Rep Trolls Beware!




Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
orly? Here's one, then:
10-31-2009 03:39 PM - Why the **** are you such a jackass? Can't you tell it was a serious question by someone who doesn't know much about the game? ****.

And I'm supposed to reply to it? I don't really have a reply. Some comments, perhaps: It's a stupid comment and it made me laugh.

P.S. Did they actually write ***** or does that mean something was censored?
It was censored.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
orly? Here's one, then:
10-31-2009 03:39 PM - Why the **** are you such a jackass? Can't you tell it was a serious question by someone who doesn't know much about the game? ****.

And I'm supposed to reply to it? I don't really have a reply. Some comments, perhaps: It's a stupid comment and it made me laugh.

P.S. Did they actually write ***** or does that mean something was censored?
It was censored. That's how the new boards do censoring.

Most of my neg rep were from the forum care bears who couldn't bide me calling people out for socially inappropriate behavior (i.e., being jerks). So, they anonymously chastised me for chastising others, the hypocrites.

The second largest group of neg-reppers were from people who simply disagreed. So, don't tell the lady her child sings off-key else you'll get a nasty anonymous note.

I welcome debate and honest criticism, but the anonymous neg-repping was the refuge of the emotionally immature and psychologically disturbed.

They can neg-rep me all they want now. It'll have the same effect as yelling in their own homes since I don't read the rep comments anymore.

It's a shame that it couldn't have been put to good use, like having signed, positive only rep. That way, we can pass all the 'lol' and 'thank-you' remarks to each other without cluttering up the thread or weighing down the PMs.

But, the rep system is being used for evil, not good. And the sign that says "Don't abuse it" will get interpreted, "Abuse it in a way that isn't obvious."

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
It's a shame that it couldn't have been put to good use, like having signed, positive only rep. That way, we can pass all the 'lol' and 'thank-you' remarks to each other without cluttering up the thread or weighing down the PMs.

But, the rep system is being used for evil, not good. And the sign that says "Don't abuse it" will get interpreted, "Abuse it in a way that isn't obvious."
The Stardock (Galactic Civilizations, Demigod, Sins of a Solar Empire, etc) forum has positive rep only, every rep counts as one point, and it's always signed.

And yeah, calling people out for being jerks can get the most ridiculous, defensive neg rep ever.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Most of my neg rep were from the forum care bears who couldn't bide me calling people out for socially inappropriate behavior (i.e., being jerks). So, they anonymously chastised me for chastising others, the hypocrites.
The irony of this statement is something only me and my mysterious neg-repper will ever understand. Unless I explain it, I guess.

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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
The irony of this statement is something only me and my mysterious neg-repper will ever understand. Unless I explain it, I guess.
I think we're all issued a mysterious neg-repper.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Did someone say they were having issues posting rep comments? Well it just so happens that I have a guide for that.

Wow, I'm pretty awesome.



I'd would like to say THANK YOU to the 2 ppl who just recently +repp'd me.
Although I don't do the rep thing anymore I do have to say that they signed their name or/and let me know who they are.

It just goes to show that there is some good ppl out there and not just abunch of -neg rep grief trolls runnin around being *******.

Thanx again!



I would have to agree with the original poster. If this is indeed a "game" then it should be removed because it's being abused. You can make comments on people's page without them knowing it was you.

People act very, very differently when they do not have to face the person they are attacking. And the internet allows this automatically, when you conceal the person behind the keyboard on top of that by allowing anonymous You'd be surprised the lengths people go to in order to attack others when they know they will not have to pay for it or be identified. Or maybe not...

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Frankly, I kinda like taunting the rep trolls...Wouldn't that make me a rep tank?

Keep in mind that a rep troll/stalker is proabably some underaged kid who has managed to get a bug up their butt about something you posted in a video game forum.

If the rep troll is NOT some underaged kid, then they are only insulting their own intelligence...not yours.

Me > Rep Trolls.



Keep in mind that a rep troll/stalker is proabably some underaged kid who has managed to get a bug up their butt about something you posted in a video game forum.
WHO TOLD YO- er, um, I mean, I have no idea what you're talking about!



But, the rep system is being used for evil, not good.
It's a shame that it couldn't have been put to good use, like having signed, positive only rep.
I've left signed positive rep specifically stating thanks or well played or this made me laugh, etc.

Therefore the first quoted statement is partly false. I've also used it for evil, mocking someone's lack of knowledge or to tell them that they were being a butt. Also signed.

I've also left positive and negative rep with no more a comment than a period when the mood struck me.

Your one sided wishes for the rep system seem quite ridiculous to me. If all we're allowed to do is positive rep, what's the point? Send a PM instead. It's not like it would take more time. Oh wait... that one extra click would be horrible, I guess.

I think we're all issued a mysterious neg-repper.
I have one that whenever the cycle opens up to let them do it again neg reps me with "i don't like you."

It makes me smile every time I see it.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I've left signed positive rep specifically stating thanks or well played or this made me laugh, etc.
As have I. I'm sure that there's someone in here who has had a +Rep comment with "<short text here>, Pork Approved!" in it.

The thing is, that when I see someone who has disabled Rep, and I want to give them a positive comment, I'm less inclined to bother. I mean, heck, they aren't going to read it anyway, so what's the point?

