List of bugs in i16




I recolored all my Sonic stuff to pale grey, cause I'm lame like that. The ally shields, once cast, still show up as the original orange.

As far as the random porters... Orenbega has always been like that H-side. I sort of assumed that it was an homage going back (at least) to early-1980's D&D dungeons, the kind the party had to map out by hand, where random teleporters made your life harder. Works pretty well in Oranbega too!

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
the freeze bug (not a mapserv cause after I come back and check my netstat its all fine.) but my hard drive light just goes solid sometimes for a good 2-3 minutes before the window opens, or my game crashes. That is the only window that ever does that to me.
This probably means you're short on available main system memory (RAM). Opening the market window unfortunately tries to list everything at first, and that can take a fair amount of memory; if you don't have enough, the OS will try and swap less-used things off to the far slower hard drive.

If your computer has the wrong combination of little main memory available, insufficient swap space available, slow hard drive, or a few other factors, you can end up with a "death swap", where it spends an increasing amount of time trying to juggle what it's doing rather than actually doing any of it. See the wiki on thrashing for some more info.

It is almost certain that adding more main memory (RAM) will improve the situation, quite possibly drastically. You can also get some improvement by running fewer things in the background when you're playing CoH. Using a somewhat oversized fixed-size page file may help a little.

Those of you who are experiencing this problem can post a thread of your own on the Technical Issues & Bugs area of the forums if you need help resolving it, or at least mitigating it. Starting by posting a quick summary of what's going wrong, your basic computer specs, and a CoH Helper log.

Miuramir, Windchime, Sariel the Golden, Scarlet Antinomist...
Casino Extortion #4031: Neutral, Council+Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/CFMA]
Bad Candy #87938: Neutral, Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/HFMA]
CoH Helper * HijackThis



Dropping an Oro portal while solo will cause the portal to appear, but when you click on it the "you cannot enter" popup window appears. The character in question was not on a team, or task force and was level 48.

Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."

"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."



Few bugs.

Prestige power slide does not animate properly when weapons are drawn.

The new targetable targets in the RWZ Vanguard base are out of range even when right on top of them.

Gravity Control Wormhole plays no sound when custom colors are picked.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I found what looks like a fairly serious animation bug. You know how you get a different knockback animation while flying that has you spin in the air but not drop back to the ground? That is no longer playing when I'm near the ground. Instead, while I'm hovering at ground level, I get knocked flat on my back as though I were standing on the ground.

Please tell me this is a bug. If I'm still not "on the ground" enough for me to use ground-only powers (like Burn) I shouldn't be getting knocked down as though I were standing on the ground, right?
Yeah, Im getting this as well.



Originally Posted by Miuramir View Post
This probably means you're short on available main system memory (RAM). Opening the market window unfortunately tries to list everything at first, and that can take a fair amount of memory; if you don't have enough, the OS will try and swap less-used things off to the far slower hard drive.

If your computer has the wrong combination of little main memory available, insufficient swap space available, slow hard drive, or a few other factors, you can end up with a "death swap", where it spends an increasing amount of time trying to juggle what it's doing rather than actually doing any of it. See the wiki on thrashing for some more info.

It is almost certain that adding more main memory (RAM) will improve the situation, quite possibly drastically. You can also get some improvement by running fewer things in the background when you're playing CoH. Using a somewhat oversized fixed-size page file may help a little.

Those of you who are experiencing this problem can post a thread of your own on the Technical Issues & Bugs area of the forums if you need help resolving it, or at least mitigating it. Starting by posting a quick summary of what's going wrong, your basic computer specs, and a CoH Helper log.
I get the same issue as the person you are quoting from time to time. I have 8gb ddr2 on vista 64 so it's not a lack of RAM per se. What I do know is CoX is probably still bound by 32 bit code which only allows it to address 2gb of RAM max. I notice when I crash out at the BM or WW that I'm at or close to the 2gb (1.7gb+) mark in the task manager. It's my surmisation that CoX is maxing itself out. Base editor also has a memory leak, I can usually get an hour in the editor before the system reaches 2gb of system ram usage then crashes.

