Rep Trolls Beware!




Westley/Forbin: It's gotta start somewhere, and I lean towards following the rules of the forums first. It's their playground, they get to set the rules. Sure a few immature whiners may have spoiled the fun for others, but what's done is done.

I'm just happy there is a way, albeit a cumbersome one, to check the comments. It's not like the Mods took it 100% away, they just hid it a little better.



Well no amount of my whining about it is going to bring it back anyways, so I'll just drop it.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Since it's obviously very difficult, I'll explain it in detail.

There are people that like to play the rep game, complete with the flaming and antagonism. For them, the way the system was before (with comments appearing on the Control Panel page) was fine as it was. That is how it should be for them.

There are people that did not want anything to do with the rep game. They should have the ability to disable the rep system in its entirety. That means people should not be able to post negative rep OR negative comments on these posts.

Simple. Those that want to play the game can and without the current inconvenience, and those that don't need not be concerned by it in any way.
Unfortunately thats not how the rep system works in VBulletin. I've checked for any mod capable of this even on the VBulletin official website. Theres nothing there that allows this functionality.

Again I present a much more flexible and more usable solution,
Quote from the website:
Post Thank You Hack 7.7

About this hack:
One of the biggest problems on forums as you may know is 'posts boosting'. There are users who LOVE to say 'thanks' when ever they can. How can it hurt? Their post count goes up, they have nothing to loose.

There are also users who really like to express their thanks to post but don't like posting a post that looks like they're post boosting.

Then comes the moderators who have to delete people's thanks yous so a thread can look readable with out the thanks yous thrown around.

Finally comes the posters of these useful posts. They have no idea how many people really likes their posts if only some people say 'thanks'.

What this hack does is fix ALL these problems - except those users who like post boosting. This places a button called 'thanks.' When a user clicks on it, it places his username in a box right under the post saying that so-and-so says 'thanks' for the post. Every-one who clicks is placed in one box.

By giving your users the extra feature, you forum will look allot nice and organized. It is a guaranteed liking by ALL the members of your forum.

Uses vBulletin easy Product installer/updater/uninstaller
Uses AJAX technology so your users don't have to refresh when they thank.
Places an easy to use button next to the edit button
Separate looks for postbit and postbit_legacy
Places all Thanks into one small box
Uses only ONE query every time you view a showthread page!
Users can't thank twice
Option to not allow users to thank their own post
Guests don't see 'thanks' button
Counts how many thanks a user gives
Counts how many thanks a post gets
Shows how many thanks a user gave in every post of his
Shows how many thanks a user gave in profile
Shows how many thanks a user got
Shows how many posts or a user are thanked
Shows info in profile
Search for a users thanked posts
Search for all thanked posts
Administrator can remove all Thanks from a single post
Users can remove their own Thanks
Turn on and off hack totally
Turn on and off hack for only some forums
Option to turn off hack for all but the first post of a thread
Option to turn off hack for all but the first post of a thread in specific forums
Option to turn off hack view of date for specific or all forums
Option to add to post count when someone clicks 'thanks'.
Option to give a user who receives thanks reputation points.
Ban Usergroups
Ban Users
Uses Phrases
Cache Templates
Guaranteed to be liked by ALL users on your forum!
Installation information on hack: (If installed on vb 3.7)
Files edited: 0
Templates edited: 0
Files to upload: 7
Time to install: 1 minute max



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Who said I was defending the jerks? For someone to be offended, it has to come from BOTH sides, the sender has to send and the receiver has to receive.

If the sender acts properly and the receiver acts properly, then there's no problem.

If the sender acts IMPROPERLY and the receiver ignores them, then there's no problem either.

That's all that I'm saying. Jerks are still jerks no matter what. You just have the power to not pay attention to them. So why give them attention?

Why make someone else step in and do it for you, when you can just ignore them yourself?
Because actions have consequences, and you're arguing that people should be able to violate community rules without any.

Because you're blaming people who receive offensive crap for reacting to it.

