Mezz Protection for All!




Originally Posted by Boogins View Post
Glad to oblige.

Say I'm running a toggle that is blanketing my targets in a yucky black cloud that makes them miss. A lot. Then I get stunned, and the yucky black cloud she's a go "poof" and they start hitting me again. It takes suprisingly few of those hits to be dead. Sure, my self heal can keep me alive, if it hits. Suprisingly how often those "ifs" can come home to roost. I always seem to come up with the fuzzy end of the 5% chance.
thats funny but when i use a heal that uses a target to work, i make sure i have at least 2 accuracy io's in. then the misses are far and few between. i run a rad/sonic def and all sorts of different blasters and corrs and very seldomley come across any problem. what everyone has to do is change their tactics from the run in and kill everything to actually using a little finess when on a squishy toon.



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
The mobs are there to take advantage of your weaknesses and kill you. If you want to fight comm officers, just say so (oh wait, their gun can stun you, they're too tough and dangerous). If it's not mezzes, it'll be horrendous debuffs on you or buffs on themselves. And in fact, we have mobs that are mez-light and buff/debuff-heavy, they're called the Vanguard Sword and it seems a lot of people whine about them being too hard already.
Actually, it's just melee folk who whine about them being too hard. This is because the Vanguard were made really difficult to take on in melee without resorting the the cheap shot of mezzes that every other enemy group in the game resorts to.

Being the only thing in the game that their easy buttons don't work on, of course some people will complain about Vanguard.

Personally, I can deal with horrendous buffs/debuffs and, indeed, would prefer them over mezzes.



Originally Posted by Boogins View Post
Glad to oblige.

Say I'm running a toggle that is blanketing my targets in a yucky black cloud that makes them miss. A lot. Then I get stunned, and the yucky black cloud she's a go "poof" and they start hitting me again. It takes suprisingly few of those hits to be dead. Sure, my self heal can keep me alive, if it hits. Suprisingly how often those "ifs" can come home to roost. I always seem to come up with the fuzzy end of the 5% chance.
How can they attack you if they're all shivering in fear?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Boogins View Post
Glad to oblige.

Say I'm running a toggle that is blanketing my targets in a yucky black cloud that makes them miss. A lot. Then I get stunned, and the yucky black cloud she's a go "poof" and they start hitting me again. It takes suprisingly few of those hits to be dead. Sure, my self heal can keep me alive, if it hits. Suprisingly how often those "ifs" can come home to roost. I always seem to come up with the fuzzy end of the 5% chance.
Doesn't Dark Miasma have that big smoky guy who can heal you and debuff the enemy, thus drawing attacks onto himself and making it harder for other enemies to keep hitting you? Or that nice cone-shaped mez you can throw out first? Even ignoring that defenders are the hardest AT to solo, most of the primaries have some way to cope with mezzes if you're clever about it.

I completely can't understand people complaining about about mezzers when you're in a team. Get the tankers to draw aggro onto themselves, have the blasters kill the minions with AoE, get the scrappers to do both, let the controllers mez everything, and you and your defender friends debuff the enemies into the floor. Solo is one thing, but if your team can't handle a few guys with stun guns, there's something seriously wrong going on.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Originally Posted by Boogins View Post
Don't care. It drops my offensive toggle and then I'm dead. It is really aggravating when it is some minion dressed up like a rent a cop. I know, there are legions of players that don't have problems with this when they play a defender, and they don't even consider it playing if it isn't set for +4/8. I do, and don't mind admitting it.

I don't have any problems if minions can't stun. When they can, and I'm out of breakfrees, I tend to die.

Let me, as a defender, get an extra +1 mag against stunning, so that the sucker punch from a stray minion doesn't lead to a concrete kiss. If I get overwhelmed by a flock of them, then that's my bad. I can get an extra mag against holds, and the bad AI when you are slept (AI tends to ignore you, and my toggle recharges) does me ok when I get snoozed. Its the adhoc minion stun that isn't ramping up my fun factor.
Just need some clarification, do you also run at +4/8?



That's the thing... we mention 'people have problems at times' and we get rebutted with 'but I heard this Defender plays on +4/x8, so therefore they can't be broken.'

Then they forget to mention that it's the kind of person that tries (and sometimes succeeds at things that are supposed to be impossible) like solo Master of ITF.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
That's the thing... we mention 'people have problems at times' and we get rebutted with 'but I heard this Defender plays on +4/x8, so therefore they can't be broken.'

Then they forget to mention that it's the kind of person that tries (and sometimes succeeds at things that are supposed to be impossible) like solo Master of ITF.
Okay, then let me rebutt you, who doesn't have the skills to play any defender at +4x8. I can play +0 x1 bosses with no difficulty on a rad defender and a traps defender, every controller I've run, an nrg/elec blaster, an elec/elec blaster, a fire/nrg blaster, and several other squishies I've run with few problems. That includes Malta, Carnies (although, MI's are a problem, but MI's are a problem on my scrappers, and even, depending on the powerset, my tankers) CoT, Rikti (Chief Soldiers are FAR more of a problem on my scrappers than they are on my squishies, because they're less likely to get close on my squishies and they hit HARD, especially if you're an SR scrapper and they get very lucky).

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Wow, this turned ugly suddenly.

Strange, I don't think I ever said that I felt I held anyone in contempt.

But it's pretty obvious you do because I sometimes have problems on 'heroic' settings.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Wow, this turned ugly suddenly.

Strange, I don't think I ever said that I felt I held anyone in contempt.

But it's pretty obvious you do because I sometimes have problems on 'heroic' settings.
Futurias, I believe I said something to this effect earlier in this thread, but I feel it bears repeating. I also want to be clear, I am saying this in good faith. If you are really, seriously having trouble dealing with mezzing enemies solo on base difficulty, then the answer is to take a long, hard look at your own tactics and how you use your powers. That would be much more productive than calling for a wholesale change to entire AT's.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Wow, this turned ugly suddenly.

Strange, I don't think I ever said that I felt I held anyone in contempt.

But it's pretty obvious you do because I sometimes have problems on 'heroic' settings.
I may have sensed hostility where none was intended, and responded with hostility. Let me rephrase.

Your argument seems to work like this:

There are two types of people: those who sometimes have problems on heroic, and those who beat +4/+8 settings. Obviously there aren't very many people who beat +4/+8, so their experiences are not relevant to the vast majority of people. Clearly, all your opponents are max-difficulty-beaters so you don't actually have to refute their arguments.

The problem here is that we ARE talking about how difficult the game, and certain enemies within it, are. I don't know, and I am pretty sure you don't know either, how good the "middle of the bell curve" players are. I think that high level content should be challenging in some way; the introduction of radio missions which let you skate by on Council and Thorns annoyed (and annoys) me. Do I think some of the mez is over the top? I do. Do I think the solution is to trivialize 80% of the mez in the game? I do not.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Where, Futurias, is the line between "Game too hard" and "Player too incompetent?" I can't think of any objective criteria for that, or at least not any that I can get the numbers for.

We may have to agree to hold each other in contempt.
This thread is still going on?

Fulmens had the answer right there, though it come up in some form a few times.

CoH is a team-based game. Different ATs offer different things. No AT is totally immune to Mez, nor is any totally susceptible to it. If you can't handle it, play something easier, play with a team, or get better.

If any of my blasters had mez protection there'd be absolutely no reason to play anything else for me. All the damage, none of the draw back? MMm, yeah then I probably wouldn't play at all. Are you TRYING to ruin the game for ME?

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Futurias, I believe I said something to this effect earlier in this thread, but I feel it bears repeating. I also want to be clear, I am saying this in good faith. If you are really, seriously having trouble dealing with mezzing enemies solo on base difficulty, then the answer is to take a long, hard look at your own tactics and how you use your powers. That would be much more productive than calling for a wholesale change to entire AT's.
Actually, there are 'perfect' (and perfectly boring, repetitious and silly) tactics to deal with these threats quite high up.

Having trouble with the occasional solo gunslinger boss (even downgraded to lieutenants?) Easy a cake. Stop your mission, fill up on half-purple half-break-frees.

It's both easy and incredibly silly. Inspirations are designed to help your character in tough situations, not be a crutch.

Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
I may have sensed hostility where none was intended, and responded with hostility. Let me rephrase.

Your argument seems to work like this:

There are two types of people: those who sometimes have problems on heroic, and those who beat +4/+8 settings. Obviously there aren't very many people who beat +4/+8, so their experiences are not relevant to the vast majority of people. Clearly, all your opponents are max-difficulty-beaters so you don't actually have to refute their arguments.

The problem here is that we ARE talking about how difficult the game, and certain enemies within it, are. I don't know, and I am pretty sure you don't know either, how good the "middle of the bell curve" players are. I think that high level content should be challenging in some way; the introduction of radio missions which let you skate by on Council and Thorns annoyed (and annoys) me. Do I think some of the mez is over the top? I do. Do I think the solution is to trivialize 80% of the mez in the game? I do not.
If it removes 80% of the silly annoying mezzing, I'd be all for it. And considering Mag 3 protection really would be to stop Minion and Lt. mezzing every other mob, not stacking boss or even stacking Lt. mezzing.

Originally Posted by Gilia View Post
This thread is still going on?

Fulmens had the answer right there, though it come up in some form a few times.

CoH is a team-based game. Different ATs offer different things. No AT is totally immune to Mez, nor is any totally susceptible to it. If you can't handle it, play something easier, play with a team, or get better.

If any of my blasters had mez protection there'd be absolutely no reason to play anything else for me. All the damage, none of the draw back? MMm, yeah then I probably wouldn't play at all. Are you TRYING to ruin the game for ME?
That again states that having 3 points of mezz protection is all anyone ever needs.

That is a patently false statement. Otherwise every single tanker, scrapper, brute and stalker would only have that much.

When in all actuality, they usually have at least triple that (at 50th level.)

Heck, I even stated that if they gave a little mezz protection at the bottom (ie. squishies that have none now) they could actually increase some of the effects of mezzing without crushing the squishies and even make things slightly challenging for people that have high amounts.

But they can't do that until the bottom end is not Zero Mag. It would just make some enemies even worse for squishies to fight.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Actually, there are 'perfect' (and perfectly boring, repetitious and silly) tactics to deal with these threats quite high up.

Having trouble with the occasional solo gunslinger boss (even downgraded to lieutenants?) Easy a cake. Stop your mission, fill up on half-purple half-break-frees.

It's both easy and incredibly silly. Inspirations are designed to help your character in tough situations, not be a crutch.
I give up. I tried, but I have my limits for dealing with people who refuse to ever learn or adapt. Welcome to ignore.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Actually, there are 'perfect' (and perfectly boring, repetitious and silly) tactics to deal with these threats quite high up.
So instead of having to deal with challenges, it's less boring to fight threatless mobs and have no danger in encounters.
Okay. You're either trying way too hard to be a caricature or there literally is no hope with you.

But because I love feeding the cycle...
Let's define the reverse: What do you want out of a challenge? In specific terms, no platitudes.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
So instead of having to deal with challenges, it's less boring to fight threatless mobs and have no danger in encounters.
Okay. You're either trying way too hard to be a caricature or there literally is no hope with you.

But because I love feeding the cycle...
Let's define the reverse: What do you want out of a challenge? In specific terms, no platitudes.

Scrappers already fight threatless mobs. They make 90% of the content trivial. Should they be adjusted? I personally dont think so, but YMMV.

Will you be Hero or hero support? You choose.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post

That again states that having 3 points of mezz protection is all anyone ever needs.

That is a patently false statement. Otherwise every single tanker, scrapper, brute and stalker would only have that much.

When in all actuality, they usually have at least triple that (at 50th level.)

Heck, I even stated that if they gave a little mezz protection at the bottom (ie. squishies that have none now) they could actually increase some of the effects of mezzing without crushing the squishies and even make things slightly challenging for people that have high amounts.

But they can't do that until the bottom end is not Zero Mag. It would just make some enemies even worse for squishies to fight.
Having played an FF controller on LGTF, and a traps defender on LGTF, the only thing that ever happens to me is that I get slept, which makes sense, I have a sleep hole. What doesn't happen? I don't get stunned, held, or immoblized. That's with mag 4 protection. Mag 4 (and probably mag 3) is enough to deal with the majority of the mez in a solo situation. I can only think of a handful on enemies that overwhelm it and the ones that do tend to overwhelm scrapper protection as well.
And the scrapper and the tanker? They're expected in a team situation to absorb something like 95% of the damage between them AND they're accompanying mezzes. That's why their mez protection is so high.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
I give up. I tried, but I have my limits for dealing with people who refuse to ever learn or adapt. Welcome to ignore.
Yes, because "Learn to play my way" is such an effective manner of discourse. :/

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
Scrappers already fight threatless mobs. They make 90% of the content trivial. Should they be adjusted? I personally dont think so, but YMMV.

Will you be Hero or hero support? You choose.
Ooh! Nice context quote!

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
Scrappers already fight threatless mobs. They make 90% of the content trivial. Should they be adjusted? I personally dont think so, but YMMV.

Will you be Hero or hero support? You choose.
My Dark/Ice Defender is a supporting hero. Of course, using a strong debuffing set, my 'Support Hero' could solo fairly easily from level 1 to 50.

Solo i normally don't play much above base difficulty, though i generally enable bosses and may set team size to 3-4. That's because when i'm soloing i'm generally playing through arcs and want to advance the story fairly quickly, and while Dark/Ice has decent damage output for a Defender it's still nothing impressive compared to most other AT's. Still, i've never had much difficulty dealing with mezzers. Preemptive debuffing, using tactical awareness and keeping a few inspirations handy are all i've ever needed from level 20 to level 50. (In my experience most mezzers start showing up in the late teens to early twenties.)

YM(of course)MV

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Yes, because "Learn to play my way" is such an effective manner of discourse. :/
And because 'Life is this way. Tough shite' is hard to understand.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
And because 'Life is this way. Tough shite' is hard to understand.
This is a game. With forums and feeback that enables changes.

No, this is not 'life is this way.'

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Yes, because "Learn to play my way" is such an effective manner of discourse. :/
Um, huh? You're saying that the game is hard and/or annoying and certain enemies are a pain to deal with, but when people suggest methods for dealing with them you complain that you shouldn't have to "play their way," and instead we should change how mez works. Are you really so unwilling to alter your tactics that you think we should change how stuff works just so you can keep playing "your way?"

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I could also continue to beat my forehead against at wall because that's the only way that some people can knock. That doesn't mean that should be the preferred way. :/

Still here, even after all this time!