If they set the BM/WW to not auto search every item in its database when it opens this issue would go away.

{edit} Just as an FYI, I know my old system is whats listed below in my sig, but I've got a raptor 10k drive, less than 20 processes running other than CoX and a 4gb page file. So it's not for a lack of speed or available memory/ram or page file that causes this issue at the BM/WW



Originally Posted by Monkey_King View Post
Stone Melee: The Lava and Crystal "gloves" are scaled too small on female models. The Original and Color Tintable "gloves" are normal size, though. I know you fixed this bug at least once during beta, but it's back again.
I just looked at them, and they're scaled appropriately for the female model.

Originally Posted by BurningBear View Post
* Prestige Power Slide uses the running animation half the time

* Air Superiority is no longer stopping fliers from flying. They knock up and fly away.
Most of the issues with sliding animations should be fixed in the next patch. Let me know if there are any outliers I missed.

Bit disturbed by reports of issues with knockback and flight mode. Will be looking into that today.

Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Snap Shot doesn't animate properly for defenders with TA/Archery.

Tanker Ice Melee/Ice Sword has a weird animation artifact on the sword that juts out at a 90 degree angle from the hilt on occasion, when you select the Ice Sword power customization.
Both known issues and already fixed in next update.

Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Just heard this in Pocket D on Virtue, something about cardtrick on female shapes distorting it to a male frame for the animation. Testing now.
Cardtrick - Female bug confirmed...
Number of known issues with the cardtrick and juggle emotes. All should be resolved in the next update.

Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
I recolored all my Sonic stuff to pale grey, cause I'm lame like that. The ally shields, once cast, still show up as the original orange.
We'll take a look at it.



Originally Posted by Cthulhufan View Post
I get the same issue as the person you are quoting from time to time. I have 8gb ddr2 on vista 64 so it's not a lack of RAM per se. What I do know is CoX is probably still bound by 32 bit code which only allows it to address 2gb of RAM max. I notice when I crash out at the BM or WW that I'm at or close to the 2gb (1.7gb+) mark in the task manager. It's my surmisation that CoX is maxing itself out. Base editor also has a memory leak, I can usually get an hour in the editor before the system reaches 2gb of system ram usage then crashes.

If they set the BM/WW to not auto search every item in its database when it opens this issue would go away.

{edit} Just as an FYI, I know my old system is whats listed below in my sig, but I've got a raptor 10k drive, less than 20 processes running other than CoX and a 4gb page file. So it's not for a lack of speed or available memory/ram or page file that causes this issue at the BM/WW
As screwy as it sounds I'm glad it's not just me, cause I have 2GB of Ram and a 3Ghz dual core processor. I do believe that this is a memory leak as I have seen the same thing in my task manager as the RAM usage goes through the roof even after its crashed and showing me the "Send Report window"

And Happy Birthday to me!



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
It appears that the never-ending chain lightning from the Blue Hamidon Mito blasts may be back. Or it may be only back for one reuse of that same effect from a different mob.

One of the Rikti War Riders in the Lady Grey Task Force, Famine, uses this attack. Once my LGTF team was hit by it, it lasted for the rest of the map on which Famine appears.
Amusingly enough, the "Charge" power that Blue Mito's use is exactly the power "Charge" power Famine uses. As in, he actually calls the same power, with the same limitations. Sounds like you had a particularly bad streak of luck -- after the 3rd jump, any bolt has a 75% chance of not jumping again.



Castle - the Chain Lightning from the Blue Mitos is back to neverending. We had it last night on Virtue for over 5 minutes on Hero Rock after all the Blue Mitos were down.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



well i send you guys a bug report last night on my buy but i'll tell you here too.

I was on the first nerva SF when in the last mission i noticed that on my widow vengence and elude were able to be activated and i got those powers at 35 and 38.

Leen level 50 regen scrapper
Lady Hikari 50 Peacebringer (758 Badges)
Sylvie 50 Warshade
Lysia 50 Dom IceIce
Alita 50 VEAT Widow (1223 bagdes)



Originally Posted by WoefulKnight View Post
Castle - the Chain Lightning from the Blue Mitos is back to neverending. We had it last night on Virtue for over 5 minutes on Hero Rock after all the Blue Mitos were down.
I'm ok with that. So long as you can't zone with's all good.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I'm ok with that. So long as you can't zone with's all good.
Uh...when we did the Villan Hami the night before it did leave with a few people who zoned into Ouro then it's back to the annoying version.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
No! Bad! Standard code rant!

FYI, the tool that processes geometry exported into the game had a bug, and anything that was exported as an editable mesh rather than an editable polygon (go look it up if you want to know) didn't preserve the smoothing groups (again...go look it up)

Zero impact on performance.
Don't you mean imported into the game?



Server status page is still borked.



The regeneration for Lusca's head, after all the tentacles have been defeated, is somewhere between unbelievable and insane. It took four rads and two teams to take it down. It was suggested that it was regenning as if all the tentacles were still present.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by WoefulKnight View Post
Castle - the Chain Lightning from the Blue Mitos is back to neverending. We had it last night on Virtue for over 5 minutes on Hero Rock after all the Blue Mitos were down.
Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I'm ok with that. So long as you can't zone with's all good.
oh but you can =O



It's been mentioned elsewhere (or in this thread, haven't read all of it), but there is definitely an issue with toggles dropping. I just lost Unyielding (an entirely defensive toggle) on my Invuln while fighting Sky Raiders. Had no clue why I was suddenly getting knocked down until I took a look at my tray.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



The Monster Island mission door (used with radio missions in Peregrine Island) is back.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
The Monster Island mission door (used with radio missions in Peregrine Island) is back.
I wasn't aware this was a bug, but I encountered this a couple weeks ago, so it's pre-I16 at least.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Snap Shot doesn't animate properly for defenders with TA/Archery.

Tanker Ice Melee/Ice Sword has a weird animation artifact on the sword that juts out at a 90 degree angle from the hilt on occasion, when you select the Ice Sword power customization.

Both known issues and already fixed in next update.
I am also seeing this on the Jack Frost on my troller. is it fixed there as well?



Originally Posted by Dr. Overdose View Post
I am also seeing this on the Jack Frost on my troller. is it fixed there as well?
It's the same VFX as used by players. So, yes.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I'm ok with that. So long as you can't zone with's all good.

So how many merits will the Hami raid be increased to as compensation for the increased difficulty and frustration factor?

This post may seem a bit angry (that's not my intent, by the way), but I'm really curious and even a bit frustrated that things not working like they should is considered "ok" (see also: normalization of ATs in PvP). I believe it was either I13 or I14 when Chain Lightning broke, and as a result some of the Justice raid regulars simply stopped going to raids, or raids just didn't happen. The damage isn't the annoying part, it's the constant end drain and fear effect that is. It's bad enough heroside, I think we ran one redside raid while it was broken and it was quite frustrating.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Monkey_King View Post
This happened a lot in beta, but thankfully there's a workaround. You can regain ownership of your pets by using some sort of buff or healing on them. Hitting them with Soothe ought to reclaim control. Controller pets, like Fire Imps, also would occasionally have this problem and the same solution worked.

Offense-only sets are kinda screwed, but maybe passing them an inspiration will work.
It might. The fastest fix for this inconvenient bug is just pretending it doesn't exist. As far as the server is concerned, those are all still your pets. It's a UI or Client issue more than anything else. Their kills still work, the bodyguard effect still happens, so does your inherent, they still defend you if they were in defensive stance and they'll still attack if they were in aggressive. If you upgrade one, then all the other nearby pets still upgrade even if they don't show up in your pet window.

Just go into a mission and get into a fight, and the moment any of them get attacked your UI will sort itself out.

If it REALLY bugs you and you don't have buffs to cast, you can still use your upgrade on each individual one to knock them back into your pet screen. That's time consuming an unnecessary, though.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best