Your whole line about people not having the right to never be offended is ridiculous. No one's arguing that no one will ever be offended. However, no one who says or does something offensive has the right to expect that anyone who will be offended ignores him. It goes both ways: If you have the freedom of speech to speak up and say something offensive, then people have the freedom of speech to speak up and say "that was offensive."

It seems lopsided that you keep defending the people who say obnoxious things and telling the people who are told obnoxious things to suck it up.

Also, something that may not seem obnoxious or offensive to you may easily be obnoxious or offensive to someone else, and if someone says "hey, that was offensive," does it hurt to pay attention and maybe learn something?

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Wow, I had no idea this was so controversial. I came looking for a thread as to why I can no longer see which of my posts were repped and my comments, and found this. I guess I'm in the minority because I like seeing my comments. You see, I come from Justice, and we're a lot that's known for being a bit off. I had some really funny comments stored that I'd go back and read just to get a chuckle. And now they're gone.

Can we please at least have the option to see them or not? Having them universally off is just as disappointing to some people has having them universally on is to others.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



Also, something that may not seem obnoxious or offensive to you may easily be obnoxious or offensive to someone else, and if someone says "hey, that was offensive," does it hurt to pay attention and maybe learn something?

If I EVER find something offensive, at that point I don't try to find out what's wrong with what was said or what's wrong with the one that said it.... I try to find out what's wrong with ME. Offense only exists in the mind of the one that's offended. If you're offended by nothing, then you lead a happy life. If you are offended by a great many things, then your life is consequently much more unhappy, if not a living hell.

Also, people only have the power to offend that YOU give them. For example, let's use the comedy scifi show Red Dwarf. They made up a "swear" word, "smeg". They used that word in every circumstance where a person of our world would use a swear word. But we're not offended in the slightest when they use it.

Why's that? Because that word has no POWER over us. We have no feelings associated to that word or to the sentiment that it represents. So guess what? If you take away ALL of the negative feelings and emotions attached to a word, it loses its POWER over you. It simply doesn't BOTHER you anymore. The same concept extends out to phrases.

So that's the perspective I'm coming from. I've been working for years to slowly take out all of the "offensive" words and phrases that I've been "conditioned" by society to feel upset about. And you know what? It has made my life INFINITELY more happy and joyful.

There are very FEW things that bother me anymore, which also means that there are FEW things that people can do to actually bother me. Some still exist of course, and I'm still working on it. But the fact remains... you can make your own life better by TALKING AWAY the "power" that these words, phrases, and concepts have over you.

It is within your power to make your own life happier, so why not do it?

I am still however working very hard on the word "hypocrite". That's one of the few major bugaboos that I have left. If someone calls me that, I still go nuts because I try with everything that I do to be the ANTI-hyprocrite. But... as I said, I'm working on it.

So any trolls out there that are reading this, if you want to get under my skin, go ahead and call me a hypocrite. It will only help me speed faster towards the day when nothing whatsoever bothers me.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Or, like a big boy and an adult... you could simply NOT LOOK at things that you know you'll probably be offended by. You know, exercise a little bit of self control? Or is that too much for you?

Why ask some moderator to change the way the boards work for YOU, when you are fully capable of moderating your OWN behavior?

Sorry if I sound a bit snippy, but I'm getting tired of people perpetually suggesting that they have some sort of "right" to "not be offended", ever. In this life you WILL be offended once in a while. That's reality.

If I am looking in the direction of an ugly naked dude that stays in the same place all the time and never moves... and seeing that naked ugly dude BOTHERS me, then guess what? I don't LOOK at the ugly naked dude or in his direction anymore. I don't feel COMPELLED to have him moved somewhere else or to have him forced to put on some clothes. I just DON'T LOOK.

How is that so hard? Someone please explain it to me because I just don't get it.
No, you have it backwards. YOU have no right to force me or anyone else to play your puerile game. You can't go running around the streets playing paintball for the same reason. Are you going to tell me that people in the streets don't have the right not to be irritated by your game of paintball? Ludicrous. We are not here for your amusement.

