List of bugs in i16




The persistent chain lightning that doesn't dissipate on it's own, from Hamidon's blue mitos, has returned.



Originally Posted by Umbra_Shadow View Post
I wonder if anyone noticed this, maybe it was just me. I have a bots/pain MM, did a mission and then exited with the pets. When I got out, my pets appeared, but were no longer listed under my pets list. Also, when I tried to hit the follow command, I got the "command fails, no active pets" (or similar) message. I tried to summon more, but it did nothing, like it would normally do if there are no pets to replace. They did follow me around, but it just seemed like I was looking at bots on someone else's team. They didn't have any name under them (like another MM's would). I did "/release_pets" and they all died, and one of each showed up in my pet list with the dead skull icon. After that I could summon normally. This did only happen once, so I'll try again later and see.

This happened a lot in beta, but thankfully there's a workaround. You can regain ownership of your pets by using some sort of buff or healing on them. Hitting them with Soothe ought to reclaim control. Controller pets, like Fire Imps, also would occasionally have this problem and the same solution worked.

Offense-only sets are kinda screwed, but maybe passing them an inspiration will work.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



* Prestige Power Slide uses the running animation half the time

* Air Superiority is no longer stopping fliers from flying. They knock up and fly away.

* Map servered opening aluminum garage door in mission (freedom) when I logged back in, it was not the correct character, but had both my entire chat windows intact.

* teaming with someone of the SAME LEVEL on a mission of the same level, Side kicks you to one level lower. The original description said it would sk people that were not the same level. Plus, it conflicts with the spirit of Leveling Pact, when you are teamed with them, and they are forced one level lower because it is your mission. You should be able to have another option other than SK or die! er.. I mean Quit.

Forced super SKing is the only thing I don't like in i16. In fact, I hate about anything that is forced on me.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
On the badge thing , did you check to see if it fixed itself after either zoning or logging? WHen that happens to me, either of those usually fixes it.

And not sure if the CoT Random Access Portal bit is a bug or not - some maps have had it forever (as in launch).
I only logged in with my 50 real quick to check his badges and move him to another Day Job location. I did zone, but it didn't occour to me to check if the Force of Nature progress bar fixed itself. I will check shortly.

As for the Portal thing, I never had it happen until yesterday, so I assumed it was something new. Is this a Blueside only thing? I never had it happen Redside.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Re: the drop rate of recipes - says who? I-16 went live yesterday - I set my lvl 50 bots/dark MM to +0/8-man team. Have gotten two purples in two days by doing newspaper missions. I like these odds.
That event has nothing to do with the drop rates. It's possible for you to get 20 purples in a row. That you did so says nothing much about the drop rate on its own.

Collectively, testers have measured tens of thousands of collective kills, taken the effort to do it in ways that they could go back and measure.

The devs report they are not seeing this in their own data mining and that no such change is intended. What that suggests to me is that the problem is specific to conditions which individual testers tend to expose. In particular, drop rate testing is best done when solo, because of the random assignment of drops among teammates. It may be that there is a bug that only impacts soloists.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



It appears that the never-ending chain lightning from the Blue Hamidon Mito blasts may be back. Or it may be only back for one reuse of that same effect from a different mob.

One of the Rikti War Riders in the Lady Grey Task Force, Famine, uses this attack. Once my LGTF team was hit by it, it lasted for the rest of the map on which Famine appears.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



When going through elevators, my pets will sometimes not follow correctly. Using Recall Friend to bring them to my location does not work, as they teleport in and then run back to where they were, straight through the walls. Going back through the elevator can sometimes fix the situation, but the only reliable "fix" I've found is to dismiss the bugged pets and resummon.



Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
A team of us ran a master Baracuda SF yesterday. We failed it but finished it. After exiting the last mission we *all* mapserved. Everyone on the team did.

Once we all logged back in the * had passed to someone else and he went to see Baracuda to finish it.

Nobody got merits.
Just had a team of 8 on Justice server complete the Kahn TF, everyone mapserved the moment the last AV died. Soon as we all re-logged on, mission was over but no one got merits or badge.



Just logged in as my 50 again, and checked the Most Recent badges tab and Force of Nature was there, so logging and/or zoning fixes the problem.



