ignored, since they are almost always incoherent blips of bile, and the positive are nice, but hardly a source of pride. (At least 75% of the negative comments have also been ranked grey, so they don't really do anything to the meter. *shrug*) Honestly, i have no idea why you keep reading them if you hate them so much...
AFAIK no one forces you to read them every time you log into the forums, or at all for that matter.
I keep reading them because they're there every time I go to the USER CP to see if there's been any activity in the subscriptions I have saved, but that's beside the point. I disabled rep, they shouldn't be there in the first place.

Honestly, If it floats YOUR boat, then fine, you go ahead and enjoy the sniping and the insults. I find it intensely frustrating and inflammatory, particularly since I'm not given any recourse but to put up with it. The problem is that turning it off doesn't turn it off. Those of us who would rather not have anything to do with it are still being subjected to the insults and bile.

(Emphasis for emphasis)



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I keep reading them because they're there every time I go to the USER CP to see if there's been any activity in the subscriptions I have saved, but that's beside the point. I disabled rep, they shouldn't be there in the first place.

Honestly, If it floats YOUR boat, then fine, you go ahead and enjoy the sniping and the insults. I find it intensely frustrating and inflammatory, particularly since I'm not given any recourse but to put up with it. The problem is that turning it off doesn't turn it off. Those of us who would rather not have anything to do with it are still being subjected to the insults and bile.

(Emphasis for emphasis)
There is no right in life to freedom from being offended. Stop obsessing over some anonymous comments you got on an internet forum. It means nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. If you are really receiving that much negative attention, maybe you need to look at what you might be doing that attracts it.



Aw. But its funny when people give me negative rep for such hilarious reasons as telling me that I roleplay on CoH or play WoW on the side are bad. and I quote. "A strong argument can be made that roleplayers ruin Pocket D for everyone. RPers are a blight on the game." or "If you like WoW so much, go play it and @#$% off our forums"

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
They could have just turned anonymity off.
That would have been fun. I like it.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
There is no right in life to freedom from being offended. Stop obsessing over some anonymous comments you got on an internet forum. It means nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. If you are really receiving that much negative attention, maybe you need to look at what you might be doing that attracts it.
You're right. NCSoft has no right to tell us what we can and cannot say on their private forum, or in their game.

16. Zero Tolerance Policy

Immediate suspension or bans from the forum can result from any of the following: the posting of pornography; discriminatory remarks which are sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive; excessive obscene or vulgar language; posts which discuss or illustrate illegal activity; providing links to sites that contain any of the aforementioned.

You pay $15 bucks a month and no one has the right to tell you or anyone else they don't have the right to make an *** of themselves.



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
That's a good idea. Personally I've been neg repped and left stupid comments simply because I don't agree with certain popular forum posters.
Yep. The only thing it serves to do is enforce the mob mentality. Well, I guess it also serves for cowardly people to make funny comments without fear of reprisal since they seem to be anonymous. It's a perfect system for those without the stones to take responsibility.



First, I find it amusing how much negative rep I have got just from posting my opinion here.

Second, no one has the right to make attacks on me. These forums are not here to facilitate attacks on me. I'm not here for your fun. If you enjoy trading barbs with people, that's fine. I'm not saying you shouldn't. I'm saying that you shouldn't be able to play that game with the people who don't want to play.

If the rep system would turn off when I turn it off, you could go on with your little game unimpeded and I wouldn't be confronted by inflammatory comments. Unfortunately it doesn't.



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
Every negative-repped post was a legitimately controversial statement where I anticipated the possibility of disagreement (except for one, where an angry poster tracked down a completely unrelated message to yell at me, because I signed a neg-rep that I sent to her). Aside from that last one, these all seemed like valid uses of the system. Or so I thought...
And, interesting update. I added that specific poster to my ignore list after a brief exchange of private messages, and today spotted an additional parcel of negative reputation from her while updating my signature on the User CP page.

I really don't care that this person is following me around knocking off 20+ points of reputation at a time with her farmed positive rep score. I'm not playing the game any more, so people can feel free to take away as many points as they like. I object to the fact that she has a method available to circumvent the Ignore function. If you put someone on your ignore list, you should not have to recieve communication from them of any sort. I'm prepared to cope with seeing people's messages quoted by another poster, but letting people on your ignore list post private messages directly to your user configuration page is pure unmitigated bullcrap.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
And, interesting update. I added that specific poster to my ignore list after a brief exchange of private messages, and today spotted an additional parcel of negative reputation from her while updating my signature on the User CP page.

I really don't care that this person is following me around knocking off 20+ points of reputation at a time with her farmed positive rep score. I'm not playing the game any more, so people can feel free to take away as many points as they like. I object to the fact that she has a method available to circumvent the Ignore function. If you put someone on your ignore list, you should not have to recieve communication from them of any sort. I'm prepared to cope with seeing people's messages quoted by another poster, but letting people on your ignore list post private messages directly to your user configuration page is pure unmitigated bullcrap.
Click on the neg rep that the person gave you to find what post they attached the rep to. Then click the little Report Moderator button under your OWN post and include in the comment that the person is abusing the rep system to bypass /ignore. The people that comment are anonymous to US, but not to the moderators. They can see all. And if someone is harassing you, they can and WILL be dealt with.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Click on the neg rep that the person gave you to find what post they attached the rep to. Then click the little Report Moderator button under your OWN post and include in the comment that the person is abusing the rep system to bypass /ignore. The people that comment are anonymous to US, but not to the moderators. They can see all. And if someone is harassing you, they can and WILL be dealt with.
Already did that. I just wanted to make that particular exploit public, as another major point against the Reputation System even being enabled at all.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Correct. And it was disabled for EXACTLY the same reasons the mods are warning about for THIS system.

