Rep Trolls Beware!




Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I find physical violence of name-calling to be childish and appalling. You are really going to punch someone in the face because they called you a racial slur? That's funny.

I'm going to call your bluff and say ********.
Of course you'll call the bluff safely in anonymity.

But to answer your question, yes, I find violence an appropriate response to another man acting like a bad human. Men respond properly to violence. That and spreading our seed is our evolutionary purpose. I let the authorities or my wife handle a woman being an idiot, because I find violence against women appalling, and I'll allow parents to handle their children as I feel the same about violence toward children as I do women. (I can't WAIT until my son is a man. )

But some moron starts spewing filth in my face? Oh yea, he'll be eating asphalt. If he turns out to be bigger, stronger and faster than me and kicks the crap out of me? Doesn't matter. I did what was right.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The system should be turned off completely. It serves no practical purpose, is nothing but a magnet for abuse and is not worth the effort to administrate. If you have something to say to someone, say it. If you're not willing to put your name to it and say it publicly then it's not worth saying in the first place.

Bolding is mine.

This statement strikes me as odd when coming from a place where anonymous aliases are used nearly 100% of the time. Is being anonymous in the UserCP really that much different than being anonymous while hiding behind a screenname?



This statement strikes me as odd when coming from a place where anonymous aliases are used nearly 100% of the time. Is being anonymous in the UserCP really that much different than being anonymous while hiding behind a screenname?
There is a profound difference between anonymous and pseudonymous.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Well, at least I still got this:

"Your examples are ridiculous. You're unlikely to have a black friend to tell you that, but a black friend is likely to point out racism that you will miss. And a woman will point out sexism that you will miss. You don't get to be the final arbiter."

Whoever is leaving these comments really should engage me in an actual conversation. They're likely to learn a lot from it. I wasn't the one dealing in stupid absolutes, but I'm happy to play that game better than you are. Oh, anonymous internet moron. You give me so many smiles.

Oh, and 4 + to 1 -
How this post lead to "As if you're entitled to real conversation after trying to justify that nonsense," I have no idea. How someone saying something that is sexist is sexist, then defending their ability to have an opinion on whether something is sexist or not despite owning a y chromosome, then laughing at someone who is claiming they're denying that sexism exists despite the whole thing starting with pointing out sexist imagery in the first place qualifies as "nonsense" is beyond me.

Again, next up I'll be called a Nazi for pointing out anti-Semitic imagery. Or maybe racist for speaking out against the White Power Movement. Ooo! Ooo! Or maybe I'll be accused of abusing animals because I think Michael Vick is a scumbag!

The only nonsense is anyone taking the internet seriously. As long as negative comments are allowed, I shall be searching it out to giggle at.



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
Bolding is mine.

This statement strikes me as odd when coming from a place where anonymous aliases are used nearly 100% of the time. Is being anonymous in the UserCP really that much different than being anonymous while hiding behind a screenname?
I agree with Venture. While our true names and identities are hidden we do still have a reputation attached to our pseudonym which since this forum is only open to subscribers is not easily changed. While there are trolls who do not care about the reputation attached to their screen name the vast majority of users do (or at least care enough to be banned from the forums). So I do see a large difference between anonymous in the forum sense and in the comment sense.

Personally I think a lot of the rep problems were caused by people who assumed that the comments were anonymous to both users and mods.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Of course you'll call the bluff safely in anonymity.

But to answer your question, yes, I find violence an appropriate response to another man acting like a bad human. Men respond properly to violence. That and spreading our seed is our evolutionary purpose. I let the authorities or my wife handle a woman being an idiot, because I find violence against women appalling, and I'll allow parents to handle their children as I feel the same about violence toward children as I do women. (I can't WAIT until my son is a man. )

But some moron starts spewing filth in my face? Oh yea, he'll be eating asphalt. If he turns out to be bigger, stronger and faster than me and kicks the crap out of me? Doesn't matter. I did what was right.
I like you BillZ.