Originally Posted by CockAroach View Post
Just had a team of 8 on Justice server complete the Kahn TF, everyone mapserved the moment the last AV died. Soon as we all re-logged on, mission was over but no one got merits or badge.
I think at this point the mapserve problem in TF's could be considered technically gamebreaking. This really needs to be looked into badly because apparently its been happening before i16 went live as well.

New bug I've discovered. Pre-i16 I had no problems with the following command
/bind SHIFT+LCLICK "powexec_name Shadow Step"

I would shift+click my way anywhere with no lag and no issues would activate every time without fail.

Post-i16 however.... its a 50/50 shot it works properly if at all. Sometimes just hitting shift sets it off and then I click, when its supposed to be hold shift&click not press shift then click.
Sometimes it activates on KeyUp status (when the button is released after teleporting) bringing those targeting circles into view so the next place you click (without the shift key pressed) you will teleport there. This is odd behaviour coming from the binds and it seems to be doing that on a couple powers I've bound to multiple keys.

After alt+tabbing back to the game it seems multiple-key bind support has been dropped?



Snap Shot doesn't animate properly for defenders with TA/Archery.

Tanker Ice Melee/Ice Sword has a weird animation artifact on the sword that juts out at a 90 degree angle from the hilt on occasion, when you select the Ice Sword power customization.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Tanker Ice Melee/Ice Sword has a weird animation artifact on the sword that juts out at a 90 degree angle from the hilt on occasion, when you select the Ice Sword power customization.
Yeah, I don't think this is on purpose.

Just looks the aura is separated from the sword itself.

Also, another thing: if you activate Prestige Power Slide while running, you will continue using the regular run animation while the purple Slide aura still appears around your feet. This persists until you come to a full stop and start moving again. A minor annoyance, but an annoyance nonetheless.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Snap Shot doesn't animate properly for defenders with TA/Archery.
I'm actually glad someone else was able to confirm the "Snap Shot" Animation glitch and that it wasn't just lag.

By the way, this is anybody with Archery; Defenders, Corruptors, Blasters... All the same issue with Snap Shot



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
anyway yeah, I think they just had it at a very low poly-mesh for the terrain features and upped the polys for the ground to smooth them out some. Was annoying but with the higher polys it can also make some older machines lag. But at least the tradeoff is also slightly better ground geo and better looking terrain.
No! Bad! Standard code rant!

FYI, the tool that processes geometry exported into the game had a bug, and anything that was exported as an editable mesh rather than an editable polygon (go look it up if you want to know) didn't preserve the smoothing groups (again...go look it up)

Zero impact on performance.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Re: the drop rate of recipes - says who? I-16 went live yesterday - I set my lvl 50 bots/dark MM to +0/8-man team. Have gotten two purples in two days by doing newspaper missions.
I got 5 or 6 purples over the course of Beta. I also had an overall drop rate substantially less than 50% of the published drop rates over several thousand mob defeats for Pool A recipes. Purples seemed, ironically enough, to be less affected than anything else in my testing.

Edit: FPARN :P

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Theres usually a impact when more polys are added to any mesh or angular meshes are smoothed out (at least what I've noticed from my work in blender, 3DsMax and, Lightwave)

However I also forgot this is CoH and its minimum requirements for a great gameplay experience is practically the same as it was original launch. (Which is just awesome btw)

But I have noticed something else too, the 3 month Veteran reward (Trenchcoats) No matter what emote you might use for sitting the coat always hangs in mid-air about waist high. I've seen capes actually collide with objects and drape when sitting but the trenchcoat does not. (does this on ledgesit and sitstool or is it stoolsit i dunno) I have yet to test other sits on objects to see if it does the same thing for all of them.

Crouch drapes properly. or mebby its just draping the same way but since my waist is lower to the ground its not appearing to "float"
(and BaBs, the broke the forum comment was about the Large images that broke the stylesheet in that area stretching out the forums beyond thier settings, hence "broke the forums" )



I found what looks like a fairly serious animation bug. You know how you get a different knockback animation while flying that has you spin in the air but not drop back to the ground? That is no longer playing when I'm near the ground. Instead, while I'm hovering at ground level, I get knocked flat on my back as though I were standing on the ground.