But then when someone has opted out and then proceeds to post spiteful, false or downright awful posts, I am not detered from giving them what I feel is an appropriate critique, such as "Please learn to accept helpful criticism like an adult and not throwing tantrums." with a -Rep comment. I get the impression that someone like that is just trying to be an <expletive> and not get the appropriate mark across thier digital forehead.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I've left signed positive rep specifically stating thanks or well played or this made me laugh, etc.
Same here.
And probably 99% of the rep I hand out is positive- the only time I neg rep is when somebody tags me for a ridiculous reason in such a way that I know it was them. Alas, I'm petty enough to be vindictive.

I have one that whenever the cycle opens up to let them do it again neg reps me with "i don't like you."

It makes me smile every time I see it.
I had a stalker for a while who followed me around leaving -rep with the comment "jerk" at every opportunity.
They eventually got bored.

Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
As have I. I'm sure that there's someone in here who has had a +Rep comment with "<short text here>, Pork Approved!" in it.
Indeed I have, and appreciated it was!

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Originally Posted by KaliMagdalene View Post
I think we're all issued a mysterious neg-repper.
Here's mine:

People are entitled to their opinions. Stop telling them what to do.
Damn hippies.

I always sign my rep. I've even seen a negrep of mine quoted in a sig. Anonymous negreppers are wussies.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I've got some pretty silly comments in my so-called "rep". Considering whoever gave them to me didn't even have the courage to sign their names to them, I can't take them at all seriously! Really, if you got a problem with me, firing anonymous shots in the dark is certainly not going to emamour me to your point of view.

So yeah, the rep system is pretty dumb. The old forums used to have a similar thing, though as I remember it, that gave rep to threads and not posters. It was still abused to down-rep "unpopular" opinions, because old kids haven't gotten their minds out of high school I guess. It was eventually removed.



More hilarious anonymous negative rep:

"The fact that men consistently deny sexism is something that is frequently discussed in women's studies courses. Perhaps you need to broaden *your* understanding. You're also engaging in exactly the behavior described in the rep you quoted."

So because I called someone out for something sexist (which got me the original -rep) and pointed out the absurdity of women being the only judges of what is sexist and what isn't (-rep number two), I'm denying sexism?

Good grief. I'm the guy who refuses to buy anything Barbie related for my nieces because I'm uncomfortable with the imagery the franchise represents, but someone on the internet who isn't brave enough to actually discuss this in the open thinks I'm sexist!

I'm sorry, but if you think that because someone has a y chromosome they are incapable of seeing that something is blatanlty sexist you're being . . . well, to be polite I'll say myopic. Since I know there are plenty of women who want to argue things like "porn is art and the women are being empowered, not victimized, objectified and marginalized," just because someone with two x chromosomes says it isn't sexist doesn't make it so.

If I have a black friend tell me it's okay to wear a white hood and carry a burning cross through downtown Detroit at midnight because they don't happen to think that it's racist imagery, do you think I can get by with it? I mean, since I'm white I have no ability to judge for myself and as long as one black person thinks it isn't racist then it isn't, right? Same logic as assuming that because some woman somewhere doesn't think something is sexist, I'm too dumb and white and male to have an opinion on the matter.

I love negative rep that makes no sense like this. Taking it to PM's with whoever this is would be a good time too, but the negative rep is like a Chrismas present. I just click that User CP button every so often and get the most wonderful surprises. I really dislike my job and love having the distraction every so often. Please. Keep it up.

My prediction for my next -rep? Someone will say something anti-semitic and after I point it out I'll be called a Nazi because I don't know anything about anti-semitism since I'm not Jewish.



I can't believe we still have to listen to the sexist screeches of the extreme feminists. Not every man is a rapist or thinks of women as objects/pets. Most men these days genuinely will treat you as equals when approached as one. Men are perfectly capable of identifying sexism.

This comes from a woman who has been a victim of sexual harassment.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
I can't believe we still have to listen to the sexist screeches of the extreme feminists. Not every man is a rapist or thinks of women as objects/pets. Most men these days genuinely will treat you as equals when approached as one. Men are perfectly capable of identifying sexism.

This comes from a woman who has been a victim of sexual harassment.
What happened to you birthday thread?



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
What happened to you birthday thread?
Mod 8 said someone went to far and it had to be removed...and you are less then 4 feet from me.



Originally Posted by Geek_Boy View Post
"The fact that men consistently deny sexism is something that is frequently discussed in women's studies courses. Perhaps you need to broaden *your* understanding. You're also engaging in exactly the behavior described in the rep you quoted."
Wow. I was unaware that the rep comment could be so long. I've been limiting myself quite a bit, while still trying to make my comments make sense and cover the subject.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Mod 8 said someone went to far and it had to be removed...and you are less then 4 feet from me.
But I'm too lazy to swivel my chair around...



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
... I just got Grey Rep, with no comment attached to it, for my previous post in this thread. So confused...
If there is no comment, they were giving +rep. -rep requires some comment (some people just put a period).

If the dot is grey, it means their 'rating' (not the same as their rep) is too low to affect yours. The rep you award is based on a combination of your rep, how long you have been registered on the boards and how many posts you have. If you've been around a bit, but have negative rep, you might award zero, for example.

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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
... I just got Grey Rep, with no comment attached to it, for my previous post in this thread. So confused...
We call that "Positron rep" because it's all gray to you.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville