Mezz Protection for All!




Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
No. But its possible the variance could be a bit less than it currently is.
Every AT can complete +0 x0 pretty easily. Mine can all complete +2 x0 with what I term "minimal difficulty" (very few deaths). More than that? I don't know.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
+0x4, for the record.
Oh, and should I mention my Tanker, who takes +2x8 without difficulty, +3x8 without much difficulty, and +4x8 with just a little difficulty? Are you saying that Tankers are automatically more "super" than Corruptors? Or Defenders, Blasters, or any other "squishy", for that matter?
No. I think tankers who are IO'd should be able to, with some difficulty, take on that kind of map, if only because if they're unable to, they cannot fulfill their team role. Tanks, and that's and AT I do have a lot of play experience with, take a long long long time to mature. For most of their career they are difficult to solo if only because their access to actual damage powers is so level limited, coupled with their lower (not low, lower) damage modifier.

That they are able to fight at increased difficulties does not mean more super. I guarantee you my trollers, and not just my fire kin, are taking on similar challenges and beating them FASTER. I don't have much of a problem with this.

Because of their team role Tankers, and to a lesser extent Scrappers, are able to take quite a beating because that is their role on teams. They can do damage, and I like that they do, but tankers need to reliably be able to mitigate an alpha even against damage types that they have no reliable means of protection from.

But let me throw that question back at you:

Do you think a team of 8 tankers should be able to complete a STF as quickly as a team of 8 defenders or controllers?

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
Just how did you manage that ? Tried that street sweeping in pi today (antimatter arc) and they repeatedly handed me my head
The first thing I do with my fire/NRG is run upto them and send them flying with a punch. By the time they stand up from that, its just in time for them to fall down.

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Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
IOs exist to make characters able to take challenges. That's why the game is not balanced or designed around IOs. At the base game, the need for mez protection on all characters is much less. For the challenge game, the expanded difficulty options, that is precisely what IOs are for.
Correct, IO sets and their bonuses are there to help characters deal with challenges. However, the devs decided that Mezes should be dealt with by using resistance and not protection. Except for KB, which doesn't really have a duration to mitigate, only a magnitude, which is why there are -KB enhancements and bonuses, and not KB resistance enhancements and bonuses. That one is more of a game mechanics issue.

You might consider investing in some Stun resistance if Longbow stuns are giving you that much trouble.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
Correct, IO sets and their bonuses are there to help characters deal with challenges. However, the devs decided that Mezes should be dealt with by using resistance and not protection. Except for KB, which doesn't really have a duration to mitigate, only a magnitude, which is why there are -KB enhancements and bonuses, and not KB resistance enhancements and bonuses. That one is more of a game mechanics issue.

You might consider investing in some Stun resistance if Longbow stuns are giving you that much trouble.
Perhaps this was you and perhaps it wasn't but I seem to recall someone loudly and repeatedly insisting that hover was just fine and continuously buttressing their argument by pointing at the devs decisions for hover and fly. That thread ended humorously when it turned out that the devs had re-evaluated their decision on fly.

Now while I find myself agreeing with your position on this thread. I can't agree with the reasoning you are using to reach it. Especially since it has been wrong in the past.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Because in the scenario I propose, where the solution is a few more unique IOs, people would have the choice of slotting IOs that grant mag 4 mez protection, just like the Steadfast Protection or Blessing of the Zephyr KB protections. FFG isn't much more than that.
Ah, so your standard is that for two slots a squishy should have greater greater mez protection than a meleer gets from their powersets.

You do realize that the magnitudes and effects of KB powers, and the powers that grant protection from them are mechanically set up very differently from other mezzes, yes?
If an IO that granted non-KB mez protection was added it would almost certainly grant magnitude 1 (or 2 at most) protection and most likely be unique. If it was added at all.

From Red Tomax:
  • RES(Immobilize) +103.8% for 0.75s If on a PvP map
    Effect does not stack from same caster
  • RES(Knockback, Knockup, Repel) +10000% for 0.75s [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
    Effect does not stack from same caster
KB resistance reduces the magnitude, not the duration of KB, so melee sets with KB protection actually negate far higher amounts of KB than any other status effect, and 12 points of KB protection on a squishy has less much effect than the 10 points plus resistance that melee powersets grant.

Thinking that a mez protection IO for anything other than KB would grant comparable magnitude implies a lack of understanding of game mechanics and balance.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Mezz resistance is pretty much a joke because of the math of it. +100% resistance to a mezz is only a 50% reduction in its duration.

All those pretty, low resistance mezz numbers basically do almost nothing.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
No. But its possible the variance could be a bit less than it currently is.
Yes, I agree with this. The variance between 0x4 and 2x8 is pretty high.

Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Ah, so your standard is that for two slots a squishy should have greater greater mez protection than a meleer gets from their powersets.
What broken and non-existent "meleer" has less than 4 mag mez protections? Tankers get 13, and everyone else gets 10, and they get it to all mezzes, not just one or two, for the cost of a single power.

My standard is that for two slots (one for stun, one for hold, just to be clear here) a squishy should get to have a gimped and limited version of mez protection that defence sets far outshine. Even those sets available to some squishies that have mez protection still outstrip the proposed IO solution.

The opposition to this proposition is starting to look rather irrational.



well, here's an idea. stop basing your wants off of a difficulty that something was not based off of. normal difficulty. not x4 solo. slot the status resistance io's if you want. they cut down on the mez durration quite nicely. and with a corruptor, you shouldn't be trying to lock down the mob, but putting out damage to them instead which will also cut down on the durration of the mez effects because they won't be stacked on you.of course there always is the tried and true break free. and if you don't have one but have 3 of the same type and size of inspiration then you got yourself a break free.



A "gung ho" Defender, sounds more like a scrapper with heal other. Honestly, the mechanic, rather the strategy for most (exlcuding bubblers and Rads) Def's is to hide behind the "big guy" (be it Tank or Scrap) and heal/buff/debuff/blast. If you wish to play like a scrapper or tank, then make one...

Or heres a wild suggestion, play as if you are the squishy class that you happened to create, I know weird right?. I mean, can you really expect me to not be snarky when you brush aside the two valid suggestions at the very beginning of this thread?.

Carry Insps, if you don't have a contact who sells you any by now, theres no saving you. But honestly, break frees have never failed my, troller and blasters.

Conclusion: Take some Inspiration <----best advice for a defender.
Don't describe your defender as, "gung-ho", unless said defender is a Bubbler or Rad. If so, see above advice. <----Best advice from a veteran.

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"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Simple question for you: Do you feel that every AT and powerset combination in the game should be able to handle every difficulty level and every situation with equal success?
Given that they are played by a decent player who knows the AT and uses all the tools at their disposal? I think it should be fairly close, yes. I don't think that certain AT's should be able to completely ignore mez, while it cripples another.

Mez protection isn't an I win button, and anyone who says it is is just as guilty of exaggeration as anyone else. Mez effects in this game are a terrible mechanic: taking something out of the fight completely for a length of time. Controllers and Dominators both have primary control sets, and both have serious contenders for strongest all-around builds. When used against players, mez is just as absurd. Melee types get a free pass, though. That doesn't make mez effects less important, just means that the characters who already have low personal mitigation, can have their ability to fight or run cut off arbitrarily.

As for the team of 8, that isn't mez protection, it's buff/debuff. Which the devs have mentioned as a bad mechanic, and one that isn't going to be changed anytime soon. SHOULD stacking buffs and debuffs be changed? Probably. WILL it? Probably not soon.

What happens if the devs tomorrow figure out a way to change buffs and debuffs to not stack to absurd levels? Will that team of 8 defenders still be able to tear through content? Stacking buffs and debuffs are an aberration. I wish I could find that post with a redname saying so.

But yes. I think that baseline, a well-built character using all the powers at their disposal should have roughly the same performance at SO level. And I think tht when comparing 2 different characters, both fully IO'd out, they should still deliver similar performance. Mez protection for every AT, be it buyable as a power or as an IO, would help to narrow the gap, for a small opportunity cost or powers or slots. (That's what I'd be willing to give up, same as certain melee sets need to use a slot or power picks to gain KB protection- the choice between picking up that power/ IO slot or picking something else.)

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
Given that they are played by a decent player who knows the AT and uses all the tools at their disposal? I think it should be fairly close, yes. I don't think that certain AT's should be able to completely ignore mez, while it cripples another.
This. ^^

The question is still just how bad is it. Some are saying its crippling others are saying you can ignore it.



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
Given that they are played by a decent player who knows the AT and uses all the tools at their disposal? I think it should be fairly close, yes. I don't think that certain AT's should be able to completely ignore mez, while it cripples another.

Mez protection isn't an I win button, and anyone who says it is is just as guilty of exaggeration as anyone else. Mez effects in this game are a terrible mechanic: taking something out of the fight completely for a length of time. Controllers and Dominators both have primary control sets, and both have serious contenders for strongest all-around builds. When used against players, mez is just as absurd. Melee types get a free pass, though. That doesn't make mez effects less important, just means that the characters who already have low personal mitigation, can have their ability to fight or run cut off arbitrarily.

As for the team of 8, that isn't mez protection, it's buff/debuff. Which the devs have mentioned as a bad mechanic, and one that isn't going to be changed anytime soon. SHOULD stacking buffs and debuffs be changed? Probably. WILL it? Probably not soon.

What happens if the devs tomorrow figure out a way to change buffs and debuffs to not stack to absurd levels? Will that team of 8 defenders still be able to tear through content? Stacking buffs and debuffs are an aberration. I wish I could find that post with a redname saying so.

But yes. I think that baseline, a well-built character using all the powers at their disposal should have roughly the same performance at SO level. And I think tht when comparing 2 different characters, both fully IO'd out, they should still deliver similar performance. Mez protection for every AT, be it buyable as a power or as an IO, would help to narrow the gap, for a small opportunity cost or powers or slots. (That's what I'd be willing to give up, same as certain melee sets need to use a slot or power picks to gain KB protection- the choice between picking up that power/ IO slot or picking something else.)
Then should all AT's have similar performance levels on teams as well, and not just solo? And if that's the case, how do you bump scrappers up, add huge non-stacking debuffs to IO's as well? Adding mez protection in to IO pools "because scrappers get it" is a huge slippery slope.

That's the problem that people don't seem to be seeing. yes, squishies are not as good solo, but scrappers are not as good on teams. If squishies are as good solo as they are on teams, wouldn't scrappers and to a lesser extent tankers be totally unwanted on teams? I mean on high performance teams they're already pretty unwanted.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
This. ^^

The question is still just how bad is it. Some are saying its crippling others are saying you can ignore it.
Just so I hope everyone knows where I am, I don't think you should ignore it, but I don't think every challenge solo for a squishy AT that performs extremely well on a team should be negligible either.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Perhaps this was you and perhaps it wasn't but I seem to recall someone loudly and repeatedly insisting that hover was just fine and continuously buttressing their argument by pointing at the devs decisions for hover and fly. That thread ended humorously when it turned out that the devs had re-evaluated their decision on fly.

Now while I find myself agreeing with your position on this thread. I can't agree with the reasoning you are using to reach it. Especially since it has been wrong in the past.
What aspect of Hover's previous design are you referring to? The fact that it totally negated KB, or its slower that running speed?

The KB issue was a bug. I agreed with the Dev's fix for that.

The Speed issue was a non issue for me. I never used Hover for a travel power.

My stance was that I didn't think that Hover's speed needed to be changed, but I wasn't going to complain if it was changed.

My stance here is, I don't think that squishies need any mez protection since they multiple tools to deal with mezzing foes that most Meleers do not have.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
That's the problem that people don't seem to be seeing. yes, squishies are not as good solo, but scrappers are not as good on teams. If squishies are as good solo as they are on teams, wouldn't scrappers and to a lesser extent tankers be totally unwanted on teams?
A few points of mez protection is not the line between "need Tanker" and "don't need Tanker". A Tanker will always have higher health than a squishy. A Tanker will always have higher resistances and defences. And a Tanker will always have more mez protection, even with a few IOs added to the mix. Most importantly, the Tanker will always have better aggro management tools than any squishy.

And Scrappers are just fine on teams. A team of Scrappers is a terror to behold.



Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
That's the problem that people don't seem to be seeing. yes, squishies are not as good solo, but scrappers are not as good on teams. If squishies are as good solo as they are on teams, wouldn't scrappers and to a lesser extent tankers be totally unwanted on teams? I mean on high performance teams they're already pretty unwanted.
A secondary issue nobody seems to be interested in addressing is the degree to which squishies *ALREADY* trespass on melee territory late game, thanks to the huge number of defense IO set bonuses. Not only do these provide enormous damage mitigation, but they also provide a layer of avoidance against mezzes. The survivability difference between squishies and melees is already arguably too small at the extreme challenge/extreme power end of the spectrum. IO's dont provide nearly as many options for melees to infringe on squishie territory by gaining buff/debuff or control abilities they formerly lacked. This may be a significant balance argument against adding mez protection to squishies beyond what's already available - it's about the only thing left that melees get that squishies don't, that and a health bonus.




Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Most importantly, the Tanker will always have better aggro management tools than any squishy.
Oh really? Go make a Plant Controller/Dominator and tell me if you even need a Tank after Lv8.

Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
A team of Scrappers is a terror to behold.
That's not saying much because so is any super-team of squishies.

