More heroic heroes, please




Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
Ha ha ha, that's awesome.

But seriously... Do pedestrians and everyone else have access to the medical transporters? Why have doctors? I was under the impression that a hero lisense gives access to the transporters, but the average joe on the street is SOL if he gets hurt.

And also, as mentioned above, in-game missions mention that heroes can die because the thech is not 100% reliable.

/e shrug. Whatever. Not like I can argue with BAB.

"""But seriously... Do pedestrians and everyone else have access to the medical transporters? Why have doctors? I was under the impression that a hero lisense gives access to the transporters, but the average joe on the street is SOL if he gets hurt."""

ever try to "hurt" a citizen/pedestrian ? they dont die even after falling off of 50 story buildings let alone seeing them take any damage ( ala the bug a bit back that faded them in on top of buildings during their regular walking around the city--poof walk -fall -keep walking --) and being blown up and such --they are the REAL heros --we "just " think we are



Glanced over the first page, never saw it stated.

Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
I would have liked to have bokken under katana options, or escrima sticks under dual blades, but I am told the devs said they would never do that. I'm not sure why.
Because there are two types of physical damage, lethal and smashing. Blades are lethal. Turn the blade into a baton and it becomes smashing (thematically).



Purely for role playing purposes I tend to think of the medical transport as being more like what happens to the Cylons in BSG every time they get downloaded into a new body--meaning that it hurts like hell and each time you "die" it messes you up mentally leaving you with all kinds of emotional scars.

I'd even favor some kind of game mechanic that would kick in if you get revived too often within a given amount of time that would give players a temporary minor debuff to health and/or other stats just to make things a little more realistic. This would be in additon to debt which can so easily be mitigated these day that it's almost painless.



Let's not forget that the villains we fight are super, too. I mean, how many people do you know of that can be Disemboweled, and the only visibal effect it has on them is that they fly up into the air, land on their backs. They get back up, and continue to attempt to burn you.

I can't tell you how many times I've been fighting foes, either on a Hero or a Villain, and thought to myself, "Man, these guys are TOUGH! I just shot that Hellion with 3 different arrows, and he just got madder!".

We stab, shoot, and burn them because it's the only way we can keep them from stabbing, shooting, and burning us.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
In a world full of super-powers, arcane mysticism, sci-fi technology, etc....very few people actually die die. The technology to instantly teleport someone and repair any and all damage to their bodies is common in this world. That goes for player characters and NPCs alike. When you riddle someone full of bullets, poke holes in them with your sword, or burn them, it doesn't immediately end their life. It simply incapacitates them. They slip into unconsciousness, and shortly thereafter they're transported away and revived...generally in the Zig.

They'll be fine. Why else do you think the city would be so cavalier about handing out licenses to everyone with a pair of spandex? Why do you think the common thugs on the street are so brazen about their crimes? There's very little fear of actual death.
Doesen't that mean that the population growth on Primal Earth would be crazy?



Totally think we should have escrimas and nunchukas. My two cents there.
Also, staff melee would rock.

Dude! Then we could have all four of the Pre-adult Genetically Mutated Martial Artist Amphibians. Haha! Radical!



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
escrima sticks under dual blades, but I am told the devs said they would never do that. I'm not sure why. I think dual blades would be great with non-lethal weapons.
"less" lethal, I think.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
Doesen't that mean that the population growth on Primal Earth would be crazy?
There is no evidence that more than a few people in the universe have reproduced, particularly within 20 years.

Obviously the population of the city is sterile. The reason is up for speculation, particularly if it is entertaining.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
There is no evidence that more than a few people in the universe have reproduced, particularly within 20 years.

Obviously the population of the city is sterile. The reason is up for speculation, particularly if it is entertaining.
Procreated, perhaps, but that doesn't seem to have stopped people from fornicating, as the Fat Cat City arc all but spells out. PG13 game, indeed.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Why do you think the common thugs on the street are so brazen about their crimes? There's very little fear of actual death.
Dont bring reality into this.... You have been watching too much Gangland.

Ice Ember



@OP, No your NOT alone, more non-"lethal" options would be fun. More weapon skins/options would nice too. When they released Dual Blades I said to myself, "This would be a blast with frying pans". Although I'd settle for the big plumbers wrenches they have in Mace, but I like the staff idea as well.

New skins I'd like to see for handheld weapons:
Frying Pans (oh yeah!)
Leg Bones
Tire wrench
car axle

New power?:
Beast Controller
Summons insects, birds, cats, dogs etc..., as it's lvl32 permanent pet power you get lion, tiger, bear or some such sized animal that you could also ride

Travel Suppression is this game's worst feature, well that and MetaHumans riding mass transit like tourists at DisneyLand.



Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
Doesen't that mean that the population growth on Primal Earth would be crazy?
No. It's been empirically demonstrated that increasing the standard of living (including improved medical care and longer lifespans) results in lower birth rates.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by KaliMagdalene View Post
No. It's been empirically demonstrated that increasing the standard of living (including improved medical care and longer lifespans) results in lower birth rates.

But even if we have a birth rate of 1, if no one ever dies, we're in trouble.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
But even if we have a birth rate of 1, if no one ever dies, we're in trouble.
This presumes that while medical technology improves, everything else is at a standstill. Malthus was wrong for exactly that reason.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I look at it like this:

Our characters are equal in just about any practical way to a PPD officer. We have all the same police powers and a few perks the police don't have.

In real life, if a random gang member were runing around on the street with a submachine gun, you'd better believe the police would not hesitate to use lethal force on them. I view my characters in a similar fashion. The majority of them will not kill if they don't have to, but if it is necessary they will not hesitate.

Gang members toting machine guns and shotguns who have no qualms about opening fire into a crowd would not be going to prison in the real world, they would be shot and killed on the spot. The vilains in this game are lucky that the medical technology is as advanced as it is, or they would most likely all be dead by now.

Understandably, a street level hero (generally those with little or no power beyond human norms) whose life is in legitimate danger from the villans he is facing would be more willing to emply lethal force, after all, sometimes they will die themselves if they do not. It is good to remember that the medical teleporters don't work 100% of the time. A character that is defeated never knows if this is going to be the time they don't wake up.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Oh, I'll debate this one with you until pigs fly, Brawler...

I'm sorry, but with all the threats that the villains make towards civilians and each other (from last night: "Tsoo Sorcerer: I will remove your tongue if I have to."), it would stand to reason that many a "hero" would forget this simple code of ethics and smash said Sorcerer into next week. My secondary Tanker, coming from a much more violent version of Paragon City (think of Bishop), does this quite often, though her blades tend to leave a more permanent mark upon them. Said Tanker was on to of one of the tallest buildings in Founders Falls, and kicked a Crey sniper off of it. I counted it later as a 19 story drop. And you're going to tell me Mister Sharpshooter is going to be fine? I'll guarantee he's taking a desk job from now on if so, because of getting rung up with vertigo from the fall.

You're also going to tell me that a Boulder or Sardonyx (or other similar creatures) from Devouring Earth get smashed into a hundred pieces, yet they poof to the Soylent Green Medical Facility (or whatever the DE use), get a band-aid and a glass of water, and they're fine? That's a bit of a stretch.

Lasers from robotic MMs are non-lethal? I have yet to hear of a concussive laser.

At the same time, the fact that these thugs just keep reappearing, along with the Rikti and everything else, has probably led to more than one "hero" building up feelings of apathy. After all, if they just keep popping up, why even bother? Fighting against the Praetorian Earth people? You bet. Fighting against that Circle of Thorns mage outside? Eh, why bother? He'll just be back five minutes later with a big bruise on his face and even more ticked off than before, so why bother?

Just my rambling thoughts on the matter, I apologize. It's just a few things I've been thinking of.

"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"



I think the Punisher said something along the lines of "I often face metahumans, who can survive even direct gunfire. I would be a fool not to use whatever weapon it takes to even the odds."

I have a character that won't kill, but he doesn't feel it's much of a lesson if a criminal just gets slapped around a bit, and then teleported off to a nice ward where he will be taken care of and waited on hand and foot, before being taken to a nice comfortable taxpayer funded cell. He figures that if he wants to keep that criminal from wanting to go right back on the street when he gets out, he has to make their defeat memorable. Which is why when HE defeats a foe, he makes sure it hurts, a LOT. Not enough to activate the transporter, but enough to cause plenty of pain. Then once he makes his point, he lets them go.

In fact, I've often said that so-called Hit Points are not physical damage at all, but actually a combination of pain level, exhaustion, and the will to keep fighting. So instead of actually punching their foes, Controllers might just hold them long enough to be able to put some permanent restraints on them, and activate a Teleport Beacon. And Scrappers don't do more damage than Tankers because they're physically stronger, but because they're willing to cause more pain, and are more intimidating to be in a fight with. Tankers may actually be encouraging foes to keep fighting with them, because they're taunting them to keep their attention.

Anyway, the point is, it's up to you how powerful your attacks are. You could be an infinitely powerful being with enough strength to move the whole Earth in your little finger, at which time you would be pulling your punches. Or, you might be a gritty vigilante going up against foes that are much more powerful than you, using intimidation and dirty tricks to even the odds.



Originally Posted by TheNakedNinja View Post
Recently, I kicked a Freakshow so hard, his head burrowed into a concrete wall! His head was literally in the wall, with the rest of his body twitching a bit before going completely limp... O_o I was actually a tad horrified, but incredibly amused at the same time.

If he lives through something like that, something tells me he may not want to stay living.
Are you kidding me? Freakshow will be lining up for the new Wall/Head Graft-On Attachment™ -- probably with Pink Floyd blasting from their shoulder-mounter boombox prosthetics.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
In a world full of super-powers, arcane mysticism, sci-fi technology, etc....very few people actually die die. The technology to instantly teleport someone and repair any and all damage to their bodies is common in this world. That goes for player characters and NPCs alike. When you riddle someone full of bullets, poke holes in them with your sword, or burn them, it doesn't immediately end their life. It simply incapacitates them. They slip into unconsciousness, and shortly thereafter they're transported away and revived...generally in the Zig.

They'll be fine. Why else do you think the city would be so cavalier about handing out licenses to everyone with a pair of spandex? Why do you think the common thugs on the street are so brazen about their crimes? There's very little fear of actual death.
I'm sure the family of Lt Sefu Tendaji will find that very comforting. :P
what about: Ghost Widow, Scapyard, War witch, Kelly namers, the Croatia ghosts, the pirate ghosts and all the body bags?

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by Soundwave_NA View Post

Lasers from robotic MMs are non-lethal? I have yet to hear of a concussive laser.
"There's one! Set for stun!"

"Phasers on stun, sir."

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
I think the Punisher said something along the lines of "I often face metahumans, who can survive even direct gunfire. I would be a fool not to use whatever weapon it takes to even the odds."

I have a character that won't kill, but he doesn't feel it's much of a lesson if a criminal just gets slapped around a bit, and then teleported off to a nice ward where he will be taken care of and waited on hand and foot, before being taken to a nice comfortable taxpayer funded cell. He figures that if he wants to keep that criminal from wanting to go right back on the street when he gets out, he has to make their defeat memorable. Which is why when HE defeats a foe, he makes sure it hurts, a LOT. Not enough to activate the transporter, but enough to cause plenty of pain. Then once he makes his point, he lets them go.

In fact, I've often said that so-called Hit Points are not physical damage at all, but actually a combination of pain level, exhaustion, and the will to keep fighting. So instead of actually punching their foes, Controllers might just hold them long enough to be able to put some permanent restraints on them, and activate a Teleport Beacon. And Scrappers don't do more damage than Tankers because they're physically stronger, but because they're willing to cause more pain, and are more intimidating to be in a fight with. Tankers may actually be encouraging foes to keep fighting with them, because they're taunting them to keep their attention.

Anyway, the point is, it's up to you how powerful your attacks are. You could be an infinitely powerful being with enough strength to move the whole Earth in your little finger, at which time you would be pulling your punches. Or, you might be a gritty vigilante going up against foes that are much more powerful than you, using intimidation and dirty tricks to even the odds.
Nice post, J_D.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
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Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
I've been thinking about this for a while.

I had a blaster and I gave him fire powers simply because I thought they looked cool. But it caused problems for me, because to keep my interst, I have to have a good "feel" for the character, often semi-roleplaying them in my head. Given that this blaster was a teenager and a kind of Peter Parker personality, I really didn't think it fit him to go around burning people to death. I came up with some really lame excuse that he was burning off the oxygen around his opponents, causing them to black out without any lasting harm done. Weak.

I remade him as an energy blaster, figuring he could control the concussive force, not doing to much harm to weaker opponents. This was an old character who I recently started playing again.

Anyhow, the whole situation got me thinking about the powersets and thinking about the newer sets and the upcoming ones. They added things like dual-blades and are adding pistols. I'd love to see more non-lethal options. We can currently burn people, shoot them full of holes, slice them into pieces and just otherwise arrest them to death (yeah, I know I can use "the flat of the blade", but come on...)

I would have liked to have bokken under katana options, or escrima sticks under dual blades, but I am told the devs said they would never do that. I'm not sure why. I think dual blades would be great with non-lethal weapons. A staff set would be nice too, but I have seen that asked for a number of times and it seems that a majority of people have no interest in it.

Does anyone else think it might be nice to have new powersets that allow us to not kill opponents? Or am I in the minority, thinking that heroes don't need to kill?
I Agree with you. I very much wish we had non-lethal weapon options. It would be both practical and funny at times. For funny, I imagine a paintball gun as an option in assault rifle.

But still, I dont know about doing a lot of new power sets that are non lethal. I mean even escrima sticks are extremely deadly. You hit the guy in the head or the neck, he's gonna be dead instantly (regardless on how quickly the doctors can pull him off of the TP pad and setup in the ER). Infact, in many instances you could say bladed weapons are safer than blunt objects.

But diversity is good and more weapon objections in general is fantastic. So these should be added.

Quarterstaff is one that Jack Emmert mentioned a few months after CoH started and I am still waiting for it. I like the idea of it aswell as it being filled with attacks that hit pretty much everything around you.


PS> We should also add Back Details! So says King of the Devs!!!

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Originally Posted by Soundwave_NA View Post
Oh, I'll debate this one with you until pigs fly, Brawler...

I'm sorry, but with all the threats that the villains make towards civilians and each other (from last night: "Tsoo Sorcerer: I will remove your tongue if I have to."), it would stand to reason that many a "hero" would forget this simple code of ethics and smash said Sorcerer into next week. My secondary Tanker, coming from a much more violent version of Paragon City (think of Bishop), does this quite often, though her blades tend to leave a more permanent mark upon them. Said Tanker was on to of one of the tallest buildings in Founders Falls, and kicked a Crey sniper off of it. I counted it later as a 19 story drop. And you're going to tell me Mister Sharpshooter is going to be fine? I'll guarantee he's taking a desk job from now on if so, because of getting rung up with vertigo from the fall.

You're also going to tell me that a Boulder or Sardonyx (or other similar creatures) from Devouring Earth get smashed into a hundred pieces, yet they poof to the Soylent Green Medical Facility (or whatever the DE use), get a band-aid and a glass of water, and they're fine? That's a bit of a stretch.

Lasers from robotic MMs are non-lethal? I have yet to hear of a concussive laser.