This is how I walk the world too. Stand up for what you believe in, and never be a victim.

Physical violence is not the first and only answer to problems, but there is indeed a place for it, and it must be used sometimes to enforce a law/rule/consequence of action.

Its not the point if you do or do not physically best the person you stand up to, the point is the standing up in the first place, and not being a victim, or letting someone else be a victim or injustice that cannot be solved in another way.

But let me tell you this: most people will indeed follow the rules/laws/guidelines for a decent society if they know a punch in the face is the reward for non compliance.

But this is the internetz! We now live in a world of anomynity and E-life, and people seem to have lost many of the graces they would show if they had to stand across from you face to face and speak their piece.

And this is why the rep system didnt work. Anomynity.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I agree with Venture. While our true names and identities are hidden we do still have a reputation attached to our pseudonym which since this forum is only open to subscribers is not easily changed. While there are trolls who do not care about the reputation attached to their screen name the vast majority of users do (or at least care enough to be banned from the forums). So I do see a large difference between anonymous in the forum sense and in the comment sense.

Personally I think a lot of the rep problems were caused by people who assumed that the comments were anonymous to both users and mods.
To add to that, some of us have happily shown what we actually look like on cohfaces, have met other local players and have gone to meet and greets where we've met even more players and developers as well.

In other words, at least for some of the posters around here, there's the recognition of the actual person behind the name because we've met them, known them and may even be actual friends with them.

Thanks, Slim. I don't think that there's enough of us running around these days.

Be well, people of CoH.



Wow, since the whole comment section is gone, The Neg Reppers have been merciless in their now nearly completely dark shroud of anonymity. I guess since they can't even leave you a little comedic blurb, their panties are in a twist and they just gotta neg neg neg neg.

Yes I know that the Mods can see all, but now it's like the Neg Reppers aren't even trying to hide their brutality.

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Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Of course you'll call the bluff safely in anonymity.

But to answer your question, yes, I find violence an appropriate response to another man acting like a bad human. Men respond properly to violence. That and spreading our seed is our evolutionary purpose. I let the authorities or my wife handle a woman being an idiot, because I find violence against women appalling, and I'll allow parents to handle their children as I feel the same about violence toward children as I do women. (I can't WAIT until my son is a man. )

But some moron starts spewing filth in my face? Oh yea, he'll be eating asphalt. If he turns out to be bigger, stronger and faster than me and kicks the crap out of me? Doesn't matter. I did what was right.

I pretty much agree with Bill on this, tho people calling me names doesn't bother me. The fights I've gotten into were when some twit started mouthing off and bullying my friends and family.



This blows, why does the cool stuff always get "tweaked"? I loved reading my rep comments good or bad (even though they were usually good). Why take it away Mods? Why not just give us the option to turn off comments? Or give the people that did not like the comments Neuticles® so they can man up and take it?



And to whichever idiot neg repped me while taking my comment about my son seriously when I threw in a smiley face on the end of it to show I was joking: Grow a brain.

Joyfully proclaiming your intent to physically assault your son once he is an adult is sickening.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
Wow, since the whole comment section is gone, The Neg Reppers have been merciless in their now nearly completely dark shroud of anonymity. I guess since they can't even leave you a little comedic blurb, their panties are in a twist and they just gotta neg neg neg neg.

Yes I know that the Mods can see all, but now it's like the Neg Reppers aren't even trying to hide their brutality.
Why would they? In this new system to report abuse you have to hunt for it instead of having it up front and easy.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Of course you'll call the bluff safely in anonymity.

