More heroic heroes, please




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And again, a wooden sword is still a sword, and though it's a stretch, I can see it as an option for a slashing sword set. It may not be a sword in terms of function (it doesn't cut), but if it looks like a sword, swings like a sword and looks like it can cut, it's "sword enough."

By comparison, an Escrima stick (or a club or a baseball bat, or a golf stick, etc.) is most decidedly NOT a sword. It doesn't look like a sword, it doesn't really swing like a sword, and there's no way in hell you can convince me it looks like it can cut. It's not a sword, and it has no business being in a sword set. Just in the same way as an axe doesn't belong in a sword set, a stick doesn't belong there, either.

Really, in my eyes it comes down to an "if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck" argument. A wooden sword is a duck. A wooden club isn't.
I see the problem. Escrima sticks certainly don't belong in Katana or Broadsword, but certainly in dual blades. Watch even a fraction of this and then tell me Escrima sticks belong in the mace set:

And an older one where he states that the techniques are interchangeable between sticks, axes and swords (see minute 2:35):

Look how much more hair he has on this one!



Originally Posted by Fushicho View Post
I see the problem. Escrima sticks certainly don't belong in Katana or Broadsword, but certainly in dual blades. Watch even a fraction of this and then tell me Escrima sticks belong in the mace set:

And an older one showing that the techniques are interchangeable between sticks, axes and swords:

Look how much more hair he has on this one!
I know what Escrima Sticks look and act like, as I studied Wing Tsu/Escrima a while back (just barely studied, I'm still inept), but my point remains - they don't belong in Dual Blades. You don't cut people with them, you don't stab people with them. They belong in Dual Blades as much as dual axes and dual hammers do, e.i. not at all.

That said, I'm not opposed to a set that revolves around dual Escrima sticks, or just dual sticks altogether. Such a set might be a hard set, but I don't see a problem with it. I DO have a problem shoving a stick all the way through a person's torso, however. It looks silly and goofy, like those slasher movies where people get impaled on stupid things like chair legs, shovel handles, large pipes and other people's forearms.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by KaliMagdalene View Post
Because they defined lethal damage as slashing and piercing, such as bullets, knives, and axes. Smashing damage is caused by blunt objects. They want to maintain this thematic separation. There is no rabbit hole here. This is not illogical.
Keep going.
And why do they want to keep the thematic separation?

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Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
To me, it's a question of animation more than anything as nebulous as damage type. Take our old friend the bokutō. It's quite plainly made of wood and has no cutting edge, and, as such, should (by your lights) never ever ever ever ever be made available as a skin for Katana. And fair enough. Except...

The problem there is that a bokutō is, by definition, a sword made of wood - the name literally means "wooden sword" - and is expected to be wielded in exactly the same way as the metal slashy-slashy version. The great samurai Miyamoto Musashi (1584?-1645) killed more than one of his dueling opponents that way during his career. The animations, as it were, are the same. If you were to take a bokutō and wield it like (e.g.) a War Mace, you would very much be Doing It Wrong.

As you can see, this example leaves us at something of an impasse. Obviously, judged visually, such an item belongs with the Katana set. Obviously, judged by game mechanics, it has no business there. For myself, since I can see the power animations but the game mechanics happen behind a curtain, I'm going to go with A and leave B to go hang. A potentially inappropriate damage type is going to bother me a lot less - not at all, in fact, because I can't see it and frankly don't give a damn about that whole mechanism.
Did he kill people by jabbing them with the wooden sword, or by slashing them it?

Blunt force trauma? Or Actual slicing and dicing?

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Originally Posted by KaliMagdalene View Post
No, it's completely logical. They don't want baseball bats doing lethal damage or swords doing smashing damage. This is coming down to you wanting them to do things differently, and trying to assign a faux-objective label to what amounts to nothing more than a difference of opinion.
Your statement would be correct, if the following weren't also true.

1) In game there really is no difference between smashing and lethal.
2) The already have blunt weapons in the dual blades set that do lethal damage (sais).
3) It's wanting to do things differently only to the degree that we all want more options. If we could get a set that looked exactly like dual blades, or broadswaord, etc, that used blunt weapons, and caused smashing damage, that'd be ideal. (Again, why differentiating smashing from lethal makes any difference, or is such a big deal given the rest of the games mechanics is beyond me, but...) Barring that, the skins solution would also be acceptable. Those that want more weapons get it, the devs save themselves a lot of time re-engineering almost identical powersets, and game balance isn't altered at all. The only people that have a problem with the 2nd, easier solution are people who, apparently can suspend their disbelief enough that people can fly and shoot lasers from their eyes, but will find it unbearably unrealistic if a stick hits someone and the combat window reports that "Joe hits for 7 points of lethal damage," even though this doesn't affect gameplay or balance at all. Oh, and the devs mind too, for reasons that almost nobody finds clear.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I just want to keep sets with "sword" and "blade" in the name using swords and/or bladed weapons. I'm willing to accept weapons that, in real life, don't cut but in-game sort of look like they do. I cannot, however, accept a weapon which CLEARLY doesn't cut put into a sword set and being stabbed through a man's chest. If it doesn't have a blade, it has no place being in a set about Dual Blades.

And why do they need to be, really? You already have a variety of basing sets, including a bashing weapon set. Why not put them in there? Why try bastardize sets that clearly don't fit the bill? It's like picking Assault Rifle and then asking for slingshots to be added as a weapon variant. I'm not against that as an attack set, but it has no business being jackhammered into Assault Rifle.

Ask for new sets, by all means. But let's try to give the sets that already exist some meaning in being separate, defined sets.
I feel like I keep having to point out the same thing. It's already been done and nobody seemed to care, and the game didn't fall apart or lose balanced. We have blunt skins in a blade set already. The reason to add more, as opposed to adding them into a blunt set, is that a boken, is wielded exactly as a sword is. The motions are the same. Ideally, yes, give boken their own set, but that requires man-hours that can't be spared. So a time effective solution is to skin blades with blunt weapons that would be wielded in the same fashion as the blade. AR to slings, not even vaguely the same thing, so it is a very inapt comparison (and for the record, slings are quite lethal). I'm certainly not advocating nunchucks in dual blades, or quarterstaff skins in broadsword, but would find a boken skin for the katana set a welcome addition.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
You may not care about internal game mechanics, but the people who work on the game do. It doesn't work for them so it won't make it to us.
True, except... One has already. Just want more of what they've done already. Pandora (or was it Marcus Cole and Stefan Richter) already opened that box.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I know what Escrima Sticks look and act like, as I studied Wing Tsu/Escrima a while back (just barely studied, I'm still inept), but my point remains - they don't belong in Dual Blades. You don't cut people with them, you don't stab people with them. They belong in Dual Blades as much as dual axes and dual hammers do, e.i. not at all.

That said, I'm not opposed to a set that revolves around dual Escrima sticks, or just dual sticks altogether. Such a set might be a hard set, but I don't see a problem with it. I DO have a problem shoving a stick all the way through a person's torso, however. It looks silly and goofy, like those slasher movies where people get impaled on stupid things like chair legs, shovel handles, large pipes and other people's forearms.
You can absolutely "stab" with escrima sticks (and it hurts like hell, let me tell you). Ask your instructor to show you.

There is no power except for thorns/spines' impale where you are conclusively and unequivocally shoving something *through* someone. Every other move in dual blades can be explained off as an equivalent stick-based move. Heck because of the quirky engine, you can execute most melee animations from across the room if you time your jump right. THAT to me is much more "game breaking" than allowing those that want sticks, and are willing to ignore the word "lethal" in the combat window, to have their choice. Again, the secondary graphical effects are so kiddied-down (by necessity) that the little word in the combat window is your only realistic indicator that you're dealing with lethal damage.

Spending the time and money on making an exactly (or almost so) set that does smashing damage is not justified when a little skin will do. You may not like it. No one is saying you have to. Just like I don't like the rusty shovels and plumber's wrenches as "super-weapons", but I accept that some people do and if it makes them stick around the game longer, that far outweighs my personal tastes.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And again, a wooden sword is still a sword, and though it's a stretch, I can see it as an option for a slashing sword set. It may not be a sword in terms of function (it doesn't cut), but if it looks like a sword, swings like a sword and looks like it can cut, it's "sword enough."
Historically, broadswords smashed, they didn't really cut much either, but that's not the discussion of the moment. I point it out to show how subjective and arbitrary the damage types already are. Since this is so, slavishly adhering to them seems to be not a matter of critical importance.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
By comparison, an Escrima stick (or a club or a baseball bat, or a golf stick, etc.) is most decidedly NOT a sword. It doesn't look like a sword, it doesn't really swing like a sword, and there's no way in hell you can convince me it looks like it can cut. It's not a sword, and it has no business being in a sword set. Just in the same way as an axe doesn't belong in a sword set, a stick doesn't belong there, either.
Well, I don't care if it can cut, or if it looks like it can cut, but most of the rest of this I agree with completely. I would never hope or advocate a battle ax in dual blade set, or anything of that nature. The animation is all wrong, and that's been my litmus test all along.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Really, in my eyes it comes down to an "if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck" argument. A wooden sword is a duck. A wooden club isn't.
I agree for the most part, but I think I might more broadly apply the label of duck, and you more narrowly, but that's not a big deal. We've agreed that it should be doable, and the criterion be based on usage appearance. How much it needs to look like a duck,a nd how simialr the quack, well, we can leave that to the devs.



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
1) In game there really is no difference between smashing and lethal.
That's false on its face.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
In a world full of super-powers, arcane mysticism, sci-fi technology, etc....very few people actually die die. The technology to instantly teleport someone and repair any and all damage to their bodies is common in this world. That goes for player characters and NPCs alike. When you riddle someone full of bullets, poke holes in them with your sword, or burn them, it doesn't immediately end their life. It simply incapacitates them. They slip into unconsciousness, and shortly thereafter they're transported away and revived...generally in the Zig.

They'll be fine. Why else do you think the city would be so cavalier about handing out licenses to everyone with a pair of spandex? Why do you think the common thugs on the street are so brazen about their crimes? There's very little fear of actual death.
I'm sure Cyrus Oliver Thompson will be remarkably relieved to read this.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I'm sure Cyrus Oliver Thompson will be remarkably relieved to read this.
I wonder how many people are going to make comments like that when BABs very clearly said "very few." As in, people do die, it's just that's very rare and very few actually die. Like Cyrus Thompson, like War Witch, like whoever that guy was that Ghost Widow killed with a sideways glance. People do die. Just very few do.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
Your statement would be correct, if the following weren't also true.

1) In game there really is no difference between smashing and lethal.
There is a difference, or does increase density now add lethal resistance as well? Are robots vulnerable to lethal damage or resisting to smashing damage?

My statement, btw, is correct.

2) The already have blunt weapons in the dual blades set that do lethal damage (sais).
Sais are a fairly popular martial arts weapon used by several comic book characters (such as Elektra) and portrayed as lethal (and often drawn as bladed) probably because western artists didn't quite grok what they were.

But there's still a world of difference between those and baseball bats.

3) It's wanting to do things differently only to the degree that we all want more options. If we could get a set that looked exactly like dual blades, or broadswaord, etc, that used blunt weapons, and caused smashing damage, that'd be ideal. (Again, why differentiating smashing from lethal makes any difference, or is such a big deal given the rest of the games mechanics is beyond me, but...)
Because that was the game design decision the devs made when they were deciding upon damage types - perhaps because they had situations in which they wanted mobs to be strong to lethal and weak to smashing or vice versa - something that exists in the game now. Robots, as mentioned earlier, and zombies tend to be weak to lethal damage.

Barring that, the skins solution would also be acceptable. Those that want more weapons get it, the devs save themselves a lot of time re-engineering almost identical powersets, and game balance isn't altered at all. The only people that have a problem with the 2nd, easier solution are people who, apparently can suspend their disbelief enough that people can fly and shoot lasers from their eyes, but will find it unbearably unrealistic if a stick hits someone and the combat window reports that "Joe hits for 7 points of lethal damage," even though this doesn't affect gameplay or balance at all. Oh, and the devs mind too, for reasons that almost nobody finds clear.
The reasons are pretty clear and I think have been made clear in this thread. People who do not like those reasons are overcomplicating and distorting them.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Sin_Stalker View Post
Keep going.
And why do they want to keep the thematic separation?

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by KaliMagdalene View Post
Because that was the game design decision the devs made when they were deciding upon damage types - perhaps because they had situations in which they wanted mobs to be strong to lethal and weak to smashing or vice versa - something that exists in the game now. Robots, as mentioned earlier, and zombies tend to be weak to lethal damage.
Ack! That's the other big one! Zombies! All zombies you're likely to meet anywhere in the game share one property - they're incredibly vulnerable to lethal damage and incredibly strong against smashing damage. This is why I never knew the Vahzilok were supposed to be so dangerous - I initially fought them with a Katana/Martial Arts Scrapper. They're vulnerable to my damage and I can avoid their otherwise hard-to-resist attacks.

As a general rule of thumb, there exist two types of enemies with distinct physical resistances. Zombies are weak to swords and guns, but are strong against punches and hammers, and robots are strong against guns and swords, but weak to punches and hammers.

Generally speaking, soft targets are vulnerable to lethal damage. You can, thematically, hack off limbs, pierce easily and generally do a lot of damage. But because these soft targets feel no pain and don't rely on functioning internal organs, beating on them has little effect. Robots are the reverse. Hard targets in general are hard to pierce, as they're made of metal or stone, and your bullets and swords are likely to just bounce off. However, hitting hard targets hard with a lot of force can outright break them, which is why they're vulnerable to blunt force.

Frankly, I ENJOY having this thematic difference between the sets.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



So, I think the cycle here is:

1. "We want blunt weapons that fit a set of animations to be applied regardless of damage type."
2. "Your blunt weapons doing the wrong type of damage would damage my suspension of disbelief. If you want your blunt weapons, request a new powerset instead."
1. "We do not want to request a new powerset because we believe that the effort required to create it means it is unlikely to see fruition, thus we are requesting a less labor-intensive alternative."

And then it cycles through again. It was very succinctly put by Captain Photon, as a clash of interests between mechanical and aesthetic. I do not think that it's reasonable (or that anyone asked) for players to be able to wield baseball bats as a Broadsword Scrapper. This was a request to get certain exotic blunt weapons into the game that would look awkward wielded as the catch-all smashing set, War Mace. These are too specialized to merit their own powerset, so the most likely way they would be included in the game is as a skin for a pre-existing powerset.

I fear we are reaching the end any of logical discourse here. Those that would be interested in wielding Escrima sticks or a wood katana will state it is reasonable to waive the stated restriction on visual-matching damage type so that these weapons may be added. Those that have little or no interest in wielding such weapons will cite the dev stated restriction and claim blunt weapons in the set as illogical.

Seems like the simplest way to sum this up is that no one is impolite enough yet to just post: 'You will never have Escrima Sticks in city of heroes, because the devs said so. Cry some more'.

. . . Lack of cohesion textdump go. There's meaning somewhere in this rant, but damned if I can find it.



Originally Posted by Scientist_16 View Post
I fear we are reaching the end any of logical discourse here. Those that would be interested in wielding Escrima sticks or a wood katana will state it is reasonable to waive the stated restriction on visual-matching damage type so that these weapons may be added. Those that have little or no interest in wielding such weapons will cite the dev stated restriction and claim blunt weapons in the set as illogical.
Why does this keep coming up? A wooden sword is still a sword, and I highly doubt you'd see anyone much opposed to adding that to the swords sets. Hell, Broadsword gets what is essentially a rusted angle iron for an option. A wooden sword is a sword. A wooden stick is not a sword. That's all it comes down to.

As well, I'm not opposed to another "smashing weapon" set. The game has... Ugh, I don't know. Let's count them. Katana, Broadsword, Ninja Blade, Dual Blades, Battle Axe... So that's... Five cutting sets. At the same time, it has all of ONE bashing set, and even that's a carbon copy of Broadsword, pretty much. We're about due for another bashing set, most definitely.

Now... I'm not sure if I'd want that to be a martial arts set, myself. If we DO get a new bashing weapon set, I'd like it to be a two-handed giant hammer, wielded sort of like how the Carnival Strongmen wield theirs.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Scientist_16 View Post
So, I think the cycle here is:

1. "We want blunt weapons that fit a set of animations to be applied regardless of damage type."
2. "Your blunt weapons doing the wrong type of damage would damage my suspension of disbelief. If you want your blunt weapons, request a new powerset instead."
1. "We do not want to request a new powerset because we believe that the effort required to create it means it is unlikely to see fruition, thus we are requesting a less labor-intensive alternative."

And then it cycles through again. It was very succinctly put by Captain Photon, as a clash of interests between mechanical and aesthetic. I do not think that it's reasonable (or that anyone asked) for players to be able to wield baseball bats as a Broadsword Scrapper. This was a request to get certain exotic blunt weapons into the game that would look awkward wielded as the catch-all smashing set, War Mace. These are too specialized to merit their own powerset, so the most likely way they would be included in the game is as a skin for a pre-existing powerset.

I fear we are reaching the end any of logical discourse here. Those that would be interested in wielding Escrima sticks or a wood katana will state it is reasonable to waive the stated restriction on visual-matching damage type so that these weapons may be added. Those that have little or no interest in wielding such weapons will cite the dev stated restriction and claim blunt weapons in the set as illogical.

Seems like the simplest way to sum this up is that no one is impolite enough yet to just post: 'You will never have Escrima Sticks in city of heroes, because the devs said so. Cry some more'.

. . . Lack of cohesion textdump go. There's meaning somewhere in this rant, but damned if I can find it.
I believe someone quoted BAB as saying that he won't put skins on weapon sets that clash with their damage type.

My own position on this is, pretty much, I'm happy with what we have. I'd be happy with more, and I'd be annoyed if they took any of it away. I'm not invested in, say, no smashing weapon skins for lethal powersets, but I do think that the people coming out with "The devs and posters who disagree with me are illogical because they disagree with me" need to chill it the hell out.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I would love to see a staff set. Not especially because of the reasons for more heroic heroes. But because staffs are cool.

Personally, I had some thoughs about this when trying to make an assault rifle hero. It just didn't work for me. While I can justify using broadsword, fat blades(claws) and fire/fire.

Now, I don't think a hero with an assault rifle is automatically less heroic than a hero using deadly Martial Arts technique. It's the way how they approach it. It's a bit what Kyle Katarn said about using the Force: No Force Power is inherently good or evil, it's how you use them.(even though Luke reprimands you if you take to much "dark side" powers...anyway)

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
In a world full of super-powers, arcane mysticism, sci-fi technology, etc....very few people actually die die. The technology to instantly teleport someone and repair any and all damage to their bodies is common in this world. That goes for player characters and NPCs alike. When you riddle someone full of bullets, poke holes in them with your sword, or burn them, it doesn't immediately end their life. It simply incapacitates them. They slip into unconsciousness, and shortly thereafter they're transported away and revived...generally in the Zig.

They'll be fine. Why else do you think the city would be so cavalier about handing out licenses to everyone with a pair of spandex? Why do you think the common thugs on the street are so brazen about their crimes? There's very little fear of actual death.
I'm sure Cyrus Oliver Thompson will be remarkably relieved to read this.
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I wonder how many people are going to make comments like that when BABs very clearly said "very few." As in, people do die, it's just that's very rare and very few actually die. Like Cyrus Thompson, like War Witch, like whoever that guy was that Ghost Widow killed with a sideways glance. People do die. Just very few do.
What are the timelines for many of these dead people?

I know Cyrus Oliver Thompson is in a flashback TF, but can't see a definite timeframe for it. And we can't assume that the flag flying from City Hall in the TF is made from Statesman's cape.

The hospital teleportation network was created from recovered rikti technology. This happened sometime during/after the 1st rikti invasion of 2004. So anyone 'killed' before that time could easily have been properly killed, dead-as-dead-can-be unless some other tech/magic/mutation/alien interference/wizard did it.

IIRC the teleport to Zig network was decsribed as a modification of the hospital teleportation network, and so certainly didn't precede the hospital network and may have come quite some time later.

I don't recall it being established at which point the hospital network wasr rolled out beyond Paragon, so presumably CoV entities (potentially including scrapyard) may have died since it was introduced to Paragon.

There's also the odd occasion where the hospital teleportation network is suppressed/breaks down.

Of course you shouldn't really worry about occasional hiccups with the hospital/Zig networks - or worry as much as you do about a perp dying from a heartattack from the sheer shock of being confronted by kid gloves-wearing hero...