Also, if you actually READ what I said, I've supported your position that the current "tweak" is too restrictive.



Here's another example, Ultimo_. Ever since he started lurking around the Defender forums, I've not seen him add a single positive thing whatsoever to any conversation. Nothing but negative coming out of him. I don't want to see it anymore, so you know what? Instead of constantly arguing with him over and over again in the future, I'm simply going to ignore him. *click*

And IF the rep comments were still on and if he'd start trying to "get back at me" by leaving nasty rep comments in my Control Panel (not saying that he would mind you)... then I'd either stop looking at my rep entirely, or just let the comments that I can TELL are by him just go right past me, have no effect on me. There, problem solved. They only have the power that you GIVE to them.

Easy peasy.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Who said I was defending the jerks? For someone to be offended, it has to come from BOTH sides, the sender has to send and the receiver has to receive.

If the sender acts properly and the receiver acts properly, then there's no problem.

If the sender acts IMPROPERLY and the receiver ignores them, then there's no problem either.

That's all that I'm saying. Jerks are still jerks no matter what. You just have the power to not pay attention to them. So why give them attention?

Why make someone else step in and do it for you, when you can just ignore them yourself?

Westley if I misunderstood what you were trying to say then you have my apologies, but I threw your own words back at you because I felt the tone of your post was blaming the victims.

You and I both know that some people are simply too sensitive about criticism, but I also remember what happened to Shiverwraith. He chose to overreact and abuse the petition system. End result was he got himself banned.

I have no doubt that the mods would impose the same justice on any twit doing the same thing with rep petitions. So when I saw Niv say that they are noting misuse then I accept that as actual forum violations.

I'm no forum angel, when I get told by a mod I crossed the line, even when I don't think I did, I try to see it from their perspective.

Personally I got a lot of amusement from reading the reps I got, and I'm going to miss seeing what buttons I pushed.



You and I both know that some people are simply too sensitive about criticism
Fair enough. I suppose that there's enough evil jerkwads and whiny losers out there that when the two sides meet, there will always be trouble no matter what.

I'm just happy that I'm a jerkwad loser so I don't have their problems.



Too bad on comments. I got some real gems every time I told a forum inside joke that went over someone's head.

You know, people who think "gone to the Americans" is some kind of racial slur, or "casually purple a warshade" is serious business.

The Bacon Compels You.



Not wanting to be abused does not make one a "whiny jerkwad." As I keep saying, you do not have the right to force your entertainment on anyone that doesn't want to be part of it.



Also, people only have the power to offend that YOU give them. For example, let's use the comedy scifi show Red Dwarf. They made up a "swear" word, "smeg".
Actually, they didn't.

As for the rep system: everyone has a limit to their patience and the rep system pole-vaulted over mine. I don't normally have a problem with verbal abuse since I can easily overpower the vast majority of would-be raconteurs but the rep system allowed people to say things they'd never have gotten away with in the forums and do it anonymously. There was no way to "not look at it" since the comments were always right there every time you opened your CP, so you couldn't run, couldn't hide and couldn't make it stop.

The system should be turned off completely. It serves no practical purpose, is nothing but a magnet for abuse and is not worth the effort to administrate. If you have something to say to someone, say it. If you're not willing to put your name to it and say it publicly then it's not worth saying in the first place.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Venture, if you can't control where your own eyes go, then I feel very sorry for you.

Also, the comments were only anonymous to YOU, not the mods. The mods could see the names of everyone who left every comment.



Lexicographer Tony Thorne, in his 1990 Dictionary of Contemporary Slang (ISBN 0-7475-2856-X), reports instances of "smeg" (and derivatives) being used as a term of "mild contempt and even affection" among "schoolboys, students and punks" as early as the mid-1970s — a decade or so prior to the inception of the Red Dwarf phenomenon — and claims unequivocally that the etymology of the term traces back to "smegma".