But to answer your question, yes, I find violence an appropriate response to another man acting like a bad human. Men respond properly to violence. That and spreading our seed is our evolutionary purpose. I let the authorities or my wife handle a woman being an idiot, because I find violence against women appalling, and I'll allow parents to handle their children as I feel the same about violence toward children as I do women. (I can't WAIT until my son is a man. )

But some moron starts spewing filth in my face? Oh yea, he'll be eating asphalt. If he turns out to be bigger, stronger and faster than me and kicks the crap out of me? Doesn't matter. I did what was right.
Can't say I'm surprised and I think it's terrible. If the person resorts to physical assault, then I'm all for "defending" myself/family.

But when someone is tossing verbal opinions about myself/family, who cares? Why do you feel the need to "protect" your family from some low-life's opinion?

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Of course you'll call the bluff safely in anonymity.
If you say so bub.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
And to whichever idiot neg repped me while taking my comment about my son seriously when I threw in a smiley face on the end of it to show I was joking: Grow a brain.
Another example of how brave Captain Courageous is when he can hide behind the anonymity of the rep system.



Just so you know physical assault is not a legal form of self defense from verbal and visual assault. You would not be doing the "right" thing in the eye of the law.

But if you want to have assault charges and all the lovely that entails then enjoy.



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post

Heh, i did that for Billz. He reminds me of Wolverine in some comic-booky way. Nice catch.

Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Just so you know physical assault is not a legal form of self defense from verbal and visual assault. You would not be doing the "right" thing in the eye of the law.

But if you want to have assault charges and all the lovely that entails then enjoy.
Having been, um, "pacified by police" before even when I was merely responding to an attack...I try to avoid physical altercations at all costs. One of the worst combos is Mace + Drunk Tank + 15 hours.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Just so you know physical assault is not a legal form of self defense from verbal and visual assault. You would not be doing the "right" thing in the eye of the law.

But if you want to have assault charges and all the lovely that entails then enjoy.
Isn't there some clause about being provoked, somewhere?

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Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Just so you know physical assault is not a legal form of self defense from verbal and visual assault. You would not be doing the "right" thing in the eye of the law.

But if you want to have assault charges and all the lovely that entails then enjoy.
I paid my fines and served the 60 days the law required, but that particular twit went to jail for a lot longer than me cuz the cops found drugs on him in an amount large enough to be charged with intent to sell. So by getting into a fight I helped take a drug dealer off the streets. Yay me.

Edit: That happened while I was in the service. My CO punished me and the local authorities punished the civvie.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I paid my fines and served the 60 days the law required, but that particular twit went to jail for a lot longer than me cuz the cops found drugs on him in an amount large enough to be charged with intent to sell. So by getting into a fight I helped take a drug dealer off the streets. Yay me.
Or ruined an awesome party. Why would you pick a fight while carrying...guy was mentally undeveloped.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Or ruined an awesome party. Why would you pick a fight while carrying...guy was mentally undeveloped.
The twit was drunk and decided to start something with one of my shipmates. Naturally we had our friends back.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Just so you know physical assault is not a legal form of self defense from verbal and visual assault. You would not be doing the "right" thing in the eye of the law.

But if you want to have assault charges and all the lovely that entails then enjoy.
As I've stated before, when the law goes against honor, I'll choose honor every time and the law can eat a bowl of #&$^#.

I will throw this out there: I live by some simple rules. Treat others as they deserve to be treated. Stand up for yourself at all times. When you are constantly prepared for violence, you will find that you rarely are forced to experience it.

There are other rules I follow, but they aren't relevant to this discussion.

Be well, people of CoH.



This thread stopped being fun for me a few pages ago.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
As I've stated before, when the law goes against honor, I'll choose honor every time and the law can eat a bowl of #&$^#.

I will throw this out there: I live by some simple rules. Treat others as they deserve to be treated. Stand up for yourself at all times. When you are constantly prepared for violence, you will find that you rarely are forced to experience it.

There are other rules I follow, but they aren't relevant to this discussion.
Most people are rarely forced to experience violence unless they live in a particularly violent place. I also see no honor in being too weak to shoulder an ill conceived dressing down.