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
If we DO get a new bashing weapon set, I'd like it to be a two-handed giant hammer, wielded sort of like how the Carnival Strongmen wield theirs.
Hell, I'd love 'Two-Handed- to be an alternate animation option for the mace set. I made a guy with a hammer, once, and deleted him immediately because of how horrible it looked. I can't even stomach making a riot officer with baton and shield because the baton still has the mace fx, e.g the ripping sound and the flying sparks. Which looks...daft?

Wielding a hammer and a shovel one handed like it does in Mace is a personal irritant of mine. That and on the Bane Spider power branch. All the powers are one handed, when we get to see the Wolf Spiders and Tac Ops at lower levels using maces two handed which, I feel at least, looks much better.

More options are good. Lay out the tributes, and pray to BaBs, the Almighty

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post
What are the timelines for many of these dead people?

I know Cyrus Oliver Thompson is in a flashback TF, but can't see a definite timeframe for it. And we can't assume that the flag flying from City Hall in the TF is made from Statesman's cape.

The hospital teleportation network was created from recovered rikti technology. This happened sometime during/after the 1st rikti invasion of 2004. So anyone 'killed' before that time could easily have been properly killed, dead-as-dead-can-be unless some other tech/magic/mutation/alien interference/wizard did it.

IIRC the teleport to Zig network was decsribed as a modification of the hospital teleportation network, and so certainly didn't precede the hospital network and may have come quite some time later.

I don't recall it being established at which point the hospital network wasr rolled out beyond Paragon, so presumably CoV entities (potentially including scrapyard) may have died since it was introduced to Paragon.

There's also the odd occasion where the hospital teleportation network is suppressed/breaks down.

Of course you shouldn't really worry about occasional hiccups with the hospital/Zig networks - or worry as much as you do about a perp dying from a heartattack from the sheer shock of being confronted by kid gloves-wearing hero...
The comic book puts the Cyrus thing past the Rikti invasion. Also Dr V. doesn't use parts that old since full on rot would make them useless. Then there is the whole CoT thing....


On the whole wooden sword=sword thing.

If you want wood swords to do lethal damage it needs an it's just a different material. We have a way to show different materials in's called Weapon Customization!

So here is your lethal damage boken:

Now if you want a nice round edge boken like you normally see so you can have a nonlethal weapon you'll need a set that doesn't do lethal damage.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Now if you want a nice round edge boken like you normally see so you can have a nonlethal weapon you'll need a set that doesn't do lethal damage.
Personally, I'm fine with a wooden sword in Katana even if it doesn't have a visible sharpened edge. It's close enough to where I can look the other way and say "Eh, whatever." It still looks like a sword sufficiently well. It's no less odd than the rusty sword which doesn't have a blade at all. But that's where I draw the line - it has to resemble a sword, or cut and be handled like one.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personally, I'm fine with a wooden sword in Katana even if it doesn't have a visible sharpened edge. It's close enough to where I can look the other way and say "Eh, whatever." It still looks like a sword sufficiently well. It's no less odd than the rusty sword which doesn't have a blade at all. But that's where I draw the line - it has to resemble a sword, or cut and be handled like one.
The rusted blade may not be as sharp as the katana but it is nice and jagged and does look like it could cut as well as a broad sword ^_^.



On the subject of frequency of death...

I think that people die a lot more often than BABs is giving the impression of.

As I understood it, the medical teleportation network is exclusively for heroes and special law enforcement agencies.

If, in fact, the threat of death was so very diminished, the whole idea of needing to protect citizens with such fervor that you'd don a costume and assume a secret identity would be almost laughable.

There are several missions where death is most certainly featured and a real threat if you're just a civilian. Like Vahzilok. Finding all those bodies in that mission where you get some influence for clicking each one doesn't point to a nice, safe haven when danger threatens civilians. There are at least 15 bodies in that mission. If you consider that that is typical for a Vahzilok operation...the numbers really begin to add up.

There are many more missions where dead people are prominently featured and there is no indication that they were ever a part of the medical teleportation system.

The truth is that if the world were truly so safe in COH, heroes would be out of a job for the most part. Why would you need to rush in and save a bunch of kidnapped scientists from the Clockwork, if the most that would happen to them is a near-death experience?

I love BABs and his work and presence on the forums. But I think he may have flubbed a bit on this one.

I think consulting Manticore on the lore side of things may be a better bet. But that's only IMHO...