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  1. Which is why we use base average. But, the point is moot.
  2. Well, it might be helpful if you posted an analysis of the powersets damage with all of the factors that you're talking about. It would be interesting to see the analysis considering all of the variables and not just base damage means.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Only one powerset has Rage. Factoring in Rage would only affect the values for Super Strength. You might be thinking of Fury?

    Overall, I agree that most powersets are pretty balanced, but that's because they tend to be good at different things, not because they all deal the same damage.
    Yes, my apologies I meant Fury. And yes, you made the point I did at the end of my post. The player that originally asked the question should choose a powerset based on what it does (it's flavor) not which ones "does more damage" because technically none of them do a significantly larger amount of damage than another. That would be broken.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    OK... but then you're not actually calculating anything meaningful. You set out to answer the question of whether all Brute sets have the same damage output (they don't), but did so using a metric that doesn't correlate at all to how much damage the sets actually do.

    An analysis of set damage that does not even consider recharge, activation time, buffs, and whether a power is ST or AoE is so far removed from what the powers actually do that it's not really calculating anything at all. It's only slightly less meaningless to damage output than calculating the average number of letters in power names.
    (( CAPS words are not mean to be interpreted as anger, I capitalize them to emphasize important points and words in my analysis. I appreciate your questions and your side of argument. My position is completely neutral. ))

    I was not setting out to give detailed information on the powersets. I was setting out to make a point that NONE of them are SIGNIFICANTLY different, meaning much greater than another in terms in damage. If you has the 198% damage boost from Rage and the best Enhancements in the game, for all powersets, they would still basically be on even ground.

    AoE damage can also ruin damage numbers because it is a different type of damage. For example if you do AoE damage and I only do single target damage; in a mob you're always going to be pumping out more numbers. AoE will ALWAYS appear to do more damage in a crowd but against a single foe, I might outdamage your AoE abilities like the ones presented in Fiery Melee. I do not take recharge time into account because then I would have to analyze the data by time intervals.

    Example: Abilitie 1 does 50 damage takes 10 seconds to recharge
    Ability 2 does 30 damage by only takes 5 seconds to recharge,

    technically, Ability 2 is better because it does 60 damage per 10 seconds while Ability one only does 50 damage per 10 seconds. However! there is no viable statistical method to measure that because variability would be EXTREMELY high between powersets based on their recharge time and powersets like Claws, with fast recharge would instantly appear to do twice if not three times as much damage as all the other powersets. Also, you have to ask the question, "Is the difference significant with recharge time factored in for all the abilities?"

    I think you will find that recharge time, damage and cost (energy) are balanced.

    But, to help out: I will run another analysis; to show the average recharge time for the powersets rather than their average damage. It may help give clarity to my point about the lower damage powersets having faster recharge to be balanced with the hard hitting slower recharge powersets.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    Well, of course at base damage values they will all be close, that's called balance...

    However, what about adding stacked rage into SS?

    What about Momentum in TW?

    What about things like follow up in Claws?

    These things are where the differences amount to more than a "hill of beans" per se...

    The base damage modifiers for Titan Weapons are the highest of any set in the Brute primaries...

    Rage is the most insanely advantageous build up power out there...and thus makes SS hit like a truck.

    Then with the cycle time of claws you can stack follow up multiple times with high recharge...

    I would like to see a more in depth analysis using all of those variables to be able to see what the difference comes out to be with an eye toward more realistic expectations in what a high end build will do.
    The analysis was meant to answer a question that was asked a while back in hopes that the OP would see this. Rage was not factored in because it's a simple stat, and in quantitative statistics adding the same amount of damage to each ability would still yield the same Mean. So adding rage to all the base stats would still give the descriptives in the table. Abilities like Follow Up and Momentum were included in the overall analysis. They were still not significantly higher than the other powersets. Significance is decided through a forumla that is a little complex to explain. However, to put it in terms for people that has no interest in Statistics, it's a threshold that decides what is and is not much greater than the average. None of the powerset for the Brute are greater by a large amount than the others.

    As you pointed out, it is balanced. That was my point from the very beginning. It is all preference. You should chose which powerset you want based on HOW you want to play not doing the most damage. In the end all the builds are capable of doing the same damage output assuming you have the best enhances possible and the enemy has 0 resistance to your damage type.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    What exactly is this an analysis of? How did you arrive at your numbers?