Please tell me this is a bug. If I'm still not "on the ground" enough for me to use ground-only powers (like Burn) I shouldn't be getting knocked down as though I were standing on the ground, right?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I switched my Stalker's spines from original to Metal Spikes and on leaving the tailor I noticed that it used the thorns geometry.
Returning to the tailor it showed me that I had correctly chosen Metal Spikes, but they still show up as colour tinted thorns in-game...



Originally Posted by Bovine_Avenger View Post
Mission inflation in the MA editor is back, due to the return of replacing " " with " ". My arc gained 0.22% in size again due to this, enough to push it above 100% and into uneditable again, sigh. It can be fixed by locating the missing spaces, but we shouldn't have to do this once more...

looks like the Mission Architect isn't the only text entry thats doing this.

In the character Bio sheet, double-spaces are also counted as   but they still show as empty spaces yet the character count upon entering a second space counts 6 characters instead of just 1.

[correction] upon trying it again I'm going from 1016 to 1022 just with a double space definately hinting that the   bug is to blame.

Just heard this in Pocket D on Virtue, something about cardtrick on female shapes distorting it to a male frame for the animation. Testing now.
Cardtrick - Female bug confirmed...

Seems bad geometry plotting is to blame here as it looks like its trying to use the male geometry instead of female, working properly pre-i16.

On the male toons however, the cards appear at least 2 feet away from the hands as well.



cardtrick does the same thing on the normal male body types. it floats out way in front of the character.




I just crashed accessing WW... I wish that would get hit with a serious optimization, every time I access one of the WW employees (or the BlackMarket Redside) My harddrive takes a field trip and goes nuts, the game freezes and stays froze until it either crashes or loads up the market window.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
I just crashed accessing WW... I wish that would get hit with a serious optimization, every time I access one of the WW employees (or the BlackMarket Redside) My harddrive takes a field trip and goes nuts, the game freezes and stays froze until it either crashes or loads up the market window.
Same here....
Not sure if i could call this an i16 "bug", but a week or so before it came out, and since then, when I play on blueside on Protector I'd get mapserved every few seconds. Since i16, it still mapserves me, but only about every 5 minutes.



Zoning related since i16 patch:
1. Loading into zones from our base, and back out of an AE mission can cause the client to freeze. Not always, but 3 locks today, from each. All on the CoV side
2. MM pets are indeed coming through the portals into new zones (like through a ferry) but sometimes they load in a sort of default configuration. They follow the character, but accept no commands, are renamed back to the default names, cannot be dismissed etc... re-zoning fixes this maybe 50% of the time. When it doesn't you need to log out and back in to removed the uncontrolled pets. Either happens to all the pets or none at all.

AE related:
1. missions are having issues with goals. For instance I have a mission with a boss, a patrol, a captive, a collection and defeat all. Currently you can only free the captive most of the time. In 16+ runs of the same mission the boss only spawned twice, the collection appeared once but was unable to be collected, the patrol only actually patrolled in one mish and the captive appeared 2ce, once simple took off like a rocket after being freed, and once stood there.... and stood....
Note, I would not noramlly run any mission that much but it really bugged me that it wouldn't work, I changede maps, bosses, removed all the goals down to kill the boss and still only had him show up once.



Originally Posted by Gryphie View Post
Same here....
Not sure if i could call this an i16 "bug", but a week or so before it came out, and since then, when I play on blueside on Protector I'd get mapserved every few seconds. Since i16, it still mapserves me, but only about every 5 minutes.
the freeze bug (not a mapserv cause after I come back and check my netstat its all fine.) but my hard drive light just goes solid sometimes for a good 2-3 minutes before the window opens, or my game crashes. That is the only window that ever does that to me.

(besides the plaques redside when picking a patron... and you click them repeatedly it will knock you offline and out of the game. Not sure if it still does this though)



Originally Posted by Placta View Post
When going through elevators, my pets will sometimes not follow correctly. Using Recall Friend to bring them to my location does not work, as they teleport in and then run back to where they were, straight through the walls. Going back through the elevator can sometimes fix the situation, but the only reliable "fix" I've found is to dismiss the bugged pets and resummon.
Assuming its MM pets giving them an attack order works - it might take them some time to make there way to the target though. - I presume GOTO would work as well.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant