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  1. Geek_Boy

    My Art and WIP'S

    I've got some free time and an empty wallet if anyone wants to hit me up. I just finished directing (and accidentally starring in) a community theater show that ate up all my time after work (oh yeah, I finally found a new job too) so I'm looking for things to work on.
  2. Geek_Boy

    My Art and WIP'S

    Christmas and New Years along with another art commitment slowed me down, but here is the next completed commission. Another one for Caemgen.

    Daybreaker Alpha outside his armor in a lonely moment.
  3. Geek_Boy

    My Art and WIP'S

    I give you, BATTLE SANTA!

    The idea was Santa and his (Lord of the Rings) Elves. Done for fun for an online contest I take part in every month.
  4. Geek_Boy

    My Art and WIP'S

    Here's my newest piece for Kaemgen.

    This one was a good time since I had an easy excuse to do a high contrast piece. I looooove lots of black in an image.
  5. Geek_Boy

    My Art and WIP'S

    By the way, your piece is in the mail. It should be there in 2-3 days and I hope you like it just as much when you see it in person.

    I almost added his symbol to his tie pin or maybe the tie itself, but you hadn't mentioned it specifically and I wasn't sure if it was something that you wanted or not and forgot to ask.

    Yeah, both of these were for significantly more than the prices I'm advertising, so I made sure I pored my heart and soul into them to be sure they got their money's worth. Everyone seems happy thus far, so hopefully I can continue that streak.
  6. Geek_Boy

    My Art and WIP'S

    That sounds like how he described the character certainly and he's supposed to be very Ditko inspired, so that sounds right. I'll have to check my email to see which one of us spelled it wrong.

    Right now I'm just doing black and white because I'm selling the actual piece and you can't physically color the original on Photoshop and I'm not quite motivated enough to start attacking these with watercolors or acrylics quite yet. Besides, I honestly really enjoy working in black and white and the challenge of capturing everything without relying on color to bring my point across.

    I also think the vast majority of even professional computer coloring is terrible, but that's the art snob in me and a topic for another day.
  7. Geek_Boy

    My Art and WIP'S

    These first two are a couple of commissions I finished up recently. Both of them had me deviating from the characters' costumes in City of Heroes and going with something closer to what they wanted their characters to have.

    The first one is for anachrodragon and her hubby.

    This one is a character called Solipist.

    Hope you guys enjoy them. I'll keep the thread going as I get some more work done and posted.
  8. Glad to see you're still doing this! Also, I find it hilarious that your thread is at 2 stars. I'm assuming this is from people who weren't happy that your opinion was different from theirs, regardless of whether your disagreement with the was well-founded or not. Keep fighting the good fight!
  9. I'm gone for almost a year and decide to check this forum for the first time in maybe even longer than that and we're still talking about this? Really?

    The more things change etc.
  10. Minimalist has authored some of my favorite arcs, so I'm embarrassed to say I haven't tried this one yet. Congratulations, though. I'm sure you deserved it and will try to make time in the near future to validate that first-hand.

    Now they just need to make his One Million Eyes arc Dev's Choice, too . . .
  11. I wish I'd had the time (and cash for the extra story slot I'd need) to participate in this one. Good luck to everyone who entered and hopefully the next one of these will be more conveniently timed for me.
  12. I read that first post wrong. Guess that's what I get for not checking in on the forums yesterday. Hey, we were busy at work. Sue me.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
    actually, he even says it to Kilowogg that he left them enough power to survive. how they were supposed to use it without the rings, im not sure, but he did leave them alive. the worst he did before getting to sinestro was cutting off Boodika's hand.
    Classic case of the writer and artist having different intentions. The old Marvel method failed them since all signs pointed to "mercilessly slaughtered," but one line of dialogue makes it all okay.

    Kinda like how we knock people unconscious with swords in City of Heroes.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nemo_Utopian View Post
    his will was not broken with Coast City's destruction,his sense of perspective was.

    without a rational perspective,his will became the problem.
    Except that makes no sense.

    Again, I point out that not a single member of his supporting cast was in Coast City when it blew up and Hal never bothered to go see them even though he knew they were alive. If your hometown suddenly disappeared off the map and you found out that all your friends and family had survived, woudln't you go running to see them so you could grieve together?

    Emerald Twilight was bad and dumb. Showing it to be bad and dumb seems to involve a lot of examples from within the Green Lantern mythos, the publishing history of DC Comics, basic psychology, and a slew of other sources of information and perspective. Defending seems to involve grasping at straws.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
    Direct action has always been verboten to the little green monkeys . . .
    Resurrecting someone and then killing yourself is a pretty direct action, don't you think?

    Yeah, the Guardians have always been dicks, but that was just dumb.

    The sole reason the Guardians were all killed off (except for the one with the pony tail - I'm surprised he didn't have a goatee, too) was to put future writers into a corner where they couldn't just magically bring the Corps back. That's the only reason Kilowog died, too. The fewer living Corps members, the fewer possibilities of just rebooting the whole thing. It was another 90's X-TREEEEEME decision to not just change the status quo, but CHANGE IT FOREVAAAAR!!!!!!! Marz continued the trend in his monthly GL book, which it took me probably 50 issues of to realize I just didn't like it and didn't have to keep buying it in hopes it would improve.

    Hal was never, ever a navel gazing type who would sit in the ruins of Coast City and hold a teddy bear and go "boo hoo." This is a guy who would immediately beat Mongul down (check), then stop whoever was responsible (check), then see who else needed their ***** kicked for messing with his home town. Assuming there were no ***** remaining, he'd start searching for survivors. Hal should have been at Carol's door the second the Cyborg went down. He should have been checking up on Tom Kalmaku and his family. He should have been at his brothers' houses. After his family and friends were known to be safe, he'd get started on rebuilding.

    He was never a guy for much rumination. Sure, he'd had some self-pity over the years (which had actually been shown as an alien presence [not Parallax] influencing him and undermining his confidence just a few issues before this whole thing went down), but that had been left behind and recognized as bad characterization that was best left forgotten.

    In ET, Hal just went "Oh woe is me" and then flew off to kill one of his best friends and undermine everything he'd done in the last 15 or so years of his life (assuming comic-time, not publishing time). He never even checked on his friends and family. The word "Carol" didn't even show up in his little pity party monologue.

    Oh, and Hal pretty clearly killed those other Lanterns in ET. It was only future writers who tried to explain that away.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Oh and contrary to your previous statement, among the dead was his own father.
    Um, Hal's father died in an airplane crash when he was a little boy. He lost a brother in he Spectre series, but that's his only family member that's died in the last 20 years or so that I can think of.

    Emerald Twilight was dumb when I read it as it came out and it's even dumber now. I've perused most of the Green Lantern books that have ever been published at one time or another and it's right up there with the dumbest things that have ever been done with the franchise. Dumber than Itty, even. Dumber than a badass test pilot selling toys. Dumber than G'Nort. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.

    The franchise has never been in better hands than it is right now.
  17. I'm in a Green Lantern homage gimmick group with one of my characters and our approach was to take a fairly uncommon word that we would all use as a "first name" and then have unique "second names." Since we're the Cosmos Corps, mine is named Cosmos Kronos. Others include Cosmos Prime, Cosmos Aurelias, etc. Just another way that creativity can allow you to do whatever you want within he current system without compromising what you were going for.

    That said, I'm all for clearing out some names. I'm not sure what criteria, though. Selfishly, I want them to clear it out in whatever way will allow the name "Captain Libertarian" to become available on Victory since I originally made my character back when it was too long for the naming system. If that means level 50's that haven't logged in this week, then that's fine with me.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    It has been years since I read that story but I do recall him recreating the whole city with his ring and refering to every "ghost" by name, and mourning every single one of them. Was there not a girlfriend/wife/secretlove there too? I really remember him reaching for one to hug and kiss when his ring ran out of power and he did his first assault on a guardian's projection.
    Oh, my girlfriend who I have never mentioned before in the 30+ years I've been around and has never been mentioned since and was never even seen in the background of a panel in so much as an filler issue is dead. I think I'll kill my best friends and destroy the universe.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LunarKnight View Post
    ... his city and no one he cared about. Clearly such grief would drive someone to murder everyone they DO care about.
    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I find that most people who ***** about Parallax haven't actually read all of the books leading up to him coming into existence (or in many cases, anything but the first issue of Rebirth). Not a single member of Hal's supporting cast was killed when Coast City was destroyed. Literally zero. No ex-girlfriends we'd ever heard of before, not his family, not Tom, not even Ch'pp (though he died in GL: Mosaic, which is still one of my favorite comics ever).

    The best part is that the last storyline before Emerald Twilight was a story about Hal exorcising some evil influence that had been holding him back for years. Then in in the next issue, we have a Return of Superman crossover and he goes crazy.

    Hal as Parallax never made even the tiniest bit of sense. Ever.

    Combine that with Ron Marz not being a very good writer (despite coming up with a fantastic character in Kyle Rayner) who constantly tried to write future authors into a corner so that they could never bring back the Corps and you get a recipe for "REBOOT, PLEASE."

    Little known fact: Gerard Jones (who wrote GL before Emerald Twilight and GL: Mosaic) approached DC about rebooting the GL continuity a la Man of Steel and they flat out turned him down. He wanted to streamline everything and take us back to Hal's first days as a space cop, but they had no interest in doing so. Then the 90's took hold and it became all the rage to make people go crazy/die for no reason and replace them with a new X-TREEEEME version, so they hired Marz to kill off the Corps and start from scratch.

    For the record, I don't blame Marz. He was handed a story by editorial and did the best he could with it. I just don't happen to think he's a very good writer.
  20. Quote:
    Well, at least I still got this:

    "Your examples are ridiculous. You're unlikely to have a black friend to tell you that, but a black friend is likely to point out racism that you will miss. And a woman will point out sexism that you will miss. You don't get to be the final arbiter."

    Whoever is leaving these comments really should engage me in an actual conversation. They're likely to learn a lot from it. I wasn't the one dealing in stupid absolutes, but I'm happy to play that game better than you are. Oh, anonymous internet moron. You give me so many smiles.

    Oh, and 4 + to 1 -
    How this post lead to "As if you're entitled to real conversation after trying to justify that nonsense," I have no idea. How someone saying something that is sexist is sexist, then defending their ability to have an opinion on whether something is sexist or not despite owning a y chromosome, then laughing at someone who is claiming they're denying that sexism exists despite the whole thing starting with pointing out sexist imagery in the first place qualifies as "nonsense" is beyond me.

    Again, next up I'll be called a Nazi for pointing out anti-Semitic imagery. Or maybe racist for speaking out against the White Power Movement. Ooo! Ooo! Or maybe I'll be accused of abusing animals because I think Michael Vick is a scumbag!

    The only nonsense is anyone taking the internet seriously. As long as negative comments are allowed, I shall be searching it out to giggle at.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
    Anyone who thinks you should sue over having a game account banned should have their account banned. ^_^

    That's preferable to leaving a comment that the person can actually find apparently, so I guess we're back to the old "90% of posts are unreadable agreements with someone else in the thread" version of the forums.
  22. I know I sent you in-game feedback, but I thought I'd publicly state that I really enjoyed this. I'm a bit of a negative nancy around here sometimes (insert reasons why in the form of an inappropriate comment that breaks several forum rules), so it's nice to have a reason to say something nice.
  23. Well, at least I still got this:

    "Your examples are ridiculous. You're unlikely to have a black friend to tell you that, but a black friend is likely to point out racism that you will miss. And a woman will point out sexism that you will miss. You don't get to be the final arbiter."

    Whoever is leaving these comments really should engage me in an actual conversation. They're likely to learn a lot from it. I wasn't the one dealing in stupid absolutes, but I'm happy to play that game better than you are. Oh, anonymous internet moron. You give me so many smiles.

    Oh, and 4 + to 1 -
  24. Another in a long line of changes made to appease whiny babies who post more prolifically and probably break more forum rules than the "offenders." Ugh.

    At least give us the option to see them. You've removed what little amusement I can get from these mostly terrible forums.
  25. All my rep comments just disappeared.

    Those were my badges of honor. I hope it's just a bug . . .

    Oh, and the Positron Rep comment was pure gold.

    There are posters I have disliked for years, and still do. I still have not taken the time to give them negative rep. Why bother, what do I gain by being a jerk to some guy/gal I will never meet?
    For the record, if anyone ever does actually take the time to find posters they don't like just to -rep them, then they have already lost at the game we call life.