List of bugs in i16




I'm not seeing the most prevalent mission bug I have run into since I16 launched... My apologies if this has been mentioned elsewhere.

I generally lead teams and my mission settings are generally somewhere around +6 heroes equivalent / Bosses / +2 level opponents / Arch Villains

Problem I have been seeing over and over again is that missions will spawn at +2/+3 level opponents (nothing unexpected there), but the AV at the end of the mission will be +5 to me. That gets hideous when you think that for the sidekicks on the team, they are +6 to them. Might as well be shooting spitballs and beating on the AV with a wiffle bat...

I've tried changing the mission settings, etc. but the AV always seems to be spawning at at least 2/3 levels higher than the rest of the mission. This happened on nearly all of the Portal Corps mission arcs (Tina McIntyre, Unai Kemen, etc.) and resulted in me essentially giving up on the arcs. I placed numerous /bug reports and have yet to see any action on it, so I have no idea how widespread the problem may be.



Originally Posted by Garthalus View Post
I'm not seeing the most prevalent mission bug I have run into since I16 launched... My apologies if this has been mentioned elsewhere.

I generally lead teams and my mission settings are generally somewhere around +6 heroes equivalent / Bosses / +2 level opponents / Arch Villains

Problem I have been seeing over and over again is that missions will spawn at +2/+3 level opponents (nothing unexpected there), but the AV at the end of the mission will be +5 to me. That gets hideous when you think that for the sidekicks on the team, they are +6 to them. Might as well be shooting spitballs and beating on the AV with a wiffle bat...

I've tried changing the mission settings, etc. but the AV always seems to be spawning at at least 2/3 levels higher than the rest of the mission. This happened on nearly all of the Portal Corps mission arcs (Tina McIntyre, Unai Kemen, etc.) and resulted in me essentially giving up on the arcs. I placed numerous /bug reports and have yet to see any action on it, so I have no idea how widespread the problem may be.
You may want to look at this thread



Currently because of the ping, random spikes in lag and the memory leaks I'm > < this close to pulling my sub like I did back before CoV came out... This is getting completely idiotic with how bad its been getting lately. Hopefully it clears up after the halloween event.

This is getting insane though, even with a dialup connection, I still wouldn't be getting 7k ping out of nowhere and rubberbanding nearly a quarter mile.

Got a example instead of just a rant, this is me using the black market on freedom redside.

I was wondering why the black market was taking so long to respond.
Well this explains it. and the ping at one point went up to 12k for a quick second.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Memory leak with masterminds

Note the guy with the flame pants and such is supposed to be the Pyromaniac.
Even though the names flipped, he still did what he was supposed to do, run in, burn them all and faceplant in style.

Note: I went from Cap to SI redside and it happened, the names were normal on the cap side, once I entered sharkhead thats when they were all messed up.

But I think this name flip is the tip of the iceberg with a very serious underlying problem. Memory leaks in the software code, pieces not being cleaned up properly or recycled.
when I dismissed them all and recalled them, the names were the same. (clearing old data)

Not to mention I've noticed my ping has been spiking left and right with more yellow lines than red causing random issues and random faceplants. The current pipe that CoX resides on should be re-evaluated.
when my ping goes from 90 to 3000 with only Cox running.... Theres a problem. and its not with my 2Mbit internet.
Yeah, I've been grumbling over this one quite a bit. It's annoying that your henchmen decide to just switch names while you're zoning.

Also, is it just me or does their problem with elevators seeming to get worse?



Also, is it just me or does their problem with elevators seeming to get worse?

I have been avoiding any and all indoor instances with my MM's. EVERY time I use an elevator I have to resummon or even better, fight off the mobs that my one pet brings back with him when he "zones" into the middle of the floor, and runs back to me with every mob he has encountered along the way. I would definitely say its much worse.



Originally Posted by Cuppa_A61Sun View Post
Also, is it just me or does their problem with elevators seeming to get worse?

I have been avoiding any and all indoor instances with my MM's. EVERY time I use an elevator I have to resummon or even better, fight off the mobs that my one pet brings back with him when he "zones" into the middle of the floor, and runs back to me with every mob he has encountered along the way. I would definitely say its much worse.
I've honestly haven't had any problems with this issue YET... *knocks on Jack's head... its made of wood ain't it?* and heres hoping I don't see it. But if I do, I'll see if I can replicate it and do a screen recording of it happening.

And because someone nitpicked the topic title because we also made mention of some bugs that were happening before i16, I changed it to one less nitpickable.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
I've honestly haven't had any problems with this issue YET... *knocks on Jack's head... its made of wood ain't it?* and heres hoping I don't see it. But if I do, I'll see if I can replicate it and do a screen recording of it happening.

And because someone nitpicked the topic title because we also made mention of some bugs that were happening before i16, I changed it to one less nitpickable.
The "stuck in elevators" was gone til I16 as far as I can recall, and the "zooming pet" who collects friends and returns is definitely I16. I know nuffin about screen recording or I'd grab ya a shot.



The awarding for vet badges is broken. My 60-month had to be added manually (more than a month late) and I was told to contact CS to add the 63-month one this month. Otherwise, my master account page says it would be awarded in May 2010.

Why can't this be fixed? I don't wanna have to contact CS every 3 months indefinitely.



So... pets and allies that you gain in various missions apparently will not attack objects. I spent a half hour to an hour on my tanker pounding away at a meteorite in Atlas Park while Mender Lazarus just stood and watched. Lazy *** Luddite....



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
sorry, I'm half asleep here, she usually passes out at her compy so I boot her off the team where she idles to logout.
It's likely because when you boot her, she is still in the mission instance. I've seen it happen pretty consistently when a friend on my team logs off, while still inside the instanced mission.



We just had one eariler, we were on a mission in the RWZ and my net lagged so bad that I mapserved, so I quit to login, gave her a phone call, told her what happened and headed off to the store (needed soda refill ) when I came back, I figured I would just log in another toon and we could do something else.

Wait a minute, I can't invite her... says shes on a mission.

She says shes not in the mission anymore so I have her invite me.
On the team window it says "On mission map" so I head to the mission (that apparently was the mission set by my Hero tank at the time) and once I'm in, her name shows up in the team window but when I try to follow her, her icon is outside the war-walls.

I leave the mission and find her sitting right outside the door... o.O But... the team window says shes on the mission map again! (I try to reset the mission at this point to something else... no-go. because shes still "On the mission map" it wouldn't let me.

That and the SSK kept her at level 49 instead of dropping her back to her actual level of 20. and it brought up my level 37 MM to 49 as well. So I do a flip, come back on as my hero tank, she invites (already learned our lesson from the first time) and it shows her sk'ed to me as it should. I try to switch the mission this time as the mission originator.

No-go... Shes still "On the mission map" Yet we are inside the Vanguard base with several people running past that I know were not on my team O.o
I kick her from the team figuring that will fix it and click on her afterwards... shows her as level 49... I attempt to re-invite her which amazingly works, she joins team ssked under me again and I try one last time to switch the mission.
Do I even have to say what I saw again?
So again I kicked her, we passed the star back and forth like a hot potato kicking each other and re-inviting each other until somehow in all this garbage when I kick her one more time... All her pets died. (Usually a sign of someone being lower level than their minions) and I check, Yes shes level 19. I re-invite her to the team, she is re-ssked under me and I was able to switch the mission at this point.

Nasty bug sitting here, but I have NO clue how to replicate it besides what I have explained I have done.

When I mapserved as well we were both on the mission map when it happened.



Yet another one, a old bug on a new mish,
(From the "Test Server Known Issues list" That suprisingly has NOT been updated at all...)
"In Mission 3 of 'Thus Spoke the Reichsman', when players need to 'Find the Mission Exit', there is no waypoint on the map to show where the exit is."
The mission,
Investigate Nemesis Base

The Horror of War
Part: Three

Has the same issue. Says to find the exit however the exit is the same way you come in and theres no map marker for the exit.



Why is this a bug? They want you to "find" the exit. No need for a map marker.



Originally Posted by Marsquake View Post
The awarding for vet badges is broken. My 60-month had to be added manually (more than a month late) and I was told to contact CS to add the 63-month one this month. Otherwise, my master account page says it would be awarded in May 2010.

Why can't this be fixed? I don't wanna have to contact CS every 3 months indefinitely.
I had to just do the same thing for my 63 month due to me on Oct 25th. It is being escalated to a senior representative.



Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
Why is this a bug? They want you to "find" the exit. No need for a map marker.
They fixed it with the other mission, all other missions I have done that said "Find the Exit" usually had a clear marker on where it was at.
Kinda redundant to have the others with a marker and some without with the same Nav text.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
They fixed it with the other mission, all other missions I have done that said "Find the Exit" usually had a clear marker on where it was at.
Kinda redundant to have the others with a marker and some without with the same Nav text.
Not "redundant"; contradictory. Redundancy is duplicatively repeatable.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Not "redundant"; contradictory. Redundancy is duplicatively repeatable.
Blah blah blah, Thank you Captain Obvious

I gots Dyslexia of a different sort here. I'll say right instead of left, use words with similar though different meanings and all that garbage. But all the same, either remove the nav marker from all of them, or add nav markers to all of them

I just discovered the animation bug that happens with MM's pets also happens to my elec/shield scrapper. When hes using his shield toggles (causing him to be in that constant ready animation that the spec-ops go into) when I use "/e robotdance" he goes off and does some other random dance. If the emote is repeated, he does the robot dance as normal.

After you move however, no emotes will work. However upon doing robotdance again and not moving, any and all emotes work as usual.



Originally Posted by Marsquake View Post
The awarding for vet badges is broken. My 60-month had to be added manually (more than a month late) and I was told to contact CS to add the 63-month one this month. Otherwise, my master account page says it would be awarded in May 2010.

Why can't this be fixed? I don't wanna have to contact CS every 3 months indefinitely.
Let's see. The brokeness of the awarding of vet badges is a CS issue, so it is up to CS (and/or NCSoft personnel) to fix that.

The Dev team works on the game. They have nothing to do with the awarding of the vet badges, aside from deciding what rewards will be with the badges and probably adding a new piece of art (likely an existing template).

If you have to call them again, complain about having to call each time to get it awarded. Ask (politely) to speak to a supervisor and complain to them about having to call each time to get it awarded.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Let's see. The brokeness of the awarding of vet badges is a CS issue, so it is up to CS (and/or NCSoft personnel) to fix that.

The Dev team works on the game. They have nothing to do with the awarding of the vet badges, aside from deciding what rewards will be with the badges and probably adding a new piece of art (likely an existing template).
Yes, I stated already that it was a CS issue. I just thought Paragon Studios people would like to know that something they expect to work as intended is broken. I'd want to know if I was a dev. A vet reward affects gameplay, so I say this is the same as a bug.



A way how to "temporarily" get rid of the crab backpack when a crab.

If you have any outfit saved with the trench coat, load that costume up (it will say theres a problem, so just auto-correct it and it will cut off the bottom of it) once loaded, just change the outfit as you want and exit out. You will be in your new costume without the backpack.

(when you zone however it all goes back to normal. And I've tried to zone using my actual crab armor outfit but it does change all costumes back to the crabpack.)

More unknown "red-line" issues.
Playing CoX for 5 hours+ (according to CPU time)
My CPU usage was up to 78% And my RAM was showing 1.78GB in use. Not including my Page file showing 3000+ MB in use while it was running.

The second it was closed however, my CPU usage dropped to 3% and my RAM usage dropped to 300MB and my page file got slashed in half to 1453MB.

For a 5 year old game this totally needs some "under-the-hood" improvements before GR comes out otherwise its going to be a trainwreck...

Graphics are nice and all, but a game needs a stable underlying code base to work with.

System Specs:
OS: Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit
RAM: 2Gig
CPU: Dual-core 3Ghz (2 CPU's)
Video: Modified Mobile Intel 965 Express Chipset with custom drivers. (supports Hardware T&L, AGP Texture Acceleration, Direct 3D Acceleration, DirectDraw Acceleration, PixelShader version 2.1, Reflections, Dynamic Lighting, DirectX 10 and, over 1,000,000 particles without flinching on the Havok4 system.)
[Added for Reference]
This system can play John Woo's Stranglehold and Assassins Creed with 0 issues.
*flips on his matrix screensaver and goes to bed*
So for a 5 year old game at minimum settings, why does it keep choking?



Mission: Create a Distraction
Contact: Crimson Revenant
Location: Nerva Archipelago

Patrol Text has a typo:
[NPC] Longbow Flamethrower: Looking forward to meeting the Brawler?
[NPC] Longbow Minigun: You betcha. I just hope he tinks well of our operation here.

Capos about to throw guys into the river with the cement buckets on their feet, when interrupted use the "walk" animation instead of the "hopping" animation.
Pets have been changed to be persistent during zone changes. Including my Disruptor.
However the description text still says,

Black Scorpion has granted you an Arachnobot Disruptor for you to command. Arachnobots were created by Arachnos Orb Weavers to take down particularly powerful super-powered threats. Your access to this Arachnobot is very limited. You can only summon it once every 15 minutes and it will leave after 4 minutes, or if you exit a zone or mission. You must be level 47 and have two other Mace Mastery Powers before selecting this power. Recharge: Extremely Long



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Dear Devs,
THIS is what happens 75% of the time when you access the black market or WW.

THAT is what we call a memory leak my dear devs.
This screenshot was taken a few moments before I had to force close CoX because it froze up (namely because it ate my full 2 gigs of RAM right up.)
I'm seeing this problem on a daily basis. If I've been doing much of anything else in the game before opening an auction window it will take so long to open that the game disconnects.



Originally Posted by SkeetSkeet View Post
I'm seeing this problem on a daily basis. If I've been doing much of anything else in the game before opening an auction window it will take so long to open that the game disconnects.

Geo error on the map
Contact: Psimon Omega
Mission: Steal Components, defeat guards
Several geo problems on this map and several holes in the walls on this map, Unfortunately because I don't know the slash command for it I can't tell exactly what map this was on. But I had to chase a ambush down it because they went off the map area just to complete it.



Originally Posted by Cuppa_A61Sun View Post
The slash command would be /whereami It will show what server you are on as well as what map you are currently in.
thank you, that will help out massively on bugs like this.