At the same time, the fact that these thugs just keep reappearing, along with the Rikti and everything else, has probably led to more than one "hero" building up feelings of apathy. After all, if they just keep popping up, why even bother? Fighting against the Praetorian Earth people? You bet. Fighting against that Circle of Thorns mage outside? Eh, why bother? He'll just be back five minutes later with a big bruise on his face and even more ticked off than before, so why bother?

Just my rambling thoughts on the matter, I apologize. It's just a few things I've been thinking of.
See, the problem is your putting to much thought of real world physics into a fictional setting.

You can RP your hero killing them instead of them being teleported off VERY easily, if so desired.

But what I find interresting is all this talk of realism. Realistically, those normal human, just know martial arts with peaked human agility, is going to lose to that invulnerable to physical damage, super strong mutant.

Batman will never beat Superman in a fist fight (even if the cartoons/comics show that he holds his own, even without resorting to kryptonite).

But I bet plenty of people still RP their normal human, beating the hell out of Inferno and winning.

Two way streak imo on that realism kick, and people seem to only complain about one way.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I just wanted to add this....

I have always thought this game world was a mix of comic books, video game, and a strong dose of the movie last action hero with arnold the govenator. If you have never seen it, it is sort of like this discussion. Arnold is a cop in a different universe, a place where you can get shot 5 or 6 times and "that stings", crash your car into a building at 50 mph and dust your self off and jump out and shoot at bad guys, that type of thing.

Then, a young boy finds his way into this universe at a movie theatre. adventures go on, until the villain finds the portal and goes to "the real world". Arnold and boy follow, and a harsh reality check happens. Towards the end, arnold is shot in the chest, and is basically done for. Boy gets him back to movie-land, and calls for help, medics rush over, and then laugh in his face about "just one bullet" and shortly after arnold is all smiles.

I see CoX as this type of place, but even more over the top because of the super powers. in that movie, arnold was "just a cop". In CoX players can throw fire, shoot electricity, mind control foes, etc. If we wanted to put reality into this game, that lvl 1 hellion with a shotgun should have a pretty darn good chance of killing your defensless blaster/troller/etc instantly. But we role play away from that, after all, it was just a shot gun right? pfft, now, if it was rikti with space lasers and teleport powers, we would be a little more concerned. concerned enough to restrict access to those foes until your character has proven to the registration organization you are capable of facing them.

In the end it is just a game, reality is only applicable as a metric to make it so we can relate to the game in some way. things like fall damage. why is it needed? not really any place in the game where it is strategically needed or applicable in battles. so why then? because it "makes sense" for our heroes and villains to get hurt when jumping off of that 25 story building. its something for us to relate to. if everything in the game was totally out of touch with the real world, we would lose interest on some level-become detached from characters more easily, etc.

thats my two inf. anyway.

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

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107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
See, the problem is your putting to much thought of real world physics into a fictional setting.

You can RP your hero killing them instead of them being teleported off VERY easily, if so desired.

But what I find interresting is all this talk of realism. Realistically, those normal human, just know martial arts with peaked human agility, is going to lose to that invulnerable to physical damage, super strong mutant.

Batman will never beat Superman in a fist fight (even if the cartoons/comics show that he holds his own, even without resorting to kryptonite).

But I bet plenty of people still RP their normal human, beating the hell out of Inferno and winning.

Two way streak imo on that realism kick, and people seem to only complain about one way.
Actually, I RP my main, a completely human hero (cept for a psychic ability to sense certain things but its very passive) has never taking down those dudes himself. He is only street thugs really. Sometimes taking out a single Rikti or something. He can go up against Outcasts and stuff but he has to remain very sneaky and smart about it and use throwing stars, bolos, nets and web grenade type things to help him.

He can only take down Inferno or others on a team. In these cases he is more tactical support and crowd control. Also he may try jumping them from behind and pulling out real quick. He doesnt actually stand there kicking. Even though game mechanic wise, thats realy all a scrapper is there for.

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