List of bugs in i16




Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Don't you mean imported into the game?
Before it can be imported to the game, it must be exported from it's "Project File" state to a usable format - if I am not mistaken.

Photo-Shop, for example, defaults to saving it's files in .psd, as I recall. A format only it uses and not viewable in most programs. It's used, though, to save things like massive layer info, etc. To have your Photo-shopped image viewable elsewhere, you export it to another format (.GIF, JPG/JPEG, TIFF, PNG, etc).

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I've been running a Dark Melee/Fire Aura Scrapper (rolled before I16, powers have not been edited yet because I like them fine the way they are). Occasionally, after I use a Dark Melee attack on an enemy, the gold glow of Soul Drain's boost would appear on that enemy briefly. It seems to happen randomly.

Character index



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
It's the same VFX as used by players. So, yes.


another bug I encountered the other day (tues night actually). a few of us were doing the Hess tf and we had continuous issues(read : two missions) with glowies in walls and and empty mission (once).. two separate petitions. the GM got us moving along pretty quickly thou. Just something to mention as a possible thorn in peoples sides if it happens repetitively.

and btw if you haven't heard it enough yet i am gonna say it again.. Great awesome job on i16! i love it so far.. S'SK and difficulty adjustments ftw!



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I'm ok with that. So long as you can't zone with's all good.
I'm sorry, Castle, but that sounds like bull.

Do you know how many of these you can have flying around with 50 people in a raid? During the previous "era" of never-ending lightning, you could enter the goo and be drained of endurance in literally 30 seconds... while running Geas of the Kind ones, which is +800% recovery. I'm not making that up - I'm a pretty permanent fixture at Justice's raids, and it was a common experience.

Being drained of endurance under such conditions is incredibly frustrating.

I'll retract the above assessment of bull for this if it turns out that the old behavior was that the bolts were actually eternal barring missing. However, if the only difference was that it could zone, my subjective feedback is that this is crap.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by LeenFD View Post
well i send you guys a bug report last night on my buy but i'll tell you here too.

I was on the first nerva SF when in the last mission i noticed that on my widow vengence and elude were able to be activated and i got those powers at 35 and 38.
If you mean the first Respec Trial, it is for level 24-33.

SSK now allows you access to powers 5 levels above your exemplared level, so you have access to powers up to level 38 in that trial.

The Live Patch notes seem to be missing the information, but here's the section from the Test server combined release notes:

  • Players exemplared for any reason (teaming, flashbacks, zone, arenas) will now be able to use powers gained up to 5 levels above the exemplar level.
    • Example: A 20 exemplared to 1 will have their first 5 power choices instead of 2.
    • Example: A 50 exemplared to 45 will have access to all their powers.

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



Originally Posted by Placta View Post
When going through elevators, my pets will sometimes not follow correctly. Using Recall Friend to bring them to my location does not work, as they teleport in and then run back to where they were, straight through the walls. Going back through the elevator can sometimes fix the situation, but the only reliable "fix" I've found is to dismiss the bugged pets and resummon.
I have found an easier work around for this bug (or seem to have). Before entering the elevator, issue a /petcom_all stay command. The pets will stay put until you enter the elevator. As soon as you enter the elevator, the "Stay" state will automatically revert to a "Follow" state, and the pets follow you into the elevator and NOT bug when you exit.

Alternatively, if you are on a team, just let any teammate go up first so that the foyer on the next floor is mapped. The problem seems to occur only when entering a floor for the first time. If you have already been on the floor, you can go up and down all day long and your pets will successfully follow.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Rocket Boots on Huge character model have the rocket exhaust "inside" the boots so you only see a trail coming out of the sole.

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



Something seems offcenter with customized Forcefield Bubble for Dispersion Bubble on self.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I just looked at them, and they're scaled appropriately for the female model.
Oh! It's a different model entirely. I thought Lava was just a texture applied to the original stone gloves. It was like that for the longest time in beta, I thought that's how it was supposed to look.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Originally Posted by macskull View Post

So how many merits will the Hami raid be increased to as compensation for the increased difficulty and frustration factor?

This post may seem a bit angry (that's not my intent, by the way), but I'm really curious and even a bit frustrated that things not working like they should is considered "ok" (see also: normalization of ATs in PvP). I believe it was either I13 or I14 when Chain Lightning broke, and as a result some of the Justice raid regulars simply stopped going to raids, or raids just didn't happen. The damage isn't the annoying part, it's the constant end drain and fear effect that is. It's bad enough heroside, I think we ran one redside raid while it was broken and it was quite frustrating.
For what it's worth, the original design intent for the Blue mitos was that they would be very disruptive to clumps of the point where they could not be ignored. In that regards, your description sounds like it's actually closer to the original intent...but I haven't really kept track with all of the tweaks and changes to those powers since inception.



Originally Posted by Monkey_King View Post
Oh! It's a different model entirely. I thought Lava was just a texture applied to the original stone gloves. It was like that for the longest time in beta, I thought that's how it was supposed to look.
Nope, I figured out a method for applying different FX Geometry to the different player types, rather than slapping whatever was big enough for the Huge model on everyone else.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
For what it's worth, the original design intent for the Blue mitos was that they would be very disruptive to clumps of the point where they could not be ignored. In that regards, your description sounds like it's actually closer to the original intent...
I guess the question is whether they should continue to be disruptive even if you focus on them. You see, even if you taunt their aggro away from the crowd, it's basically impossible to find a full raid contingent of Tankers or whatever that have so much range in their taunts that the chain will not leap from them to someone else in the goo. Then, once it's in there, it persists for a very long time, or did in the previous incarnation of this change (?). (I'll find out in about 10 minutes of this post if it's like it was back in I14 once more.) Indeed, it can/could persist well beyond the life of the Blue Mito that produced it.

Fundamentally, that means there's not that much you can do about the effect, even if you specifically try. That's frustrating.

Edit: Just attended a raid, and it's not bad, so please discount my preemptive rant-yness above (particularly in response to Castle). My fear after his response was that it was going to be as dense and persistent at raids as it was in 14, but with the ability to cross-zones fixed. It doesn't seem to be anything like that severe. Unless he's somehow mistaken about Famine using the exact same power, I have to conclude that we were just unlucky with Famine's chaining.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
For what it's worth, the original design intent for the Blue mitos was that they would be very disruptive to clumps of the point where they could not be ignored. In that regards, your description sounds like it's actually closer to the original intent...but I haven't really kept track with all of the tweaks and changes to those powers since inception.
The problem is that fear and zero endurance aren't "disruptive", they're fun-killing.

At one of the big nerfs to control powers, someone (I think Statesman, but I could be wrong) said that it's no fun to fight statues. Well, it's no fun to be a statue either. Or quivering in fear with no endurance and not a flipping damn thing you can do about it.

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Auto exemped from 50 to lvl 10 I tried spawning a shivan and nothing happened.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
For what it's worth, the original design intent for the Blue mitos was that they would be very disruptive to clumps of the point where they could not be ignored. In that regards, your description sounds like it's actually closer to the original intent...but I haven't really kept track with all of the tweaks and changes to those powers since inception.
The mez is disruptive enough on its own, but a buffing teammate can help with that (the intent of the revised Hami raid was to require teamwork and participation from more sets, am I right?) - the endurance drain, quite frankly, sucks. I ran my Kat/Regen on a Justice raid tonight and I lost count of the number of times I was detoggled because the chain lightning drained my endurance. When I had 3 or 4 RA's stacked on me it wasn't a big deal, but once those wore off and I only had an SB on top of QR+Stamina, I found myself using MoG as often as it was up in an attempt to keep myself from bottoming out (didn't work so well, I found).

I don't think there would be too many complaints if the power were to remain as-is but with the endurance drain lessened or removed completely. The mez alone ensures that the blues are disruptive but not dangerously so, as some armor sets have built-in fear protection (some sets also have end drain protection, but as I've found from running a raid on my Spines/Dark, even that protection becomes worthless pretty quickly if you've got more than one blue on you, and that's before they chained indefinitely). I suppose the other alternative is to go back to using Blaster teams to poke at the blues until the other mitos are cleared, but that's not really fun for the Blasters and it generally slows the whole raid process down.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
Auto exemped from 50 to lvl 10 I tried spawning a shivan and nothing happened.
Were you on the ground? Shivans can't be summoned while character is in the air.

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
I think they settled on powers within 5 levels of the lvl you EX to.. and you can still get XP within that range as well.. if I understand it correctly. Any powers higher than that will still be unavailable like before.

Also, to add to the list:
You cannot summon an Ouroboros Portal while EX'd. The animation will play, but no portal will appear. If you quit your team and become un-EX'd, the portal will suddenly appear where you had just clicked a minute ago. It's quite spooky.
We had the same issue with ouroboros portal while on Positron TF. Very inconvenient and annoying



Super Sidkicking is really bugged.

My 50 joined a level 10 and was instantly transformed to a level 9 with only 6 powers. Goodbye superspeed. So I quit the team to get there but lost the location. I rejoined, thumbtacked it, quit and got there and rejoined. I'm not sure doing all that was faster than sprinting there.

I entered the mission and still only had 6 powers... I thought we got to keep 5 levels more if exemped. We soon found a level 10 Dom & a level 9 Dom (the new me) were no match for the mission.

I switched to a level 15 brute I had. Weirdly, I didn't lose any powers. I superspeeded to the mission, waiting to lose powers once I entered. Entering the mission, I kept all my powers and we easily completed the mission.

Why would a small exemp work differently (and better) than a large exemp?

I still say we should be able to turn this off.



New bug I noticed (or mebby it was already there and nobody took the time to check?)

But Female toons in the character creation screen and in the gameplay itself, using the skirts section and going to some of the longer shorts, the hips show through the clothing (basically the clothing embedding itself in the geo of the female and the portion of the hips showing through)
Mostly just a graphical glitch but it ruins the outfits a bit.



That shorts issue has been around for a long, long, LONG time. I remember it from years ago. That's why I basically never use shorts unless they're the first one, or the poofy ones for theme effect.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Archetype: Corrupter
Primary Powerset/Secondary Powerset: Energy Blast/Storm
Themes' chosen: Color Tintable (for storm)
Bug Description: The colors for Storm have been bugged since character creation. Freezing Rain and Snow Storm are fine for some reason, but every other color I have customized comes out as grayish/white when I activate it.

This is Steamy Mist and Gale.

When I go to the tailors, every power but Freezing Rain and Snow Storm look colored gray in the circles to the left like they would for a default power. But when I click on them, they suddenly switch to being colored a bright red/red.

I would screenshot this... but I dont know how to make a screenshot while in a the tailor screen.

Recoloring them and exiting the tailor does nothing, returning them to default animation and back does nothing as well.

"The Good... they don't know how close to Evil they truly are..." -The Overlord

Guess what my avatar is and I'll give you a rare candy!




Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Had the same problem with bots/dark MM zoning and bots came with but were not MY pets. Also, bots are once again getting hung up on apparently nothing (both indoors and outdoors).

Oh GOD NO...please tell me that's not true....
[Crashing Facepalm]

Snap Shot on Corruptors is still broken animation wise, definitely on female models, haven't tried it on male models yet.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
Says a number of people who've been testing extensively. The recipe drop has been screwed all though beta, and still appears to be screwed in I16 live. You can read the thread here:

If you're getting normal drops, that's both great and very interesting. Would it be possible for you to turn on chat logging next time you do a run, and produce some accurate data to add to the stats? You can generate the stats easily by running the log file through DropStats, which will do all the tallying of defeats and drops for you ( If you could, that would be really awesome :-)
The drop rate is definately broken, set up a solo demon farm for 8 man +2 with bosses, cleared map but didnt get even 1 recipe drop - got plenty of salvage but no recipes. Drop rates have either been altered or there is a bug.



Originally Posted by silversword437 View Post
Archetype: Corrupter
Primary Powerset/Secondary Powerset: Energy Blast/Storm
Themes' chosen: Color Tintable (for storm)
Bug Description: The colors for Storm have been bugged since character creation. Freezing Rain and Snow Storm are fine for some reason, but every other color I have customized comes out as grayish/white when I activate it.

This is Steamy Mist and Gale.

When I go to the tailors, every power but Freezing Rain and Snow Storm look colored gray in the circles to the left like they would for a default power. But when I click on them, they suddenly switch to being colored a bright red/red.

I would screenshot this... but I dont know how to make a screenshot while in a the tailor screen.

Recoloring them and exiting the tailor does nothing, returning them to default animation and back does nothing as well.
Have not been able to repro this. All of the powers in Storm Control seem to be accepting colors as expected. Both in the power customization screen and in game.

Are you sure you've set those powers to use a customizable theme? Do you have the influence to pay for the changes? Etc



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Oh GOD NO...please tell me that's not true....
[Crashing Facepalm]

Snap Shot on Corruptors is still broken animation wise, definitely on female models, haven't tried it on male models yet.
It's still not fixed? Hang on a sec...try now