    I'm extremely suspicious of an analysis that ranks Katana lower than Broadsword, and Super Strength lower than Energy Melee. There are much better ways to analyze a set's damage than by taking the mean of all the powers. Moreover, your analysis does not at all match empirical evidence.
    If you log into the game and look at your primary powerset abilities just slide the bars up to Lv.50 and observe the damage. That damage is added up and then divided by the total number of abilities in the powerset that cause damage. It's an average (a mean). So, numbers wise, katana does do more than BS. If you do not believe it add each damage ability in BS up and then divide by the number of abilities in BS that do damage. You'll get the same mean. Repeat that for Katana

    Also, you should note that is a Mean in statistical terms not a "rank". Just because BS mean is lower than Katan does not mean Katana is better at doing damage. Again, the analysis does not take into consideration damage per second (adding in recharge time) or enemy resistances. It's just raw numbers with no additional game mechanics effecting it.
  7. Alright, so I do not remember who it was but a while back someone had questioned whether or not the Primary Powersets for a Brute were truly equal in terms of damage output. This is hard question to answer because some Powersets specialize in AoE damage while other focus on single target damage. Also, there is the matter of damage type and enemy resistances.

    But, I used a program to run statistical analysis on the damage to see if one does technically do more damage than the other.

    The damage tested "as is"; that means Lv.50 damage with no enchancements and ignoring enemy resistances. What I did was find the average (Mean) damage for each Powerset for the Brute and it is presented in a table. In statistical terms none of them are significantly different. You can tell from looking at the Means that some are a bit higher than others overall but that is raw damage. You should also take into account that although your ultimate may not do as much damage as another powerset, your recharge is probably slower than a uber strong Tier 9 ability from that other powerset. I could not add what is called a Scheffe's Test, which tests not only for significance but which Powersets would be significantly different. Again, the base damage output of all Brute Primary powersets is pretty much equal.

    So choose what flavor you like, not which one "does more damage" cause technically (and statistically) none of them are "better" than the other in terms of damage.

    If you have any questions about the tables or what they mean please feel free to ask.
    (The document is a word document with the output tables pasted in there and in docx format. If you can not open it please PM me and I can send you an email with the stats pasted in it.)

    I plan to run more analyses on other powersets to determine if there is a significant difference in terms of better damage, defense, resistance, healing, etc.
  8. Alright, so I do not remember who it was but a while back someone had questioned whether or not the Primary Powersets for a Brute were truly equal in terms of damage output. This is hard question to answer because some Powersets specialize in AoE damage while other focus on single target damage. Also, there is the matter of damage type and enemy resistances.

    But, I used a program to run statistical analysis on the damage to see if one does technically do more damage than the other.

    The damage tested "as is"; that means Lv.50 damage with no enchancements and ignoring enemy resistances. What I did was find the average (Mean) damage for each Powerset for the Brute and it is presented in a table. In statistical terms none of them are significantly different. You can tell from looking at the Means that some are a bit higher than others overall but that is raw damage. You should also take into account that although your ultimate may not do as much damage as another powerset, your recharge is probably slower than a uber strong Tier 9 ability from that other powerset. I could not add what is called a Scheffe's Test, which tests not only for significance but which Powersets would be significantly different. Again, the base damage output of all Brute Primary powersets is pretty much equal.

    So choose what flavor you like, not which one "does more damage" cause technically (and statistically) none of them are "better" than the other in terms of damage.

    If you have any questions about the tables or what they mean please feel free to ask.
    (The document is a word document with the output tables pasted in there and in docx format. If you can not open it please PM me and I can send you an email with the stats pasted in it.)

    I plan to run more analyses on other powersets to determine if there is a significant difference in terms of better damage, defense, resistance, healing, etc.
  9. Alright, so I do not remember who it was but a while back someone had questioned whether or not the Primary Powersets for a Brute were truly equal in terms of damage output. This is hard question to answer because some Powersets specialize in AoE damage while other focus on single target damage. Also, there is the matter of damage type and enemy resistances.

    But, I used a program to run statistical analysis on the damage to see if one does technically do more damage than the other.