Hence a useless repeat of history as far as I'm concerned.

Just get rid of it.

EDIT: I wonder if the mods feel the same way about the tags. lol

EDIT2: Meh. I'll just continue to ignore the comments in the User CP page. Trolls have at it.
Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
And now a few years later they've completely forgotten the lesson and done it all over again.
The rep system here is better than the old stars. For one, you can rep someone, then rep them again later. In that old system, if you starred someone, that was it, that was what they would always have from you.

Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
Edit: As a side note, the tag system should be shut off as well. I can count on one hand the number of tags I've noticed that actually seemed to be legitimate attempts to cross-reference threads.
It is annoying, at times. I tend to tag threads that are useful/informititive if they haven't been, and I've seen it where there are no useful tags, and you can't add any because of the fact that it's nothing but "bacon, bacon!, beggin strips, banana's rock, ice cream is yummy", etc, until it's filled the tag allowance for the thread.

But when it's used right, it is extremely helpful. For example, want to install test, or move your install? Search for the tags "test server" and/or "install" and you get bill's guide.

Originally Posted by Vega View Post
But, he knows who it came from and had a chance to call you a doo-doo head back. Rep comments are anonymous PM's basically. You don't get a chance to fight back. That's my problem with the system. Seriously, I would arrange some serious neg rep carpet bombing if I knew who the Portector stalker was. Just for the hell of it, since it's a game and all. A game that only one side gets to play is not fair. It should go.
And that's why they are anonymous - so that kinda thing cannot be done, so people can't foam at the mouth for be neg repped.

If you have an issue with the comment (like your Protector hater) if you get a comment from it, do what I do with comments that violate the rules - click on the link to the post that gave you the rep, and REPORT YOUR POST. In the box, state you are being harassed in your rep comments. Hopefully the guy(s) end up banned. But let the mods do the punishment.

It's not our place to punish people here.

Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I've been calling for this since the first day of the new forums. I have rep turned off, yet I am STILL receiving insulting or inflammatory comments. Worse, I've sent messages to the webmaster several times and have not received so much as an acknowledgement that they recieved the message.

Get rid of it, it's just a source of bile and trolling.

I'll point out that I have no problem with people enjoying it. If you like it, good for you. I don't like it, and I don't like being the unwilling target of your "fun" so I turned off the system. My problem is that it doesn't turn off. I still get the comments.

It has nothing to do with the thickness of my skin, you DO NOT have the right to get your jollies at my expense. Suggesting that somehow I am in the wrong for not wanting to put up with the abuse is ridiculous. It's victim blaming.
The webmaster? Don't, the webmaster doesn't have anything to do with the moderation of the forums.

Simply report the post attached to the rep comment, and in the explanation box, state you got a vulgar/harassing/stalking/whatever rep comment for it.

EDIT: And to those who say the rep system is the mods being naive, the only naivety on their part would be in thinking the trolls would be smart enough to know that the moderators can track the comments to their source.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Geek_Boy View Post

And if your thread is at a 1 star with lots of votes, it's because a lot of people didn't like it. You can only vote for a thread once (unless you're changing your rating). Trust me. I've tried.

I assume that this was directed at my post. You are correct that it is a group of people. We suspect who it is(hell, I'm pretty sure) but cannot prove it. It is an intentional attack because someone felt that they were wronged, so they left the server.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by Vega
But, he knows who it came from and had a chance to call you a doo-doo head back. Rep comments are anonymous PM's basically. You don't get a chance to fight back. That's my problem with the system. Seriously, I would arrange some serious neg rep carpet bombing if I knew who the Portector stalker was. Just for the hell of it, since it's a game and all. A game that only one side gets to play is not fair. It should go.

And that's why they are anonymous - so that kinda thing cannot be done, so people can't foam at the mouth for be neg repped.

If you have an issue with the comment (like your Protector hater) if you get a comment from it, do what I do with comments that violate the rules - click on the link to the post that gave you the rep, and REPORT YOUR POST. In the box, state you are being harassed in your rep comments. Hopefully the guy(s) end up banned. But let the mods do the punishment.

It's not our place to punish people here.
I'm happy that you have your view on it, it is not going to change mine. I have no problem with the system, I have a problem with anonymous asshattery. If someone doesn't like what I post, I am fine with that. If someone doesn't have my views on an issue, I am fine with that too. You have a couple of solutions, ignore me, or reply to the post.

But please explain why someone would give me this cherry?
ARGH! Burning out. ... 10-23-2009 08:40 AM That other Cryptic MMO is a waste.
what the heck does that have to do with me?

or this one

The Praesidium - A New... 10-26-2009 08:05 AM Total waste of time
for offering to help out?

Why neg rep me, and not star the thread, Oh that's right, we don't use stars so a 1 star is now a plus.

It's anonymous griefing in the right hands, and anonymous PM's in everyone elses.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho