Rep Trolls Beware!




Originally Posted by Lyrik View Post
I should neg rep you for getting the song from Jungle Book in my head...
Isn't that what the reputation scale is for? If I have negatively affected you then empower yourself to use the feature.

Do it, you won't hurt my feelings



Originally Posted by tuter_king View Post
I like reading some - rep comments but there all now

"FU you stupid rep farmer" kind of thing.
when my mighty +REP powers recharge, I'll give you a comment worth reading. =D

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone




I like the rep thing. It's fun. If they just let you know who rep'ed you there wouldn't be so many hard feelings. Or just turn if off.

Have fun and be nice and lighten up a little



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Isn't that what the reputation scale is for? If I have negatively affected you then empower yourself to use the feature.

Do it, you won't hurt my feelings
Nah, I try to only +REP people. Much more fun to do. If I don't like a post I either ignore it or reply to it but I won't neg rep. And I was kidding too.

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I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




Originally Posted by Lyrik View Post
I should neg rep you for getting the song from Jungle Book in my head...

Because of you i have now started thinking about classic animation films like lion king and got the "oh i just cant WAIT to be kingggg" song stuck in my head!!!

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Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
I like having shiney green dots beside my name. I get as much neg rep as anyone, probably more since I am a huge *******. But it doesn't bother me, I'm still way, way, way ahead.

It would be hard to be any more abrasive than I am, and yet I get enough +rep to drown the -rep.

I think it's because I'm only mean to layabouts & jabbernows who deserve abuse but kind and helpful to everyone else.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



You should see the rep messages i got for opening a topic in this section where i stated a personal feeling and opinion. the rep system is for quantifying(hope i spelled it right) the quality of someone's posts not for anonymous bashing and trolling someone's thoughts/ideas/opinions with rude and passive agressive messages. To me those sorts of messages mean absolutely nothing since the user sending them does so anonymously.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
So if it is just a silly little game, then no one will have any problems if I tell our resident rear-ends-in-tophats what I really think of them? Awesome!

Exactly what I have done!



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
And yet here you are discussing something that requires no discussion. hmm.

*I would have just left this as a rep message, but you have your off

edit: what this issue comes down to is the bear necessities of life. As in the carebear necessities.
You seem to have missed the point Frost. Solo said Niv forgot to open a disussion. She didn't forget anything. She wasn't inviting people to a discussion on the topic. She was issuing us a warning.

If you, I, Zombie, or anyone else wish to discuss this on our own that's our perogative. But Niv isn't obligated to open a discussion thread when posting the consequenses for violating forum rules concerning the rep system.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
I believe the reference is to the old star system that allowed you to "star" individual posters. That system was removed.
And now a few years later they've completely forgotten the lesson and done it all over again.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
I dont mind the rep system at all Sure i get a LOT of negative rep for my sense of humour but dont take it to heart of anything, after all . . . . . its just a dot
When I can rep again, I will give you a green dot. Except I am going to pretend it's a booger that I'm going to wipe on your shirt. We shall see if it's just a green dot to you after that..muehahahahaha



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
And now a few years later they've completely forgotten the lesson and done it all over again.
They apparantly thought that we, as a group, matured to the point where we could be trusted to play nice . . .

Boy were they wrong.



I want them to turn comments OFF for good. Just about every single day I could get ahold of a mod to have them remove some of the garbage people write to me. It's that NASTY sometimes.



Originally Posted by Tiny_H View Post
When I can rep again, I will give you a green dot. Except I am going to pretend it's a booger that I'm going to wipe on your shirt. We shall see if it's just a green dot to you after that..muehahahahaha

lol I just got a neg rep saying something like "im going to eat all your dots! nom nom nom nom", those kind of neg reps are fine because they are in good spirit and fun

[I will pistol nuke you hero/villain that did it though ]

Representing Praetoria

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
Turning it off was one of the first few things I did with the new forums. One look at it told me it'd be nothing more than an outlet for abusive little ragamuffins to toy with.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
I'd love to see the system turned off. Frankly, IMO the boards are a bit much to moderate properly with the resources they have. They certainly don't need to divide their resources by moderating reputation comments as well.
Eh, it shows who's a board regular/popular and who doesn't care about that sort of thing. I tend to think it does have baring on post content, but ymmv.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
I really hope it didn't take Niv's comment for you to realize just how useless rep is.
Well, I was kinda hoping the Mods left it on so that after the novelty wore off they would start enforcing its purpose in not only going after abusive comments (which they said they would do from the beginning) but also to turn back to zero the rep of obvious farmers so it would have actual meaning.

The admission that it's just a game tells me that they're not going to do that, therefore, it has no worth. And if something has no worth and can create ill will and be a source of Forum PvP by those who know how to get the goat of another poster without crossing the line of being abusive, well, then, it's incredible that it's allowed to even exist. It is *less* than useful, even as a game. It's like the old PWNZ 'threads to watch' without the wit or accountability.

I guess I was naive about the Mods intentions with this. I gave them the benefit of the doubt. I retract that.

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Originally Posted by MageX View Post
You should see the rep messages i got for opening a topic in this section where i stated a personal feeling and opinion. the rep system is for quantifying(hope i spelled it right) the quality of someone's posts not for anonymous bashing and trolling someone's thoughts/ideas/opinions with rude and passive agressive messages. To me those sorts of messages mean absolutely nothing since the user sending them does so anonymously.
So the fact that your thread was based on faulty information, specious reasoning, and hyperbolic conclusions doesn't deserve -rep? Or the fact that you defended those flawed ideas with a sense of attitude and rudeness that was borderline against the rules doesn't either?


"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Originally Posted by MageX View Post
You should see the rep messages i got for opening a topic in this section where i stated a personal feeling and opinion. the rep system is for quantifying(hope i spelled it right) the quality of someone's posts not for anonymous bashing and trolling someone's thoughts/ideas/opinions with rude and passive agressive messages. To me those sorts of messages mean absolutely nothing since the user sending them does so anonymously.
So the fact that your thread was based on faulty information, specious reasoning, and hyperbolic conclusions doesn't deserve -rep? Or the fact that you defended those flawed ideas with a sense of attitude and rudeness that was borderline against the rules doesn't either?

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Whether or not Mage's posts deserved the neg rep is not the point. The point is that the comments associated with those reps were (by Mage's account) overly rude and inflammatory.

Trolling and flamebaiting are against the rules, whether in a post or in rep comments. Just because one might feel that someone else is "borderline against the rules" in their posts does not make it okay to leave similar comments in their rep.

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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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I need more reps!



I turned off my rep today. I had a 77 point total positive rating, with about 1/4th of my comments negative. That's not much, but I thought I earned it. Every positive-repped post was one I put time and thought into. Every negative-repped post was a legitimately controversial statement where I anticipated the possibility of disagreement (except for one, where an angry poster tracked down a completely unrelated message to yell at me, because I signed a neg-rep that I sent to her). Aside from that last one, these all seemed like valid uses of the system. Or so I thought...

But apparently, the only valid use of rep is to farm it in forum games. That means it's worthless to me as a recommendation for or against specific posters. I have turned my rep off, but what I'd really like is the ability to keep other people's rep from showing up as well. If the mods admit that the only acceptable use of the system is as a game, I'm not playing any more, and I don't care to get updates on the score.

Edit: As a side note, the tag system should be shut off as well. I can count on one hand the number of tags I've noticed that actually seemed to be legitimate attempts to cross-reference threads.

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I'm staggered that people have ever taken this rep system seriously. I mean, c'mon, it's not that hard to see, knowing the collection of losers we have that like to troll etc, that they'd use this to continue their 'fun'.

When we switched forums another poster wrote about the rep system (which I was blissfully unaware of), and in a period of 5 minutes of posting I was able to determine that the rep system was silly. What do I mean by silly? I mean it's a fine peice of tech, that when put in the hands of humans is completely crap-****.

Should we switch it off? Nah. People who really think that their rep score is important need to re-evaluate their opinion. It is a stupid forum game, and now Niv's clarified that if people misuse it they'll be punishable just the same way they would be if they break any of the forum rules.

If you're determined to be angered by harsh comments in your rep section, then report them if you must. I'm sure there are are some irritating individuals who need to be taught a lesson, but don't get all bent out of shape about it, get even!

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Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Two wrongs don't make a right.

Whether or not Mage's posts deserved the neg rep is not the point. The point is that the comments associated with those reps were (by Mage's account) overly rude and inflammatory.

I made rude and inflammatory comments to his face in that thread.
Are those somehow better because they were made in public, where everyone else could see them, instead of in a dark corner of the forum where only MageX can see them?

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
So the fact that your thread was based on faulty information, specious reasoning, and hyperbolic conclusions doesn't deserve -rep? Or the fact that you defended those flawed ideas with a sense of attitude and rudeness that was borderline against the rules doesn't either?

my topics name pretty much says everything AND i stated that it is a PERSONAL opinion and feeling BASED ON WHAT I SAW POSTED ONLINE FROM COMICON. Videos and pictures. Plus what others posted as being announced. I dont get it how people saw it as whining. I'm not a roleplayer,not living in games anymore (i used to once), i couldnt care less of the outcome of this game be it short or long term. As a subscriber regarding what I was informed via hero con regaring the expansipn for cox did not impress me at all. simple as that. Its bothering tough to see rep comments posted anonymously that accuse you and are somewhat hostile because you dont share an universal truth regarding this product that others seem to . I get the fact that we're all part of a comunity but each and everyone bought the game off a shelve for personal reasons and have their own personal wishlists and expectations.
Most of the bad rep comments that i got were in some way comments related to what i posted but in a rude and somewhat passive agressive way. Why not reply in the topic saying what you have to say then choose the anonymous way ?
too bad the forum doesnt allow user creaded polls. we could have a vote to keep or dismiss the rep system

edit : i just re read what i wrote and everytime i post from my phone i seem to loose myself when trying to write something.