Discussion: The First Annual Architect Awards *** Submissions are now CLOSED ***




wow this contest wont be biased what so ever

/end sarcasm



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
Can you explain to me how it is relevant when the arc was first published? I believe it was in the "memorable quotes" thread that someone said how old something is doesn't matter, good is good.
A quick check of the Mission Architect database confirms, of the 16 storyarcs currently flagged as "Developer's Choice", 11 of them were published in March, 3 of them were published in April, and 2 of them were published in May. Of the 7 storyarcs still flagged as "Hall of Fame" (voted on by the players) all 7 were published in April.

Remember, this is for a system that went live on April 8th. So, yeah, good is good...BUT IF YOUR STORYARC WASN'T CHOSEN FOR DEVELOPER'S CHOICE BY APRIL 8TH, YOU WERE PRETTY MUCH OUT OF LUCK. Which kinda leads me to think, we're not going to see a lot of "fresh faces" emerge out of this contest. I mean, we're not seeing a lot of "fresh faces" under the Developer's Choice, Hall of Fame, or "Guest Author" programs right now.

I double-dog dare the developers to choose an arc from the no ratings-list, and elevate it to award-winning status. C'mon -- there's 842 pages of "content" there, just waiting to be played by someone (anyone?) other than the author. I wonder how many entries this contest is gonna get? 1000? 500? 100? 55? And if the eventual winner of Arc of the Year is one of the very few who already have more than 999 plays -- that's just gonna break my heart for all the fans who thought they had a shot at the top without already having some standing in the community...



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
wow this contest wont be biased what so ever

/end sarcasm
I think there'll be more than one person selecting them - it's a little too much for someone to play through all on their own

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
You mean there is people who still uses M.A.? Wow.
Yes - I play several arcs a week

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
Are you guys creating these threads in a "secret" area the Community Digest doesn't see, then moving them live? I swear this was not here yesterday at 12:50 PM. If you're doing this, it's effectively back-dating the posts, and people may be missing them. I would have missed the Double XP post if a friend hadn't alerted me to the announcement last night, which also seemed to show up out of nowhere, and I'd have missed this one if it wasn't for Twitter making me want to go check for a board post.

I could be wrong, and may have just missed them, but I am usually pretty thorough when checking the digests for new posts.
You're not missing them. This announcement and the one for Double XP weekend did not appear when the time stamp says they did. (Otherwise you'd have to believe it took someone almost 24 hours to reply to the OP here...) I've noticed it before, but have no idea why they're doing it.



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
Can you explain to me how it is relevant when the arc was first published? I believe it was in the "memorable quotes" thread that someone said how old something is doesn't matter, good is good.

I think he's implying that it'll be one that was chosen back when the devs were apparently very active in playing the arcs and selecting the first batch of "dev's choice" selections back then..

EDIT: I don't endorse that cynical perspective, though.

I'm thrilled to see the event take place. I've found it incredibly hard to make anything in architect myself (the dialogue system works great for one-liners, but my limited jokes are more setup-and-deliver that isn't translating well. I've scrapped dozens of ideas) but I'm always stunned by the great material I've found in there.

It'll be good to see some of these people get recognition.



*still not liking the 'push the quote button above' thing*

I saw this and I almost squee'd. Except for one thing:


"Why, pray tell, houtex, can you not finish your original story?" one may ask, and before one does (although they may attempt below, and that's fine) here's why:

Outdoor spawns are totally screwed up, to the point that neither of the MA missions I make, whether it's the single "get 'em all" EB+ mission for fun, or the outdoor 'gotta catch (character name here) can't be set to be IN THE BACK... and further, the spawn points are the same for 3 *different* maps, and for 4 different sets of spawn/map combos... including spawn points that are OUTSIDE the 'fenced in' area, making both missions (the solo one, and the 'contained in the story' one.) totally useless, and even broken, and not been fixed yet...

Except for that, I'd have my Dawn Sisters arc done and ready for submission.

But you all won't ever see it in the current way of things. Which is a shame really. Not that I'd win, but I'd surely like to throw it in the ring anyway.

Just thought I'd point that out in case anyone who cares and also programs spawn points for the maps might want to know of a really bad greivance caused by the faulty locations.

Thanks for your time.

And indeed, good luck to all who enter!

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Um, the .critter and .cvg files are integrated into the .storyarc file. And honestly, given the number of revisions since MA came out (thanks to updates, group changes, map changes, item changes, etc.) I don't think any of my original files like that are particularly close to what's "live" now. Why not just have the .storyarc file, unless you're looking at the villain group category?

What about multi-arc arcs? (part1/part 2?)
Not only that, but what if you're submitting for Best Custom Group and your group doesn't all fit into a single arc and/or spans multiple .cvg files?



Well, the US/Canada restriction is a pain in the Spartuchis, but I guess I can understand the legal complications. On the other hand, if the legal problem stems from the material rewards for winning the contest, can the contest be arranged so that, if a non-US/C resident wins the contest, the material gains are awarded to the eligible individual of their choice? That way the actual winner gets the game and flory and can give the swag to their friend?



A contest for the best Mission Architect. Great Idea!

Only for Americans however. Stupid laws, grumble, grumble.

But presenting it as THE BEST MA HAS TO OFFER is offensive in the extreme.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Please stop acting like some of you have never heard of such a thing (limiting contest jurisdictions). NCSoft has done it before. And they're not alone:

Case 1.

Case 2.

Tell you what, those who are outraged, how about *you* run and international contest and tell us how easy it is.
You now, back in the day, we (EU people) had our own team that organised events like this for us ... Support for the EU went down fast ever since they closed that down. Makes you wonder why NCSoft still bothers with keeping us around.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Players like me are double whammied - I live in the UK but play on the US servers. So I don't qualify for EU competitions (not being on the EU servers) or the American competitions (because of International Law). Such is the price we pay for playing CoH from the beta days before EU servers even existed

On a brighter note good luck to all and I hope the winning entries are genuinely good arcs/groups - make a pleasant change from the farming trash that predominates!



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
Can a story arc be entered for more than 1 category? If so, how should the entries be handled?
Is there an answer to this question?


Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!

Be sure to check out this mighty Arc:
#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No U.

Or make that "no EU"

I'm sure there's a good legal reason why they've made it that way - but I think you can still win the title, even if you can't get the prize - they might even find a way to give you an in-game title too.

wow yeah that sound worth it, that option sound like i did this but all i got was this stupid t-shirt slogons



I'm not bothered about the prizes, tbh. I love JOATS's idea about the charity donation, that fits in well with the whole heroic theme as well

I'd be happy with a load of in game goodies, really, cossie codes or adding all the add-on packs for instance, like the magic and science packs or something.

I just want the chance to be able to enter, see if the EU players can match their US counterparts for storytelling!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
Can a story arc be entered for more than 1 category? If so, how should the entries be handled?
Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
Is there an answer to this question?

From the official entry page:

Eligible submissions are limited to arcs published between the launch of Mission Architect (Issue 14) and October 11, 2009. Submitted arcs must have their status flagged as "final" within Mission Architect at the time of submission.
Authors may only submit one (1) arc per category.
The use of copyrighted material NOT owned by NCsoft or yourself is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Your submission must not infringe on any patent, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right, or any privacy, publicity, or publishing rights of any third party, or be libelous, obscene, or otherwise contrary to law.
Bolded for point...

Kinda sucks though. I wanted to submit my one arc for both best hero and best villain group.

Still haven't decided which one I'll put it into yet...

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



If I have to submit both the .cvg file and storyarc file, I'm in a bind unless I can recreate the .cvg file from editing the arc and custom critters then saving them locally again. Not sure if that is possible. I don't even know what category to submit under, have to check if it is flagged for hero or neutral. I'm sure it could go under the original category since it doesn't follow CoH lore. Too many unknowns for me.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
You now, back in the day, we (EU people) had our own team that organised events like this for us ... Support for the EU went down fast ever since they closed that down. Makes you wonder why NCSoft still bothers with keeping us around.
Apparantly the Devs just love to hear whining. Or maybe the EU folks just love feeling persecuted and continue to subscribe to the game to get their fix.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Hmm, -rep with just 'Yes' as a comment? No name, as usual.

I know I was actually ignorant of the fact that international laws were such a swine, something that was remedied as soon as people brought up the actualy reasons.
Sorry some of us aren't such knowalls.
I assure you I didn't negrep you.

Secondly, are you saying that you've *never* seen the 'fine print' of contests excluding the participants outside of a particular jurisdiction?

Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
You now, back in the day, we (EU people) had our own team that organised events like this for us ... Support for the EU went down fast ever since they closed that down. Makes you wonder why NCSoft still bothers with keeping us around.

You mean like how they gave out costume codes at a game convention in Cologne just this past August?

And, hey, I'm in the US and they've never organized anything on the Eastern Seaboard. You've been lucky if you've had an event a few hours away. I've got to take a 6 hour flight for any of the Paragon-organized events. So, don't make it a geopolitical slight, it's just a geographical slight.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
So, don't make it a geopolitical slight, it's just a geographical slight.
*shakes fist at sky* Dang you geography! You win this time.

As much as the articles you linked about international competition law being a bee-atch were very helpful for some who weren't aware of the complexities, they don't shed much light on why NCSoft won't spend the money to get their new fine print created to the satisfaction of their lawyers.

I would imagine it's because it costs more money than the promotion the competition is likely to garner will gain the company. In other words somebody did a cost-benefit analysis and for financial reasons the competition is limited.

It will be nice to see which arcs win, play them, compare and contrast with my own and others arcs. It would have been nicer to participate.

Good luck to all who can enter!

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I assure you I didn't negrep you.

Secondly, are you saying that you've *never* seen the 'fine print' of contests excluding the participants outside of a particular jurisdiction?
I think that was just aimed at whoever did it in general, apologies anyway.

And I can truthfully say I haven't, having never really entered any competitions. Certainly not international ones.
-le shrug-

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by The_Killbot_5000 View Post
*shakes fist at sky* Dang you geography! You win this time.


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Forsaken_Empire_EU View Post
wow yeah that sound worth it, that option sound like i did this but all i got was this stupid t-shirt slogons
Some people might like it

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Hellguard View Post
You're not missing them. This announcement and the one for Double XP weekend did not appear when the time stamp says they did. (Otherwise you'd have to believe it took someone almost 24 hours to reply to the OP here...) I've noticed it before, but have no idea why they're doing it.
Some entity needs/wants to approve the messages before they're posted where we all can see them. Given how nit-picky some of our fellow CoX community members can be, I'm not surprised at all that this process is in place.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
You now, back in the day, we (EU people) had our own team that organised events like this for us ... Support for the EU went down fast ever since they closed that down. Makes you wonder why NCSoft still bothers with keeping us around.
Because you're still giving them money.