Mezz Protection for All!




Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
B: "Mezzer" ???? If there were only one per spawn nobody would be talking about this.

Its a little more like

A. Squishies spot spawn
B. There are about 3 or 4 mezzers in the spawn.
C. They try to prioritize and hit the most dangerous one first.
D. All goes well 2 of the mezzers are out of the action and one or 2 of the squishies is out of the action.

The mezzed people are a little annoyed especially if they have for all intents and purposes been one shotted by minions.
my examples, if it wasn't clear enough, was the first 2 were for teams. the second set was for squishies playing the normal difficulty setting for solo. there is no need for this discussion at all. but just for s&g's, i run my council map set +2/x8 on my fire/kin with no problem ever. even before i16 when the mobs had 2 bosses and 6 lt's. if i do manage to get mezzed, i eat a break free and go back to the buisness at hand. by the time the break free wears off the spawn is dead.

if people are having a hard time at normal diff, then they should not be playing a higher diff with their squishies. true story.



I hate exemplaring my kin/psi/psi defender, because without Mass Hypnosis and Dominate from the epic, she is a total mez magnet.
Will Domination and Scramble Thoughts aren't good enough? You have options before Epics, it's not the game's fault you chose not to take them.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Will Domination and Scramble Thoughts aren't good enough? You have options before Epics, it's not the game's fault you chose not to take them.
Will Domination is not a reliable sleep, and even then does not work against anything robotic.
Scramble Thoughts is only good against foes which are not resistant to stuns.
Most importantly, neither will take out more than one mezzer. Which was my point.



Originally Posted by halfflat View Post
Will Domination is not a reliable sleep, and even then does not work against anything robotic.
Scramble Thoughts is only good against foes which are not resistant to stuns.
Most importantly, neither will take out more than one mezzer. Which was my point.
That's strange, my Rad/Sonic doesn't have that problem, and I almost never use Siren's Song with him, and seldom use the debuffs while soloing. I get by fine with just Screech and Dominate 90% of the time.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



for /psi don't forget to include TK blast in the list of solutions.

On my psi blaster thats been a key power for its control when levelling up.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
my examples, if it wasn't clear enough, was the first 2 were for teams. the second set was for squishies playing the normal difficulty setting for solo. there is no need for this discussion at all. but just for s&g's, i run my council map set +2/x8 on my fire/kin with no problem ever. even before i16 when the mobs had 2 bosses and 6 lt's. if i do manage to get mezzed, i eat a break free and go back to the buisness at hand. by the time the break free wears off the spawn is dead.

if people are having a hard time at normal diff, then they should not be playing a higher diff with their squishies. true story.
I think you are really missing where I am coming from here.

Yes its very possible to build a squishy to deal with particular circumstances well. The famous/infamous Fire/Kin with smash lethal cap is a great example. On a council map as you describe the mezzes can't hit you. On a Rikti map that fire/kin doesnt do so well.

Now don't get me wrong I enjoy the challenge inherent in playing a squishy. I am in the camp that is for the Melees having less protection.

We can look at the big arguments on this and apply them equally well to the Melee toons. If they are teamed with squishies the melee should go in and draw the aggro and the squishies should need to debuff/buff what have you to make certain the melee doesn't get mezzed. This is teamwork.



Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
If they are teamed with squishies the melee should go in and draw the aggro and the squishies should need to debuff/buff what have you to make certain the melee doesn't get mezzed. This is teamwork.
The meleers would be statues almost immediately if they didn't have mez protection. Then you are going to have a whole team's worth of angry critters to deal with rather than just 1 or 2 that got loose.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post

I've even refuted some of them. Using inspirations heavily to bypass or overcome the issue is, as I've noted, usually an indication of an actual issue. Not a solution.

Heavy Inspiration use. Sounds like fighting a Ballista. Because yes, they do spawn solo Redside, at EB level, w/e the hell you do.

They are meant to be teamed, but you CAN solo them. How? Liberal use of inspirations.
By the same logic, Defenders are meant to be teamed. You CAN solo them, but you do so at your own risk, with all the problems that entails. Same with Controllers, and any other AT that SPECIFICALLY SAYS in its description something like;

"Armed with such abilities, the Controller is the backbone for any super group, but the Controller often depends upon teammates for protection."

This really isn't about to change. Excrement happens.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



We can look at the big arguments on this and apply them equally well to the Melee toons. If they are teamed with squishies the melee should go in and draw the aggro and the squishies should need to debuff/buff what have you to make certain the melee doesn't get mezzed. This is teamwork.
You do realize that when a tank gets mezzed his taunt aura drops, right? If a tank is out of commision for even a couple seconds all those critters he had beating on him shift their attention to the rest of the team. At which point the squishies will be doing all they can just to stay alive, and the tank will probably never get unmezzed.

If no one at all had mez protection...well scrappers would be unplayable for one. Unable to solo at all because they can't enter melee before they are mezzed. Not very useful on teams because they're getting mezzed and the defender is focusing on the people that do more damage or can soak more agro.

An Empath, Thermal, Sonic, or Pain Dom character would be absolutely mandatory on a team that included a tank that they wanted to be at all useful, and that character would spend the majority of their time making sure they weren't mezzed.

Melee characters would ba a joke, and avoided like the plague because they would need assistance just to stay active and alive, people would build teams of all squishies because it is more efficient (since teams built like that work just fine now)

The same would hold true if everyone had mez protection as well. Why play a scrapper when a blaster kills faster and doesn't have to get into melee? Why play a tank when a controller can keep the team just as safe, and be of more use in the process.

When someone says: "Give everyone mez protection" I hear: "Gut melee ATs".

Withstanding mez is the ONLY thing that another AT cannot do better and more efficiently. AoE damage? Fire blaster or corruptor. Agro soaking? MM in Bodyguard mode, or Ill/Anything controller. AV soloing? Ill/Rad controller, Rad/Sonic defender, Ice/Cold or Sonic/Cold corruptor. Single target damage? Sonic blaster, Ice blaster, same with corruptors. Everything that a melee character can do, a squishy can probably do better, except withstand mez.

If everyone had mez protection, melee characters would become useless and obsolete, because it is the only thing that someone else can't do better.

You can view that as a challenge if you like: Name ONE thing aside from withstanding mez that a ranged AT cannot do better than a melee AT.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Okay, soI figured, screw it,I have plenty of scrappers, tankers, blasters, trollers, defenders and whatever else at high level, I"ll do a test, a scrapper with no mez protection, vs a squishy with access to all the tools. My rules were simple, I ran at +1, x0, no bosses. The test wasn't perfect. My only scrapper whose mez protection isn't baked in with resistance of some kind was a my softcapped IO'd to the gills SR scrapper and my squishies, except for my fire/kin aren't nearly as IO'd out. I was fighting against carnies, and that was good for the SR scrapper as well because she's DB, and Carnies are weak against lethal.

With all of these advantages, the SR scrapper died twice, because she was golden until an illusionist came in and then she had no way to deal with the incoming mezzes. She nearly died twice against a single illusionist, and died three times against a MI lieuteant (which wasn't a surprise, MI's cause troubles WITH mez protection, so meh).

The blaster I ran with was energy/elec/elec, which meant that there were a good deal of tools she had to deal with to neuter spawn sizes of this size. The blaster was not once in danger until the MI lieutenant which she killed after 1 try. Thank you blasting while mezzed. THe blaster did have the advantage of fighting in a cave, which meant there were fewer enemies to deal with and less lines of sight, but on the other hand, she dealt with twice as many Illusionists.

For my controller I used an Earth/Storm/stone because she's not as IO'd out as my Illusion/Storm or my fire/kin, but still has a lot of tools...This felt like the perfect mission, because while she had no defense against carnies, she destroyed them with a vareity of mezzes that were generally up close. I have stealth which meant I could get in close, mez the problem mob, let stoney deal with the others that weren't so hard. Even the MI lieutenant was laughably easy. It was also in a cave, so it was very easy to get the drop on enemies with stealth.

My defender was a rad/psi, which I thought would have some trouble because carnies have a lot of def to psi. It didn't. There were a couple of Oh *#$% moments, but that's par for the course on that build because it's a team oriented build. I died once, against, you guessed it, an MI.

Then I did my tank. Stone/Axe. I chose her for two reasons. I couldn't use my Fire/SS because her mez protection is baked into her resist powers, and because I figured with 40% defense to psi she should operate fairly well against carnies, my shield/fire tank has no baked in way to offensively deal with mezzers other than killing them and the stone axe at least has knockdowns and knock backs, and char. She got destroyed. THat might be because the final boss was an MI and got really lucky on the first hit, held me and then I got chain knocked down from all the phantasms. Part of this is my fault. That character does not have crystal armor, but I suspect that on say, Malta, this character would have less of an issue becuase of her ability to pre mez and the sheer amount of HP she has. I had no issues until the MI.

Let me reiterate, I don't think this was a good test. There wasn't enough data, they were all different maps with different enemy spreads. I think that if there had been more illuisionists on my tank, for instance, I would probably have had more trouble. But Squishies have a LOT more tools to deal with mez without mez protection is my expereince here. Even blasters.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
The meleers would be statues almost immediately if they didn't have mez protection. Then you are going to have a whole team's worth of angry critters to deal with rather than just 1 or 2 that got loose.
They can use breakfrees. Breakfrees are not exclusive to squishy ATs.



Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
I think you are really missing where I am coming from here.

Yes its very possible to build a squishy to deal with particular circumstances well. The famous/infamous Fire/Kin with smash lethal cap is a great example. On a council map as you describe the mezzes can't hit you. On a Rikti map that fire/kin doesnt do so well.

Now don't get me wrong I enjoy the challenge inherent in playing a squishy. I am in the camp that is for the Melees having less protection.

We can look at the big arguments on this and apply them equally well to the Melee toons. If they are teamed with squishies the melee should go in and draw the aggro and the squishies should need to debuff/buff what have you to make certain the melee doesn't get mezzed. This is teamwork.
Do you have any idea how much mez comes at a tanker (a good tanker) in the alpha on a 6 - 8 man team? That's just the alpha. The tank or scrap should survive the alpha on anything below a 4 man team, but on anything above if their protection drops they die. I know, it's happened.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
You do realize that when a tank gets mezzed his taunt aura drops, right? If a tank is out of commision for even a couple seconds all those critters he had beating on him shift their attention to the rest of the team. At which point the squishies will be doing all they can just to stay alive, and the tank will probably never get unmezzed.

If no one at all had mez protection...well scrappers would be unplayable for one. Unable to solo at all because they can't enter melee before they are mezzed. Not very useful on teams because they're getting mezzed and the defender is focusing on the people that do more damage or can soak more agro.

You can view that as a challenge if you like: Name ONE thing aside from withstanding mez that a ranged AT cannot do better than a melee AT.
Well for one take damage. They have tonnes more hitpoints than squishies.

Now that we are past the throwaway item we can look at giving the ATS something like defiance instead of the absolute protection they now enjoy. After all if it is fun and challenging for squishies to deal with mezzes shouldn't it be the same for melee toons ?



Originally Posted by MrQuizzles View Post
They can use breakfrees. Breakfrees are not exclusive to squishy ATs.
Uhmm....How is this a valid argument? If I don't have mez protection, no one will?

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
Well for one take damage. They have tonnes more hitpoints than squishies.

Now that we are past the throwaway item we can look at giving the ATS something like defiance instead of the absolute protection they now enjoy. After all if it is fun and challenging for squishies to deal with mezzes shouldn't it be the same for melee toons ?
Scrappers don't have "tonnes" more HP than blasters. Tanks do. But tanks are designed to handle incoming damage from teams, AV's and GM's. I'm already hearing that all a tank has to do on a team is take the alpha. If you make it even easier for squishes, on conversely harder for Tanks and melee AT's to do that, then what, precisely is the team role of a tank?

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by MrQuizzles View Post
They can use breakfrees. Breakfrees are not exclusive to squishy ATs.
You're trying to condense the "use a breakfree" into being the only argument against not having mez protection for squishies.

Breakfrees are meant for occasional use for when your character occasionally gets mezzed and needs a hand. All ranged ATs have advantages and abilities that allow them to deal with mez before it happens. Melees do not. However, inevitably something will miss, you get unlucky, there's a guy you didn't see. That's when you use a breakfree.

If melees didn't have mez protection, they'd have to have a breakfree available all the time, every single time they jumped into a group with any mezzers. They would have to have a breakfree for every single spawn of enemies. Because melee units can't do anything until they've closed into melee range. Even if they have a mez or debuff, it's going to be touch-range.

If you're actually playing a ranged character and are needing a breakfree all the time, you're just simply not playing your character very well. There are dozens of ways for ranged characters to prevent or lessen the effects of problem units before the enemy is even aware of their presence. If you choose to ignore those options, that's nobody's fault but your own. That, or you're fighting a very mez-heavy group (such as Malta) that is just not a good fit for your AT. Believe it or not, there are some groups that aren't made for every AT to solo. Carnies can be a severe headache for melees, for instance.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by MrQuizzles View Post
They can use breakfrees. Breakfrees are not exclusive to squishy ATs.
That's true. Never have I, or anyone else, claimed otherwise.

What if the tank doesn't have a breakfree?

He gets mezzed and becomes useless. A mezzed tank is no more resistant to damage than a defender, he just has more hit points. And since he already has a lot of things mad at him, that lack of resistance will get him killed very quickly.

Any team with a tank is going to expect that tank to take the agro and prevent the rest of the team from taking damage or getting mezzed, and rightfully so, that's it's job. If that tank cannot perform that one simple task because they are mezzed, they are dead weight, plain and simple. Tanks don't get invited to teams for their damage output, they get invited to basically get pounded on so the rest of the team doesn't have to.

A tank being able to shrug off mez is important to the survival of the team as a whole. In no other situation is the team's survival so dependent on ONE player's ability to survive. If that player cannot survive, chances are the team can't either.

Do you know what the most useful ability is that a scrapper brings to a team? It's not damage. It's the fact that the scrapper is one less player for the defender or controller to worry about keeping alive, which means their energy can be focused elsewhere. If a scrapper had no mez protection, the defender or controller would have to babysit it in order for it to pull it's weight at all. I've seen high level scrappers with no mez protection in a team wasn't pretty.

Squishy ATs, by and large, don't have the same issues. A defender is not, and should not, be expected to take the alpha and soak agro for a full team. In most situations, if a stray mez catches them, they are out of commision for a few seconds and life goes on. The team will not wipe because the empath was mezzed for 5 seconds. If it does, you have bigger problems than mez to deal with.

The scrapper and tank's team roles require them to have passive mez protection. Defender, controller, and blaster team roles do not. You may not like it, but it is the truth.

I've already covered solo ability, so I won't touch on it again.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
Well for one take damage. They have tonnes more hitpoints than squishies.

Now that we are past the throwaway item we can look at giving the ATS something like defiance instead of the absolute protection they now enjoy. After all if it is fun and challenging for squishies to deal with mezzes shouldn't it be the same for melee toons ?
What part of "melee toons cannot function without passive mez protection" is so hard to understand?

It is always preferable to avoid the damage rather than take it. Would you rather take 100 damage, or none at all? Anyone with sense would say none at all....that's exactly how much a competently played controller will take in a solo situation.

Sure, a tank can get beaten silly all day long and walk away fine. A controller can handle the same mob without even getting their tights dirty.

So, who's the better hero? The guy who took a beating with a smile? Or the guy who never even got touched?

Oh, and the idea of taking passive protection form melee ATs and giving them defiance? That is the STUPIDEST idea I've heard yet in this thread.

Oh, I can use my tier 1 and 2 melee attacks? How the HELL does that help me when I'm getting chain mezzed from 50 frigging feet away?!?

My armors are useless because I'm mezzed, but, man, I sure could pound the snot out of that Sapper......if he ever got close enough.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
Okay, soI figured, screw it,I have plenty of scrappers, tankers, blasters, trollers, defenders and whatever else at high level, I"ll do a test, a scrapper with no mez protection, vs a squishy with access to all the tools. My rules were simple, I ran at +1, x0, no bosses. The test wasn't perfect. My only scrapper whose mez protection isn't baked in with resistance of some kind was a my softcapped IO'd to the gills SR scrapper and my squishies, except for my fire/kin aren't nearly as IO'd out. I was fighting against carnies, and that was good for the SR scrapper as well because she's DB, and Carnies are weak against lethal.