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Fine, replace smeg with "noy jitat" from Pirates of Dark Water then. The point still stands.



Rep is pointless.
I disabled it long ago due to the people who cant take criticism about the player counts take it out on giving you a negative rating.






Venture, if you can't control where your own eyes go, then I feel very sorry for you.
I'm an extreme speed reader; if I look at a page with words on it I'm going to pick up most of them almost instantly. In any case, "just don't look at it" is puerile. Freedom of expression principles protect expression that might be considered offensive but not that which is deliberately hurtful. It is the intent behind such expression that indicts it, and that exists independently of whether the victim is hurt by it or even reads it.

Also, the comments were only anonymous to YOU, not the mods. The mods could see the names of everyone who left every comment.
Great idea! Let's create a society that deliberately includes a method for mean people to lash out at others anonymously, and the only way the victims can obtain redress is to petition an already overworked and largely ineffective government for protection! Sign me up! </sarcasm>

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Great idea! Let's create a society that deliberately includes a method for mean people to lash out at others anonymously, and the only way the victims can obtain redress is to petition an already overworked and largely ineffective government for protection! Sign me up! </sarcasm>
Society already does that. We deliberately sell sticky note, pens, markers, project boards, ect. If anyone wants to write out racial slurs and super glue them to you car your options are to either call the authorities, try to ignore it, or escalate till authorities get involved on their own.

Unless you live somewhere where they have strict controls on the sell and use of art supplies...there's always the good old fashioned key job though.



"key job" sounds dirty.



Society already does that. We deliberately sell sticky note, pens, markers, project boards, ect. If anyone wants to write out racial slurs and super glue them to you car your options are to either call the authorities, try to ignore it, or escalate till authorities get involved on their own.
Now that real life has been brought up:

In real life, I'd catch the person leaving racial slurs on post-it notes on my car and beat the crap out of them.

If someone spoke to my face the way they've been able to anonymously with the rep posts, they'd either get a "Thank you!" or a repeated facial injury.

We don't have that option here.

Course, the flip side is that in real life, no one ever speaks to me as they feel they can here. Ever. I wonder why that is....

Be well, people of CoH.



Society already does that. We deliberately sell sticky note, pens, markers, project boards, ect. If anyone wants to write out racial slurs and super glue them to you car your options are to either call the authorities, try to ignore it, or escalate till authorities get involved on their own.
So we should repeat the mistake?

In any case you'll notice this kind of thing doesn't happen a whole lot, considering the size of the population. Even the remote possibility of being caught in the act (with the likely clobbering to follow) is usulaly enough to deter the kind of coward who does things like this.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Now that real life has been brought up:

In real life, I'd catch the person leaving racial slurs on post-it notes on my car and beat the crap out of them.

If someone spoke to my face the way they've been able to anonymously with the rep posts, they'd either get a "Thank you!" or a repeated facial injury.

We don't have that option here.

Course, the flip side is that in real life, no one ever speaks to me as they feel they can here. Ever. I wonder why that is....
What's funny is there are people who have found out who flamed them online and beat the holy royal crap out of them.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
So we should repeat the mistake?

In any case you'll notice this kind of thing doesn't happen a whole lot, considering the size of the population. Even the remote possibility of being caught in the act (with the likely clobbering to follow) is usulaly enough to deter the kind of coward who does things like this.
I didn't say it did I'm just pointing out we already live int he society you described. Just because people choose to act differently doesn't mean the option isn't freely available.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Now that real life has been brought up:

In real life, I'd catch the person leaving racial slurs on post-it notes on my car and beat the crap out of them.

If someone spoke to my face the way they've been able to anonymously with the rep posts, they'd either get a "Thank you!" or a repeated facial injury.

We don't have that option here.

Course, the flip side is that in real life, no one ever speaks to me as they feel they can here. Ever. I wonder why that is....
I find physical violence of name-calling to be childish and appalling. You are really going to punch someone in the face because they called you a racial slur? That's funny.

I'm going to call your bluff and say ********.