    The damage tested "as is"; that means Lv.50 damage with no enchancements and ignoring enemy resistances. What I did was find the average (Mean) damage for each Powerset for the Brute and it is presented in a table. In statistical terms none of them are significantly different. You can tell from looking at the Means that some are a bit higher than others overall but that is raw damage. You should also take into account that although your ultimate may not do as much damage as another powerset, your recharge is probably slower than a uber strong Tier 9 ability from that other powerset. I could not add what is called a Scheffe's Test, which tests not only for significance but which Powersets would be significantly different. Again, the base damage output of all Brute Primary powersets is pretty much equal.

    So choose what flavor you like, not which one "does more damage" cause technically (and statistically) none of them are "better" than the other in terms of damage.

    If you have any questions about the tables or what they mean please feel free to ask.
    (The document is a word document with the output tables pasted in there and in docx format. If you can not open it please PM me and I can send you an email with the stats pasted in it.)

    I plan to run more analyses on other powersets to determine if there is a significant difference in terms of better damage, defense, resistance, healing, etc.
  10. I have to purchase things from the store even when on Beta/Test, still not sure which server it is on.
  11. Okay, I have logged into both the Beta and Test server and Water Blast is not an option in any of the powersets for Blasters. Am I missing something?
  12. Apparently these are on the test server?
    The VIP beta server or just the normal CoH Test server?
  13. Hello. Currently I am doing interviews of roleplayers in City of Heroes about what roleplaying is for them. This is for a class project at a university that takes an indepth look at creativity. Please send an email to fooltheye@yahoo.com

    Just state that you would like to take the survey and you will receive an email back with the survey inside. This is the page just for reference: http://cohroleplay.wordpress.com/interviews/

    You can look at the link or contact me in-game if you would rather not send the email. I'm usually on the evenings and my global is @TheDreamingShadow
  14. Hello. Currently I am doing interviews of roleplayers in City of Heroes about what roleplaying is for them. This is for a class project at a university that takes an in depth look at creativity. Please send an email to fooltheye@yahoo.com.
    Just state that you would like to take the survey and you will receive an email back with the survey inside. This is the page just for reference: http://cohroleplay.wordpress.com/interviews/
  15. So I was sad about not being to have the Celestial sets because they're amazing. I made peace with that and figured that in a while I would be able to claim Celestial Set Pack 1, 2 and 3. But it appears they're for a limited time only. Anyone know how long "limited" is and if these awesome sets will be turned into a purchasable booster pack with the new Tier 9 VIP awards are selected?
  16. which emote looks like /calculate but without the math pictures?
  17. I'll check it out thanks! She's just more of a modern character with special powers. There isn't a theme or anything other than mutant who wants to help people.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
    If you're looking for a specific time frame, putting in your timezone helps.
    Oh sorry! I'm in the EST
  19. I have a new character concept that I really like, and I would like to place the character in a RPSG (Hero Side), one that is serious about activity. I have been in several of the more popular SGs, and all of them have events, claim to be active, and do have things for the members to do. The only issue is what I am looking for has not yet been found.

    I'm looking for a super group that is active in the evenings, and I do not mean late night. Afternoon to night is the time frame that I am looking for. I am also looking for a SG that doesn't spend 90% of it's time in it's OOC channel, alting or sticking to personal objectives. None of those are bad! not saying that at all, I just want something a little different for this character. I want to be able to log into this toon in the evenings and join in on roleplay that happens on a regular basis. Maybe even a storyline!

    Does anyone know of a group out thee like that? If anyone one does know of this group HERO SIDE, please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated guys and gals.
  20. Yays I made a good choice. Thanks
  21. I have wanted to make a scrapper for like 1000 years. I have decided on Katana as my primary power. However, the secondary power I have never been satisfied with, I think I have finally landed on WP because it offers a lot of stats protection that the others do not.

    So! My question is this: What are the pros and cons of Willpower as a secondary for a scrapper as opposed to the other scrapper secondaries? And is WP something I could easily solo with? This is going to be my toon I solo with and play through the CoH storyline.
  22. Dreaming_Shadow


    I had to download a "pre-patch" and the NcSoft launcher told me it would be applied on 8/3/2011

    What's going to change on 8/3/2011?
  23. I get this message every time I try to log in: he game client was unable to connect to the login server. This may be due to a local network issue such as a firewall block, or may be because the login server is down for maintenance. Please check your network settings and try again, or check http://www.cityofheroes.com/servers/index.html for current server status. However, the servers page says that all of them are up. Anyone else having this issue?
  24. Oh ok cool. Now would it be safe to assume that i21 is probably going to be Freedom at the end of the year and they'll integrate the new powersets then?