Originally Posted by Jabbrwock View Post
A secondary issue nobody seems to be interested in addressing is the degree to which squishies *ALREADY* trespass on melee territory late game, thanks to the huge number of defense IO set bonuses. Not only do these provide enormous damage mitigation, but they also provide a layer of avoidance against mezzes.
Shhhhhh, you be quiet there, we don't need the Devs knowing all our secrets now!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

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Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
Then should all AT's have similar performance levels on teams as well, and not just solo? And if that's the case, how do you bump scrappers up, add huge non-stacking debuffs to IO's as well? Adding mez protection in to IO pools "because scrappers get it" is a huge slippery slope.

That's the problem that people don't seem to be seeing. yes, squishies are not as good solo, but scrappers are not as good on teams. If squishies are as good solo as they are on teams, wouldn't scrappers and to a lesser extent tankers be totally unwanted on teams? I mean on high performance teams they're already pretty unwanted.
Scrappers do perform well on teams, just not every team. Blasters may have higher damage, but most of them aren't going to be in the middle of the fight when fulcrum shift goes off. Blasters make rather bad targets for the AoE sonic debuff, while scrappers and tanks are perfect. And I brought up the stacking buffs and debuffs just because of that argument. It's a bad mechanic, the devs are aware it's a bad mechanic. You really can't use it to keep another bad mechanic in the game.

I honestly think of mez as the sapper problem. Way back when, sappers weren't limited to one per spawn solo. It used to be possible to run into a spawn of 3 minion-level sappers in a malta mission. Which meant that, no matter how well you played, no matter how perfect your strategy, you were rolling dice and seeing if you won. If they hit you, you got to do, well, absolutely nothing. No END means no toggles, no offense, and no way to get away. It really wasn't fun: it was doable with certain builds, but massive END drain has been dialed back because it's frustrating and unfun. No more multiple sapper spawns.

Now, with the situation above, everyone got to experience the frustration equally: scrappers and tankers were just as prone to it as squishies. I understand that mez is a weakness for squishies, and supposed to give them a challenge. But it's a huge, glaring weakness. It isn't Kryptonite, which pops up once in a while, it's being deathly allergic to water: common, debilitating, and not very much fun to deal with every single second.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
Scrappers do perform well on teams, just not every team. Blasters may have higher damage, but most of them aren't going to be in the middle of the fight when fulcrum shift goes off. Blasters make rather bad targets for the AoE sonic debuff, while scrappers and tanks are perfect. And I brought up the stacking buffs and debuffs just because of that argument. It's a bad mechanic, the devs are aware it's a bad mechanic. You really can't use it to keep another bad mechanic in the game.

I honestly think of mez as the sapper problem. Way back when, sappers weren't limited to one per spawn solo. It used to be possible to run into a spawn of 3 minion-level sappers in a malta mission. Which meant that, no matter how well you played, no matter how perfect your strategy, you were rolling dice and seeing if you won. If they hit you, you got to do, well, absolutely nothing. No END means no toggles, no offense, and no way to get away. It really wasn't fun: it was doable with certain builds, but massive END drain has been dialed back because it's frustrating and unfun. No more multiple sapper spawns.

Now, with the situation above, everyone got to experience the frustration equally: scrappers and tankers were just as prone to it as squishies. I understand that mez is a weakness for squishies, and supposed to give them a challenge. But it's a huge, glaring weakness. It isn't Kryptonite, which pops up once in a while, it's being deathly allergic to water: common, debilitating, and not very much fun to deal with every single second.
You are vastly overstating the difference on a team between a scrapper and say, a defender or controller. But ignoring that -

Stacking buffs/debuffs exist and there are no plans to get rid of them in the game at large. Even if they are eliminated for GR, that's still two other whole freaking games from 1 - 50 where stacking buffs and debuffs exist.

So I'll ask you again:

There's a huge gap between what a scrapper brings to a team and waht a defender/controller brings to the team. WOuld you want to narrow that gap if you introduced complete mez protection, even up to mag 4 mez protection for all squishies? If you don't, are you just going to say "They're close enough to not introduce that mechanic to scrappers."

To which I say to the solo mechanic "They're close enough not to matter very much."

Seriously, this question only really really matters if you're soloing on anything above x2 or +2. You're not going to get much sympathy if you're asking it to be easier to min/max on characters that are already capable of some pretty rediculous performance by min/maxers.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



There is no real end to the argument in this thread, so since it has been allowed to go along for a while and everyone has gotten a chance to get their say in, I'll go ahead and lock it.


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