With all of these advantages, the SR scrapper died twice, because she was golden until an illusionist came in and then she had no way to deal with the incoming mezzes. She nearly died twice against a single illusionist, and died three times against a MI lieuteant (which wasn't a surprise, MI's cause troubles WITH mez protection, so meh).

The blaster I ran with was energy/elec/elec, which meant that there were a good deal of tools she had to deal with to neuter spawn sizes of this size. The blaster was not once in danger until the MI lieutenant which she killed after 1 try. Thank you blasting while mezzed. THe blaster did have the advantage of fighting in a cave, which meant there were fewer enemies to deal with and less lines of sight, but on the other hand, she dealt with twice as many Illusionists.

For my controller I used an Earth/Storm/stone because she's not as IO'd out as my Illusion/Storm or my fire/kin, but still has a lot of tools...This felt like the perfect mission, because while she had no defense against carnies, she destroyed them with a vareity of mezzes that were generally up close. I have stealth which meant I could get in close, mez the problem mob, let stoney deal with the others that weren't so hard. Even the MI lieutenant was laughably easy. It was also in a cave, so it was very easy to get the drop on enemies with stealth.

My defender was a rad/psi, which I thought would have some trouble because carnies have a lot of def to psi. It didn't. There were a couple of Oh *#$% moments, but that's par for the course on that build because it's a team oriented build. I died once, against, you guessed it, an MI.

Then I did my tank. Stone/Axe. I chose her for two reasons. I couldn't use my Fire/SS because her mez protection is baked into her resist powers, and because I figured with 40% defense to psi she should operate fairly well against carnies, my shield/fire tank has no baked in way to offensively deal with mezzers other than killing them and the stone axe at least has knockdowns and knock backs, and char. She got destroyed. THat might be because the final boss was an MI and got really lucky on the first hit, held me and then I got chain knocked down from all the phantasms. Part of this is my fault. That character does not have crystal armor, but I suspect that on say, Malta, this character would have less of an issue becuase of her ability to pre mez and the sheer amount of HP she has. I had no issues until the MI.

Let me reiterate, I don't think this was a good test. There wasn't enough data, they were all different maps with different enemy spreads. I think that if there had been more illuisionists on my tank, for instance, I would probably have had more trouble. But Squishies have a LOT more tools to deal with mez without mez protection is my expereince here. Even blasters.
Anyone who's b*tching about 'OMG my squishies die too fast, waah!' want to provide some accurate tests, or at least some half-arsed ones?

And kudos to Blue for actually doing this. If your really having that much trouble, Breaks dont work and you cant get teams...maybe you should try a different game.
Like minesweeper, or solitaire.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
What part of "melee toons cannot function without passive mez protection" is so hard to understand?

It is always preferable to avoid the damage rather than take it. Would you rather take 100 damage, or none at all? Anyone with sense would say none at all....that's exactly how much a competently played controller will take in a solo situation.

Sure, a tank can get beaten silly all day long and walk away fine. A controller can handle the same mob without even getting their tights dirty.

So, who's the better hero? The guy who took a beating with a smile? Or the guy who never even got touched?

Oh, and the idea of taking passive protection form melee ATs and giving them defiance? That is the STUPIDEST idea I've heard yet in this thread.

Oh, I can use my tier 1 and 2 attacks? How the HELL does that help me when I'm getting chain mezzed from 50 frigging feet away?!?
Have a graduated mez protection rating. If a melee has 0 team members they get x amount of mez prot. if there are 2-4 they get y amount. 5-7 they get z amount. 8 members they get 3 time z. Make teaming beneficial for all toons, not just the squishies. They should seriously look at the defender inherent. Make it something that rewards good defender play instead of poor. This would revitalize teaming and help make COX a more interactive place instead of being split between those that can handle +4 x8 spawns and the gimps.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
This would revitalize teaming and help make COX a more interactive place instead of being split between those that can handle +4 x8 spawns and the gimps.
Ah yes, now we've struck gold.

So your new arguement is that restructuring mezz mechanics will bring about a golden age of teaming and social interaction in CoX?



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
This would revitalize teaming and help make COX a more interactive place instead of being split between those that can handle +4 x8 spawns and the gimps.
Oh for pities sake...

Your soloing an AT built for teaming! What part of 'THIS IS GOING TO BE HARD!' do you not get? You as in everyone who is flailing about non-melee lack of mez.

Pretty much the only AT that has anything near 'slightly wonky' mez is PB's and WS's, and that's probably only at the lower levels where they struggle to get to the higher builds. And only because their Inherent is so much guff anyway.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Ah yes, now we've struck gold.

So your new arguement is that restructuring mezz mechanics will bring about a golden age of teaming and social interaction in CoX?
Read: Waaah, we can't solo x8 spawns on a non-offensive AT...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Teaming already IS beneficial to melee characters.

A mostly single target scrapper can solo huge mobs, but it takes a long time.

Same with tanks, but it takes even longer.

Teaming with ATs with more AoE damage potential and the ability to cut down incoming damage cuts down the downtime of the entire team, meaning everyone advances faster. The squishies can focus on dealing damage because the tank is keeping them from getting hit, and the tank doesn't have to spend an hour on one mission because it's damage output is low.

And you're still looking at a situation where melee ATs can no longer solo at all because their mez protection can be easily overcome, while squishies are in the exact same situation they were in before. Not being able to mez a Sapper from range, and running into more than one is almost a death sentence to a melee toon now, being mezzed with their first two attacks is a guaranteed death sentence.

I'm presuming here that you are saying that a solo melee AT should have less than mag 6 mez protection, which is what would be required to handle 2 standard holds hitting at once.

Also, "revitalizing teaming" means the same thing in this case as "make teaming mandatory to do ANYTHING"

A large part of the draw of CoH to a lot of people is that, unlike a majority of other MMOs, you do not NEED a large group of people in order to just play the game.

I'd be willing to bet, if this were implemented, a lot of the people who either enjoy soloing, or have to because they have a weird schedule or live in a different time zone would end up finding another game to play. All because a few people wanted things more "fair"

News flash, it already IS fair.

I'll say it One. Last. Time.

Melee characters have mez protection because they are unable to prevent mezzes from hitting them. That is PASSIVE mez protection.

Ranged characters can prevent the mez from ever being fired, so they do not need passive mez protection. That is ACTIVE mez protection.

All ATs have mez protection in some form or another, whether passive or active. Acting to prevent a mez from happening is protecting yourself from it

Here's the definition of the word "protection" again, in case you missed it:

pro·tec·tion (prə-těk'shən)

1. The act of protecting.
2. The condition of being protected.

Main Entry: pro·tec·tion
Function: noun
1 : the act of protecting : the state of being protected protection>
2 a : one that protects b : supervision or support of one having less power <protection of endangered species>

In the first definition, the condition of being protected would obviously be passive mez protection.

But, the first definition is "the act of protecting". That applies to pro-actively using a power to prevent mez from happening, you have acted to protect yourself from it.

In the second entry, those two definitions pop up again, but there is a third definition as well. That would be "one who protects" or "supervision or support of one with less power"

In this case that would be "less power to prevent mez from occurring". I read that as implying that the entire tanker AT is mez protection in and of itself.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
Have a graduated mez protection rating. If a melee has 0 team members they get x amount of mez prot. if there are 2-4 they get y amount. 5-7 they get z amount. 8 members they get 3 time z. Make teaming beneficial for all toons, not just the squishies. They should seriously look at the defender inherent. Make it something that rewards good defender play instead of poor. This would revitalize teaming and help make COX a more interactive place instead of being split between those that can handle +4 x8 spawns and the gimps.

How about "No". I solo and I team and don't have to worry about my playstyle or my toon in either case - be it one of my defenders or my tank or my WS or whatever I feel like at that time.

Your suggestion would put players all over the place. I am soloing and get a tell to join a team, with 5 players. Okay, I join. The team does a mission then breaks, and I go to soloing. I get a tell for another team, with 2 players. We play and the leader recruits more over time. Now the numbers are changing. People come on the team, people leave the team. Eventually team breaks up and I am solo again. I see on global TF forming and join up. Back again on a team. Is a respec with 4? An STF with 8? etc.?

Current system has me playing my toon the way I want too and having fun. I would probably need some kind of worksheet for all my AT (I have one of each at least) and the different effects of teaming has and would be a hassle.